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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Enjoy lazy now! You will have more time to be responsible later! as always, Horatio is correct. Unfortunately adults are expecting so much out of young people these days and not allowing them to enjoy their youth. Being lazy is good when you are young. Have some fun and be lazy while you can!
  2. We have been having lots of ties lately. In fact, the last three polls have been ties.
  3. I just don't have much to say! would another "thank you" do? I could give you some cherry micicles... would this help? *hides fresh baked brownine* Yay! Jesse's still alive! Brownies? Here have some before Jesse gets back! Maybe I'll just stick with the micicles. Could I have a chocolate mouseshake to go with that? As for my level I'll post more pictures in the art section soon. Hey! Now that is a good invention... mouseshakes! *gets a package of frozen imitation mouses for the shake* Chocolate mouseshake coming right up! Mmmm yum... :ninja: I think I'll stick with the brownies. Wait, imitation mouses? I just couldn't bear to use some of my species, so I have come up with a very close alternative. Do you really think when you open a can of tuna you are really eating TUNA? How about crabmeat? Besides, if the food industry can slip this by the human population, Jesse will never notice. Perhaps he is erferring to the fact that you said MOUSES not MICE. ROFOCL! You are so predictable! I had my stopwatch running until you arrived. LOL
  4. I feel sleepier when I wake up. So... not enough or too much sleep?
  5. We can wait. I am positive the fifth level will be outstanding!!
  6. I just don't have much to say! would another "thank you" do? I could give you some cherry micicles... would this help? *hides fresh baked brownine* Yay! Jesse's still alive! Brownies? Here have some before Jesse gets back! Maybe I'll just stick with the micicles. Could I have a chocolate mouseshake to go with that? As for my level I'll post more pictures in the art section soon. Hey! Now that is a good invention... mouseshakes! *gets a package of frozen imitation mouses for the shake* Chocolate mouseshake coming right up! Mmmm yum... :ninja: I think I'll stick with the brownies. Wait, imitation mouses? I just couldn't bear to use some of my species, so I have come up with a very close alternative. Do you really think when you open a can of tuna you are really eating TUNA? How about crabmeat? Besides, if the food industry can slip this by the human population, Jesse will never notice. Uh, the tuna we get is really tuna, 'cause my dad eats it all the time, and he's super allergic to crabmeat. No, LOL, the tuna is not crabmeat. The tuna is albacore. A fish similar to tuna. Go read the label. As for crabmeat, whitefish is usually used in recipes to replace crabmeat. Of course crabmeat is really crabmeat when you have to remove it from the shell.
  7. well, could you bring me back a piece of wedding cake? Sure! *adds one entire layer of the wedding cake to the list, enough for everyone here*
  8. I just don't have much to say! would another "thank you" do? I could give you some cherry micicles... would this help? *hides fresh baked brownine* Yay! Jesse's still alive! Brownies? Here have some before Jesse gets back! Maybe I'll just stick with the micicles. Could I have a chocolate mouseshake to go with that? As for my level I'll post more pictures in the art section soon. Hey! Now that is a good invention... mouseshakes! *gets a package of frozen imitation mouses for the shake* Chocolate mouseshake coming right up! Mmmm yum... :ninja: I think I'll stick with the brownies. Wait, imitation mouses? I just couldn't bear to use some of my species, so I have come up with a very close alternative. Do you really think when you open a can of tuna you are really eating TUNA? How about crabmeat? Besides, if the food industry can slip this by the human population, Jesse will never notice.
  9. poor you. but why can't you play DDR? 'Cause all of my favorite songs that I've unlocked I can't play. And I have no idea, Horatio. x_x I figured if he was in Memphis, I would find your brother and send him home! Uh, look and see if anybody is getting married in Memphis. If there is, go to the wedding, and if you see a tall guy with dark hair and a beard, tell him that Katie needs the memory card. LOL Sure! I can do that. Do you think I can crash the reception? lol, reception crashers. Of course! Weddings always have great nuts. So, I figured if I am going to ask for the memory card, I might as well get a meal out of it! LOL Go for it. See if you can get Guitar Hero, too. *gets a sticky note... writes description, memory card and Guitar Hero* *starts looking for all weddings in the Memphis area* Whooo! Memory card and Guitar Hero! Any other requests for my list?
  10. poor you. but why can't you play DDR? 'Cause all of my favorite songs that I've unlocked I can't play. And I have no idea, Horatio. x_x I figured if he was in Memphis, I would find your brother and send him home! Uh, look and see if anybody is getting married in Memphis. If there is, go to the wedding, and if you see a tall guy with dark hair and a beard, tell him that Katie needs the memory card. LOL Sure! I can do that. Do you think I can crash the reception? lol, reception crashers. Of course! Weddings always have great nuts. So, I figured if I am going to ask for the memory card, I might as well get a meal out of it! LOL Go for it. See if you can get Guitar Hero, too. *gets a sticky note... writes description, memory card and Guitar Hero* *starts looking for all weddings in the Memphis area*
  11. i know where my money would go to... and i dont want to spend all my money that way. plus im too drained to work. yeah... try saving for college. That's a worthy fund to fulfill. Drained? Try accounting. Or assisting at a vet's or candy striping at the hospital. mm right now all i want to do is crawl back in bed... (can't say I blame you) but for me, it's 8am and it feels more like 3am. mm almost all times of the day feel the same to me now. im always tired my mom thinks im anemic... i dont think so. just lazy I like being lazy! there's nothing wrong with being lazy. Lazy is what I use to write my book! (pg 563 and counting) i wish i was less lazy. lol Enjoy lazy now! You will have more time to be responsible later!
  12. poor you. but why can't you play DDR? 'Cause all of my favorite songs that I've unlocked I can't play. And I have no idea, Horatio. x_x I figured if he was in Memphis, I would find your brother and send him home! Uh, look and see if anybody is getting married in Memphis. If there is, go to the wedding, and if you see a tall guy with dark hair and a beard, tell him that Katie needs the memory card. LOL Sure! I can do that. Do you think I can crash the reception? lol, reception crashers. Of course! Weddings always have great nuts. So, I figured if I am going to ask for the memory card, I might as well get a meal out of it! LOL
  13. I just don't have much to say! would another "thank you" do? I could give you some cherry micicles... would this help? *hides fresh baked brownine* Yay! Jesse's still alive! Brownies? Here have some before Jesse gets back! Maybe I'll just stick with the micicles. Could I have a chocolate mouseshake to go with that? As for my level I'll post more pictures in the art section soon. Hey! Now that is a good invention... mouseshakes! *gets a package of frozen imitation mouses for the shake* Chocolate mouseshake coming right up!
  14. poor you. but why can't you play DDR? 'Cause all of my favorite songs that I've unlocked I can't play. And I have no idea, Horatio. x_x I figured if he was in Memphis, I would find your brother and send him home! Uh, look and see if anybody is getting married in Memphis. If there is, go to the wedding, and if you see a tall guy with dark hair and a beard, tell him that Katie needs the memory card. LOL Sure! I can do that. Do you think I can crash the reception?
  15. Sort of like country-western lyrics. you know, studies show there's a significant correlation between the amount of country music on the radio and the local suicide rate. just a fun little fact. *wonders why Nashville hasn't taken itself off the map* LOL
  16. poor you. but why can't you play DDR? 'Cause all of my favorite songs that I've unlocked I can't play. And I have no idea, Horatio. x_x I figured if he was in Memphis, I would find your brother and send him home!
  17. Your art is really good. Is this just done on paint? Thank you No, I use photoshop which i got only recently. I have been rather lazy in practicing with it though ♥ Lee Do you read the manuals?????? I don't have a manual for it But I do like to read manuals when doing something for the first time. ♥ Lee You read the manuals????? I didn't think anyone read the manuals!!!!!! *wonders if this would help my picture taking*
  18. Thats how I feel now I know I can't see kisschasy. We have to go away for that weekend ♥ Lee I'm sorry. :/ I don't think my parents would even let me see KillWhitneyDead. They drop the f-bomb every other word. xD Hehe. My parents haven't even heard of most of the bands I listen to, so they usually let me see them (if I can afford it). Theres this awesome band I saw back in February called Behind Crimson Eyes. The lead singer saw that I had a camera so was posing and stuff But some guy kicked me while crowd surfing and I got hit in the head with my own camera ♥ Lee Did your camera get damaged? No, luckily! ♥ Lee LOL... Oh good!
  19. I've been in public chatrooms where people were not so considerate. ._.;; I never came back again. Psh. Im like the biggest two-faced person you's guys have ever seen. Im not the same person IRL than who I am online. OOH. Not much of a difference, pretty much all there is is that I glare at random people and creep them out. (Where the creeping-out part is helped by my odd facial proportions; No matter what mood im in, i most always look mad about something. Its wierd.) Other than that, i cant think of much anything else... Aside from the occasional straying off from english to stupid-noises language at random times. When im talking to someone, on occasion I just blab in no real language and dont realize it until a few seconds afterward. ... Pirates! Grog! I guess I'm perpetually sad-looking. Like every day, somebody will go "Katie, and you okay?" and I'm all "Uhh...yeah? o_o;;" Grog backwards is gorG. I swear, I walk up to some of my friends to go and talk to them, and when i vocalize, the nearest one to me jumps. They later explain that they seriously thought I was going to punch their lights out or something. Jeez, i wanted to talk to someone who isnt 5-years-old. And they think im going to like... keel them. Pff. Unfortunately some people have the mental capacity of a gnat and if you would like to have a great intellectual discussion, it won't be with them. Unless of course, you would like to talk about what their favorite ball player had for breakfast or what color t-shirt that particular ball player wears on Tuesday.
  20. I just don't have much to say! would another "thank you" do? I could give you some cherry micicles... would this help? *hides fresh baked brownine* Yay! Jesse's still alive! Brownies? Here have some before Jesse gets back!
  21. Sort of like country-western lyrics.
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