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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. ...It's still a poem LOL I forgot about that one!!!!! Here is one for you... Roses are red, Tulips are white, Glowurm will beam, Bright through the night. Hehe! Siggy-fied! ...Or at least it will be by the time this is posted. You are so welcome! Too bad we didn't have neon colors in our color choices. LOL
  2. Of course, post those pics!!!!!!! Jpg please, so we can see them. Yep, I jpg'd them so I could post 'em if people wanted them Here they are (or should be): By the way, I did the bunny face using nothing but the circle (oval) tool, line tool, and select (so I could curve the lines etc.) The evil-hamster-type-thingamabobby was done entirely using the pencil tool. I thought it looked sorta like an evil hamster after drawing the base head shape and the ears, so I drew him/her some eyes, made the nose and mouth, and decided I was feeling evil so I made him/her evil. Enjoy! LOL I love those pics!!!!! Do more, do more! Hehehe. I will, it's fun But for now, while I wait for tomorrow to come, and access to my computer that has photoshop, I'll just wander anoud the forum and post. I think it might be in this topic, or another one by Cheetaspot, but she talks about different ways to do the coloring. Perhaps this might be of interest to you. Cool I'll be sure to look for it tomorrow. And I just noticed that I forgot to delete a couple lines in my bunny face... Ahh, well I have Corel and it is too extensive for me. I am not that smart! LOL
  3. Horatio

    Insta Talk

    There is a problem with the board. If I try to respond to two posts in the same topic, the board will combine the posts into one and it makes it so hard to read and follow. I have asked HampsterKing to fix this, but he has not gotten around to it. It is so frustrating. I just hate when I cannot respond to more than one post. For example, Cheesemaster has posted in this topic and I want to answer him as well, if I respond to you both it will be in one post. I have to go to another topic and then try and return here. Then sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't work. Aha! *ish unconfused* Well, I see why now. It's still hard to follow, but I actually get it. Whoopie! Coffee and sugar for all! There is something wrong and HampsterKing needs to fix it. On another note... coffee and sugar! Two of my favorite food groups! Thank you!!! ...Well, in another topic you said HK was slow. Come to think of it, that was in the question about avatars. He really is slow. HampsterKing is slower than frozen molasses. Cheesie, I am guessing, HampsterKing would have to contact the Invision Board geeks. *gets hairdryer* As soon as I find out where the 'frozen molasses' lives he might just speed up to 'lukewarm molasses'. Unless he lives somewhere other then my street. I'm lazy that way. Frozen molasses reside in Antartica... in the winter! Oh, well that's not too bad. ...I've been in Canada during the coldest week recorded in the coldest winter recorded. It was... Well... Cold. I sledded and tobogganed lots. I just need to get my old snow gear out and get a plane to Antarctica. It's winter right now over there, what luck! You must enjoy the cold! If you ever want to thaw out, come over here to Florida and visit me. I'll keep that in mind. *travels to antarctica* Oh, random fact time, did you know that every continent starts and ends with a except for europe, which starts and ends with e? 1. Asia 2. Africa 3. North America 4. South America 5. Europe 6. Australia 7. Antarctica Interesting. I wonder who named them. ...Whoever named them must've loved A! 14 A's in only 6 continents. But... Europe's a reject! There's not even 1 A in it's name. Poor Europe. *gives europe some chocolate to cheer it up* LOL Europe should be giving us some chocolate! LOL The best chocolate I have ever had the pleasure of eating has come from Europe!!!!!!! I gave europe some delicious european chocolate. It's bound to like that... Yeah, European chocolate ish by far the best. All hail european chocolate! *bows* Hmm, I was wondering... tags don't work in the preview, so I haven't tried yet. Do they work when posted, though? Do the mods come and allow/dissalow the images to be posted or something? As for the tags... I have never used them. As to images, please do not post images that have any website names written on them or have a copyright. We are not permitted to post those. Any pics you have should be great, but no pictures of anyone under 18. Also, you must post your pics directly, you cannot have a link to a website. Those won't work. Get those images and artwork up! Please!!! The artwork, I put up. Waiting fer the mod to come through And the images I'm thinking of are just smilies... I stumbled upon this place full of smilies... But I can't say, 'cause no links are allowed. But they have loads of smilies for every occasion! I even think they have a bowing smilie. Anyway. Here, let's see if it works. Sorry, no links. Horatio Aha... So it does become an evil little link... Humm... Unfortunately yes.
  4. As I was driving from New York, after having some delicious bagels, I decided to stop in Maryland for some Maryland Crab Cakes, the best in the USA. Anyway, I pass this sign along I.95 and thought Bel Air was in California. So, I decided to stop further down the road for my crab cakes. After having my crab cakes, which were delicious, I am traveling through Virginia and saw this church. Continuing on, I saw the town that Hampton started, and then decided to get gas. I was going to pull into this particular store, but changed my mind after I saw this sign. I decided to continue on to another gas station.
  5. Of course, post those pics!!!!!!! Jpg please, so we can see them. Yep, I jpg'd them so I could post 'em if people wanted them Here they are (or should be): By the way, I did the bunny face using nothing but the circle (oval) tool, line tool, and select (so I could curve the lines etc.) The evil-hamster-type-thingamabobby was done entirely using the pencil tool. I thought it looked sorta like an evil hamster after drawing the base head shape and the ears, so I drew him/her some eyes, made the nose and mouth, and decided I was feeling evil so I made him/her evil. Enjoy! LOL I love those pics!!!!! Do more, do more! Hehehe. I will, it's fun But for now, while I wait for tomorrow to come, and access to my computer that has photoshop, I'll just wander anoud the forum and post. I think it might be in this topic, or another one by Cheetaspot, but she talks about different ways to do the coloring. Perhaps this might be of interest to you.
  6. I thought you were right here. ...Oh yeah! I remember now! Thanks! Now, what was I doing is the next question... *expects someone to say something like 'Bah! What is this, 20 questions?'* Would you like me to ask that question? LOL Bah! what is this horation? 20 inquires? No, only about five or six? LOL well, that is beside the point. So, what is the point? LOL ...there is none. and that is my point. *slaps forehead* ...I think I'm losing the point. Your point is that there is no point, and that's impossible. If there is no point, that wouldn't be the point. The point is that there is a point, and that is the point. I give up. see my point? ...Hmm, I think I do. Good point! *thinks more* But... If that's the point... Then... Um... *gives up again* woo! paradoxal situation! ^.^ Almost like chess.
  7. ...It's still a poem LOL I forgot about that one!!!!! Here is one for you... Roses are red, Tulips are white, Glowurm will beam, Bright through the night.
  8. Of course, post those pics!!!!!!! Jpg please, so we can see them. Yep, I jpg'd them so I could post 'em if people wanted them Here they are (or should be): By the way, I did the bunny face using nothing but the circle (oval) tool, line tool, and select (so I could curve the lines etc.) The evil-hamster-type-thingamabobby was done entirely using the pencil tool. I thought it looked sorta like an evil hamster after drawing the base head shape and the ears, so I drew him/her some eyes, made the nose and mouth, and decided I was feeling evil so I made him/her evil. Enjoy! LOL I love those pics!!!!! Do more, do more!
  9. Horatio

    Insta Talk

    There is a problem with the board. If I try to respond to two posts in the same topic, the board will combine the posts into one and it makes it so hard to read and follow. I have asked HampsterKing to fix this, but he has not gotten around to it. It is so frustrating. I just hate when I cannot respond to more than one post. For example, Cheesemaster has posted in this topic and I want to answer him as well, if I respond to you both it will be in one post. I have to go to another topic and then try and return here. Then sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't work. Aha! *ish unconfused* Well, I see why now. It's still hard to follow, but I actually get it. Whoopie! Coffee and sugar for all! There is something wrong and HampsterKing needs to fix it. On another note... coffee and sugar! Two of my favorite food groups! Thank you!!! ...Well, in another topic you said HK was slow. Come to think of it, that was in the question about avatars. He really is slow. HampsterKing is slower than frozen molasses. Cheesie, I am guessing, HampsterKing would have to contact the Invision Board geeks. *gets hairdryer* As soon as I find out where the 'frozen molasses' lives he might just speed up to 'lukewarm molasses'. Unless he lives somewhere other then my street. I'm lazy that way. Frozen molasses reside in Antartica... in the winter! Oh, well that's not too bad. ...I've been in Canada during the coldest week recorded in the coldest winter recorded. It was... Well... Cold. I sledded and tobogganed lots. I just need to get my old snow gear out and get a plane to Antarctica. It's winter right now over there, what luck! You must enjoy the cold! If you ever want to thaw out, come over here to Florida and visit me. I'll keep that in mind. *travels to antarctica* Oh, random fact time, did you know that every continent starts and ends with a except for europe, which starts and ends with e? 1. Asia 2. Africa 3. North America 4. South America 5. Europe 6. Australia 7. Antarctica Interesting. I wonder who named them. ...Whoever named them must've loved A! 14 A's in only 6 continents. But... Europe's a reject! There's not even 1 A in it's name. Poor Europe. *gives europe some chocolate to cheer it up* LOL Europe should be giving us some chocolate! LOL The best chocolate I have ever had the pleasure of eating has come from Europe!!!!!!! I gave europe some delicious european chocolate. It's bound to like that... Yeah, European chocolate ish by far the best. All hail european chocolate! *bows* Hmm, I was wondering... tags don't work in the preview, so I haven't tried yet. Do they work when posted, though? Do the mods come and allow/dissalow the images to be posted or something? As for the tags... I have never used them. As to images, please do not post images that have any website names written on them or have a copyright. We are not permitted to post those. Any pics you have should be great, but no pictures of anyone under 18. Also, you must post your pics directly, you cannot have a link to a website. Those won't work. Get those images and artwork up! Please!!!
  10. XD I saw that in your avatar topic. You get 14,000 points for that. *wants points, so raids - Kat's - point closet and takes out 1,892,380,745,624 points* *gives some to Arkcher* For that, you and Arkcher both LOSE the combined total of 1,892,380,745,624 points. But then Horatio gets 400 so he doesn't take anymore. ._. *stuffs point in pouches and heads for secret hiding place* steals all points from everyone >:0 *while Cheesemaster is stealing my points, he hears the microwave door close with him trapped inside, then starts melting* *everyone hears... "I'm melting, I'm melting* LOL wait, why are the points in the microwave? I was hiding them.
  11. i'm not fat. im chubby. "Absolutely do not starve yourself and workout a whole lot." i dont. i eat 2/3 meals a day and i rarely even run off 400 calories. i'm trying to write down every calorie i eat. yeaterday i ate about 950. and only ran off 396. just thinking about that makes me see myself gain like 20 pounds. if im serious about losing weight i have to do all i can except for puke. i only do that if i feel too guitly about how much i ate. or if i'm 'up' and i eat alot. and dont make that into some big thing. like OMG YOU PURGE YOUR FOOD!?!?! alot of people do it. ive done it in a backyard with 3 other people. it makes you feel better. and as long as you dont do it all the time i dont see it as an issue. "A healthy weight will actually improve your outlook on life." i dont WANT a healthy weight. i dont care. i wanna be thin and small. i'm sick of being the chubby girl. i'm not 'overweight' but doctors standards but by social standards im a whale. and dont think that i said that cuz other people think im fat and i wanna be skinny for them i dont. i wanna be skinny for me. idc about my outlook on life. thats already pretty bad and i already think im worthless, and fat and ugly. so its not like thats changing. i just wanna be thin!! (i'm 5'5 btw)then you shouldn't aim for less than 120. You don't need to lose weight if you're less than 135, Lauren. I've done a lot of research. I've had to, because my friend Miriam is so teetering on the edge of an eating disorder. Do you like your teeth????? Every time you regurgitate, the acid from your stomach, eats away at your teeth and you will eventually turn them into black acid eaten useless teeth. Horatio is right. I've known too many girls to have dentures at age 20 because they chose to lose so much weight as a teen. i'm NOT less then 135. If you are close to that number, you are just fine.
  12. Of course, post those pics!!!!!!! Jpg please, so we can see them.
  13. Horatio

    Insta Talk

    There is a problem with the board. If I try to respond to two posts in the same topic, the board will combine the posts into one and it makes it so hard to read and follow. I have asked HampsterKing to fix this, but he has not gotten around to it. It is so frustrating. I just hate when I cannot respond to more than one post. For example, Cheesemaster has posted in this topic and I want to answer him as well, if I respond to you both it will be in one post. I have to go to another topic and then try and return here. Then sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't work. Aha! *ish unconfused* Well, I see why now. It's still hard to follow, but I actually get it. Whoopie! Coffee and sugar for all! There is something wrong and HampsterKing needs to fix it. On another note... coffee and sugar! Two of my favorite food groups! Thank you!!! ...Well, in another topic you said HK was slow. Come to think of it, that was in the question about avatars. He really is slow. HampsterKing is slower than frozen molasses. Cheesie, I am guessing, HampsterKing would have to contact the Invision Board geeks. *gets hairdryer* As soon as I find out where the 'frozen molasses' lives he might just speed up to 'lukewarm molasses'. Unless he lives somewhere other then my street. I'm lazy that way. Frozen molasses reside in Antartica... in the winter! Oh, well that's not too bad. ...I've been in Canada during the coldest week recorded in the coldest winter recorded. It was... Well... Cold. I sledded and tobogganed lots. I just need to get my old snow gear out and get a plane to Antarctica. It's winter right now over there, what luck! You must enjoy the cold! If you ever want to thaw out, come over here to Florida and visit me. I'll keep that in mind. *travels to antarctica* Oh, random fact time, did you know that every continent starts and ends with a except for europe, which starts and ends with e? 1. Asia 2. Africa 3. North America 4. South America 5. Europe 6. Australia 7. Antarctica Interesting. I wonder who named them. ...Whoever named them must've loved A! 14 A's in only 6 continents. But... Europe's a reject! There's not even 1 A in it's name. Poor Europe. *gives europe some chocolate to cheer it up* LOL Europe should be giving us some chocolate! LOL The best chocolate I have ever had the pleasure of eating has come from Europe!!!!!!!
  14. XD I saw that in your avatar topic. You get 14,000 points for that. *wants points, so raids - Kat's - point closet and takes out 1,892,380,745,624 points* *gives some to Arkcher* For that, you and Arkcher both LOSE the combined total of 1,892,380,745,624 points. But then Horatio gets 400 so he doesn't take anymore. ._. *stuffs point in pouches and heads for secret hiding place* steals all points from everyone >:0 *while Cheesemaster is stealing my points, he hears the microwave door close with him trapped inside, then starts melting* *everyone hears... "I'm melting, I'm melting* LOL
  15. Horatio


    I like spending my money on seeds, nuts and fruit. ah, spending so much money getting yourself fatter! This is exactly the reason I get on the wheel!!!
  16. XD I saw that in your avatar topic. You get 14,000 points for that. *wants points, so raids - Kat's - point closet and takes out 1,892,380,745,624 points* *gives some to Arkcher* For that, you and Arkcher both LOSE the combined total of 1,892,380,745,624 points. But then Horatio gets 400 so he doesn't take anymore. ._. *stuffs point in pouches and heads for secret hiding place*
  17. Horatio


    I like spending my money on seeds, nuts and fruit.
  18. i'm not fat. im chubby. "Absolutely do not starve yourself and workout a whole lot." i dont. i eat 2/3 meals a day and i rarely even run off 400 calories. i'm trying to write down every calorie i eat. yeaterday i ate about 950. and only ran off 396. just thinking about that makes me see myself gain like 20 pounds. if im serious about losing weight i have to do all i can except for puke. i only do that if i feel too guitly about how much i ate. or if i'm 'up' and i eat alot. and dont make that into some big thing. like OMG YOU PURGE YOUR FOOD!?!?! alot of people do it. ive done it in a backyard with 3 other people. it makes you feel better. and as long as you dont do it all the time i dont see it as an issue. "A healthy weight will actually improve your outlook on life." i dont WANT a healthy weight. i dont care. i wanna be thin and small. i'm sick of being the chubby girl. i'm not 'overweight' but doctors standards but by social standards im a whale. and dont think that i said that cuz other people think im fat and i wanna be skinny for them i dont. i wanna be skinny for me. idc about my outlook on life. thats already pretty bad and i already think im worthless, and fat and ugly. so its not like thats changing. i just wanna be thin!! (i'm 5'5 btw) Do you like your teeth????? Every time you regurgitate, the acid from your stomach, eats away at your teeth and you will eventually turn them into black acid eaten useless teeth.
  19. ALL?????? If I even look at food, I gain weight. Why do you think I get in my wheel all the time?
  20. Horatio

    Insta Talk

    There is a problem with the board. If I try to respond to two posts in the same topic, the board will combine the posts into one and it makes it so hard to read and follow. I have asked HampsterKing to fix this, but he has not gotten around to it. It is so frustrating. I just hate when I cannot respond to more than one post. For example, Cheesemaster has posted in this topic and I want to answer him as well, if I respond to you both it will be in one post. I have to go to another topic and then try and return here. Then sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't work. Aha! *ish unconfused* Well, I see why now. It's still hard to follow, but I actually get it. Whoopie! Coffee and sugar for all! There is something wrong and HampsterKing needs to fix it. On another note... coffee and sugar! Two of my favorite food groups! Thank you!!! ...Well, in another topic you said HK was slow. Come to think of it, that was in the question about avatars. He really is slow. HampsterKing is slower than frozen molasses. Cheesie, I am guessing, HampsterKing would have to contact the Invision Board geeks. *gets hairdryer* As soon as I find out where the 'frozen molasses' lives he might just speed up to 'lukewarm molasses'. Unless he lives somewhere other then my street. I'm lazy that way. Frozen molasses reside in Antartica... in the winter! Oh, well that's not too bad. ...I've been in Canada during the coldest week recorded in the coldest winter recorded. It was... Well... Cold. I sledded and tobogganed lots. I just need to get my old snow gear out and get a plane to Antarctica. It's winter right now over there, what luck! You must enjoy the cold! If you ever want to thaw out, come over here to Florida and visit me. I'll keep that in mind. *travels to antarctica* Oh, random fact time, did you know that every continent starts and ends with a except for europe, which starts and ends with e? 1. Asia 2. Africa 3. North America 4. South America 5. Europe 6. Australia 7. Antarctica Interesting. I wonder who named them. ...Whoever named them must've loved A! 14 A's in only 6 continents.
  21. Horatio

    Insta Talk

    There is a problem with the board. If I try to respond to two posts in the same topic, the board will combine the posts into one and it makes it so hard to read and follow. I have asked HampsterKing to fix this, but he has not gotten around to it. It is so frustrating. I just hate when I cannot respond to more than one post. For example, Cheesemaster has posted in this topic and I want to answer him as well, if I respond to you both it will be in one post. I have to go to another topic and then try and return here. Then sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't work. Aha! *ish unconfused* Well, I see why now. It's still hard to follow, but I actually get it. Whoopie! Coffee and sugar for all! There is something wrong and HampsterKing needs to fix it. On another note... coffee and sugar! Two of my favorite food groups! Thank you!!! ...Well, in another topic you said HK was slow. Come to think of it, that was in the question about avatars. He really is slow. HampsterKing is slower than frozen molasses. Cheesie, I am guessing, HampsterKing would have to contact the Invision Board geeks. *gets hairdryer* As soon as I find out where the 'frozen molasses' lives he might just speed up to 'lukewarm molasses'. Unless he lives somewhere other then my street. I'm lazy that way. Frozen molasses reside in Antartica... in the winter! Oh, well that's not too bad. ...I've been in Canada during the coldest week recorded in the coldest winter recorded. It was... Well... Cold. I sledded and tobogganed lots. I just need to get my old snow gear out and get a plane to Antarctica. It's winter right now over there, what luck! You must enjoy the cold! If you ever want to thaw out, come over here to Florida and visit me. I'll keep that in mind. *travels to antarctica* Oh, random fact time, did you know that every continent starts and ends with a except for europe, which starts and ends with e? 1. Asia 2. Africa 3. North America 4. South America 5. Europe 6. Australia 7. Antarctica Interesting. I wonder who named them.
  22. XD I saw that in your avatar topic. You get 14,000 points for that. *wants points, so raids - Kat's - point closet and takes out 1,892,380,745,624 points* *gives some to Arkcher*
  23. i totally lied. i havnt lost a thing. it came back. like water? what??? i dont understand this weight lose stuff. maybe im just impaient. ive drank nothing but water, eaten less, and worked out everyday and nothing's changed. I would aim for 2 pounds per week. Keep doing what you are doing and you will lose weight.
  24. I thought you were right here. ...Oh yeah! I remember now! Thanks! Now, what was I doing is the next question... *expects someone to say something like 'Bah! What is this, 20 questions?'* Would you like me to ask that question? LOL Bah! what is this horation? 20 inquires? No, only about five or six? LOL well, that is beside the point. So, what is the point? LOL ...there is none. and that is my point. *slaps forehead* ...I think I'm losing the point. Your point is that there is no point, and that's impossible. If there is no point, that wouldn't be the point. The point is that there is a point, and that is the point. I give up. *sounds like some kind of math problem* ive got a question. whats a good way to suck up so i can get my 'butt' to warped tour this year??? You probably don't want me to answer this. LOL haha. idc. i NEED to go to warped tour. its the only reason why i can think to do anything.. I will let someone else respond first, but I do have a plan. k oh yea and it cant be some like lifeplan thing cuz warped tours in less than a month You only want to see them once?
  25. Horatio

    Insta Talk

    Jesse... I have seen you on today a few times and you have not posted. Soooooooooo???????
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