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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Water, Water, Water!!!!!!!!! I've only hit a little over 10 miles. Coach never sends us out on more. Thank you. Water is what I drink. And my 13 miles are really, really slow. You would probably do your 10 in one tenth the time I will do mine. Nite, nite now. I want to know your time tomorrow! No time, I forgot to start my watch. Well actually, I started it, but it was not on the chronograph function, it was on the tell time function, so no time. I am very disappointed with myself. For some reason, I pooped out about two-tenths of a mile from the thirteen mile point. I wanted to stop completely, but I didn't. When I got back to my cage, I immediately had some water, hopped into the shower and then ate a protein drink with a banana. Bed looked pretty good, so I took a nap. Now I am ready for lunch. Tomorrow is the cross-training day. I plan on riding my bike. What do you think? Armani or Apple... that is the question. TBFOF... please come here. Let me know what you think.
  2. The super laptops are fairly expensive. The Mini is 400 to 600, and you can use your monitor, keyboard and mouse from your previous computer, some of the other MacBooks are around 1000, but for what you are getting, it is well worth it. My G-3 Powerbook lasted 8 years and this went everywhere I went. I am waiting for the I-Pod phone! We all want one!
  3. You very well may be a super-successful game creator! I think you are talented, intelligent, creative and have lots of great ability to make wonderful games. I am so very impressed with you and what you have accomplished in your Tomb Raider drawings. It makes me sad to hear your father does not endorse you and always compares you to your brother. I am sorry to hear this. It really hurts my feelings to hear what your father does and I can only think this hurts your heart even more. *here is a giant hammie bear huggle* I will have to think about this more and maybe I will have some better advice.
  4. I see 10,000 posts when I look at your post counter! Wheeeeeee! Hoooray! *gets out bunches of cake* *gets all the party supplies and sets up the party for both Glowurm and Mega Wolf* CONGRATULATIONS MEGA WOLF!!!!!!! 10,000 POSTS!!!!! Wheeeeeeee! Party tiiiiime! *falls asleep* What can I say? It's so almost 6 am and I haven't slept a wink all night :] Just so you could be here at that spiffy time? Of course Glowurm couldn't leave, the party was half his. He passed the one hundred mark! That is true! I am glad we finally have another member that will stay. I really hate it when people only post, like, 10 times. Glowurm sounds like he will stay around and I am thrilled!!!!
  5. I see 10,000 posts when I look at your post counter! Wheeeeeee! Hoooray! *gets out bunches of cake* *gets all the party supplies and sets up the party for both Glowurm and Mega Wolf* CONGRATULATIONS MEGA WOLF!!!!!!! 10,000 POSTS!!!!! Wheeeeeeee! Party tiiiiime! *falls asleep* What can I say? It's so almost 6 am and I haven't slept a wink all night :] Just so you could be here at that spiffy time? Of course Glowurm couldn't leave, the party was half his. He passed the one hundred mark!
  6. Glad to hear you have a fantastic holiday!!!!!! Post pics!!!!!!!!! Please. Thanks for your movie reviews! I wanted to see the Devil Wears Prada, but hadn't heard if anyone liked it. So I do want to thank you for writing it up. I thought that said 'Devil Wears Panda' the first time I saw that In fact, a lot of stuff that has a P and an A in it I have mistook as panda lately. I'm thinking too much about pandas. Perhaps I should draw one. ...I saw cars lately, I had low expectations (not a fan of racing). I was spot on with my expectations. I didn't really like most of it. It was the 'eggo' (as Nanny Ogg calls it) of the main character. I'm not going to really get in to detail, I'm no good at reviews, without including a douzen or two spoilers. Even then... OMG DISCWORLD REFERENCE!!!!!! *ahem* I thought I was the only one on the board who reads terry pratchett! I wondered if the "mouse has out-of-cheese error" was just a coincidence. You are definitely not alone. LOL What, do you read terry pratchett? Of course!
  7. thanks. i had 234 calories today. i think thats cute. okay, it WAS 234 till i had to decide to have a tent party and ate madd food and drank. it was like 788 approx by the end of the night which really never fell. so i was very hungry. and i had a huge breakfast and i gained. :[ ohhh i wish i could gain... yeah, drinking makes you gain weight more than anything except vegetating like terry schaivo (I mean that in the nicest way)... So does smoking just about anything... (Not an attack, I promise) i know it does. but i like getting messed up. i know thats not an attack. but smoking makes you loose your appitite.. thats why skinny girls smoke so much. And get cancer, emphysema and all sorts of other diseases. ...And lose 7 minutes of their life every cigarette. =D Not good.
  8. i totally lied. i havnt lost a thing. it came back. like water? what??? i dont understand this weight lose stuff. maybe im just impatient. ive drank nothing but water, eaten less, and worked out everyday and nothing's changed. I would aim for 2 pounds per week. Keep doing what you are doing and you will lose weight. i wish it was like 2 pounds a day. im not even exaggerating im so disgusting. and im not gonna feel differently untill i have no extra fat on me. idk why no one's smacked me with the truth... oh, yeah, I just read in my readers' digest about this diet pill, EPH200, that's supposedly geared toward delaying calories' effects and stimulating the body's metabolism. Look into it. It seems safe from what I've read. Please don't waste your money on those gimmicks. Many of these diet pills are not as effective as they claim. There was a diet pill a couple of years back that worked great for all the people who used it. But the pill backfired, and a lot of people died from using it. Now, that wasn't the first time diet pills caused death. If a diet pill is new and hasn't been tested much, it isn't safe. Even if it's been out in the market for ten years, it still isn't reliable. Just go on a high-fiber and less dairy diet, and along with 30 minutes of exercising a day, you will lose weight. Great advice. Interestingly enough, 48 hours Investigates is doing a special on eating disorders, etc. This is the scariest show I have seen in quite a bit.
  9. How outstanding! What a great job you did on the pic!!!!!! Glowurm has been waiting for the screen shots!
  10. I see 10,000 posts when I look at your post counter! Wheeeeeee! Hoooray! *gets out bunches of cake* *gets all the party supplies and sets up the party for both Glowurm and Mega Wolf* CONGRATULATIONS MEGA WOLF!!!!!!! 10,000 POSTS!!!!! Wheeeeeeee! Party tiiiiime! *falls asleep* What can I say? It's so almost 6 am and I haven't slept a wink all night :] And I have to go and study! Talk to you all later!
  11. Not a problem. Glad to be part of your HampsterDance History! *waits for those screenshots* Perhaps we can place the screen shots here. Your next goal is 1,314 to be the second overall poster!
  12. thanks. i had 234 calories today. i think thats cute. okay, it WAS 234 till i had to decide to have a tent party and ate madd food and drank. it was like 788 approx by the end of the night which really never fell. so i was very hungry. and i had a huge breakfast and i gained. :[ ohhh i wish i could gain... yeah, drinking makes you gain weight more than anything except vegetating like terry schaivo (I mean that in the nicest way)... So does smoking just about anything... (Not an attack, I promise) i know it does. but i like getting messed up. i know thats not an attack. but smoking makes you loose your appitite.. thats why skinny girls smoke so much. And get cancer, emphysema and all sorts of other diseases.
  13. I wish I knew how to use the Corel Painter. I would help you, but I don't like reading manuals to figure out how to do something. I am more of a push this button, nope, okay, push this button, nope, okay... As for 4 more posts... what are you waiting for!!!!!!!! Glowurm now has 100, so she waits for nothing! One thing to say: She? She doesn't know you're a he! I guess that makes sense. She did call me a she and all. By the way, just in case you don't know, Mushroom_king is a she! That I only know from her calling herself a she If I hadn't see that first, I might've accidently called MK a he No offence meant. I don't believe you have ever made this mistake.
  14. I see 10,000 posts when I look at your post counter! Wheeeeeee! Hoooray! *gets out bunches of cake* *gets all the party supplies and sets up the party for both Glowurm and Mega Wolf* CONGRATULATIONS MEGA WOLF!!!!!!! 10,000 POSTS!!!!!
  15. I wish I knew how to use the Corel Painter. I would help you, but I don't like reading manuals to figure out how to do something. I am more of a push this button, nope, okay, push this button, nope, okay... As for 4 more posts... what are you waiting for!!!!!!!! Glowurm now has 100, so she waits for nothing! One thing to say: She? She doesn't know you're a he! I guess that makes sense. She did call me a she and all. By the way, just in case you don't know, Mushroom_king is a she!
  16. PARTY! PARTY!! PARTY!!! PARTY!!!! PARTY!!!!! PARTY!!!!!! PARTY!!!!!!! ...I'm just along for the ride Not quite! 7 more posts and you might be the star of the party!!! Horatio, what night is good for you to have a posting party? Tomorrow or Sunday is good, tonight I have to go to bed early. I need to do 13 miles tomorrow morning. And I have to wake up early, I'm going to this mall, that's kinda far, really far, like 3 hours away, for the day. They have a new Armani store. I'll wake you. I am getting up at 04H00, so I will give you a call. And you are going to drive a total of 6 hours to buy clothes??????? I figured you probably were going to get another camera. LOL Well, my mom wanted to go. And there is an Apple store right next to it. =] So...maybe. The Mac Mini is about 400 to 600 and is phenomenal. Unless your mother wants to buy you a new laptop. If she does that, I will come with you! Whatever happened to this? Bleh, anyway, I got 100 posts! Whooooo! *does a jiggedy jig jig jig* I such a short time, too! I never posted so much since I happened upon these forums 5:01 am! Whooooooo! Stay here until Mega Wolf reaches 10,000! You will have participated in HampsterDance History! Mega Wolf, please make sure you screen shot the members just prior to posting so you have all the people in your history making post!!! (Notice, my name is visible!!!!!!) LOL Okay, when I'm at 9,999, I will take a screenshot. I tried to get one now, but I wanted to make doubly sure there was a pic! Then take another screen shot of yourself and the post number, so you can show you reached 10,000 and the posters. So take a picture of the 10,000 and then the posters? Will do! Whichever way works best for you!!!!!! Jesse left. What was he thinking?!?!? He needs to start clicking on New Posts to get in on the conversations! Yes, he does! 3 to go! Please post your 10,000th post here! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She's done it. Whoooohoooooo! I know. I am waiting for the screen shots! Mega Wolf just made HampsterDance History and you and I were here to witness it!!!!!!
  17. I wish I knew how to use the Corel Painter. I would help you, but I don't like reading manuals to figure out how to do something. I am more of a push this button, nope, okay, push this button, nope, okay... As for 4 more posts... what are you waiting for!!!!!!!! Glowurm now has 100, so she waits for nothing! One thing to say: She? She doesn't know you're a he!
  18. PARTY! PARTY!! PARTY!!! PARTY!!!! PARTY!!!!! PARTY!!!!!! PARTY!!!!!!! ...I'm just along for the ride Not quite! 7 more posts and you might be the star of the party!!! Horatio, what night is good for you to have a posting party? Tomorrow or Sunday is good, tonight I have to go to bed early. I need to do 13 miles tomorrow morning. And I have to wake up early, I'm going to this mall, that's kinda far, really far, like 3 hours away, for the day. They have a new Armani store. I'll wake you. I am getting up at 04H00, so I will give you a call. And you are going to drive a total of 6 hours to buy clothes??????? I figured you probably were going to get another camera. LOL Well, my mom wanted to go. And there is an Apple store right next to it. =] So...maybe. The Mac Mini is about 400 to 600 and is phenomenal. Unless your mother wants to buy you a new laptop. If she does that, I will come with you! Whatever happened to this? Bleh, anyway, I got 100 posts! Whooooo! *does a jiggedy jig jig jig* I such a short time, too! I never posted so much since I happened upon these forums 5:01 am! Whooooooo! Stay here until Mega Wolf reaches 10,000! You will have participated in HampsterDance History! Mega Wolf, please make sure you screen shot the members just prior to posting so you have all the people in your history making post!!! (Notice, my name is visible!!!!!!) LOL Okay, when I'm at 9,999, I will take a screenshot. I tried to get one now, but I wanted to make doubly sure there was a pic! Then take another screen shot of yourself and the post number, so you can show you reached 10,000 and the posters. So take a picture of the 10,000 and then the posters? Will do! Whichever way works best for you!!!!!! Jesse left. What was he thinking?!?!? He needs to start clicking on New Posts to get in on the conversations! Yes, he does! 3 to go! Please post your 10,000th post here! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. I wish I knew how to use the Corel Painter. I would help you, but I don't like reading manuals to figure out how to do something. I am more of a push this button, nope, okay, push this button, nope, okay... As for 4 more posts... what are you waiting for!!!!!!!! Glowurm now has 100, so she waits for nothing! Glowurm is waiting for the party!
  20. PARTY! PARTY!! PARTY!!! PARTY!!!! PARTY!!!!! PARTY!!!!!! PARTY!!!!!!! ...I'm just along for the ride Not quite! 7 more posts and you might be the star of the party!!! Horatio, what night is good for you to have a posting party? Tomorrow or Sunday is good, tonight I have to go to bed early. I need to do 13 miles tomorrow morning. And I have to wake up early, I'm going to this mall, that's kinda far, really far, like 3 hours away, for the day. They have a new Armani store. =D I'll wake you. I am getting up at 04H00, so I will give you a call. And you are going to drive a total of 6 hours to buy clothes??????? I figured you probably were going to get another camera. LOL Well, my mom wanted to go. And there is an Apple store right next to it. =] So...maybe. The Mac Mini is about 400 to 600 and is phenomenal. Unless your mother wants to buy you a new laptop. If she does that, I will come with you! Whatever happened to this? Bleh, anyway, I got 100 posts! Whooooo! *does a jiggedy jig jig jig* I such a short time, too! I never posted so much since I happened upon these forums 5:01 am! Whooooooo! Stay here until Mega Wolf reaches 10,000! You will have participated in HampsterDance History! Mega Wolf, please make sure you screen shot the members just prior to posting so you have all the people in your history making post!!! (Notice, my name is visible!!!!!!) Okay, when I'm at 9,999, I will take a screenshot. I tried to get one now, but I wanted to make doubly sure there was a pic! Then take another screen shot of yourself and the post number, so you can show you reached 10,000 and the posters. So take a picture of the 10,000 and then the posters? Will do! Whichever way works best for you!!!!!! Jesse left. What was he thinking?!?!? He needs to start clicking on New Posts to get in on the conversations! Yes, he does! 3 to go! Please post your 10,000th post here! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PARTY! PARTY!! PARTY!!! PARTY!!!! PARTY!!!!! PARTY!!!!!! PARTY!!!!!!! ...I'm just along for the ride Not quite! 7 more posts and you might be the star of the party!!! Horatio, what night is good for you to have a posting party? Tomorrow or Sunday is good, tonight I have to go to bed early. I need to do 13 miles tomorrow morning. And I have to wake up early, I'm going to this mall, that's kinda far, really far, like 3 hours away, for the day. They have a new Armani store. =D I'll wake you. I am getting up at 04H00, so I will give you a call. And you are going to drive a total of 6 hours to buy clothes??????? I figured you probably were going to get another camera. LOL Well, my mom wanted to go. And there is an Apple store right next to it. =] So...maybe. The Mac Mini is about 400 to 600 and is phenomenal. Unless your mother wants to buy you a new laptop. If she does that, I will come with you! Whatever happened to this? Bleh, anyway, I got 100 posts! Whooooo! *does a jiggedy jig jig jig* I such a short time, too! I never posted so much since I happened upon these forums 5:01 am! Whooooooo! Stay here until Mega Wolf reaches 10,000! You will have participated in HampsterDance History! Mega Wolf, please make sure you screen shot the members just prior to posting so you have all the people in your history making post!!! (Notice, my name is visible!!!!!!) Okay, when I'm at 9,999, I will take a screenshot. I tried to get one now, but I wanted to make doubly sure there was a pic! Then take another screen shot of yourself and the post number, so you can show you reached 10,000 and the posters. So take a picture of the 10,000 and then the posters? Will do! Whichever way works best for you!!!!!! Jesse left. What was he thinking?!?!? He needs to start clicking on New Posts to get in on the conversations! I'm even a bit behind because I'm posting that sub-plot of the carpark getting to. It's verry odd. No rush, I am staying here just to keep up with Mega Wolf! LOL
  21. First, please do not get mad at yourself. You are young, smart and pretty. There is no need for you to worry about having a long lasting relationship with a guy you are dating. At this point, you have not met the person who is interesting and stimulating enough to keep your attention. When you meet this special guy, you will not be bored after one month. For now, do what feels best for you. If you no longer wish to date him, don't. I would not try and make him bored with you as sometimes these plans backfire. Instead, I would let him down easy and move on with your life. Yeah, plotting doesn't work too well. Especially when it comes to plotting to make guys not like me. They get mad at me but still like me anyways, it really creepy and annoying. But I'm not going to dump him right away seeing as he was just acting really sweet to me. Yeah, I have to find a good time, which hopefully is before school starts... Of course, my timing REALLY stinks anyways, so who knows what will happen. If you don't really like him, then I would not waste his time. The longer you two date, the more serious he will become and the harder it will be for you to break-up. And if you don't see my point of view, then think about if this situation was reversed. Hmm, I guess you're right. I'll get to it tomorrow. Or sometime soon. Or you may not get to it for awhile. Sometimes it is easier to put off something which you really would not want to do now. Yes, this is true. I know this well, I am guilty of procrastinating myself. LOL Hooray procrastinating! I would be president of the procrastinator's club, but we have not gotten around to holding elections* LOL LOL. Procrastinating is for awesome people like us. =D True, very true! Nobody can stop our procrastination! ...Especially yours. I was a great baby hammie, I was self-entertaining! No other hammie could have a busy day and accomplish absolutely nothing. LOL
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