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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Horatio


    It is not a matter of breaking the law, it is the fact that what you do will have an impact on whatever job you would like. Companies now do credit checks, background checks, criminal and record checks... plus more. If you want something more than a job that pays minimum wage, then I can only suggest keeping your nose clean. i dont want a job. or i'll just lose weight and be a stripper. And you don't think stripping is a job? yea, but i wouldnt not be given the job cuz i had a crimnal record. Quite right. And how long do you think you could do that job? Probably no 401K or health benefits. ha. honestly i dont want to live that long... i see why i should live now but i really dont see why live past 35... Unless you have kids or something. They might be sad if you just die. I'm going to live until 50. And only 50. But according to my 'life line' I'm going to live until I'm 108. That's seriously not going to happen. I'll kill myself before then. xD So are you going to commit this act on your birthday or just somewhere in your 50th year? Meh. I don't know. I'm hoping someone will do it for me. (: Toto is like me, to a point. XD I don't just wanna die of an illness, or something. I wanna go out in a blaze of glory, like, after taking down an entire army single-handedly. >_>;; I also want a viking funeral, where they put me and all my worldy possetions in a boat, push it out into the water, and set it on fire with a flaming arrow. What a cheery topic! Oh, that reminds me of this movie where something happens to the guy and the girl goes out into the boat, and takes her sword to herself. I can't remember what this movie this was, but it was really a sad but fantastic ending. It is not a matter of breaking the law, it is the fact that what you do will have an impact on whatever job you would like. Companies now do credit checks, background checks, criminal and record checks... plus more. If you want something more than a job that pays minimum wage, then I can only suggest keeping your nose clean. i dont want a job. or i'll just lose weight and be a stripper. And you don't think stripping is a job? yea, but i wouldnt not be given the job cuz i had a crimnal record. Quite right. And how long do you think you could do that job? Probably no 401K or health benefits. ha. honestly i dont want to live that long... i see why i should live now but i really dont see why live past 35... Unless you have kids or something. They might be sad if you just die. I'm going to live until 50. And only 50. But according to my 'life line' I'm going to live until I'm 108. That's seriously not going to happen. I'll kill myself before then. xD So are you going to commit this act on your birthday or just somewhere in your 50th year? Meh. I don't know. I'm hoping someone will do it for me. (: Toto is like me, to a point. XD I don't just wanna die of an illness, or something. I wanna go out in a blaze of glory, like, after taking down an entire army single-handedly. >_>;; I also want a viking funeral, where they put me and all my worldy possetions in a boat, push it out into the water, and set it on fire with a flaming arrow. What a cheery topic! Oh, that reminds me of this movie where something happens to the guy and the girl goes out into the boat, and takes her sword to herself. I can't remember what this movie this was, but it was really a sad but fantastic ending. It is not a matter of breaking the law, it is the fact that what you do will have an impact on whatever job you would like. Companies now do credit checks, background checks, criminal and record checks... plus more. If you want something more than a job that pays minimum wage, then I can only suggest keeping your nose clean. i dont want a job. or i'll just lose weight and be a stripper. And you don't think stripping is a job? yea, but i wouldnt not be given the job cuz i had a crimnal record. Quite right. And how long do you think you could do that job? Probably no 401K or health benefits. ha. honestly i dont want to live that long... i see why i should live now but i really dont see why live past 35... Unless you have kids or something. They might be sad if you just die. I'm going to live until 50. And only 50. But according to my 'life line' I'm going to live until I'm 108. That's seriously not going to happen. I'll kill myself before then. xD So are you going to commit this act on your birthday or just somewhere in your 50th year? Meh. I don't know. I'm hoping someone will do it for me. (: Toto is like me, to a point. XD I don't just wanna die of an illness, or something. I wanna go out in a blaze of glory, like, after taking down an entire army single-handedly. >_>;; I also want a viking funeral, where they put me and all my worldy possetions in a boat, push it out into the water, and set it on fire with a flaming arrow. What a cheery topic! Oh, that reminds me of this movie where something happens to the guy and the girl goes out into the boat, and takes her sword to herself. I can't remember what this movie this was, but it was really a sad but fantastic ending.
  2. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Would you like to tell me what the winning lottery numbers will be for the next powerball? Let's see if your luck holds out! sure! *can't find button for pi* So that's your secret! *thought he had pi memorized* 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592 or 3.14159265 My bro's friend has it memorized to 56 digits out. 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097 There you go... 56 digits! I can only remember the first three to five. I wonder how he does it! Some girl in middle school won an award for memorizing the first 100 digits of pi! Why does anyone want to do that, though? *thinks* For the same reason people do bizarre things to get into The Guiness Book of World Records. How does that sound? Would you like to tell me what the winning lottery numbers will be for the next powerball? Let's see if your luck holds out! sure! *can't find button for pi* So that's your secret! *thought he had pi memorized* 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592 or 3.14159265 My bro's friend has it memorized to 56 digits out. 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097 There you go... 56 digits! I can only remember the first three to five. I wonder how he does it! Some girl in middle school won an award for memorizing the first 100 digits of pi! Why does anyone want to do that, though? *thinks* For the same reason people do bizarre things to get into The Guiness Book of World Records. How does that sound?
  3. o.o Seriously? It's been two weeks? LOL That is exactly what I asked! Congratulations! Shall I give you your nip tac pie now?
  4. Is the new AFI album a good one for you to listen to while creating new artwork?
  5. There was a little bit of practice. What amazes me is the effort it takes to write chatspeak and it seems so much easier just to write in English with correct spelling. That is what confuses me. It seems like hard work to write in chatspeak. Well, there are different forms of chatspeak. Actually, there's one. There's chatspeak, and then there is "1337", which Tibs was using. Haha, I just called TBFOF Tibs... Chatspeak: lk i cnt go 2day cuz of swm lsns [like I can't go today because of swim lessons] 1337(leet): p00f4(3 l0lz0rz [pooface lolzorz] The first two I would do okay, but the last one would really make me work hard. I had no idea of the different forms of chatspeak. That is very interesting. Thank you for the information. there wer only two options... The second isn't known as chatspeak, but 1337speak (leetspeak) The 1337speak is like learning another language. Why not just write in German, Latin or French?
  6. Horatio


    It is not a matter of breaking the law, it is the fact that what you do will have an impact on whatever job you would like. Companies now do credit checks, background checks, criminal and record checks... plus more. If you want something more than a job that pays minimum wage, then I can only suggest keeping your nose clean. i dont want a job. or i'll just lose weight and be a stripper. And you don't think stripping is a job? yea, but i wouldnt not be given the job cuz i had a crimnal record. Quite right. And how long do you think you could do that job? Probably no 401K or health benefits. ha. honestly i dont want to live that long... i see why i should live now but i really dont see why live past 35... Unless you have kids or something. They might be sad if you just die. I'm going to live until 50. And only 50. But according to my 'life line' I'm going to live until I'm 108. That's seriously not going to happen. I'll kill myself before then. xD So are you going to commit this act on your birthday or just somewhere in your 50th year? Meh. I don't know. I'm hoping someone will do it for me. (: Perhaps your future kids or your husband? "Hey kids, which one would like to kill me? You will get 5 dollars!" "OOH! me mommy!" "No, me!" Wonderful visions of toto's future. +D ROFOCLH! Toto is going to love this! It's perfect!
  7. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Would you like to tell me what the winning lottery numbers will be for the next powerball? Let's see if your luck holds out! sure! *can't find button for pi* So that's your secret! *thought he had pi memorized* 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592 or 3.14159265 My bro's friend has it memorized to 56 digits out. 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097 There you go... 56 digits! I can only remember the first three to five. I wonder how he does it!
  8. I would like to give you a really, really giant hammie bear huggle! *gets all the other hammies to join in, grabs Topazia and they start a group huggle*
  9. You are so welcome. I will take the bits and pieces when you have the time to write!
  10. This could be one of your invisible poems, but either way, there are some people who could relate to exactly what the person in the poem is talking about. If the person in the poem thinks they are alone, then they are very much mistaken. Other people have walked similar paths like they are on.
  11. I know. I asked you about it in a different post in one of the HampsterDance Talk forums. Sorry I cannot remember which one. I feel bad he lied.
  12. *gives TBFOF a few blonde hairs for his head* Blonde, wouldn't that make me more stupid? LOL I don't know? Coming from a blonde. The good thing about being blonde is that no one expects too much out of you!
  13. Horatio


    It is not a matter of breaking the law, it is the fact that what you do will have an impact on whatever job you would like. Companies now do credit checks, background checks, criminal and record checks... plus more. If you want something more than a job that pays minimum wage, then I can only suggest keeping your nose clean. i dont want a job. or i'll just lose weight and be a stripper. And you don't think stripping is a job? yea, but i wouldnt not be given the job cuz i had a crimnal record. Quite right. And how long do you think you could do that job? Probably no 401K or health benefits. ha. honestly i dont want to live that long... i see why i should live now but i really dont see why live past 35... Unless you have kids or something. They might be sad if you just die. I'm going to live until 50. And only 50. But according to my 'life line' I'm going to live until I'm 108. That's seriously not going to happen. I'll kill myself before then. xD So are you going to commit this act on your birthday or just somewhere in your 50th year? Meh. I don't know. I'm hoping someone will do it for me. (: Perhaps your future kids or your husband?
  14. An invisible fence is wonderful. Hopefully you can get one if you get the dog. How fantastic you live by the woods. I wish I did! May I suggest that you ask your father if he would like to walk the dog early in the morning if you don't have an invisible fence?. As you are the one who wants the dog, you might consider that you may be the one who will be responsible to walk the dog early. The thing to do is think that you might need to have most of the responsibility of the dog on your shoulders. If you can prove to your parents that you are willing to do this and understand most of what is involved, then they might agree.
  15. There was a little bit of practice. What amazes me is the effort it takes to write chatspeak and it seems so much easier just to write in English with correct spelling. That is what confuses me. It seems like hard work to write in chatspeak. Well, there are different forms of chatspeak. Actually, there's one. There's chatspeak, and then there is "1337", which Tibs was using. Haha, I just called TBFOF Tibs... Chatspeak: lk i cnt go 2day cuz of swm lsns [like I can't go today because of swim lessons] 1337(leet): p00f4(3 l0lz0rz [pooface lolzorz] The first two I would do okay, but the last one would really make me work hard. I had no idea of the different forms of chatspeak. That is very interesting. Thank you for the information.
  16. Horatio


    Unless you have kids or something. They might be sad if you just die. I'm going to live until 50. And only 50. But according to my 'life line' I'm going to live until I'm 108. That's seriously not going to happen. I'll kill myself before then. xD past 35, you can be president. I don't care when I die, as long as I'm over 21. Then I'll know I died happy, since I'm getting married... And I think It'd be cool if I could fulfill my dream of changing the world mindset on child abuse... Changing the world on child abuse would be wonderful. Now for other thoughts... I am sorry you are having a bad day. To tell a lie to someone you love is very bad. I am sorry you had to go through this.
  17. Well, you could ask for a snake intead, how about a horse mommy? Iguana? *insert name of random big lizrd*? And then ask about the dog. And assure her that they stay small. I like your thinking. Go big! Here is the problem, in most cases, mothers are the ones who end up taking care of the dog. Do you have a fenced in back yard or would you have to walk him a few times a day. Do you live in a cold climate? Because if you have to walk him when you first get up, this is really hard. If you have a fenced in backyard, then it becomes a bit easier. Of course, the problem then becomes, to always make sure the gates are closed. You NEVER want to open your front door and just let the dog wander the neighborhood. This is really irresponsible and he WILL get hit by a car and either injured or killed. Then there are all the other things that come with a pet, food, supplies and veterinarian expenses.
  18. There was a little bit of practice. What amazes me is the effort it takes to write chatspeak and it seems so much easier just to write in English with correct spelling. That is what confuses me. It seems like hard work to write in chatspeak.
  19. Horatio


    It is not a matter of breaking the law, it is the fact that what you do will have an impact on whatever job you would like. Companies now do credit checks, background checks, criminal and record checks... plus more. If you want something more than a job that pays minimum wage, then I can only suggest keeping your nose clean. i dont want a job. or i'll just lose weight and be a stripper. And you don't think stripping is a job? yea, but i wouldnt not be given the job cuz i had a crimnal record. Quite right. And how long do you think you could do that job? Probably no 401K or health benefits. ha. honestly i dont want to live that long... i see why i should live now but i really dont see why live past 35... Unless you have kids or something. They might be sad if you just die. I'm going to live until 50. And only 50. But according to my 'life line' I'm going to live until I'm 108. That's seriously not going to happen. I'll kill myself before then. xD So are you going to commit this act on your birthday or just somewhere in your 50th year?
  20. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Would you like to tell me what the winning lottery numbers will be for the next powerball? Let's see if your luck holds out! sure! *can't find button for pi* So that's your secret! *thought he had pi memorized* 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592 or 3.14159265
  21. m33? +4Lk 1/\/ 1/\/gl15|-|? lyk33 1 4m 4lr34dii. duh. i +1nk u /\/33d 2 t4k i/\/ 1/\/gl15|-| Please talk in English for me, an old hamster. I would really appreciate it. I'll make a deal with you. I'll write it in chatspek, then write the "english" translation under it so you can read it, but then you have to delete the English. You don't have to do that. It is very thoughtful of you, but I need to keep up with my language skills! Actually, I am getting much better! You're right. You never know when you'll get someone who really does talk like that, and when you ask for a translation, you'll get the same thing right back. Maybe I should give you a page long essay in chatspek. As long as you will be my teacher and correct my mistakes! *wonders if TBFOF hands out gold stars over the internet*
  22. m33? +4Lk 1/\/ 1/\/gl15|-|? lyk33 1 4m 4lr34dii. duh. i +1nk u /\/33d 2 t4k i/\/ 1/\/gl15|-| Please talk in English for me, an old hamster. I would really appreciate it. I'll make a deal with you. I'll write it in chatspek, then write the "english" translation under it so you can read it, but then you have to delete the English. You don't have to do that. It is very thoughtful of you, but I need to keep up with my language skills! Actually, I am getting much better!
  23. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Would you like to tell me what the winning lottery numbers will be for the next powerball? Let's see if your luck holds out!
  24. Horatio


    It is not a matter of breaking the law, it is the fact that what you do will have an impact on whatever job you would like. Companies now do credit checks, background checks, criminal and record checks... plus more. If you want something more than a job that pays minimum wage, then I can only suggest keeping your nose clean. i dont want a job. or i'll just lose weight and be a stripper. And you don't think stripping is a job? yea, but i wouldnt not be given the job cuz i had a crimnal record. Quite right. And how long do you think you could do that job? Probably no 401K or health benefits. ha. honestly i dont want to live that long... i see why i should live now but i really dont see why live past 35... Because when you get older, things get better.
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