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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Oh my goodness, Social Outcast is here! Welcome back!!!!!!!!!!! We have missed you!!!!!
  2. Whoooo! Bike riding! I'm not really that good at it, but I'm twice as good at it then at running, and I like it more then 3 times as much as I like running. Unless I really need to run. It's weird. It's all control of subconcious thought, if you ask me. I'm really bad at running, unless I decide that I really really need to run. Then I can beat the fastest person in my class I wish I was fast!!! I love running, but I am sooooooooooooooo S...L...O...W...! Woops. I just woke up. Yeah. 30 miles seems good. I would have suggested starting out smaller and working up, unless you have already done smaller. Yo! Sleeping Beauty! I rode for one hour and twenty-three minutes. Don't know the mileage but I had a fun time and didn't rush.
  3. Very interesting! You do a great job writing!!!
  4. I see 10,000 posts when I look at your post counter! Wheeeeeee! Hoooray! *gets out bunches of cake* *gets all the party supplies and sets up the party for both Glowurm and Mega Wolf* CONGRATULATIONS MEGA WOLF!!!!!!! 10,000 POSTS!!!!! Wheeeeeeee! Party tiiiiime! *falls asleep* What can I say? It's so almost 6 am and I haven't slept a wink all night :] Just so you could be here at that spiffy time? Of course Glowurm couldn't leave, the party was half his. He passed the one hundred mark! That is true! I am glad we finally have another member that will stay. I really hate it when people only post, like, 10 times. ugh me too. its like they say wut they think on one thing and they just leave forever. its like... why are you even here? Hehe. I know what you mean. I only ever leave forums if I forget to put them in my favourites, because if you ask me to remember an internet address, you'll be dissapointd the next day when I forget. I bookmarked this forum, and even then if I hadn't, the hamsterdance homepage has a pretty easy-to-remember url. So yeah. I slept in until 6:33 pm today. And I'm still tired. I'm not going to do that again for a loooong time. Or, at least, not until I reach 200 Sounds like you are on my schedule... a nocturnal one. Hehe, and tomorrow's the last day before I go back to school. I need to become un-noctural in a day. This'll be fun! I'll be able to say that I was awake for more then 24 hours in a row for about the 5th time in the past two weeks if I succeed! That's right, I've been up for more then 24 hours about 4 times already. That alone is 96 hours. And then there are the days when I stayed up more then 12 hours, which were all the days I didn't stay up 24 hours. 14 days in two weeks, minus 5 days, = 9 days, so 9 x 12, which = 108, so I've been up 204 hours in the past two weeks. In total there's (24 x 14 = 96 + 240 = 336) hours in 2 weeks, and 336 - 204 = 132 hours of sleep in total, which means an average of (132/14 = 9 (I rounded that to the nearest whole number)) hours of sleep per day. Hmm, that's more then the minimum amount of sleep per night. And yet I get less then minimum on most nights. I think I need to find out exactly how much more then 12, and exactly how much more then 24 I have stayed up to get an actual average amount of sleep. I'll do that next holidays. And, believe it or not, I did all that maths for fun I need something to do... Cheesemaster is a math whiz!
  5. Whoooo! Bike riding! I'm not really that good at it, but I'm twice as good at it then at running, and I like it more then 3 times as much as I like running. Unless I really need to run. It's weird. It's all control of subconcious thought, if you ask me. I'm really bad at running, unless I decide that I really really need to run. Then I can beat the fastest person in my class I wish I was fast!!! I love running, but I am sooooooooooooooo S...L...O...W...!
  6. TBFOF... get up, get on the computer and answer me please! I have decided to make it a 20 to 30 mile ride. Please let me know if you think this is okay. My plan is to ride to the beach and back. I will definitely time my ride. It is a mountain bike, so no expecting stellar race times.
  7. I do not know anything about cat nutrition, but I will call my veterinarian. He will let me know. I would guess that peppers will not hurt your cat. The basis for my guess would be, if a human can eat it, hopefully it will not harm a cat. There are certain plants that are harmful to cats, but when you think about it, humans would never eat those plants. Just a guess. I will ask the Veterinarian. Hmm. I had read somewhere that some spicy foods, such as chillies (aka peppers, I called them the latter because I'm not sure how to spell chillies) can harm your pets. So yeah. I wanted to make sure. ...We haven't seen our vet in ages. We have some really healthy animals Our veterinarian is a personal friend and someone I give flying lessons to, soooooooooooo we can call him anytime to ask questions. I need to wait for a bit, but I will definitely call him and ask. By the way, I post when I am leaving the boards for a bit in my topic in HampsterDance Talk, so I will be heading out for a 20 mile bike ride in about 45 minutes. In the meantime, I will need to get ready. So, look at the View New Posts to keep up on things.
  8. Thanks for the award *puts it in cabinet* I've gotten close to hating music completely, but being able to create it using MIDI has prevented that. Creating music is something else I really like to do. Your parents won't like to hear me say this, but if you really enjoy creating music, please do keep it as a hobby. Do not get into it as a job unless you have free artistic range and you own the company. Keep this wonderful talent as a way to feel good, relieve stress and be happy about your hobby. If you can find a way to make money at creating music, but still love doing it, then by all means follow this path. My goal is for you to have something you love doing as a way to feel good about yourself.
  9. We have to hear the subplot! Please tell us about your journey to the carpark! Sometime later... I'm half-asleep and only on because of an internet game I play Which one? Puzzle Pirates Clickomania is my favorite!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. I see 10,000 posts when I look at your post counter! Wheeeeeee! Hoooray! *gets out bunches of cake* *gets all the party supplies and sets up the party for both Glowurm and Mega Wolf* CONGRATULATIONS MEGA WOLF!!!!!!! 10,000 POSTS!!!!! Wheeeeeeee! Party tiiiiime! *falls asleep* What can I say? It's so almost 6 am and I haven't slept a wink all night :] Just so you could be here at that spiffy time? Of course Glowurm couldn't leave, the party was half his. He passed the one hundred mark! That is true! I am glad we finally have another member that will stay. I really hate it when people only post, like, 10 times. ugh me too. its like they say wut they think on one thing and they just leave forever. its like... why are you even here? Hehe. I know what you mean. I only ever leave forums if I forget to put them in my favourites, because if you ask me to remember an internet address, you'll be dissapointd the next day when I forget. I bookmarked this forum, and even then if I hadn't, the hamsterdance homepage has a pretty easy-to-remember url. So yeah. I slept in until 6:33 pm today. And I'm still tired. I'm not going to do that again for a loooong time. Or, at least, not until I reach 200 Sounds like you are on my schedule... a nocturnal one.
  11. You have a wonderful way of expressing yourself. Although the topic is very emotional, you communicate your thoughts beautifully.
  12. Great news. I just hope she sticks to this and stands up for you the next time your father gives you a hard time.
  13. Water, Water, Water!!!!!!!!! I've only hit a little over 10 miles. Coach never sends us out on more. Thank you. Water is what I drink. And my 13 miles are really, really slow. You would probably do your 10 in one tenth the time I will do mine. Nite, nite now. I want to know your time tomorrow! No time, I forgot to start my watch. Well actually, I started it, but it was not on the chronograph function, it was on the tell time function, so no time. I am very disappointed with myself. For some reason, I pooped out about two-tenths of a mile from the thirteen mile point. I wanted to stop completely, but I didn't. When I got back to my cage, I immediately had some water, hopped into the shower and then ate a protein drink with a banana. Bed looked pretty good, so I took a nap. Now I am ready for lunch. Tomorrow is the cross-training day. I plan on riding my bike. What do you think? Armani or Apple... that is the question. TBFOF... please come here. Let me know what you think. What is the question? Riding your bike or Apple or what. Two questions actually. The first is riding your bike and the second you answered earlier. It is actually the cross-training, bike ride today. I was thinking about doing 20 miles on my bike. Does this sound like enough distance or do I need to do more?
  14. Glad to hear you have a fantastic holiday!!!!!! Post pics!!!!!!!!! Please. Thanks for your movie reviews! I wanted to see the Devil Wears Prada, but hadn't heard if anyone liked it. So I do want to thank you for writing it up. I thought that said 'Devil Wears Panda' the first time I saw that In fact, a lot of stuff that has a P and an A in it I have mistook as panda lately. I'm thinking too much about pandas. Perhaps I should draw one. ...I saw cars lately, I had low expectations (not a fan of racing). I was spot on with my expectations. I didn't really like most of it. It was the 'eggo' (as Nanny Ogg calls it) of the main character. I'm not going to really get in to detail, I'm no good at reviews, without including a douzen or two spoilers. Even then... OMG DISCWORLD REFERENCE!!!!!! *ahem* I thought I was the only one on the board who reads terry pratchett! I wondered if the "mouse has out-of-cheese error" was just a coincidence. You are definitely not alone. LOL What, do you read terry pratchett? Of course! Woot! I ♥ discworld. ^.^ Mwehehe. Terry Pratchett is teh roxxorz! I especially love the stories with Nanny and Granny. And Agnes is cool too. But Magrat is just a wet hen. But I still like all the witches In other news, I'm going to see Over The Hedge tomorrow. Because I live in Australia, I get all the movies later Bah. Anyway, I might take a shot at reviewing it. Terry Pratchett is phenomenal. I love those stories!!!!!! We wil be waiting for a review. Over The Hedge is another of those movies I wanted to see.
  15. I do not know anything about cat nutrition, but I will call my veterinarian. He will let me know. I would guess that peppers will not hurt your cat. The basis for my guess would be, if a human can eat it, hopefully it will not harm a cat. There are certain plants that are harmful to cats, but when you think about it, humans would never eat those plants. Just a guess. I will ask the Veterinarian.
  16. I'm 17, by the way I have one year left in high school. He wants me to do musical transcriptions for people. And I could probably do them fine, I've done some for my dad before. But doing that makes me impatient. It's like I'm doing other people's work for them, instead of doing my own. Does that make sense? I dread ever doing a "business" with transcriptions like he proposed. You've brought up a good point that didn't cross my mind, which is that I don't fully understand why I need a job now. All I know is that my parents think it would look good on essays for college/scholarships, although I'm not sure if that's a worthwhile reason or not by itself. I'll ask my mom about it tonight. I knew you were 17. I remember when you turned 15 and then 16 and then your birthday this year. I was focused on your brother working at 15 and somehow I translated this to you. Still at 17, I don't believe you need to be working a job. Once you graduate high school, you could work a summer job before college, but it should be a job you want to do. If you want something that looks even better on a college/scholarship application, then look for something in community service. No pay, but if it is something you prefer to do, then they should not complain too loudly. (And if they do complain, then say community service looks better than a job.) There are lots of community service things you can do and if you enjoy computers, creating art and games, you can always help other younger folks learn these skills. With your father being so intent on you being involved in musical stuff, I admire you for not hating every aspect of music, except for listening to it. If my parents pushed me like that, I think I would rebel. So, I give you The Black Bat Award for being such a terrific person. You deserve this.
  17. Tomorrow is my cross training day. Do you think I should ride my mountain bike? If so, how long do you think I should ride for.
  18. There are phones that are put out by other companies with music features, what makes this different is that this iPod phone is an Apple product.
  19. Horatio


    Not only are some not-so-straight male friends, the most wonderful friend, they have better decorating sense, better fashion sense and are better cooks! *thinks about getting a cage decorator*
  20. Water, Water, Water!!!!!!!!! I've only hit a little over 10 miles. Coach never sends us out on more. Thank you. Water is what I drink. And my 13 miles are really, really slow. You would probably do your 10 in one tenth the time I will do mine. Nite, nite now. I want to know your time tomorrow! No time, I forgot to start my watch. Well actually, I started it, but it was not on the chronograph function, it was on the tell time function, so no time. I am very disappointed with myself. For some reason, I pooped out about two-tenths of a mile from the thirteen mile point. I wanted to stop completely, but I didn't. When I got back to my cage, I immediately had some water, hopped into the shower and then ate a protein drink with a banana. Bed looked pretty good, so I took a nap. Now I am ready for lunch. Tomorrow is the cross-training day. I plan on riding my bike. What do you think? Armani or Apple... that is the question. TBFOF... please come here. Let me know what you think. What is the question? Riding your bike or Apple or what. Two questions actually. The first is riding your bike and the second you answered earlier.
  21. Thanks for your encouraging words. I still feel lazy though, for not having a job. It seems like the only jobs I can get now will be ones where I do other people's work for them. I wish I could wait until after college, when I will have a degree and be more prepared. But my dad is really pushing for me to get one earlier. *sigh* The fun of becoming an adult. So what kind of job does your father want you to get????????? Your father confuses me. You are only 15 and once you get out of school, you will be working for the rest of your life. I am unable to understand the urgency of a job now. As for you being lazy... there is no way I will ever believe this. Just because you are sitting in front of the computer, does NOT mean you are lazy. You are using your mind, creating! I am so impressed with you and your abilities. I wish your father would permit you to do more in the computer and art fields. You have lots of talent and this should not be stifled. The hard part is the fact that you are living under your father's roof and have to live by his rules. Is there anyway your mother can give you a better understanding as to what your father wants you to do?
  22. The super laptops are fairly expensive. The Mini is 400 to 600, and you can use your monitor, keyboard and mouse from your previous computer, some of the other MacBooks are around 1000, but for what you are getting, it is well worth it. My G-3 Powerbook lasted 8 years and this went everywhere I went. I am waiting for the I-Pod phone! We all want one! A WHAT!!!! You heard me correctly... and I-Pod phone. We have to wait until next year. I will buy one as soon as it is in the Apple store.
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