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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. I love those! Great panda face. *hands Glowurm some cheese from France and Switzerland*
  2. *is absolutely stunned no one has posted this evening*
  3. I am not thinking that being happy is better than dying, I am thinking how, although you deny you are in extreme pain, you are being torn between two choices, one of which is final. yea. well sometimes im down. sometimes i get so close. and sometimes im happy. or i think im happy. but even when i feel happy in my heart i wanna die everyday. i dont know why i see a reason i dont wanna get help cuz i dont see the point and i really think im fine. i just hate life alot of people do You don't see the point in getting help, but if it didn't work, so many people would not be doing it. Did you ever consider that maybe life is tough and being in your teen years is the hardest part of life?
  4. I love these pics! You deserve an award! *hands Glowurm The Platinum Moon Award* When I was in Paris, they had postcards that were drawings similar to yours, black and white and I had to buy a few of them as they were so fantastic!!!!! Just had a thought! You should post the cards you bought. I would love to, but I wonder if there is a copyright problem if I do. Let me ask HampsterKing first. I do not want to do anything that would jeopardize the boards. When it comes to these things, I am not too smart. You will love them. They do quite a few with bunnies and hearts. I will dig them out and ask HampsterKing and let you know. If he says no, then I can always figure out another way. I'm pretty sure it should be okay as long as you don't say something like "Hey guys! Look at the postcards I made!" I dug them out and they look sooooooooo cool!!
  5. I am not thinking that being happy is better than dying, I am thinking how, although you deny you are in extreme pain, you are being torn between two choices, one of which is final.
  6. i'm sorry. i was kinda flipping out and typing helps and i didnt wanna put this on my site. you can ignore it if u want. Why should we ignore this. There is an enormous amount of feeling here. Some of your feelings are very hard to respond to because it looks like you are in extreme pain and I am at a loss as to what to say.
  7. ALL?????? If I even look at food, I gain weight. Why do you think I get in my wheel all the time? no, that was just to her. example: "and i was like all "blah blah blah" anyway, i think ive permanatly dropped some weight cuz even fully loaded on water right after running i weigh less. its about time. but its more then i weighed when i woke up. so maybe im not losing anything. i dont get it. i run off almost every calorie i eat. plus you lose like 60 each hour of sleep and i sleep in... i know i just need to wait but im so immpaient... i'm not single anymore.. people have to SEE this body.. :[ *sigh* Muscle weighs six times more than fat. So the scale does not tell the entire story. What you have to also check is to see how your clothes feel. If you weigh the same, but you feel like your clothes fit better or are looser, then you have lost fat. i dont want muscle. my clothes feel the same i dont think ive lost anything but im cutting way down on how much i put in my big mouth I am not being sarcastic when I ask this question. Do you want to look like a skeleton or do you want to look thin but good? Having muscles does not mean you look like someone from the Wrestling show. You can be thin and look like you are not anorexic.
  8. I love these pics! You deserve an award! *hands Glowurm The Platinum Moon Award* When I was in Paris, they had postcards that were drawings similar to yours, black and white and I had to buy a few of them as they were so fantastic!!!!! Just had a thought! You should post the cards you bought. I would love to, but I wonder if there is a copyright problem if I do. Let me ask HampsterKing first. I do not want to do anything that would jeopardize the boards. When it comes to these things, I am not too smart. You will love them. They do quite a few with bunnies and hearts. I will dig them out and ask HampsterKing and let you know. If he says no, then I can always figure out another way.
  9. Glad to hear you have a fantastic holiday!!!!!! Post pics!!!!!!!!! Please. Thanks for your movie reviews! I wanted to see the Devil Wears Prada, but hadn't heard if anyone liked it. So I do want to thank you for writing it up. I thought that said 'Devil Wears Panda' the first time I saw that In fact, a lot of stuff that has a P and an A in it I have mistook as panda lately. I'm thinking too much about pandas. Perhaps I should draw one. ...I saw cars lately, I had low expectations (not a fan of racing). I was spot on with my expectations. I didn't really like most of it. It was the 'eggo' (as Nanny Ogg calls it) of the main character. I'm not going to really get in to detail, I'm no good at reviews, without including a douzen or two spoilers. Even then... At first I thought cars would be good, then for whatever reason, I decided I didn't want to see it. Now I am REALLY HAPPY I did not see it! *waits for that panda drawing*
  10. The church is pretty! What is really impressive is to see it pop up behind the trees in what appears to be the center of your lanes on the freeway. Hehe. I've seen some funny things each year when I go to canada. Next time I'll photo them and post them Funny signs ftw! Speaking of funny signs, in some countries they have Signs that say 'Warning: Sign Ahead' ... And I could get into a bunch of freaky-but-true things. Like covers for umbrellas (so they don't get wet when you put them up during rain) I would love to see the sign pics. Please do post your pics, I love them! I don't actually have any sign pics. But I've heard of them and seen pics of them... And besides, we're a bit lacking in the scanner department. So if we did go to canada with a camera, I'd have to convince my dad to take the digital one Back to canada! Last year I saw a huge pot hole... Well, I really just fell into it. Still. I crashed my bike on it a couple times, too. ...By mistake. *shifty eyes* Good thing you didn't break any bones! I'm lucky that way. I've never boken a bone... yet. I've even suffered some good falls. I either land on my feet and just get a bit shaken up (meow), or it's not that big a fall. The only time I didn't land on my feet after a good fall was when I was 7... I got winded, but it wasn't all that bad otherwise. ...I've started believing that I'm protected in some way The funny thing is, good luck charms never work for me. In fact, I generally have bad luck streaks when I use good luck charms, or stuff like crossing my fingers. And I never seem to be able to jynx myself, no matter how hard I try. I've got too much good luck. *throws good luck at the people who need it* *grabs some of the good luck to give to my hammie friends* Thank you!
  11. Yaaaaaay! *just saw this post. >_>;;* Thanks to everybody who voted for me! Is very happy to see a happy - Kat - !!!
  12. I love these pics! You deserve an award! *hands Glowurm The Platinum Moon Award* When I was in Paris, they had postcards that were drawings similar to yours, black and white and I had to buy a few of them as they were so fantastic!!!!!
  13. The church is pretty! What is really impressive is to see it pop up behind the trees in what appears to be the center of your lanes on the freeway. Hehe. I've seen some funny things each year when I go to canada. Next time I'll photo them and post them Funny signs ftw! Speaking of funny signs, in some countries they have Signs that say 'Warning: Sign Ahead' ... And I could get into a bunch of freaky-but-true things. Like covers for umbrellas (so they don't get wet when you put them up during rain) I would love to see the sign pics. Please do post your pics, I love them! I don't actually have any sign pics. But I've heard of them and seen pics of them... And besides, we're a bit lacking in the scanner department. So if we did go to canada with a camera, I'd have to convince my dad to take the digital one Back to canada! Last year I saw a huge pot hole... Well, I really just fell into it. Still. I crashed my bike on it a couple times, too. ...By mistake. *shifty eyes* Good thing you didn't break any bones!
  14. Glad to hear you have a fantastic holiday!!!!!! Post pics!!!!!!!!! Please. Thanks for your movie reviews! I wanted to see the Devil Wears Prada, but hadn't heard if anyone liked it. So I do want to thank you for writing it up.
  15. ALL?????? If I even look at food, I gain weight. Why do you think I get in my wheel all the time? no, that was just to her. example: "and i was like all "blah blah blah" anyway, i think ive permanatly dropped some weight cuz even fully loaded on water right after running i weigh less. its about time. but its more then i weighed when i woke up. so maybe im not losing anything. i dont get it. i run off almost every calorie i eat. plus you lose like 60 each hour of sleep and i sleep in... i know i just need to wait but im so immpaient... i'm not single anymore.. people have to SEE this body.. :[ *sigh* Muscle weighs six times more than fat. So the scale does not tell the entire story. What you have to also check is to see how your clothes feel. If you weigh the same, but you feel like your clothes fit better or are looser, then you have lost fat.
  16. The church is pretty! What is really impressive is to see it pop up behind the trees in what appears to be the center of your lanes on the freeway. Hehe. I've seen some funny things each year when I go to canada. Next time I'll photo them and post them Funny signs ftw! Speaking of funny signs, in some countries they have Signs that say 'Warning: Sign Ahead' ... And I could get into a bunch of freaky-but-true things. Like covers for umbrellas (so they don't get wet when you put them up during rain) I would love to see the sign pics. Please do post your pics, I love them!
  17. i'm not fat. im chubby. "Absolutely do not starve yourself and workout a whole lot." i dont. i eat 2/3 meals a day and i rarely even run off 400 calories. i'm trying to write down every calorie i eat. yeaterday i ate about 950. and only ran off 396. just thinking about that makes me see myself gain like 20 pounds. if im serious about losing weight i have to do all i can except for puke. i only do that if i feel too guitly about how much i ate. or if i'm 'up' and i eat alot. and dont make that into some big thing. like OMG YOU PURGE YOUR FOOD!?!?! alot of people do it. ive done it in a backyard with 3 other people. it makes you feel better. and as long as you dont do it all the time i dont see it as an issue. "A healthy weight will actually improve your outlook on life." i dont WANT a healthy weight. i dont care. i wanna be thin and small. i'm sick of being the chubby girl. i'm not 'overweight' but doctors standards but by social standards im a whale. and dont think that i said that cuz other people think im fat and i wanna be skinny for them i dont. i wanna be skinny for me. idc about my outlook on life. thats already pretty bad and i already think im worthless, and fat and ugly. so its not like thats changing. i just wanna be thin!! (i'm 5'5 btw)then you shouldn't aim for less than 120. You don't need to lose weight if you're less than 135, Lauren. I've done a lot of research. I've had to, because my friend Miriam is so teetering on the edge of an eating disorder. Do you like your teeth????? Every time you regurgitate, the acid from your stomach, eats away at your teeth and you will eventually turn them into black acid eaten useless teeth. Horatio is right. I've known too many girls to have dentures at age 20 because they chose to lose so much weight as a teen. i'm NOT less then 135. If you are close to that number, you are just fine. im not. and im not fine. and im not gonna believe you too. idk why but you want me to be unhappy. or you just wanna control me. im so happy you "care". can you stop now? You do not have to believe me. I have no desire for you to be unhappy and I definitely have no desire to control you. Absolutely, I can stop now. im sorry i was a little mean. its just that im dont have an ED. i just know that ive "chubby" and i'm gonna change it. even if it means i have to be a little hungry. No problem. Thank you for saying so. I really do understand completely. I have never been skinny. my friend was like "you knwo wut your getting into right?" and im not. i'm not becoming anorexic. i'm just eating less and drinking only water and working out all the calories i eat. that doesnt make me anorexic... it just makes me chubby and changing it. This is why I run in my wheel every day.
  18. i'm not fat. im chubby. "Absolutely do not starve yourself and workout a whole lot." i dont. i eat 2/3 meals a day and i rarely even run off 400 calories. i'm trying to write down every calorie i eat. yeaterday i ate about 950. and only ran off 396. just thinking about that makes me see myself gain like 20 pounds. if im serious about losing weight i have to do all i can except for puke. i only do that if i feel too guitly about how much i ate. or if i'm 'up' and i eat alot. and dont make that into some big thing. like OMG YOU PURGE YOUR FOOD!?!?! alot of people do it. ive done it in a backyard with 3 other people. it makes you feel better. and as long as you dont do it all the time i dont see it as an issue. "A healthy weight will actually improve your outlook on life." i dont WANT a healthy weight. i dont care. i wanna be thin and small. i'm sick of being the chubby girl. i'm not 'overweight' but doctors standards but by social standards im a whale. and dont think that i said that cuz other people think im fat and i wanna be skinny for them i dont. i wanna be skinny for me. idc about my outlook on life. thats already pretty bad and i already think im worthless, and fat and ugly. so its not like thats changing. i just wanna be thin!! (i'm 5'5 btw)then you shouldn't aim for less than 120. You don't need to lose weight if you're less than 135, Lauren. I've done a lot of research. I've had to, because my friend Miriam is so teetering on the edge of an eating disorder. Do you like your teeth????? Every time you regurgitate, the acid from your stomach, eats away at your teeth and you will eventually turn them into black acid eaten useless teeth. Horatio is right. I've known too many girls to have dentures at age 20 because they chose to lose so much weight as a teen. i'm NOT less then 135. If you are close to that number, you are just fine. im not. and im not fine. and im not gonna believe you too. idk why but you want me to be unhappy. or you just wanna control me. im so happy you "care". can you stop now? You do not have to believe me. I have no desire for you to be unhappy and I definitely have no desire to control you. Absolutely, I can stop now. im sorry i was a little mean. its just that im dont have an ED. i just know that ive "chubby" and i'm gonna change it. even if it means i have to be a little hungry. No problem. Thank you for saying so. I really do understand completely. I have never been skinny.
  19. i'm not fat. im chubby. "Absolutely do not starve yourself and workout a whole lot." i dont. i eat 2/3 meals a day and i rarely even run off 400 calories. i'm trying to write down every calorie i eat. yeaterday i ate about 950. and only ran off 396. just thinking about that makes me see myself gain like 20 pounds. if im serious about losing weight i have to do all i can except for puke. i only do that if i feel too guitly about how much i ate. or if i'm 'up' and i eat alot. and dont make that into some big thing. like OMG YOU PURGE YOUR FOOD!?!?! alot of people do it. ive done it in a backyard with 3 other people. it makes you feel better. and as long as you dont do it all the time i dont see it as an issue. "A healthy weight will actually improve your outlook on life." i dont WANT a healthy weight. i dont care. i wanna be thin and small. i'm sick of being the chubby girl. i'm not 'overweight' but doctors standards but by social standards im a whale. and dont think that i said that cuz other people think im fat and i wanna be skinny for them i dont. i wanna be skinny for me. idc about my outlook on life. thats already pretty bad and i already think im worthless, and fat and ugly. so its not like thats changing. i just wanna be thin!! (i'm 5'5 btw)then you shouldn't aim for less than 120. You don't need to lose weight if you're less than 135, Lauren. I've done a lot of research. I've had to, because my friend Miriam is so teetering on the edge of an eating disorder. Do you like your teeth????? Every time you regurgitate, the acid from your stomach, eats away at your teeth and you will eventually turn them into black acid eaten useless teeth. Horatio is right. I've known too many girls to have dentures at age 20 because they chose to lose so much weight as a teen. i'm NOT less then 135. If you are close to that number, you are just fine. im not. and im not fine. and im not gonna believe you too. idk why but you want me to be unhappy. or you just wanna control me. im so happy you "care". can you stop now? You do not have to believe me. I have no desire for you to be unhappy and I definitely have no desire to control you. Absolutely, I can stop now.
  20. The church is pretty! What is really impressive is to see it pop up behind the trees in what appears to be the center of your lanes on the freeway.
  21. I thought you were right here. ...Oh yeah! I remember now! Thanks! Now, what was I doing is the next question... *expects someone to say something like 'Bah! What is this, 20 questions?'* Would you like me to ask that question? LOL Bah! what is this horation? 20 inquires? No, only about five or six? LOL well, that is beside the point. So, what is the point? LOL ...there is none. and that is my point. *slaps forehead* ...I think I'm losing the point. Your point is that there is no point, and that's impossible. If there is no point, that wouldn't be the point. The point is that there is a point, and that is the point. I give up. see my point? ...Hmm, I think I do. Good point! *thinks more* But... If that's the point... Then... Um... *gives up again* woo! paradoxal situation! ^.^ Almost like chess. LOL So who won? Whee! No one... it is a stand-off. LOL i ♥ paradoxal things. ^.^ Exactly.
  22. ...It's still a poem LOL I forgot about that one!!!!! Here is one for you... Roses are red, Tulips are white, Glowurm will beam, Bright through the night. Hehe! Siggy-fied! ...Or at least it will be by the time this is posted. You are so welcome! Too bad we didn't have neon colors in our color choices. LOL do i get a poem? ;.; Of course, but yours will have to wait until after I study. This afternoon... I promise. If for some reason I am late, please do remind me.
  23. Welcome to HampterDance. Our greeters should be by shortly to welcome you and show you the ropes.
  24. I know where you were! and I have seen that church before! I saw it on the way to grayson highlands. WE call it Oz. Exactly why I took the picture. I had to pull off the road to get the picture and then almost lost my life getting back on the freeway!!!!!! Have you ever seen just how small a hamster's car is? Not very big. Oz is a great nickname for this church, mind if I use it? *wonders if there is a yellow brick road leading up to the doors*
  25. I thought you were right here. ...Oh yeah! I remember now! Thanks! Now, what was I doing is the next question... *expects someone to say something like 'Bah! What is this, 20 questions?'* Would you like me to ask that question? LOL Bah! what is this horation? 20 inquires? No, only about five or six? LOL well, that is beside the point. So, what is the point? LOL ...there is none. and that is my point. *slaps forehead* ...I think I'm losing the point. Your point is that there is no point, and that's impossible. If there is no point, that wouldn't be the point. The point is that there is a point, and that is the point. I give up. see my point? ...Hmm, I think I do. Good point! *thinks more* But... If that's the point... Then... Um... *gives up again* woo! paradoxal situation! ^.^ Almost like chess. So who won? Whee! No one... it is a stand-off.
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