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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Horatio

    My place. :)

    You will have to find a way to get on the 'good' side of this rotten guy. He sounds miserable. If there was some way you could let him know you 'love' being in the grocery department, he would probably move you out. Pick another department that you really like and subtly suggest that you hate that department and say thank you so much for putting you in the grocery department as you have realized this is your favorite department. All of this must be sort of subtle. Meaning you can mention it once or twice, but when you see him coming smile, as hard as that may be. It will undermine his thinking and he just might move you out of the grocery department. If and when you are placed in another department, then frown whenever he comes by and tell him you hate it there. Is there any way you can talk to a different manager or is this guy your immediate supervisor? I don't know how you work with him. You are amazing to keep putting up with this. I know you have to for survival, but it is really sad that a manager such as this is in such a position. You will do great in your interview, you have to. You definitely get out from under this manager.
  2. Yes!!! Those pictures of the pet store were amazing! Thank you for posting them. And... no double post. Sometimes I give the hamsters three days, so you play it by ear. See how you think she is doing. Just increase the handling a little, then a little more. You are going to be so happy with Sasha. It will be outstanding to see close up pictures of her. My policy is to never disturb the hamster when they are in their house. I treat that like sacred ground. They will come out and I can give you suggestions as to when should occur. Talk to her as much as you want so she knows your voice. That helps immensely. Thank you for the pictures and we look forward to more.
  3. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Oh my goodness!!!! I am so excited for you!!! Good luck on your interview. You will be great! Hopefully the charter school will be what you are looking for and they will like you equally as well as you like the school. This is simply wonderful news. We will keep you in our thoughts, hearts and prayers for good fortune to be on your side. If you like it, then we hope you get it. Save time... get Verizon to load your data. You would not want to miss anyone and lose their numbers. As for the dental plan, that stinks. One year. Hopefully you will be able to use your dental benefits before you upgrade positions. WOW I am so very excited for you!!! Good luck!!
  4. I think you should get some of your friends to take pictures of you at work on your first solo job if it is in a restaurant again. That would be terrific to see. You could always place the carcasses of the popped balloons in a little pile by your feet.
  5. Horatio


    It would be quite hilarious and really fun to look back on. I had a powerbook (mac) from seven years ago. Not being the most gentle caretaker of the laptop, I broke the lid and the screen would not illuminate. My plan was to eventually get the hard drive information retrieved, but I always had some excuse. Well, when I had the work done of this Mac, I asked them to retrieve the data from the old laptop and put it in a file on this one. It is hilarious as I had many, many HampsterDance pictures and artwork. Really terrific to look back.
  6. Don't have any idea where that came from. Was there anyone on the boards who played tuba?
  7. Unfortunately. Haley was used. But, Hale... that's a great name. I will have to keep that in my hammie name list, especially because it is one syllable. Thank you! For other news... I had my six month simulator checkride today. Passed. Although I studied, I felt like I was more rusty than I should be. Next simulator checkride is in six months. Wednesday morning I have an airplane line check. Just the thought of it makes me tired already.
  8. Being a hamster without another hamster friend is pretty lonely. Today I brought home a cute little blonde and white gorgeous hammie to share my humble abode. It was really tough as there was an adorable grey with a terrific personality, but the blonde and white, was pretty vocal and that reminded me of Huette. Soooooo, I am now thinking of an 'H' name that has not been used before, and I have gone through a whole lot of 'H' names. This one will be tough. Pictures to follow in a couple days after she settles into her new home.
  9. That is outstanding!!!!! I wish I could have been there to see you! That would have been superb!!!!! Overall, I give you a lot of credit for being there and accomplishing what you did. I could never have done that. In you shoes, I would have probably popped all the balloons, and the puppy would have really pooped before he popped. You did great!!! It will be terrific to hear about your first solo job.
  10. Horatio


    I'm really happy you were the backbone of the boards Mega Wolf. Thank you!!!
  11. That is what I thought but for some odd reason, I thought you were going to add the tuba. Where I came up with that, I will never know, but this sticking in the back of my mind.
  12. Soooo... how did it go? Any balloon requests that you made more than you wanted? Tell us... what do you think about it?
  13. Interesting how those little tidbits appear. By the way... I was trying to remember what kind of wind instrument you played. Please remind me again.
  14. What will you be doing at your new job? Good luck today. I hope it is all you want it to be!!!
  15. Horatio


    And we are hoping you do!!!
  16. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Terrific news!!! Insurance is a big plus. Hope that shoulder turns out to be nothing. Good idea to use the insurance for all your needs. Your insurance should also have a dental plan. I would check on this and take advantage of it. If you don't need any work, then a check-up and cleaning is a good place to start. Most insurance has at least two cleanings per year covered. Also, look into the vision coverage. You should be able to get a yearly check-up and at least one pair of glasses. Take advantage of these if you have the extra cash, because when you leave you will not have insurance again for a specified period.
  17. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Insurance is really important. Most companies will not send you an insurance card unless you are covered and able to use it immediately, so I am thinking positively about this. Good luck on the interview Friday. Camp would be a nice change. What would happen with Walmart?
  18. Hope all is well with you. What a pleasant surprise to see your post!!! Not much to report... an encounter with my garbage can, and I lost. Ummmm, my laptop had a visit to the computer doctor for my memory and some additional speed. Finally home today. What a relief! Have the iPad2 which is awesome, but now I have to carry one more electronic device. Other than that... life is good.
  19. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Sounds like your relationship with Shane is the best thing that ever happened to the two of you. This is wonderful!!! Good luck on your interview, I certainly hope that you get the sub job. At least you would be in your field if you got the teaching job and Walmart would be a thing of the past. I have been asking my friends who are teachers in your area, and they say no openings yet. They are still looking for any teaching position opening for me to pass on to you. You have my admiration... I would go crazy if I had to work at Walmart. You will be out of there soon. Take care of that shoulder... the work in the grocery aisle will only aggravate the problem. I hope that you are in a different department until your shoulder heals. The summer without air conditioning should not be too bad, only a few days of torture when it comes to high heat and humidity, but perhaps you will make it through the summer. Glad to see you again.
  20. Hopefully enjoying your birthday!!!
  21. Horatio


    *falls over in shock* Hi!
  22. Gosh, this sounds familiar. (For anyone who didn't know, this sounds almost exactly like how things ended with Phil.) MK, going through a breakup like that isn't easy. As things were ending with me and Phil, it threw me into an awful depression. My best advice is to spend time with other people, and distance yourself as much as possible. It sounds like your guy is very confused right now, torn between his mom and whatever feelings he may have towards you. It might be best to agree to take a break, rather than a breakup, so that he can sort out his feelings, and focus on his work as per his mom's request. From there, you can see whether you want to continue the relationship, or part ways. As for the cutting, try going for a walk or a jog instead, or watching a funny movie. As you may or may not know, cutting releases endorphins, and there are other, much healthier ways to do that. Try some of the other ways. As we all know, after Phil, Jesusfreak met an even better guy, the man of her dreams!
  23. Or just work at FedEx. Where do you think the phrase "absolutely, positively overnight" came from. Not from those people who slept when it was dark. You would fit right in.
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