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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. I think people are watching, but afraid to do anything. The nuclear program has caught the attention of many people, but I think no one is quite sure what to do. Don't forget North Korea.
  2. The menu is wonderful! I am getting really hungry! Do you deliver?
  3. Time to study, then go running. See you all later... alligator!
  4. By alligators or mosquitos? skeets. we don't have that bad a gator problem in my neck of the woods. The only people who have alli-gator problems are those idiots who decide feeding an alligator is fun and when the critter starts knocking on the back door, they get scared and put the dog out or their child. Then the alligator thinks, dinner and next thing he knows, animal control has just sent him to heaven. Then all the people go "Bad Alligator, he attacked", when they should have taken the alligator somewhere out into the middle of the everglades, alive, and locked the humans up for feeding the poor critter in the first place.
  5. Basal Metabolic Rate. The number of calories you burned if you stayed in bed all day. oh. I wonder what mine is? probably much higher than 1503.35... probably something like 2000 something, knowing how active I am. Hamsters are somewhere along the bottom of the scale.
  6. Basal Metabolic Rate. The number of calories you burned if you stayed in bed all day.
  7. thanks. i could barely write this i was sobbing all over the place. idk why. but im happy now :]] ha and i spelled my name wrong. wonderful. I can fix that. I thought you had a nickname or yourself.
  8. If the sun comes out, I will take a picture. LOL I can't wait to see. Maybe, maybe not!
  9. *wonders exactly what part of the body the buty would be*
  10. *~*The Grand Illusion*~* Thanks. You deserve a White Uni Ribbon for this, that is great. I get sad and Depressed a lot, sometimes I just don't know why. *~*The Psycedelic Luau*~* Thanks. I have a few borderline personalities, and I think that's why I sometimes get randomly depressed. It's just that I know most of them. In fact, most of my moods have a totally different personality to them. Anyways, thanks! Just as long as you don't have to feed them all. That could get pretty expensive. LOL Hehe. At least they're all in one body. That would hurt, feeding them all. Or if they all wanted to jog 10 miles per day and they didn't count what the other personality did. LOL Hehe. I can just imagine a bunch of personalities having a fight: Anger: Hey, depression only did 1 mile! He has to do another mile! The jerk was trying to CHEAT us if you ask me! Calm: Anger, calm down. You have enough energy to do another 2 miles if you ask me. Geez. Depression: No, it was my fault *sobs* I deserve to do a billion more miles... I'm the jerk here! Joyous: Cheer up, depression! You don't need to do a billion! Be happy It's only 1 mile. In fact, I'll do that mile for you. In fact, I'll do even more then a mile so everyone can be happy! Lax: Okay, weirdo. But you've already done 4 miles - 2 for me as well as your own. Are you entirely sure you want to do even more? LOL... great conversation. This has made my day! When I go jogging later, I will think about this.
  11. Your poems touch my soul and tug on my heart.
  12. I LOVE it!!!!! It is mandatory that I award you The Platinum Moon Award!!!!!! Thank you. No, thank you! Now I have another award *should get somewhere to put them somewhere soon* Wheee! I'm going to try to draw my first comic in a way so it doesn't stuff up and scale down HEAPS when I paste it in photoshop. I need a manual or something. But I can still post my first attempt at colouring something. It's not a bunny, or a hamster, or even me although I am in it. Here, I'm feeling happy so you can have it. Bah, unincredible. But still, I coloured it at least. I can't seem to see it, except for the little tag in the []. Does anyone else not see it? Anyway. I don't think I even a attatched it? I certainly can't find any referance to it in my recent attatchments in my control panel Well, I guess I'll try again. *pours the party drinks* Have some! There's only non-alcoholic though. Although, most of us can't legally drink alcohol anyways Enjoy! Btw, I don't have Corel. Or any other colouring/picture making things. The only things I have are, in order from what I like most to least, then followed by ones I haven't tried yet, are: Macromedia Flash 8, Macromedia Flash MX Professional, Adobe Photoshop, Macromedia Fireworks, Macromedia Freehand (not tried yet) Adobe Imageready (not tried yet) So yeah. I don't have a very good computer for drawing and colouring with. I need better stuff. But then again, these were all free (from my dad's computers). Your father has some great programs. I think you should be able to have lots of fun with these! I tried freehand! And imageready! Imageready is...Well... Bad. It only saves in formats unrecognisable by other programs and unable to be posted in these forums. And copying from imageready then trying to paste it somewhere where it can be saved in jpeg or something never works. So yeah. I won't be using that again. Freehand is... Whoot, for the sort of drawings I do! It doesn't scale down, and I can save in jpeg! And the pixels aren't as bulky ad Fireworks! It's perfect! I saved my second comic (in dire need of better paneling) by c&ping it into there. Now for the first (in dire need of a better layout) Sounds really fantastic! I can't wait to see more of your art. Bah, I got a little confused there. Imageready is bad, yes, but how I described imageready is what Freehand is like. Sorry. *bashes imageready and fireworks and freehand and photoshop all at the same time with the feather mallet horatio gave him* Flash is the best image program that I have, for my style anyway!!! And you can't even save the images as images! *sobs* Well, just so ev'ry person knows, The GIMP and GIMP shop pro don't work on either of my computers, my windows and my mac. And Jasuc(sp?) Paint Shop Pro is just too dang expensive for an imaging program similar to that of photoshop (which is free from my dad, not the two-hundred whatever dollars it costs). SO yeah. Boo to my imaging programs, but I need to live with 'em. Don't expect any comics anytime soon. Unless I draw them one panel at a time, and upload them one panel at a time, and you read them one panel at a time. And if you want my newly-created comics so badly, then, sure! I'll try it. I read the comics in the newspaper. They are one panel at a time! Please, we would love to see your comics. Yeah, I mean like panel 1, then (in a seperate attatchment) panel 2 etc. I just can't find a way for it to not scale down. More questions I don't have answers for. *tries to find an internet tutorial* Anyway, I'll start redrawing my first comic tomorrow after school so I can do that. Arkcher or Cheesemaster may be able to help in this area. I would am a "hey push this, click on that" type hamster and this only makes the matters worse. LOL No comment on the grammer of the second sentance. Cool. If Arkcher and Cheese could help me with photoshop, or imageready, or any other of the programs I listed, so that my comics don't scale down AND are savable in jpegs, that would be highly appreciated (bah, and there goes my grammer). In fact, I might even draw an award. But I can only post it in a topic (this one, I'd probably choose) as I can't use the pm feature. I figure this is just 'cause of my age. Well, my 13th birthday is coming in a few months. *pokes november* get here sooner! You mean 'I would am a' is not grammatically correct? LOL LOL And a couple of info notes for you... see above in red. Hee, Hee, Hee By the way, no one can use the PM feature, not even me. Well, HampsterKing probably can. Are you a Scorpio? I know I spelled sentence wrong, but my spelling checker likes grammer. *shrugs* I don't know if that's one of the words spelled differently in aus or not. I am a sagi. *does incredibly accurate stuffz with a makeshift arrow and bow* What happens sometimes, is my brain is moving along at a relatively slow speed and I am typing, then my brain really doesn't like how something sounds, so I try and change that thought, but my fingers are not keeping up with my brain and I come out with some very strange sounding lines of words that are not even sentences. This is why I am so good at run-on sentences. LOL Grammer just might be an Aussie word. Too bad... I thought we might be able to have a birthday celebration together. Grammer is a word not found in my dictionary, so it just may be an Aussie word. *isn't sure* on my laptop it's fine, but on my other compy it's not. One's not using the right spellchecker. Ahh, sagis and scorps are close anyway. *was born on the 28th* I feel so speshal! The digits in my birthday (not including month and year) add up to 10! I was born on the 29th, but a month prior. LOL Glowurm... I only count seven digits. How did you count ten? LOL *stuffed up bigtime* I don't count any digits in my name. Those aren't digits. They're just letters. *mods the quote* I can't completely cover my tracks. But it's good enough. LOL You do think fast!!! LOL
  13. *~*The Grand Illusion*~* OMG. I hate it whenm people act like that towards the enviroment. What really makes me angry is when people say that animals don't have Souls or emotions. If they don't have souls or emotions, then what is My dog Callie doing when she looks inside Donti's doghouse, looking for her lifelong freind, when he had already died in my arms? (Sorry i didn't make a topic. I would of posted last time, but I was at an Internet cafe and we had to go just as I was going to make the topic.) If they don't have souls or emotions, Then why does my cat Libby sleep on my pillow every night? Don't say she likes it there. She sleeps on my couch pillow when my sheets are being cleaned. Libby can sense when i'm sad, to, because she comes to me when I'm crying, and she can sense if i'm having Nightmares, because i'll wake up and she'll be licking my face. *~*The Psycedelic Luau*~* Animals have souls, feelings and are wonderful friends. They can sense when something is wrong and know we love them. I think you are right. If animals don't have souls, then why are they so diverse in personality? I believe we will see all our furry friends in heaven. *~*The Grand Illusion*~* Meh to. And another thing- Animals will respond to erfume or music or something. Libby especilly likes The Beatles, because if I play them in my CD player, she'll walk in and sit under my table where you can hear it best. She also likes Pink Floyd's Wish you were here. And libby respons diffrently to my perfume-I think she is allergic to Hypnose, because she sneezes when I pet her while I'm wearing it. She likes Chanel No. 5 the best. *~*The Psycedelic Luau*~* Musk is a scent that originally came from animals. I am sure animals respond differently to different smells. As for music, I believe animals respond to the sounds they hear. Differing responses to different things is a sign of preference, and that is a sign of a soul. I don't know if animals are conscious enough for thinking in complexity, but they do have a remarkable sensory response system that only humans could surpass. Actually the sense of smell in many animals far surpasses that of a human. Some animals are given vision so acute, we could only dream of having eyesight such as this.
  14. What makes things worse, many people do terrorist acts, killing innocent people, in the name of religion.
  15. *~*The Grand Illusion*~* Thanks. You deserve a White Uni Ribbon for this, that is great. I get sad and Depressed a lot, sometimes I just don't know why. *~*The Psycedelic Luau*~* Thanks. I have a few borderline personalities, and I think that's why I sometimes get randomly depressed. It's just that I know most of them. In fact, most of my moods have a totally different personality to them. Anyways, thanks! Just as long as you don't have to feed them all. That could get pretty expensive. Hehe. At least they're all in one body. That would hurt, feeding them all. Or if they all wanted to jog 10 miles per day and they didn't count what the other personality did. LOL
  16. I LOVE it!!!!! It is mandatory that I award you The Platinum Moon Award!!!!!! Thank you. No, thank you! Now I have another award *should get somewhere to put them somewhere soon* Wheee! I'm going to try to draw my first comic in a way so it doesn't stuff up and scale down HEAPS when I paste it in photoshop. I need a manual or something. But I can still post my first attempt at colouring something. It's not a bunny, or a hamster, or even me although I am in it. Here, I'm feeling happy so you can have it. Bah, unincredible. But still, I coloured it at least. I can't seem to see it, except for the little tag in the []. Does anyone else not see it? Anyway. I don't think I even a attatched it? I certainly can't find any referance to it in my recent attatchments in my control panel Well, I guess I'll try again. *pours the party drinks* Have some! There's only non-alcoholic though. Although, most of us can't legally drink alcohol anyways Enjoy! Btw, I don't have Corel. Or any other colouring/picture making things. The only things I have are, in order from what I like most to least, then followed by ones I haven't tried yet, are: Macromedia Flash 8, Macromedia Flash MX Professional, Adobe Photoshop, Macromedia Fireworks, Macromedia Freehand (not tried yet) Adobe Imageready (not tried yet) So yeah. I don't have a very good computer for drawing and colouring with. I need better stuff. But then again, these were all free (from my dad's computers). Your father has some great programs. I think you should be able to have lots of fun with these! I tried freehand! And imageready! Imageready is...Well... Bad. It only saves in formats unrecognisable by other programs and unable to be posted in these forums. And copying from imageready then trying to paste it somewhere where it can be saved in jpeg or something never works. So yeah. I won't be using that again. Freehand is... Whoot, for the sort of drawings I do! It doesn't scale down, and I can save in jpeg! And the pixels aren't as bulky ad Fireworks! It's perfect! I saved my second comic (in dire need of better paneling) by c&ping it into there. Now for the first (in dire need of a better layout) Sounds really fantastic! I can't wait to see more of your art. Bah, I got a little confused there. Imageready is bad, yes, but how I described imageready is what Freehand is like. Sorry. *bashes imageready and fireworks and freehand and photoshop all at the same time with the feather mallet horatio gave him* Flash is the best image program that I have, for my style anyway!!! And you can't even save the images as images! *sobs* Well, just so ev'ry person knows, The GIMP and GIMP shop pro don't work on either of my computers, my windows and my mac. And Jasuc(sp?) Paint Shop Pro is just too dang expensive for an imaging program similar to that of photoshop (which is free from my dad, not the two-hundred whatever dollars it costs). SO yeah. Boo to my imaging programs, but I need to live with 'em. Don't expect any comics anytime soon. Unless I draw them one panel at a time, and upload them one panel at a time, and you read them one panel at a time. And if you want my newly-created comics so badly, then, sure! I'll try it. I read the comics in the newspaper. They are one panel at a time! Please, we would love to see your comics. Yeah, I mean like panel 1, then (in a seperate attatchment) panel 2 etc. I just can't find a way for it to not scale down. More questions I don't have answers for. *tries to find an internet tutorial* Anyway, I'll start redrawing my first comic tomorrow after school so I can do that. Arkcher or Cheesemaster may be able to help in this area. I would am a "hey push this, click on that" type hamster and this only makes the matters worse. LOL No comment on the grammer of the second sentance. Cool. If Arkcher and Cheese could help me with photoshop, or imageready, or any other of the programs I listed, so that my comics don't scale down AND are savable in jpegs, that would be highly appreciated (bah, and there goes my grammer). In fact, I might even draw an award. But I can only post it in a topic (this one, I'd probably choose) as I can't use the pm feature. I figure this is just 'cause of my age. Well, my 13th birthday is coming in a few months. *pokes november* get here sooner! You mean 'I would am a' is not grammatically correct? LOL LOL And a couple of info notes for you... see above in red. Hee, Hee, Hee By the way, no one can use the PM feature, not even me. Well, HampsterKing probably can. Are you a Scorpio? I know I spelled sentence wrong, but my spelling checker likes grammer. *shrugs* I don't know if that's one of the words spelled differently in aus or not. I am a sagi. *does incredibly accurate stuffz with a makeshift arrow and bow* What happens sometimes, is my brain is moving along at a relatively slow speed and I am typing, then my brain really doesn't like how something sounds, so I try and change that thought, but my fingers are not keeping up with my brain and I come out with some very strange sounding lines of words that are not even sentences. This is why I am so good at run-on sentences. LOL Grammer just might be an Aussie word. Too bad... I thought we might be able to have a birthday celebration together. Grammer is a word not found in my dictionary, so it just may be an Aussie word. *isn't sure* on my laptop it's fine, but on my other compy it's not. One's not using the right spellchecker. Ahh, sagis and scorps are close anyway. *was born on the 28th* I feel so speshal! The digits in my name add up to 10! I was born on the 29th, but a month prior. LOL Glowurm... I only count seven digits. How did you count ten? LOL
  17. *~*The Grand Illusion*~* Thanks. You deserve a White Uni Ribbon for this, that is great. I get sad and Depressed a lot, sometimes I just don't know why. *~*The Psycedelic Luau*~* Thanks. I have a few borderline personalities, and I think that's why I sometimes get randomly depressed. It's just that I know most of them. In fact, most of my moods have a totally different personality to them. Anyways, thanks! Just as long as you don't have to feed them all. That could get pretty expensive.
  18. LOL This is fantastic! *hands Mushroom_king The Platinum Moon Award* *~*The Grand Illusion*~* Ooh! *Dances* *Runs off to put award in meat grinder award cabinet *~*The Psycedelic Luau*~* Glad to see you saved the award from the Meat Grinder! LOL
  19. The good thing about humans "watching" movies, it keeps the theatre quiet!
  20. That is a great song. When I was driving, I saw the Magical Mystery Tour bus, along the freeway. I wanted to take a picture, but the only way this would happen is if I ended up causing an accident. There was no way to pull over.
  21. WOW!!! That's a lot of songs. *~*The Grand illusion*~* It'd be a lot longer if I put all the video game songs i've put lyrics on. :/ *~*The Psycedelic Luau*~* You are great at writing lyrics. I cannot imagine how many you have written.
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