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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. I am looking forward to hearing how it goes!!!!
  2. Mushroom_king, I am so, so sorry that you are going through this heartbreak. The words that I would like to express are just not flowing freely. You can give someone your love, your time, your friendship and many aspects of what it means to be in a relationship, but if there is one thing I could ask of you, is to never, ever, give someone power over your feelings. It saddens me that you consider hurting yourself because of this guy. He does not deserve you. You may feel that he was the only guy for you, but trust me when I say that there is someone better out there for you who will treat you much better. You should respect and love yourself above all and please never hurt yourself over another person. This guy is not considerate enough of you and your feelings to understand just how much he has hurt you. He sounds quite self-absorbed. Hurting yourself is not the answer. The answer is to be the Phoenix, Rise above the ashes of this relationship and make him see just how amazing a person you are and just how much he lost. You will think, Horatio is out of touch, he does not know how much we loved each other, he does not know how much I hurt. Oh Mushroom_king, I do know, and I do wish I was there to help you get through this trying time. I am going to ask that you do one thing for yourself and one thing for me. Please, please, please do not hurt yourself. Please give yourself the love you have shown this guy. He clearly is not worth any of the gifts of yourself that you have given him. Just the fact that he acted like he was so in love with you and then treated you horribly the next day is more than enough reason for you to spread your horizons and look for someone much better. You deserve the best and should not settle for anything less. Mega Wolf will attest to the fact that I have spoken the same words to her. If I could know that you all have a healthy love for yourselves first, this would make me so happy. The hurt will take some time to diminish but it will go away. Please focus on showing this guy just what he lost by rising above and not hurting yourself. You can do this. He is the type of person who would be happy to see you hurt and sad. Do not give the power over your feelings to this loser of a guy. Sure it is going to hurt for a bit, but do not allow him to know that you are sad. Please, drop him like a hot potato and look into the greener pastures. I you see him smile and look through him as if he does not exist. We are always here for you.
  3. LOL... hamsters don't bowl for exactly that reason. We could never hit any of the pins.
  4. Thank you for the comment on the sun photograph. The sun did look so beautiful! Those coco-teddy's tasted amazing!!! Quite yummy! Glad I only purchased one. And those were Hong Kong dollars which were about 7.7 to one US dollar. So, that tasty treat cost just under 1.00. I love lizards and would have really liked it if he was able to live inside, but I would have been sad if he died, so back to nature he went.
  5. This picture seemed a little interesting, so I decided to post it. The sun had an this ameoba like ring around it due to the haze. Here are some baked goods called Coco Teddys... And then a little shiny visitor who was not too happy about being in the house... He was easy to pick up and put outside. Once he was back down on the dirt, he seemed quite happy to be back in his natural habitat. That's all for now.
  6. Thank you for your good wishes! Now I have a huge swollen shiner! What a sight!!!!
  7. *sends Mushroom_king a cyber hug* I am so sorry to hear about all this. Let me think about this and reply back. This is a situation that needs some thought before I reply.
  8. So... of all the idiot moves I have accomplished in my life, this one has to top the list. Garbage Can: 1 Horatio: 0 Yup, you guessed it, I had an altercation with my garbage can! And before you ask, yes, I ended up inside the garbage can. This garbage can is not one of those little wimpy things, we are talking the big dog, indestructible, does not even back down to the garbage truck type of garbage can. Usually I pull my garbage can along behind me, but for some reason I was pushing it. All of a sudden, I was in it. That fast! My head hit the top part, my knees hit the bottom part and I was propelled into the can. Well, I have a rather large area of swelling on the top of my head, with a golf-ball sized bump. My knees look like they have softball sized knee caps and there is lots of bruises. Dumb, dumb, dumb. So... here I am at home waiting for all the boo-boos to go away.
  9. Oh... can you just go to a store that sells balloons and buy some to practice on? Or are the balloons in the kit specially designed ones?
  10. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... I totally forgot that - Kat's - like fish! *comes up with another devious plan*
  11. Sounds like you all intimidated the bowling equipment. Glad to hear that a great time was had by all!!!
  12. A couple pictures to entertain you... Mount Fuji in a terribly smoggy day. A sunset at altitude before we arrived in Shanghai. This is the ramp in Hong Kong, taken from the airplane front entry door. Another photograph looking at the main cargo door. Last picture of the ramp.
  13. Dear Krisluvsdogs... Here are a bundle of wishes for the best birthday. I hope that this birthday is a really great one with many, many more to come. May you have a spectacular day! HAPPY HAMMIE BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY HAMMIE BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY HAMMIE BIRTHDAY DEAR KRISLUVSDOGS, HAPPY HAMMIE BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!! Here comes the specially prepared birthday cake, please make a wish, blow out all the candles and let us get this party started!!! Horatio
  14. You said something! - Kat - ..............
  15. The burgundy looks good and the blonde is much better than the mental image I had conjured up. Something along the lines of Dog the Bounty Hunter's wife's hair colour. The balloon flower is amazing!!!! I love it. Making that flower looks hard. You did a great job!!!! Thank you for the pictures!
  16. Not the guy for you romantically. Friend yes, boyfriend no. *decided to throw in my one cent*
  17. So nice of you to stop in for a visit. How is life treating you?
  18. Perhaps a little. How is the balloon business coming along?
  19. I can travel around the world, but not be able to connect to the internet in China!!!! HORRORS!!!!!!!!! You have no idea just how much I missed you guys!!! About a couple hours ago, I arrived back in Memphis and the first thing I did was to connect to you all here.
  20. I am back for a couple days and will be heading to Korea on Monday.
  21. Before you say anything... I am working on this.
  22. *gasp* *falls over with all four feet in the air* Whoooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!
  23. *deletes all the red colours from - Kat's - crayon box* Hhhhhheeemmmmppphhhhhhhhhh!
  24. *cough, cough* No fair... you have photoshop and I don't!
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