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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Revolution is for fleas and mites and a variety of other bugs your animals don't want. I was just trying to let you know that the doses are determined by weight, so keep that in mind. I told the veterinarian you did the peroxide and neosporin and he said to keep an eye on it and you might need to add some more neosporin a few more times to aid in healing. I am sure the gash will go away. Did you find what caused the gash? This is important so you do not have this happen again. Also, please put up a pic of your roborovski hammies! I would love to see them. Alright. Thank you. I figured the mites caused the gash. Maybe they agitated him so much, he gnawed his own skin off. Dunno. I also don't know where the mites would have come from. Our dogs haven't had mites in a year, so I'm guessing that they might have been in the food. But the other hamster doesn't have them. You have already seen them, silly. They were in the picture that I made for HK's birthday. Where are the hammies cages located. Mites can live in the carpet. Although I would believe your other hammie will either get them or would have them if one hammie got them. I will have to ask about them causing the gash. Usually the hammies will rub their hair off or have small bites, but not a gash, so I will have to ask the vet. You are so right, I did see the pics in the birthday card. I still have that birthday card pic on my computer. You did a great job with that! They're in the kitchen, where the floors are hardwood. And the hamsters are in separate cages, so that's why the other hamster probably wouldn't have them. Would a hamster rub and stratch so much that his skin would come off in a large area, though, if the mites somehow got under his skin? He's looking much better, though. Thank you for your advice. ^^ Hardwood floors are wonderful. You don't have your hammies on the kitchen floor do you? If a hamster has mites it will scratch and scratch and rub off the hair and possibly make the skin raw. If you think your hamster has mites, I will suggest a great product that comes from the pet store and is only around 4 or 5 dollars and does a great job. In the meantime, keep the neosporin on the gash until it is almost completely healed. Haha. No, they're not on the kitchen floor. They're on a table that's in the kitchen. Well, he had mites, but I'm pretty sure with the use of peroxide and neosporin, they're gone now. I do apologize for asking, but someone here had their hamster's cage on the floor. I needed all the facts. Actually the mites do not go away just like that. You need to clean out all of his bedding and really clean the cage. The mites lay eggs and in a couple of weeks, millions more pop up. Please clean the cage today. Next, pay attention to see if the hammie's are scratching. (The same scratching as if your dog has fleas.) If you see him scratching, then the mites are back.
  2. That is such a great song!!! Mmhmm. Did you know Scott Ian is going to marry Marvin Aday's daughter? Such juicy gossip, I know. xD No. Have you been spending time in the Supermarket checkout lines again? Bush cheats on Laura with Condi! ... I mean. No. He also held back a miracle youth drug! I saw it in the Weekly World News! Gosh. He is so greedy. I know everyone wants to have the good baby-looks of George Bush, so why can't he just share for once? You want to look like George Bush?????? Uh, yeah. Who doesn't? With those gorgeous looks, long flowing hair, and flawless skin, I'm surprised a bunch of people haven't already copied off of his face. xD I've totally been saving up for the plastic surgery for years. *is not sure what to say* *wonders if the next step is moving to Texas* I WILL BE GEORGE BUSH! ;_; *sobs* *grabs one of those jackets with the wrap-around arms in the color red, then looks for...* You know who you are!
  3. Yeah, don't forget this... so yeah, if TGHL or Horatio win they'll be REALLY lucky. There's still about a week left. And it's back to the three-way tie. *music from The Outer Limits plays in background* I predict - Kat - will win!
  4. Revolution is for fleas and mites and a variety of other bugs your animals don't want. I was just trying to let you know that the doses are determined by weight, so keep that in mind. I told the veterinarian you did the peroxide and neosporin and he said to keep an eye on it and you might need to add some more neosporin a few more times to aid in healing. I am sure the gash will go away. Did you find what caused the gash? This is important so you do not have this happen again. Also, please put up a pic of your roborovski hammies! I would love to see them. Alright. Thank you. I figured the mites caused the gash. Maybe they agitated him so much, he gnawed his own skin off. Dunno. I also don't know where the mites would have come from. Our dogs haven't had mites in a year, so I'm guessing that they might have been in the food. But the other hamster doesn't have them. You have already seen them, silly. They were in the picture that I made for HK's birthday. Where are the hammies cages located. Mites can live in the carpet. Although I would believe your other hammie will either get them or would have them if one hammie got them. I will have to ask about them causing the gash. Usually the hammies will rub their hair off or have small bites, but not a gash, so I will have to ask the vet. You are so right, I did see the pics in the birthday card. I still have that birthday card pic on my computer. You did a great job with that! They're in the kitchen, where the floors are hardwood. And the hamsters are in separate cages, so that's why the other hamster probably wouldn't have them. Would a hamster rub and stratch so much that his skin would come off in a large area, though, if the mites somehow got under his skin? He's looking much better, though. Thank you for your advice. ^^ Hardwood floors are wonderful. You don't have your hammies on the kitchen floor do you? If a hamster has mites it will scratch and scratch and rub off the hair and possibly make the skin raw. If you think your hamster has mites, I will suggest a great product that comes from the pet store and is only around 4 or 5 dollars and does a great job. In the meantime, keep the neosporin on the gash until it is almost completely healed.
  5. Horatio


    An industrial piercing????? Please do explain that one. It's a large barbell that goes through both sides of your ear cartilage. So It ends up looking like this - Or ... if you want to go for the evolution piercing ... i wanna get the first one. i know two ppl that have it and they say its worth it. i also want the innerear piercing thing. idk wut thats called. and my eyebrow. i cant WAIT till i can do all this. Haha. Not if you get kicked in the head, then it gets infected, it wouldn't be worth it. By then, H2Ocean cannot save you. :/ I'll be getting the industrial done when I'm 16, and by then I'll have 14 ear piercings. xD um why would i get kicked in the head? lol. Theoretically speaking, of course. You always have to prepare for the worst. (: Toto, you can always manage to make me laugh. Hee. You're the only one, Horatio. My humor is very dry, and hardly anyone gets it. I love your humor!!!!! *hands Toto The Gold Star Award* You deserve this.
  6. 8 miles?! Actually I only managed about 7.2. For some reason it was a bit tougher today than usual. I always try and go around 14H00 when it is the hottest. My thinking is if I can do my mileage at the hottest part of the day, then everything else will be easy.
  7. Oh... oops... I should probably get on to that. XD Hurry! The Gerald Scarfe animations sre coming to get me! *hides* :ninja: a squad of elite PAC-men is en route to intercept.. Abreham Lincoln just stabbed me with a Machete. I don't see any blood.
  8. *looks around, sees Mega Wolf down in the mine with cherry micicle juice dripping from her jowls, decides this is a great time to go for a long run in the wheel* See you in a couple of hours. Need to do at least 8 miles.
  9. That is such a great song!!! Mmhmm. Did you know Scott Ian is going to marry Marvin Aday's daughter? Such juicy gossip, I know. xD No. Have you been spending time in the Supermarket checkout lines again? Bush cheats on Laura with Condi! ... I mean. No. He also held back a miracle youth drug! I saw it in the Weekly World News! Gosh. He is so greedy. I know everyone wants to have the good baby-looks of George Bush, so why can't he just share for once? You want to look like George Bush?????? Uh, yeah. Who doesn't? With those gorgeous looks, long flowing hair, and flawless skin, I'm surprised a bunch of people haven't already copied off of his face. xD I've totally been saving up for the plastic surgery for years. *is not sure what to say* *wonders if the next step is moving to Texas*
  10. My girlfriend is an actress and does comedy, so I am sure she will know him. Let me ask. HORATIO HAS A GIRLFRIEND!!! OOOOOOOOOH!!!!! (sry) im leaving for maine 2day, so u might not hear from me till july 11 or so...yeah.... bye! She is a hammie girlfriend in the next cage over from mine!
  11. How was Cars? Haha. Silly Hor-ah-tio, you beat me to correcting that. =P I couldn't resist! Michael Jackson couldn't resist, either. And we all know what happened to him. xD *sprays one mouthful and two pouches full of coffee onto brand new to me computer* OH TOTO! ROFOCLH *realizes this is probably the reason the last computer gave out*
  12. *wonders if perhaps dog lover should attend summer school for a class in spelling* heeheehee...im actually a very good speller, thats just the kool way to spell school... Actually you are a superb speller. I just had to give you a bit of a hard time. thanx whenever the kids at skool saw that i had made a mistake, they would always make a big deal because it didnt happen often....i juat looked back at that and it sounds like im bragging...btw im NOT!!! the only time i do something like that is when someone in my class is really getting on my nerves and i go "well what was your average? just to get them off my back. anyway, leaving for maine 2day not coming back till july 11 ...ill miss u! I am always really proud of someone who takes the time to spell properly. *hands Dog Lover The Red Rose Award for superb spelling* Maine... how wonderful a place to be on holiday. Have a great time, you will be missed. Take your camera and take lots of pictures for us please.
  13. Horatio


    An industrial piercing????? Please do explain that one. It's a large barbell that goes through both sides of your ear cartilage. So It ends up looking like this - Or ... if you want to go for the evolution piercing ... i wanna get the first one. i know two ppl that have it and they say its worth it. i also want the innerear piercing thing. idk wut thats called. and my eyebrow. i cant WAIT till i can do all this. Haha. Not if you get kicked in the head, then it gets infected, it wouldn't be worth it. By then, H2Ocean cannot save you. :/ I'll be getting the industrial done when I'm 16, and by then I'll have 14 ear piercings. xD um why would i get kicked in the head? lol. Theoretically speaking, of course. You always have to prepare for the worst. (: Toto, you can always manage to make me laugh.
  14. Is that was it is? Hmm. I have no use for micicles. She's free to go. For now. Dr. Wolf may not want to go, she has a passion for micicles you know. *sees Jesse coming to join MegaWolf in - Kat's - micicle mine*
  15. *gives TBFOF a few blonde hairs for his head* Blonde, wouldn't that make me more stupid? LOL I don't know?
  16. Yeah! I am thrilled to hear you are working out everyday! Fantastic!!! Remember this... if it is white, you do not want to eat it. So NO sugar, white bread, white pasta, etc. make that everyday cept for the days where i physically CANT. and friday. (i could physically... but mentally i couldnt) white bread is gross. sugar free? thats hard, i get sugar-free engery drinks... ive completely failed myself on so many levels in the past 3 days. tomorrow im gonan try to get back on track if i dont go INSANE before that. im so stressed i could die. :closedeyes: I fail quite often. But the next day, the sun rises and I try to start all over again. your too possitive. :[ i feel like dying... You are having a bad day today... force yourself to get out. Force yourself to do some kind of work out. Life will get better. I promise you this. i cant force me to do anything. today was pretty good tho. my mom signed me out early and i got my braces off(FINALLY!) and then later i got tips. i gave me allowence to pay for 1/3 of it tho.. :[ tonite i dont plan on sleeping... i need to clean.. but im SO tired cuz ive bearly slept in 2 days. Lucky. I'm ready to torch my braces off. Torching your braces off might be a bit painful, don't you think?
  17. *wonders if Lexxscrapham is making this attempt because he knows MegaWolf is really going to have a great time and he wants to be there*
  18. and person #3? (me!) i voted for you prior to reading your post above, btw. i did not do it just to get a thank u note! u are cool! Oh my goodness! I am so shocked Three votes! *sends dog lover a thank you note* Thank you so much!!! You think you've got three votes? Check again I think you might be a page or two off. I was even more stunned that I had received four votes!!!!!!
  19. Horatio


    It is not a matter of breaking the law, it is the fact that what you do will have an impact on whatever job you would like. Companies now do credit checks, background checks, criminal and record checks... plus more. If you want something more than a job that pays minimum wage, then I can only suggest keeping your nose clean. i dont want a job. or i'll just lose weight and be a stripper. And you don't think stripping is a job? yea, but i wouldnt not be given the job cuz i had a crimnal record. Quite right. And how long do you think you could do that job? Probably no 401K or health benefits.
  20. That is such a great song!!! Mmhmm. Did you know Scott Ian is going to marry Marvin Aday's daughter? Such juicy gossip, I know. xD No. Have you been spending time in the Supermarket checkout lines again? Bush cheats on Laura with Condi! ... I mean. No. He also held back a miracle youth drug! I saw it in the Weekly World News! Gosh. He is so greedy. I know everyone wants to have the good baby-looks of George Bush, so why can't he just share for once? You want to look like George Bush?????? Uh, yeah. Who doesn't? *cough, cough* Hamsters like looking like hamsters, thank you very much!
  21. If you want us to pin a topic for you, so you can find it when you stop in, we can do that. Your own special topic.
  22. well, until 24AUG, I only have class every other day bc I'm in a duel enrollment program. You are taking fencing?????
  23. That is such a great song!!! Mmhmm. Did you know Scott Ian is going to marry Marvin Aday's daughter? Such juicy gossip, I know. xD No. Have you been spending time in the Supermarket checkout lines again? Bush cheats on Laura with Condi! ... I mean. No. ROFOCLH That's good!!!!! WHat is rofoclh? rolling on face on carpet laughing hysterically? and another one bites the dust, by queen. Rolls On Floor Of Cage Laughing Hysterically. And no, I have not installed carpeting in my cage yet. Health hazard for hamsters you know.
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