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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. thats very weird mann. write your dreams down.... Good idea. Write your dreams down and then write down anything that happened afterward. Oh come on! I can't believe you guys are taking this seriously! The future does not come in dreams. That was just a coincidence. This is silly. Well, it would have been more that a coincidence if my cousin and my aunt were in the dream, but you have to admit, that is a little bit weird. I'm not saying that dreams tell the future. But, your subconscious may tell you how to react in situations in dreams. I know a human who occasionally has dreams and the event comes true. Not particular people, but events. Very strange, but very true.
  2. I havn't done 1000, but i did do 600 once. But that is a long time to spend on the treadmill. i had nothing better to do. and plenty of thinsperation to help. i'm sore and tired but i lost 5 pounds so its SOOO worth it. Thinsperation... I love it!
  3. Horatio

    Insta Talk

    *has been on about five times today and been totally alone* *decides to talk to self*
  4. Horatio

    Insta Talk

    Southern Australia is beautiful. Chocolate milk is delicious. Try the Hersey's chocolate. No pile of sugar at the bottom, it is a liquid so you sort of drink all the sugar. I love hershey's chocolate milk!! My favorite drink ever! Hershey's dark chocolate is my favorite!!!!!
  5. As a hamster, I don't write in a journal because the other hamsters might chew it up for bedding. Being a terrible writer and very, very lazy, I have never been a journal, diary, book of notes type. this is in the wrong place isnt it? it just related.. idkidk. mm you cant top my laziness. I think I just did! haha, youre right... haha anyway. i said 8 journals since 2004. its actually 10 if you include food diaries, 13 if you include poem journals, 14 if you count my dream journal and 15 if you count my suicide diary. so in 2 years time ive had 15... wow. WOW is right! That is impressive!!!!! I wish I could write even one.
  6. Horatio

    Insta Talk

    It seems doubtful that it will work very well ...we need more moderators! I've been on lots of times when you are on and you don't post. We need more people who post while I am on! Yes. Yes we do. :ninja: I have been here lots of times when Jesse is on, he reads posts and does not post. I wait and wait... nothing.
  7. thats very weird mann. write your dreams down.... Good idea. Write your dreams down and then write down anything that happened afterward.
  8. I have a book of stuff (poems, stories) that I write in every now and then. But my theme is a lot lighter then the stories and poems you can find here. I prefer to make fun of stuff then be serious. One of my favourite poems I've done is a haiku titled 'A serious haiku'. The name is very self-descriptive. My second fave is a Cinquain (however that is spelled) poem with the topic of 'Cinquain'. If you want to see some of my poems, I'll whip out my little book when I get back home. I've also written a very serious story about stuff I don't understand at all, so I don't know how good it really is. I haven't shown anyone yet... Please post some of your poems. As for the story, we would love to read it. I hope you post it.
  9. Horatio

    Insta Talk

    Southern Australia is beautiful. Chocolate milk is delicious. Try the Hersey's chocolate. No pile of sugar at the bottom, it is a liquid so you sort of drink all the sugar.
  10. OH MY!!!!!!! I don't think I have ever gotten on the treadmill and gotten even close to 1000 calories. 500 maybe, but never 1000! I hope you are okay today.
  11. As a hamster, I don't write in a journal because the other hamsters might chew it up for bedding. Being a terrible writer and very, very lazy, I have never been a journal, diary, book of notes type. this is in the wrong place isnt it? it just related.. idkidk. mm you cant top my laziness. I think I just did!
  12. Very scary! I am happy everyone is okay. Have you had any other dreams?
  13. Summer can be good, but summer can also be a time where there is too much time on your hands. Parents do not have a guide book to look into for advice and sometimes can make your summer very long. I hope your summer goes better. When is your family coming to Orlando? Are you coming to my cage? i was there. i'm home. and im happier. its not like i plan on doing anything worse then smoking and writing this summer. i hope to organize my room. chew alot of ice/workout/hopefully lost madd weight thats my biggest goal. i'm probably gonan give up but thats wut i want most right now in my life. You were already here in Orlando and didn't tell me?!?!?!?!? I would have come to see you! Did you have a good time? If you want some diet suggestions, I am here.
  14. "Oh...Okay..." said White Kirby. "But I was looking forward to playing SSBM." [Hey, Kat? since Mastermind and Honey don't come anymore, can I control MasterMind? Maybe you can control Honey. X+X] "Setsuna is right," said J.J. "We should all go to the opening. There's always next year." White Kirby looked at her fellow employees. [Hey, guess ya didn't expect to see me back!!! I know I haven't been on im like forever, but this past time was not my fault I promise ya see my computer broke and then I came back for like a day but then that computer got a virus but now my computer is fixed!!! I'm so happy and for the rest of summer I will try to be here alot but ya know how the school year is really busy!!! Anyways I'm gonna look to see all that has changed and then come back here and post!!!! ] [HONEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY! *supamegahyperglompclingofdoomwithhalfthecaloriesbutallthetaste* And you can me Mastermind's character for now, MK. n_n But you gotta give 'er back if Mastermind comes back.] [Kat!!!! *Hammie Huggles*] Ally chimed in, "Besides everyone has to be at the opening or else we could all get in alot of serious trouble!" Ally looked at all her co-workers waiting to hear the plan. "Alright." said Setsuna. "I think that at the opening, we should try to sneak in. That place is huge, there's bound to be something concerning the disappearances there." [Remember those? Yup, people mysteriously disappear when Master Burgers pop up.] She looked out next to the counter and saw that there was a long line of people waiting. [i know there's been confusion about how many customers we have, but because Master Burger hasn't opened yet, we're going to assume they're still as busy as ever.] "Oh, oops. We'll talk about this after closing time, guys." she said, getting back to her grill. Ally gracefully flipped over to her spot and started serving customers. [Opens cage door, slips out and heads over to Master Burger's new store.]
  15. Horatio

    Insta Talk

    It seems doubtful that it will work very well ...we need more moderators! I've been on lots of times when you are on and you don't post. We need more people who post while I am on!
  16. I think you deserve the highest award for your consideration. I didn't notice anything. T.T now i have to be uber curious as to what it was. On a sadder note... toady, we had to have my dog put to sleep. He was having sever heart problems (it was surrounded with fluid, waas swollen, and couldn't pump well at all.) this would cause him to feint a little at times, when he was walking up or down stairs. He went peacefully, and he never suffered. Aww. I'm sorry. Putting down pets is hard. *hug* I am so sorry to hear about your dog. Pets are so much like a member of the family that it is so very hard when they leave this earth. Glad to hear he did not suffer.
  17. As a hamster, I don't write in a journal because the other hamsters might chew it up for bedding. Being a terrible writer and very, very lazy, I have never been a journal, diary, book of notes type.
  18. This is really terrific. I think you have lots of talent and I love reading what you write. Please always continue your writing!
  19. I think you deserve the highest award for your consideration. Nah, it's a bit of a duty for all HB members to note these things, correct? I can't thank you enough. Sometimes I miss things. *searches for eye-glasses* Aaahhh, perhaps these will help. I made these micicle cookies to go along with your chicken-shakes as a treat for your sharpness.
  20. HORATIO LOOKS AT HAMSTER BUTTS! lol *is at a total loss as to what to respond* *looks over at Huette's cage* What, to get a better view? Oh man, I'm on the phone with Thomas and I started laughing and he's like, "What?" *is laughing so hard, milk goes all over the computer and I start choking, laughing, choking, laughing* *can't catch my breath, I am laughing so hard* *saves this space for a really good response_________________, my brain won't stop laughing long enough to think*
  21. I think you deserve the highest award for your consideration.
  22. HORATIO LOOKS AT HAMSTER BUTTS! lol *is at a total loss as to what to respond* *looks over at Huette's cage*
  23. Outstanding!!! Your pics are absolutely fantastic!!!!!!
  24. Okay Toto... spill the beans. How do I do it??????????
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