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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. i know where my money would go to... and i dont want to spend all my money that way. plus im too drained to work. yeah... try saving for college. That's a worthy fund to fulfill. Drained? Try accounting. Or assisting at a vet's or candy striping at the hospital. mm right now all i want to do is crawl back in bed... (can't say I blame you) but for me, it's 8am and it feels more like 3am. mm almost all times of the day feel the same to me now. im always tired my mom thinks im anemic... i dont think so. just lazy I like being lazy!
  2. I just don't have much to say! would another "thank you" do? I could give you some cherry micicles... would this help? *hides fresh baked brownine*
  3. I've been in public chatrooms where people were not so considerate. ._.;; I never came back again. I'm glad you didn't go back. It wasn't aimed at me, or anything. They were talking to each other. I was just like "Phht. Get a room." and left. You don't need to be anywhere where people are not nice.
  4. You will love it! I have just inherited the G4 and Mac PowerBook Pro G5 17" arrived last week. Very snazzy! When you get this new laptop, it will absolutely dazzle you!!! Look for the itty bitty built in camera lens. I almost missed it. It boots up incredibly fast. Mac recommends not shutting your laptop down, but just putting it to sleep. As for football... my feeling on sports is ... *puts duct-tape over mouth before I get in trouble*! Hey... inquiring minds want to know. What is happening on Doctor Who????????? Is Chris Eccleston (sp?) gone? I really liked him as Dr. Who! Tell me or else! Do you actually get paid for all these plugs you do? I mean you do Apple, FedEx and the ilk, so you must be getting some bonus for doing it. Right? Or am I just overly suspicous? Resist the urge Horatio. Moderators take an oath of impartiality and so must not state opinions. Except on the enrvironment. Did you see the last episode of Doctor Who? Well, if you did, you know the answer to Christopher Eccleston's fate. (He was forced to regenerate and now you have a new boy called David Tennant. Makes a good doctor. Very good, not as good as Christoper Eccleston, but still good.) As to what is happening; Last episode saw the Doctor deliberately cause a planet to fall into a black hole along with The Beast, who you may also know as Satan. Rose deliberately shot a spaceship's window causing someone to asphyxiate and get sucked outside. There was also a slave race called the Ood (how Ood) who were possessed by the Beast and killed some people. Next episode features a monster which absorbs people into its skin and is obsessed with the Doctor. The episode after that is features the London (not New York) 2012 olympics. Then the final two episodes which feature the Cybermen. I would love to be paid for endorsements. But I have not seen the advert companies pay hamsters. Geckos yes, hamsters not yet. Opinions... none on politics, religion and sex. I love my Mac and love FedEx, so I slip up every now and then. I am so sad Christopher Eccleston is gone. He was a great Doctor! I saw the last episode, but did not want to believe my eyes. In fact, I saw it twice. I guess they didn't pay him enough money to stay. Thank you for the update on the upcoming episodes, I do appreciate the glimpse into the future!
  5. Sometimes it is better for you if you let things go. In this case, I suggest you allow Lauren to express herself in her own style.
  6. Would you like some left over birthday food to throw? I wish I had siblings with a similar taste in music as me. I have a r'n'b and house loving African-American wannabe sister. She can't get it through her head, shes Indian not African-American! You should see it when we both have our music playing, one side of the house is filled with r'n'b and the other is blasting with some kind of indie/alternative music. Don't ever walk into the kitchen while this is happening. ⦣8482;? Lee o: Cake with frosting on it would be fabulous. Thanks muchly. (: Ehh. My brother has this weird, twisted thought that he listens to death metal. And that he knows every metal band. He knows nothing. xD It sounds like you've got it pretty bad. Music choices don't go too well between siblings. My brother was once into rap and all that ----, but I think he's better now. We once had a conversation sorta like this ... Daniel - "Do you still listen to My Chemical Romance?" "No." "Why not?" "Because they stink." "Well ... do you like Coheed and Cambria?" "No. They sounds like girls." "What do you like then?" "Not your ----." I'm mean. ^^ Heh heh. Being mean to siblings is fun. I can't talk about music with my sister at all. Bel - "Your music is just noise!" Me - "Your music is just porn" My Father (indian accent ) - "What is this filthy music you are listening to Belinda?" Its great when I get a parent on my side ♥ Lee You are sooooooooo bad! LOL
  7. Thats how I feel now I know I can't see kisschasy. We have to go away for that weekend ♥ Lee I'm sorry. :/ I don't think my parents would even let me see KillWhitneyDead. They drop the f-bomb every other word. xD Hehe. My parents haven't even heard of most of the bands I listen to, so they usually let me see them (if I can afford it). Theres this awesome band I saw back in February called Behind Crimson Eyes. The lead singer saw that I had a camera so was posing and stuff But some guy kicked me while crowd surfing and I got hit in the head with my own camera ♥ Lee Did your camera get damaged?
  8. Your art is really good. Is this just done on paint? Thank you No, I use photoshop which i got only recently. I have been rather lazy in practicing with it though ♥ Lee Do you read the manuals??????
  9. I've been in public chatrooms where people were not so considerate. ._.;; I never came back again. I'm glad you didn't go back.
  10. Yeah. =o Oh my fitting gawsh. Your username backwards is spooH ... yeah. And yours is Rehckra. .oitaroH ,trams os er'uoY !uoy knaht yhW
  11. Boo and hiss at people who are mean to Arkcher! > Anyway, my advice would be to just not even look at emails from Sue. Delete them without even opening them. Great advice!
  12. Please have your parents contact me through a post or use my email and I will explain the safety of this website. Please ask your parents to take a look at this website and if they want to make a post through you and give me their contact email address, I will answer any questions they might have. I try very hard to make sure you all have a very safe, secure place to post and I appreciate the opportunity to communicate with anyone's parents. Hopefully you will return and see this post. Horatio This is what I hate. When parents think every sinle person on the Internet is a 50-year old pervert who's going to try and steal children. Sure, they exsist, But there not everywhere. And the perverts are definitely not here. I work very, very hard to protect everyone here. Well. thats... good. You win a brownie. Thank you!!! Do I get to eat the brownie I just won? *snatches it* Not anymore! *has no idea what just happened at lightning fast speed, only that my brownie is gone* Jesse-man, Horatio just won it, he never got it yet. He hasta send in some paperwork to Stupid Stuff (the business the brownie-men work at) and then they'll send it to him. On the condition that Horatio pays for shipping. (S'like eBay.) *looks online, finds paperwork, fills it out and mails it to Stupid Stuff with the money order for shipping* *remembers how great wolves can smell and puts in a request to wolf-proof the box*
  13. Horatio

    ISSUES. D=

    *wonders what Stephen King would write in this topic if he was posting on these boards*
  14. Wrong lurker! Nah, I know you're lurking too. It's pretty obvious. I've seen Jesse on the "online now" list, and he's been online on another site too. You will get today's Speedposter Award! Yay! You get some cookies with that award. Ooh! Even better! Good! *heads off to begin baking*
  15. Please have your parents contact me through a post or use my email and I will explain the safety of this website. Please ask your parents to take a look at this website and if they want to make a post through you and give me their contact email address, I will answer any questions they might have. I try very hard to make sure you all have a very safe, secure place to post and I appreciate the opportunity to communicate with anyone's parents. Hopefully you will return and see this post. Horatio This is what I hate. When parents think every sinle person on the Internet is a 50-year old pervert who's going to try and steal children. Sure, they exsist, But there not everywhere. And the perverts are definitely not here. I work very, very hard to protect everyone here. Well. thats... good. You win a brownie. Thank you!!! Do I get to eat the brownie I just won? *snatches it* Not anymore! *has no idea what just happened at lightning fast speed, only that my brownie is gone*
  16. Yeah. =o Oh my fitting gawsh. Your username backwards is spooH ... yeah. And yours is Rehckra.
  17. Great idea! thank u (now we will see if i remember....i am very forgetful) LOL You have a long way to go before you get as forgetful as I am!
  18. *wonders if perhaps dog lover should attend summer school for a class in spelling*
  19. You will love it! I have just inherited the G4 and Mac PowerBook Pro G5 17" arrived last week. Very snazzy! When you get this new laptop, it will absolutely dazzle you!!! Look for the itty bitty built in camera lens. I almost missed it. It boots up incredibly fast. Mac recommends not shutting your laptop down, but just putting it to sleep. As for football... my feeling on sports is ... *puts duct-tape over mouth before I get in trouble*! Hey... inquiring minds want to know. What is happening on Doctor Who????????? Is Chris Eggleston (sp?) gone? I really liked him as Dr. Who! Tell me or else!
  20. Now you have me stumped. I thought the vore went at the end of a word, representing the members of a group, such as herbivore. *inquiring minds want to know* well,the exact definition can vary by person, but in general: Vore is eating. thanks to internet, there is a quantity of Art and literature portraying eating, and related acts.(for example: throwing people in meat grinders) Vore at it's simplest is probably summed up in this quote from the Hitchhiker Trilogy: I only learned about Vore myself a few weeks ago, and have thus far found it somewhat fascinating. like this web page listing what seems to be every time something, or someone gets eaten in a movie. compete with a brief description of the scene. if you really want to know more, you can go look it up yourself. Expanding on the aforementioned Vore art, its usually Nagas (snake-human hybrids) eating elves or something to that nature, but it can vary to herbological plants and such dousing some critters in acids or eating them by some means, such like that. But from most all of those that I've seen, vore art involves graphic violence and/or lack of clothing. I highly reccomend AGAINST looking for it. Thank you for the advice. Being non-violent, I think I will stay right here and not search for graphic pics. Horatio's so smart, You dont even know hes smart. O_o; random comment for whoever might could read it. -flies somewhere else- Occasionally I am a little smarter than the average hamster. Mmmmmmmm, Average hamster... -drool- LOL
  21. and person #3? (me!) i voted for you prior to reading your post above, btw. i did not do it just to get a thank u note! u are cool! Oh my goodness! I am so shocked Three votes! *sends dog lover a thank you note* Thank you so much!!!
  22. Horatio

    ISSUES. D=

    The amazing thing is you are still around to talk about it.
  23. Please have your parents contact me through a post or use my email and I will explain the safety of this website. Please ask your parents to take a look at this website and if they want to make a post through you and give me their contact email address, I will answer any questions they might have. I try very hard to make sure you all have a very safe, secure place to post and I appreciate the opportunity to communicate with anyone's parents. Hopefully you will return and see this post. Horatio This is what I hate. When parents think every sinle person on the Internet is a 50-year old pervert who's going to try and steal children. Sure, they exsist, But there not everywhere. And the perverts are definitely not here. I work very, very hard to protect everyone here. Well. thats... good. You win a brownie. Thank you!!! Do I get to eat the brownie I just won?
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