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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. It is great to hear you won't go out with a guy just to go out. Sometimes guys see if they can "score" and there is no real interest in the girl. The guy just wants to get something all the other guys have been unable to get. Unfortunately, guys will say anything, including "I love you". The only person who gets hurt is you as you have been used. Lee, you sound really smart and I hope you continue to listen to your brain.
  2. I LOVE it!!!!! It is mandatory that I award you The Platinum Moon Award!!!!!! Thank you. No, thank you! Now I have another award *should get somewhere to put them somewhere soon* Wheee! I'm going to try to draw my first comic in a way so it doesn't stuff up and scale down HEAPS when I paste it in photoshop. I need a manual or something. But I can still post my first attempt at colouring something. It's not a bunny, or a hamster, or even me although I am in it. Here, I'm feeling happy so you can have it. Bah, unincredible. But still, I coloured it at least. I can't seem to see it, except for the little tag in the []. Does anyone else not see it? Anyway. I don't think I even a attatched it? I certainly can't find any referance to it in my recent attatchments in my control panel Well, I guess I'll try again. *pours the party drinks* Have some! There's only non-alcoholic though. Although, most of us can't legally drink alcohol anyways Enjoy! Btw, I don't have Corel. Or any other colouring/picture making things. The only things I have are, in order from what I like most to least, then followed by ones I haven't tried yet, are: Macromedia Flash 8, Macromedia Flash MX Professional, Adobe Photoshop, Macromedia Fireworks, Macromedia Freehand (not tried yet) Adobe Imageready (not tried yet) So yeah. I don't have a very good computer for drawing and colouring with. I need better stuff. But then again, these were all free (from my dad's computers). Your father has some great programs. I think you should be able to have lots of fun with these! I tried freehand! And imageready! Imageready is...Well... Bad. It only saves in formats unrecognisable by other programs and unable to be posted in these forums. And copying from imageready then trying to paste it somewhere where it can be saved in jpeg or something never works. So yeah. I won't be using that again. Freehand is... Whoot, for the sort of drawings I do! It doesn't scale down, and I can save in jpeg! And the pixels aren't as bulky ad Fireworks! It's perfect! I saved my second comic (in dire need of better paneling) by c&ping it into there. Now for the first (in dire need of a better layout) Sounds really fantastic! I can't wait to see more of your art. Bah, I got a little confused there. Imageready is bad, yes, but how I described imageready is what Freehand is like. Sorry. *bashes imageready and fireworks and freehand and photoshop all at the same time with the feather mallet horatio gave him* Flash is the best image program that I have, for my style anyway!!! And you can't even save the images as images! *sobs* Well, just so ev'ry person knows, The GIMP and GIMP shop pro don't work on either of my computers, my windows and my mac. And Jasuc(sp?) Paint Shop Pro is just too dang expensive for an imaging program similar to that of photoshop (which is free from my dad, not the two-hundred whatever dollars it costs). SO yeah. Boo to my imaging programs, but I need to live with 'em. Don't expect any comics anytime soon. Unless I draw them one panel at a time, and upload them one panel at a time, and you read them one panel at a time. And if you want my newly-created comics so badly, then, sure! I'll try it. I read the comics in the newspaper. They are one panel at a time! Please, we would love to see your comics.
  3. I spoke with the Veterinarian. Jalapeno peppers and other peppers will not kill your cat. He might have a variety of reactions from none, to one or more of the following: gas, diarrhea or vomiting. But, do not worry, it won't kill him. Good. Well, she seems to be dealing with it fine. If we find vomit around the house we blame Madeline (and not the mean kind of blame. Sort of like, ahh well it was probably maddie. Better clean it up sorta blame) because her stomach is... well... bad. She's very old for a cat. So yeah, Nico may or may not have vomited. But otherwise she's fine. Good to know, and thanks! I knew a horse who loved to eat sausage and pepper sandwiches! What happened, was one day, someone left their sandwich near his stall door and he smelled it, stuck his head out, grabbed the sandwich and gobbled it down. There was quite a bit of commotion as to what happened to the sandwich. A couple of days later, the same person had their sandwich in the same place, but this time happened to catch the horse grabbing the sandwich. Of course, with a set of teeth such as he had, you can imagine no one tried to take the sandwich out of his mouth. The Veterinarian was called to make sure the horse was not going to get sick, and he said not to worry. From then on, the person caring for this horse had to share the sausage and pepper sandwiches from then on. Hehehe. All of our cats like to eat pizza. Even vegetarian! They eat anything that moves, and if it doesn't move, they push it. *watches the anchovies come to life when they see the cats* *blinks then takes a photo* Posessed anchovies!!! LOL *notice anchovie breath as the cats pass by*
  4. Horatio


    I drink in moderation, last night I had three drinks but I was at a good friends party. When I drink I get happy and very affectionate. Once I tackle-hugged someone into a wall and jumped on someone else. Last night I chased the dog around the yard, hehe. Some people get emotional and really depressed when they drink though. Yeah so I indend on getting 3 of those piercings that I have been considering. Since I already have 3 piercings in my right ear and only one in my left I want to get another one in my lobe and tragus(sp?) in my left ear. The other piercing I want to get done is my bottom lip, I've been told by my lovely not-so-straight male friend that it would look good. He should know, hes good with that kinda stuff. I'm going to get him to do my hair. Hes the coolest friend a girl can have and I feel so comfortable around him ♥ Lee Haha. I have seven piercings in my ears right now. Next week it'll be nine, and then five weeks after that, eleven. Eventually, I'm going to have 13 ear piercings, and three body piercings. (Lip, nose, neck.) That's basically nothing compared to October's mom, who once had 30-some-odd piercings. You name a spot on her body, she had it pierced. xD Aww. October and I wish we had a guy friend that was as straight as a rainbow. But they're hard to find around here. :/ What about the scalp? Was that peirced? *is testing October's mom* Hehehe. Personally, I find people who have names of moths funny. I have a friend called april. If she's annoying me, I just remind her that she's late/early. She hates that At the moment she's 4 moths late. In some odd days she'll be 5 monthst late Dude... I mispelled months every time in that post I was going to point that out, but I didn't want to scare you away. But now you seem to be able to withstand some of my harassment, so I will be on the lookout. LOL Hehehe. *beats the typo demon* Wait, he can get awards given to you! =o *stops beating and gives the typo demon an apple pie* - Kat - has an award called The Typo Award, too bad she is away! She probably would have liked these typos.
  5. The evolution can be blamed mostly on me and a small part on the fact that we seem to be a group of friends who enjoy communicating with each other. The choice was grow, as the people here grew, or possibly lose our friendships. I hope by the choice of this topic, you approved of me approving certain posts. This seems like a really great topic for everyone. I'm glad HD has evolved. Blamed is such a negative word. I say credited. In the time that I've been here at HD, so much as changed. The people, the attitudes, the age group! I don't think the boards would still be work out if these kinds of topics weren't approved. Thank you for saying so. I hope everyone agrees and approves.
  6. *decides to eat peanut butter with squirrels* You are actually saving your dessert for later? *is shocked* No, I already ate it. LOL Figures. Just like a wolf! Of course! To me, it always made more sense to eat dessert first, this way if you became full, you had already eaten the 'good stuff'! LOL Notice I didn't say the 'healthy stuff'! LOL I am off for a run. See you all in a couple of hours. Okay, see you. GGGGGGrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! I was on my way out the door and the phone rang. So, here I am talking on the phone! GGGGGGrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Haha, or are you just PROCRASTINATING? LOL I wish I was procrastinating! This guy is talking my hammie ears off! We are talking about bamboo and I want to get some knowledge, but would have rather not hear this now. I would rather be running right now. Oh, that stinks. You could be like, "Hey, I'm gonna go on run right now, could I talk to you later?" His real job is a veterinarian and his passion is bamboo. If I interrupted him now, he might not allow me to take up his time later. He sounds really knowledgeable! He told me that I could come to his house and look at his bamboo collection and purchase some of the plants from him. Oooh, that makes a lot more sense! That sounds really cool. Well, I just got off the phone and thought about how smart it would be for me to head out the door now. Not smart, as I would not return until around 22H30 or 22H45. I hate not running when I am supposed to as this throws me totally off. Oh, yeah, totally. Like, in a way you're forced to not run or something that you are scheduled to do, and it completely ruins the schedule? Yeah, that's happened to me. I hate that. That is exactly it. Plus, I wanted to go out for a run! The thought of getting back so late made me uncomfortable and any time I feel that something is warning me, I pay attention. So ultimately, I decided to forego my run and now I feel ucky. And uckiness is bad! My plan is to get up tomorrow early, run and feel much better during the day. Good plan. Yeah! Woke up, drank two glasses of water, put on my shoes and went out the door. Started out a bit slow but actually finished with an overall faster time than the last couple weeks I have been doing this particular run. At first I was unhappy with missing yesterday, but after I finished, I did not feel quite so bad. Of course, I always feel better after my shower with a cup of fresh brewed coffee in my paw. My idea is to go out this afternoon on the bike for one hour. This way I will have made up for yesterday. How does that sound? Yay! Well, I'm kind of late, but biking sounds cool. I wanted to go swimming, but we have tadpoles in the swimming pool (yes, it IS a little green) and I do not have the heart to put any chlorine into it. ...Why don't you net out those tadpoles and put them in a different source of water? Takes time, but it's better than killing ALL the tadpoles and not being able to swim. I thought of that, but we have about 25,000 gallons of water in the pool and there are lots and lots and LOTS of tadpoles. That could be a real problem. To swim or not swim, that is the question. I figure, tadpoles grow into frogs in about 12 weeks, so, I can wait until then. I am unable to kill all those cute little tadpoles.
  7. Actually, I find it pretty entertaining. Why do you keep him on your list? I kept it there to see how often he was online, expecting to see me on. And allowing incoming IMs so I could watch him wallow in dispair and such that he doesnt have anyone to do all his work for him anymore. But after he didnt sign on for a long time, i forgot he was there. LOL... I love your sense of humor.
  8. The evolution can be blamed mostly on me and a small part on the fact that we seem to be a group of friends who enjoy communicating with each other. The choice was grow, as the people here grew, or possibly lose our friendships. I hope by the choice of this topic, you approved of me approving certain posts. This seems like a really great topic for everyone.
  9. *decides to eat peanut butter with squirrels* You are actually saving your dessert for later? *is shocked* No, I already ate it. Figures. Just like a wolf! Of course! To me, it always made more sense to eat dessert first, this way if you became full, you had already eaten the 'good stuff'! LOL Notice I didn't say the 'healthy stuff'! LOL I am off for a run. See you all in a couple of hours. Okay, see you. GGGGGGrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! I was on my way out the door and the phone rang. So, here I am talking on the phone! GGGGGGrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Haha, or are you just PROCRASTINATING? I wish I was procrastinating! This guy is talking my hammie ears off! We are talking about bamboo and I want to get some knowledge, but would have rather not hear this now. I would rather be running right now. Oh, that stinks. You could be like, "Hey, I'm gonna go on run right now, could I talk to you later?" His real job is a veterinarian and his passion is bamboo. If I interrupted him now, he might not allow me to take up his time later. He sounds really knowledgeable! He told me that I could come to his house and look at his bamboo collection and purchase some of the plants from him. Oooh, that makes a lot more sense! That sounds really cool. Well, I just got off the phone and thought about how smart it would be for me to head out the door now. Not smart, as I would not return until around 22H30 or 22H45. I hate not running when I am supposed to as this throws me totally off. Oh, yeah, totally. Like, in a way you're forced to not run or something that you are scheduled to do, and it completely ruins the schedule? Yeah, that's happened to me. I hate that. That is exactly it. Plus, I wanted to go out for a run! The thought of getting back so late made me uncomfortable and any time I feel that something is warning me, I pay attention. So ultimately, I decided to forego my run and now I feel ucky. And uckiness is bad! My plan is to get up tomorrow early, run and feel much better during the day. Good plan. Yeah! Woke up, drank two glasses of water, put on my shoes and went out the door. Started out a bit slow but actually finished with an overall faster time than the last couple weeks I have been doing this particular run. At first I was unhappy with missing yesterday, but after I finished, I did not feel quite so bad. Of course, I always feel better after my shower with a cup of fresh brewed coffee in my paw. My idea is to go out this afternoon on the bike for one hour. This way I will have made up for yesterday. How does that sound? Yay! Well, I'm kind of late, but biking sounds cool. I wanted to go swimming, but we have tadpoles in the swimming pool (yes, it IS a little green) and I do not have the heart to put any chlorine into it. ...Why don't you net out those tadpoles and put them in a different source of water? Takes time, but it's better than killing ALL the tadpoles and not being able to swim. I thought of that, but we have about 25,000 gallons of water in the pool and there are lots and lots and LOTS of tadpoles.
  10. Horatio

    Insta Talk

    The sugar coated version is: life is good, the sun is shining and I just finished eating some chocolate and having a cup of coffee. The plain vanilla version is: I am spinning my wheels, not accomplishing anything and can't get people to do what they say they will do. I have a swimming pool filled with tadpoles and frogs, it is a very beautiful green and the yard outside my cage is overgrown with a zillion mosquitos. Need a summer job?
  11. Horatio

    Insta Talk

    You want the sugar coated version or the plain vanilla version?
  12. That falls under the category of completely hilarious. I love Arkcher's sense of humor!
  13. *decides to eat peanut butter with squirrels* You are actually saving your dessert for later? *is shocked* No, I already ate it. Figures. Just like a wolf! Of course! To me, it always made more sense to eat dessert first, this way if you became full, you had already eaten the 'good stuff'! LOL Notice I didn't say the 'healthy stuff'! LOL I am off for a run. See you all in a couple of hours. Okay, see you. GGGGGGrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! I was on my way out the door and the phone rang. So, here I am talking on the phone! GGGGGGrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Haha, or are you just PROCRASTINATING? I wish I was procrastinating! This guy is talking my hammie ears off! We are talking about bamboo and I want to get some knowledge, but would have rather not hear this now. I would rather be running right now. Oh, that stinks. You could be like, "Hey, I'm gonna go on run right now, could I talk to you later?" His real job is a veterinarian and his passion is bamboo. If I interrupted him now, he might not allow me to take up his time later. He sounds really knowledgeable! He told me that I could come to his house and look at his bamboo collection and purchase some of the plants from him. Oooh, that makes a lot more sense! That sounds really cool. Well, I just got off the phone and thought about how smart it would be for me to head out the door now. Not smart, as I would not return until around 22H30 or 22H45. I hate not running when I am supposed to as this throws me totally off. Oh, yeah, totally. Like, in a way you're forced to not run or something that you are scheduled to do, and it completely ruins the schedule? Yeah, that's happened to me. I hate that. That is exactly it. Plus, I wanted to go out for a run! The thought of getting back so late made me uncomfortable and any time I feel that something is warning me, I pay attention. So ultimately, I decided to forego my run and now I feel ucky. And uckiness is bad! My plan is to get up tomorrow early, run and feel much better during the day. Good plan. Yeah! Woke up, drank two glasses of water, put on my shoes and went out the door. Started out a bit slow but actually finished with an overall faster time than the last couple weeks I have been doing this particular run. At first I was unhappy with missing yesterday, but after I finished, I did not feel quite so bad. Of course, I always feel better after my shower with a cup of fresh brewed coffee in my paw. My idea is to go out this afternoon on the bike for one hour. This way I will have made up for yesterday. How does that sound? Yay! Well, I'm kind of late, but biking sounds cool. I wanted to go swimming, but we have tadpoles in the swimming pool (yes, it IS a little green) and I do not have the heart to put any chlorine into it.
  14. well, trying to understand it is what got me looking at that portion of interenet to begin with. I think the the only way you can understand it is if you are one. I'm just taking it one day at a time. To anyone else who caught that, feel free to make your own comments. Hopefully I havn't made you reexamine your own life too much. just remember. as long as you remain true to yourself. and accept that not everyone shares your intrests. it really doesn't matter what you like. I have some very dear friends who share your interests, so I understand completely. It is my view to accept people for who they are. When I learn the personal interests of a friend, I only feel better that they felt comfortable with me enough to share this. In my world, I do not see color, sexual preference, religious preference or anything else. I see a wonderful human who I am fortunate enough to have as my friend. Lexxscrapham, you are someone who I feel to be a friend, and I care about you. You always know where to find me and if you ever need anything, here is my email address: pmajr@earthlink.net. My email isn't going to change, so keep this and if you ever need someone to listen, I am here. My cage door is always open.
  15. Actually, I find it pretty entertaining. Why do you keep him on your list?
  16. I LOVE it!!!!! It is mandatory that I award you The Platinum Moon Award!!!!!! Thank you. No, thank you! Now I have another award *should get somewhere to put them somewhere soon* Wheee! I'm going to try to draw my first comic in a way so it doesn't stuff up and scale down HEAPS when I paste it in photoshop. I need a manual or something. But I can still post my first attempt at colouring something. It's not a bunny, or a hamster, or even me although I am in it. Here, I'm feeling happy so you can have it. Bah, unincredible. But still, I coloured it at least. I can't seem to see it, except for the little tag in the []. Does anyone else not see it? Anyway. I don't think I even a attatched it? I certainly can't find any referance to it in my recent attatchments in my control panel Well, I guess I'll try again. *pours the party drinks* Have some! There's only non-alcoholic though. Although, most of us can't legally drink alcohol anyways Enjoy! Btw, I don't have Corel. Or any other colouring/picture making things. The only things I have are, in order from what I like most to least, then followed by ones I haven't tried yet, are: Macromedia Flash 8, Macromedia Flash MX Professional, Adobe Photoshop, Macromedia Fireworks, Macromedia Freehand (not tried yet) Adobe Imageready (not tried yet) So yeah. I don't have a very good computer for drawing and colouring with. I need better stuff. But then again, these were all free (from my dad's computers). Your father has some great programs. I think you should be able to have lots of fun with these! I tried freehand! And imageready! Imageready is...Well... Bad. It only saves in formats unrecognisable by other programs and unable to be posted in these forums. And copying from imageready then trying to paste it somewhere where it can be saved in jpeg or something never works. So yeah. I won't be using that again. Freehand is... Whoot, for the sort of drawings I do! It doesn't scale down, and I can save in jpeg! And the pixels aren't as bulky ad Fireworks! It's perfect! I saved my second comic (in dire need of better paneling) by c&ping it into there. Now for the first (in dire need of a better layout) Sounds really fantastic! I can't wait to see more of your art.
  17. I spoke with the Veterinarian. Jalapeno peppers and other peppers will not kill your cat. He might have a variety of reactions from none, to one or more of the following: gas, diarrhea or vomiting. But, do not worry, it won't kill him. Good. Well, she seems to be dealing with it fine. If we find vomit around the house we blame Madeline (and not the mean kind of blame. Sort of like, ahh well it was probably maddie. Better clean it up sorta blame) because her stomach is... well... bad. She's very old for a cat. So yeah, Nico may or may not have vomited. But otherwise she's fine. Good to know, and thanks! I knew a horse who loved to eat sausage and pepper sandwiches! What happened, was one day, someone left their sandwich near his stall door and he smelled it, stuck his head out, grabbed the sandwich and gobbled it down. There was quite a bit of commotion as to what happened to the sandwich. A couple of days later, the same person had their sandwich in the same place, but this time happened to catch the horse grabbing the sandwich. Of course, with a set of teeth such as he had, you can imagine no one tried to take the sandwich out of his mouth. The Veterinarian was called to make sure the horse was not going to get sick, and he said not to worry. From then on, the person caring for this horse had to share the sausage and pepper sandwiches from then on. Hehehe. All of our cats like to eat pizza. Even vegetarian! They eat anything that moves, and if it doesn't move, they push it. *watches the anchovies come to life when they see the cats*
  18. Horatio


    I drink in moderation, last night I had three drinks but I was at a good friends party. When I drink I get happy and very affectionate. Once I tackle-hugged someone into a wall and jumped on someone else. Last night I chased the dog around the yard, hehe. Some people get emotional and really depressed when they drink though. Yeah so I indend on getting 3 of those piercings that I have been considering. Since I already have 3 piercings in my right ear and only one in my left I want to get another one in my lobe and tragus(sp?) in my left ear. The other piercing I want to get done is my bottom lip, I've been told by my lovely not-so-straight male friend that it would look good. He should know, hes good with that kinda stuff. I'm going to get him to do my hair. Hes the coolest friend a girl can have and I feel so comfortable around him ♥ Lee Haha. I have seven piercings in my ears right now. Next week it'll be nine, and then five weeks after that, eleven. Eventually, I'm going to have 13 ear piercings, and three body piercings. (Lip, nose, neck.) That's basically nothing compared to October's mom, who once had 30-some-odd piercings. You name a spot on her body, she had it pierced. xD Aww. October and I wish we had a guy friend that was as straight as a rainbow. But they're hard to find around here. :/ What about the scalp? Was that peirced? *is testing October's mom* Hehehe. Personally, I find people who have names of moths funny. I have a friend called april. If she's annoying me, I just remind her that she's late/early. She hates that At the moment she's 4 moths late. In some odd days she'll be 5 monthst late Dude... I mispelled months every time in that post I was going to point that out, but I didn't want to scare you away. But now you seem to be able to withstand some of my harassment, so I will be on the lookout.
  19. I LOVE it!!!!! It is mandatory that I award you The Platinum Moon Award!!!!!! Thank you. No, thank you! Now I have another award *should get somewhere to put them somewhere soon* Wheee! I'm going to try to draw my first comic in a way so it doesn't stuff up and scale down HEAPS when I paste it in photoshop. I need a manual or something. But I can still post my first attempt at colouring something. It's not a bunny, or a hamster, or even me although I am in it. Here, I'm feeling happy so you can have it. Bah, unincredible. But still, I coloured it at least. I can't seem to see it, except for the little tag in the []. Does anyone else not see it? Anyway. I don't think I even a attatched it? I certainly can't find any referance to it in my recent attatchments in my control panel Well, I guess I'll try again. *pours the party drinks* Have some! There's only non-alcoholic though. Although, most of us can't legally drink alcohol anyways Enjoy! Btw, I don't have Corel. Or any other colouring/picture making things. The only things I have are, in order from what I like most to least, then followed by ones I haven't tried yet, are: Macromedia Flash 8, Macromedia Flash MX Professional, Adobe Photoshop, Macromedia Fireworks, Macromedia Freehand (not tried yet) Adobe Imageready (not tried yet) So yeah. I don't have a very good computer for drawing and colouring with. I need better stuff. But then again, these were all free (from my dad's computers). Your father has some great programs. I think you should be able to have lots of fun with these!
  20. Glad to hear you have a fantastic holiday!!!!!! Post pics!!!!!!!!! Please. Thanks for your movie reviews! I wanted to see the Devil Wears Prada, but hadn't heard if anyone liked it. So I do want to thank you for writing it up. I thought that said 'Devil Wears Panda' the first time I saw that In fact, a lot of stuff that has a P and an A in it I have mistook as panda lately. I'm thinking too much about pandas. Perhaps I should draw one. ...I saw cars lately, I had low expectations (not a fan of racing). I was spot on with my expectations. I didn't really like most of it. It was the 'eggo' (as Nanny Ogg calls it) of the main character. I'm not going to really get in to detail, I'm no good at reviews, without including a douzen or two spoilers. Even then... OMG DISCWORLD REFERENCE!!!!!! *ahem* I thought I was the only one on the board who reads terry pratchett! I wondered if the "mouse has out-of-cheese error" was just a coincidence. You are definitely not alone. LOL What, do you read terry pratchett? Of course! Woot! I ♥ discworld. ^.^ Mwehehe. Terry Pratchett is teh roxxorz! I especially love the stories with Nanny and Granny. And Agnes is cool too. But Magrat is just a wet hen. But I still like all the witches In other news, I'm going to see Over The Hedge tomorrow. Because I live in Australia, I get all the movies later Bah. Anyway, I might take a shot at reviewing it. Terry Pratchett is phenomenal. I love those stories!!!!!! We wil be waiting for a review. Over The Hedge is another of those movies I wanted to see. Name of movie: Ovet The Hedge Famous peoplez that I know of in movie: Avril Lavigne. Or however the heck you spell her last name. Genre: Comedy/family One word to describe movie: Whoooooooooooooooooooo(etc.)t! Plot: RJ is outta food. So, where does he get food now? This possum decides to steal... From a bear. After sucessfully taking the food, he spots some more food in the bear's paws. He replaces it with an empty cup. Starved, he opens it. The bear wakes up. Afer a bit of dialogue, RJ is about to leave quietly when he accidently bumpd the food out of the cave. Whoops. He has to get it all back, by the full moon when the bear eats hum. Opinion: Really, I am thinking that of which I mention earlier in the post. So your hamster rating on a scale of one (worst) to five (best) would be............................. ? I accidently clicked post instead of preview again on that one. I give it 5 hamsters! I like how it has more indirect jokes as well, like with most of the Dreamworks/Pixar stuff. Now I really want to see it. Thank you!
  21. I spoke with the Veterinarian. Jalapeno peppers and other peppers will not kill your cat. He might have a variety of reactions from none, to one or more of the following: gas, diarrhea or vomiting. But, do not worry, it won't kill him. Good. Well, she seems to be dealing with it fine. If we find vomit around the house we blame Madeline (and not the mean kind of blame. Sort of like, ahh well it was probably maddie. Better clean it up sorta blame) because her stomach is... well... bad. She's very old for a cat. So yeah, Nico may or may not have vomited. But otherwise she's fine. Good to know, and thanks! I knew a horse who loved to eat sausage and pepper sandwiches! What happened, was one day, someone left their sandwich near his stall door and he smelled it, stuck his head out, grabbed the sandwich and gobbled it down. There was quite a bit of commotion as to what happened to the sandwich. A couple of days later, the same person had their sandwich in the same place, but this time happened to catch the horse grabbing the sandwich. Of course, with a set of teeth such as he had, you can imagine no one tried to take the sandwich out of his mouth. The Veterinarian was called to make sure the horse was not going to get sick, and he said not to worry. From then on, the person caring for this horse had to share the sausage and pepper sandwiches from then on.
  22. Horatio


    Pin cousins... would this be like straight pins being cousins to safety pins? LOL Sorry, I just couldn't resist.
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