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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. I believe I know what the problem is. When you send the pictures, the file is TOO BIG. Look at the size you are exporting the picture and then make it smaller. Then this board will take the pics. You are not the first to have this happen. I tried and tried and all it did was come up with a blank screen and I almost gave up until someone else told me how to fix the problem. You can do it. Or else, you can email me the pics and I will attach them to your post.
  2. o.o Seriously? It's been two weeks? LOL That is exactly what I asked! Congratulations! Shall I give you your nip tac pie now? it is eip pin tac, cause nip tac pie would be eip cat pin! I can't slip anything past you. Then it is official, correct? Yep. o.o I checked. She posted the announcement on June 18, so two weeks would have been over on July 2... Wow. I actually won. On a technicallity, but hey... w00t! *hugs all around* Hooray technicalities! ^.^ Don't you just love those technicalities!!!!! Sooo...what do I do now? jig? Yes. Jig in cherry jello! noooo... orange flavored. Add whipped cream all over it and let's put on padding and catcher's masks to protect us from the Claymore!
  3. Summer can be good, but summer can also be a time where there is too much time on your hands. Parents do not have a guide book to look into for advice and sometimes can make your summer very long. I hope your summer goes better. When is your family coming to Orlando? Are you coming to my cage?
  4. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Would you like to tell me what the winning lottery numbers will be for the next powerball? Let's see if your luck holds out! sure! *can't find button for pi* So that's your secret! *thought he had pi memorized* 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592 or 3.14159265 My bro's friend has it memorized to 56 digits out. 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097 There you go... 56 digits! I can only remember the first three to five. I wonder how he does it! Some girl in middle school won an award for memorizing the first 100 digits of pi! Why does anyone want to do that, though? *thinks* For the same reason people do bizarre things to get into The Guiness Book of World Records. How does that sound? sounds like you are double posting. what has gotten into you, horation? ROFOCLH!!!!!! Oh my... caught! I was borrowing some airspace and it decided that it was not a strong signal, anyway, I clicked on Add Reply about twelve hundred times and this was what happened. I can never get away with anything! I don't see how clicking on add reply extra times does anything. I shall try it. You didn't quite read thoroughly what I wrote. *puts an arrow in post pointing to my previous post* i dun see arrows. andyway, did you click back and then add reply again? Here you go... This all happened when I left my cage and headed for New York City. I was looking for a place to do my moderating. No Starbucks were nearby. I saw someone sitting in a folding chair on the sidewalk using her computer. My questions to this person were... Are you on the internet? Yes. Password required? No. Thanks. I then sat down, opened the laptop and started typing. Ah. I don't see how doing that makes it go all wonky. i dunno that much about computers. It has to do with weak signal strength, losing the signal, getting the signal back and most of all PATIENCE! okay. something i lack, that whole patience thing. LOL And you think I have it?
  5. Horatio


    It is not a matter of breaking the law, it is the fact that what you do will have an impact on whatever job you would like. Companies now do credit checks, background checks, criminal and record checks... plus more. If you want something more than a job that pays minimum wage, then I can only suggest keeping your nose clean. i dont want a job. or i'll just lose weight and be a stripper. And you don't think stripping is a job? yea, but i wouldnt not be given the job cuz i had a crimnal record. Quite right. And how long do you think you could do that job? Probably no 401K or health benefits. ha. honestly i dont want to live that long... i see why i should live now but i really dont see why live past 35... Because when you get older, things get better. yea, that only works for 18 and 21. and now 19 too (ciggs) nothing is that great after your partying years are over. chances are im gonna be stuck with kids(unless i get my tubes tied like i plan to) and thats a nightmare right there. a nightmare that usually lives on after you die. i dont wanna be stuck with that my whole life. most of the time i dont want to live into adult hood but alot of the time i wanna die right now. vacation is one of those things that after too long makes me wanna kill myself. im so sick of being stuck here death seems like pretty liberation from this hole im stuck in. i wanna go home so bad... Teenage years are awful. If you can make it through these years, life gets much better when college starts followed by when you are on your own. I suggest you travel either after college or during a summer while you are in college. This is a phenomenal experience.
  6. Can I open an H$ bank? The Biggest Fan Of Fuzzy opened one, you might want to get together with him and reopen his. He doesn't like me, so, he probably wouldn't let me. *~*Psycedelic Luau*~* I think he would welcome anyone as a partner.
  7. Sometimes we amazingly retouch upon the original topic again!
  8. o.o Seriously? It's been two weeks? LOL That is exactly what I asked! Congratulations! Shall I give you your nip tac pie now? it is eip pin tac, cause nip tac pie would be eip cat pin! I can't slip anything past you. Then it is official, correct? Yep. o.o I checked. She posted the announcement on June 18, so two weeks would have been over on July 2... Wow. I actually won. On a technicallity, but hey... w00t! *hugs all around* Hooray technicalities! ^.^ Don't you just love those technicalities!!!!! Sooo...what do I do now? jig? Yes. Jig in cherry jello!
  9. Sneaky little wolfie! I'm a ninja! :ninja: Sneaky little ninja wolfie! I should be Ninja Wolf. *hangs the business sign outside her new office... Dr. Ninja Wolf, Psychologist*
  10. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Would you like to tell me what the winning lottery numbers will be for the next powerball? Let's see if your luck holds out! sure! *can't find button for pi* So that's your secret! *thought he had pi memorized* 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592 or 3.14159265 My bro's friend has it memorized to 56 digits out. 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097 There you go... 56 digits! I can only remember the first three to five. I wonder how he does it! Some girl in middle school won an award for memorizing the first 100 digits of pi! Why does anyone want to do that, though? *thinks* For the same reason people do bizarre things to get into The Guiness Book of World Records. How does that sound? sounds like you are double posting. what has gotten into you, horation? ROFOCLH!!!!!! Oh my... caught! I was borrowing some airspace and it decided that it was not a strong signal, anyway, I clicked on Add Reply about twelve hundred times and this was what happened. I can never get away with anything! I don't see how clicking on add reply extra times does anything. I shall try it. You didn't quite read thoroughly what I wrote. *puts an arrow in post pointing to my previous post* i dun see arrows. andyway, did you click back and then add reply again? Here you go... This all happened when I left my cage and headed for New York City. I was looking for a place to do my moderating. No Starbucks were nearby. I saw someone sitting in a folding chair on the sidewalk using her computer. My questions to this person were... Are you on the internet? Yes. Password required? No. Thanks. I then sat down, opened the laptop and started typing. Ah. I don't see how doing that makes it go all wonky. i dunno that much about computers. It has to do with weak signal strength, losing the signal, getting the signal back and most of all PATIENCE!
  11. Is the new AFI album a good one for you to listen to while creating new artwork? Actually, yes. I drew a really good wolf while I was listening to it, its a shame I still don't have a scanner! AHHH MY THROBING HEADACHE!!! Its now 7:55pm and I've been in bed ALL day. The pain in my head just won't go away ♥ Lee I'm going to go with my instincts and blame AFI for that headache of yours. :] LOL........ TOTO!!!!!!! ..........LOL You are soooooooo bad!
  12. And it's earned you The Platinum Moon Award! I love the leaves in the background!!!!! Very cool and the bird is wonderful!!!!!! Thank you Horatio! I actually just finished another picture so I'll post that now. ♥ Lee Okay. You keep adding art like this and the Hamster Trophy Shop will be on a 24 hour work schedule. My relatives prefer sleeping during the day and you are doing such terrific art that I need to give you an award for each drawing. I really love this pic! Great one!!!!!!!!!!
  13. We have a great topic in the Original Art forum, located on the very bottom on the forum page. Jesusfreak has described how do accomplish lots of things with pictures. I am no expert, so I suggest you look there. The simple way I can tell you is to write your post, then look beneath the post box and you will see File Attachments, a blank space and the a Browse... button. Click on this button. This will display all the places on your computer where you would have pics located. Select the pic you wish to add and then click on the Add This Attachment button. You will then see an Add Into Post button. I always click on this button so that when the post is quoted, the pic is included with the quoted post. Please use jpg or gif because if you use bmp, then if someone wants to see the pic, they need to download it to their computer to view it. Hope I have helped you and not confused you. Here is a direct link: (hope it works) http://www.hampsterboard.com/board/index.php?showtopic=3969
  14. You could tell us what you are doing this summer. You could talk about how life is treating you.
  15. Torture! I want to see these now! Multiplied by 7000! Series 3 will be on my viewing list. Torchwood sounds like it might turn out to be great. Of course, we will probably not be able to see them. Do you use the VHS format? *sends a box of VHS tapes* That should take care of Torchwood and any additional Dr. Who.
  16. And it's earned you The Platinum Moon Award! I love the leaves in the background!!!!! Very cool and the bird is wonderful!!!!!!
  17. I would love to see a pic of this! Is the rat peeking out of your pocket? Those headaches must be horrible. I am so very sorry you get those. Hopefully some day there will be a cure. As for the scanner, you are most welcome. Hope it works. *watches as Lee plugs the scanner into the wall and waits...*
  18. o.o Seriously? It's been two weeks? LOL LOL LOL That is exactly what I asked! Congratulations! Shall I give you your nip tac pie now? it is eip pin tac, cause nip tac pie would be eip cat pin! LOL I can't slip anything past you. LOL Then it is official, correct? Yep. o.o I checked. She posted the announcement on June 18, so two weeks would have been over on July 2... Wow. I actually won. On a technicallity, but hey... w00t! *hugs all around* Hooray technicalities! ^.^ Don't you just love those technicalities!!!!! Sooo...what do I do now? CELEBRATE !!!! *raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaves, and then par-tays for good measure* Whoo! *starts a Joe Satriani CD, begins cooking and then wakes all the other hamsters to join in with the preparations*
  19. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Would you like to tell me what the winning lottery numbers will be for the next powerball? Let's see if your luck holds out! sure! *can't find button for pi* So that's your secret! *thought he had pi memorized* 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592 or 3.14159265 My bro's friend has it memorized to 56 digits out. 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097 There you go... 56 digits! I can only remember the first three to five. I wonder how he does it! Some girl in middle school won an award for memorizing the first 100 digits of pi! Why does anyone want to do that, though? *thinks* For the same reason people do bizarre things to get into The Guiness Book of World Records. How does that sound? sounds like you are double posting. what has gotten into you, horation? ROFOCLH!!!!!! Oh my... caught! I was borrowing some airspace and it decided that it was not a strong signal, anyway, I clicked on Add Reply about twelve hundred times and this was what happened. I can never get away with anything! I don't see how clicking on add reply extra times does anything. I shall try it. You didn't quite read thoroughly what I wrote. *puts an arrow in post pointing to my previous post* i dun see arrows. andyway, did you click back and then add reply again? Here you go... This all happened when I left my cage and headed for New York City. I was looking for a place to do my moderating. No Starbucks were nearby. I saw someone sitting in a folding chair on the sidewalk using her computer. My questions to this person were... Are you on the internet? Yes. Password required? No. Thanks. I then sat down, opened the laptop and started typing.
  20. Everyone who is anyone who has a dog picks up dog poo! In many cities, it is the law! *hears this conversation... 'So you received a ticket? Yes. What did you do? Not pick up my dog poo. You didn't pick up your dog's poo? No. I left it as fertilizer. And you got a ticket. Yup! ...'*
  21. o.o Seriously? It's been two weeks? LOL LOL LOL That is exactly what I asked! Congratulations! Shall I give you your nip tac pie now? it is eip pin tac, cause nip tac pie would be eip cat pin! LOL I can't slip anything past you. LOL Then it is official, correct? Yep. o.o I checked. She posted the announcement on June 18, so two weeks would have been over on July 2... Wow. I actually won. On a technicallity, but hey... w00t! *hugs all around* Hooray technicalities! ^.^ Don't you just love those technicalities!!!!! Sooo...what do I do now? CELEBRATE !!!!
  22. Horatio

    My place. :)

    I guess that makes sense. Too bad everyone will forget about it after a week at most. If it lasts a week!
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