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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Why would you say this? You didn't know that I had HampsterKing add them together.
  2. Horatio

    I Need to Vent.

    age aint nothing but a number. im only 15 and my boyfriend is 19. she kinda sounds like me. actually, this could be taken from my life almost directly. cept rob's an old child. ha. Here is a fact that is quite scary. If the guy gets caught having sex with someone under 16, then he can be arrested for a sex crime and be listed in some states as a sex offender. This could ruin his life as now he is listed on the internet as a sexual predator/offender and must register with the police, etc. Isn't it 18, the "legal" age? Good question. I checked for the USA and here is the data per state. On the states where there are two numbers, the age for the lower number is used when the age between the two people is very close, meaning less than two years. Having your 'parent's consent' does not permit you to violate the state law. And no, if you live in Kansas, where the age is 16 and you both are 15, this does not mean you can go to Iowa or Missouri, because now you are considered 'traveling citizens' and the age raises to 18. Alabama 16 Alaska 16 Arizona 18 Arkansas 16 California 18 Colorado 15/17 Connecticut 16 D.C. 16 Delaware 16/18 Florida 16/18 Georgia 16 Hawaii 16 Idaho 16/18 Illinois 17 Indiana 16 Iowa 14/16 Kansas 16 Kentucky 16 Louisiana 17 Maine 16 Maryland 16 Massachusetts 16 Michigan 16 Minnesota 16 Mississippi 16 Missouri 14/17 Montana 16/18 Nebraska 17 Nevada 16 New Hampshire 16 New Jersey 16 New Mexico 17 New York 17 North Carolina 16 North Dakota 18 Ohio 16 Oklahoma 16 Oregon 18 Pennsylvania 16 Rhode Island 16 South Carolina 14/16 South Dakota 16 Tennessee 18 Texas 17 Utah 16/18 Vermont 16 Virginia 18 Washington 16/18 West Virginia 16 Wisconsin 18 Wyoming 16/18 USA - Traveling Citizens 18 Australia has about six or seven different areas and it ranges from 16 to 18. Madagascar for example, the age is 21. In some Middle Eastern countries, sex is illegal unless you are married. I know, this was way more information that you really wanted to know.
  3. Sure. HampsterKing didn't care for it. well la-de-da. i do adore censorship. can't say i blame you, but i respect the local censoring agency... *winks at horatio for no good reason* *hands Topazia a couple fresh baked cookies for no reason*
  4. *gives Topazia a really, really big hammie bear huggle* Is this a parent requirement or state driving law that you cannot carry passengers for six months? If it is a parent requirement, then the punishment will not be as bad as if it were a state law and the police stopped you, so please don't worry too much. Yes, your mother will yell, scream and be upset and then she will tell your father, but after that is probably not driving for a bit. Of course, the good thing is, you will be given the keys probably sooner if your parents need you to run an errand for them. Remember, if they take away the car, they will now have to drive you to and from work, so this is in your favor. They will probably ask you why you took him, so be prepared. I don't know will probably not be an acceptable answer. Parents were kids once and they know what they did when they were your age, so understand your parents are just trying to protect you from making the same or similar mistakes. I wish there was some way I could help. nope just grounded for two weeks. Grounding for two weeks is not so bad. You will get through the grounding in no time. Please, if your parents give you rules for driving the car, please follow them.
  5. You need to be here a bit more Lee! We miss you when you disappear for a bit. Sorry, I've been browsing and paying short visits here but I'm a bit busy these days. I still love you Horatio, don't worry! Toto: I understand, I'd be more than happy to buy a book you've written! Oh and I don't think we have Barnes and Noble here but I'm sure our other book stockists would have it. ♥ Lee Oh good news! *gives Lee a giant hammie bear huggle* Just think, you could be Toto's Australian book agent and make lots of money! You could then sell the book to a studio and reap the profits from the movie. Being a sharp business woman, you could then sell it to all the Asian markets and be pushing Toto to begin writing her next book. Yay for australia! Okay, I just wanted to say that. Carry on being on-topic ...Oh, and if you're seriously going to sell your books in Aus, too, I need to know the title so I can buy it I just want to clarify that I'm not being stuck-up in any way since I'm not posting my stories. In a case where someone does plagiarize a story off a website, the website can do hardly anything about it. I've been posting chapters to this story on another website, and the other day I received a message saying how the same, exact story had been posted on a different website. I had to contact the person myself, and tell her to take the stories of the internet. I just don't want to have to deal with that anymore. xD Haha. My stories will probably never be good enough to actually metamorphize into a book. But, I am hoping that I can try. (: Thanks for understanding, all. I understand completely and respect your wishes. What HampsterKing has stated is that if you post something on HampsterDance and someone steals it, he will help you deal with the situation. He can document the time and date something was placed here and help you protect your story, poetry or other written or artistic works. This is the reason he does not posters to post other copyrighted works here without prior written permission stating you have the right to do so.
  6. Glowurm, ignore the last six words in Dr. Wolf's post. All that I need to know for you to be come third cashier is if you will feed me.
  7. Awards, you create your own award and name it what you want. This award belongs to you and you alone. No one else can hand out your award. I love awards, so please create a bunch! No attachments in the signature as of now. No idea what will happen in the future, but for now, I am really sorry, no attachments, no links, no personal information. But, you knew all that.
  8. My what a "glowing" signature you have! I just love the colors.
  9. No deletions. Perhaps in a different topic?
  10. You need to be here a bit more Lee! We miss you when you disappear for a bit. Sorry, I've been browsing and paying short visits here but I'm a bit busy these days. I still love you Horatio, don't worry! Toto: I understand, I'd be more than happy to buy a book you've written! Oh and I don't think we have Barnes and Noble here but I'm sure our other book stockists would have it. ♥ Lee Oh good news! *gives Lee a giant hammie bear huggle* Just think, you could be Toto's Australian book agent and make lots of money! You could then sell the book to a studio and reap the profits from the movie. Being a sharp business woman, you could then sell it to all the Asian markets and be pushing Toto to begin writing her next book.
  11. Horatio

    I Need to Vent.

    age aint nothing but a number. im only 15 and my boyfriend is 19. she kinda sounds like me. actually, this could be taken from my life almost directly. cept rob's an old child. ha. Here is a fact that is quite scary. If the guy gets caught having sex with someone under 16, then he can be arrested for a sex crime and be listed in some states as a sex offender. This could ruin his life as now he is listed on the internet as a sexual predator/offender and must register with the police, etc.
  12. Good morning Jesse. Not shy, just that I was trying not to have people think I was on when I wasn't, but Arkcher told me that everyone knew when I was on anyway because it just said 1 Anonymous and they all knew it was me. *knows now I can't get away with anything * Unless someone else logs on as an anonymous person :ninja: Toto has been known to do that occasionally.
  13. Horatio

    I Need to Vent.

    You are so right to vent. This not only sounds like trouble, I would bet all my sunflower seeds that she is the worst possible influence on your brother. I sure hope when she gets caught, doing whatever it is she is doing under-age, your brother is not with her. As for posting your life on-line, well, once you post it for the world to read, then it is not snooping. If she wanted to keep her private life private, she would not have the website as her publicist.
  14. Good morning Jesse. Not shy, just that I was trying not to have people think I was on when I wasn't, but Arkcher told me that everyone knew when I was on anyway because it just said 1 Anonymous and they all knew it was me. *knows now I can't get away with anything *
  15. I've actually been putting off writing my stories that I post on the internet for numerous reasons. One reason is that plagiarism is really high right now on the internet. I would really like to one day be an author, and I couldn't very well publish a story that someone else already has, because they found it on the internet and liked the idea. Now, this doesn't very well mean that I'm going to quit writing all together. I might just stop posting OLS updates for awhile. I'm still working on completing the story, so maybe one day you'll see it on a Barnes and Noble shelf. [: I'm also writing a few other stories that have the potential to turn into books as well. We'll just have to see and find out. HampsterKing has said that anything you post here has a time and date and is protected. He will stand by you if someone tries to steal your ideas. If it is something you post anywhere, here or somewhere wlse, then I would suggest you print out a copy showing the time and date posted and keep that in a file.
  16. I am sure - Kat - can fit you in. Go back and look at the profile and see what she is asking for. I would fill in the blank, but leave the job position open. This will give you an idea of what is happening. [Hehe. I know from some of my previous posts that I should look at the first post (and the history up to the newest post) first ] [ TBFOF is famous for not reading any prior posts! ] [Hmm... For some reason I can't veiw page 2. Anyway, from what I see, all spots are filled, but according the the first post I can request one, or something. Perhaps... A spy for FDP :ninja: Okay, that was just me being... Well... Me. If I could be a spy that'd be fun! Whoo! But otherwise I'd be willing to take whatever job's thrown at me. *thinks up a character in the meantime*] Don't worry about the openings, just fill the application blanks and let - Kat - come up with a position.
  17. I am sure - Kat - can fit you in. Go back and look at the profile and see what she is asking for. I would fill in the blank, but leave the job position open. This will give you an idea of what is happening. [Hehe. I know from some of my previous posts that I should look at the first post (and the history up to the newest post) first ] [ TBFOF is famous for not reading any prior posts! ]
  18. I just realized something. If you are a wurm, not a worm, wouldn't that make you a baby dragon? Wyrm - Baby Dragon Worm - Slimy maggot-like animal. Wurm - Me! Wirm - Erm? I dunno. Non-existant, I think. Warm - Not cold, Not too hot. Just somewhere in-between. I just made my name a little joke as I came up with the name when I was seven (and had no idea how used it was)... And I spelled it wurm instead of worm. I just use u instead of o sometimes. So yeah, wurm = worm. But wurm also = me. It's nice when I find that I can register as Glowurm. Wurm (voorm) is also the final Pleistocene glaciation in the Alps. *blinks* Nice, really? I'm a glaciar. Huh, never knew that. Well, you learn a new thing every day. Wurm was also the former name of Starnberger See, a lake in Bavaria.
  19. You need to be here a bit more Lee! We miss you when you disappear for a bit.
  20. I am sure - Kat - can fit you in. Go back and look at the profile and see what she is asking for. I would fill in the blank, but leave the job position open. This will give you an idea of what is happening.
  21. [yippie!!! You must not let this die! darn no pickles to dodge..... ] [-stealthily lobs three pickles at Honey- Muhaha! >D] [Wait! Are those bread and butter pickles???? *catches pickles mid-air*] *dodges pickles than realizes Horatio is eating them so hands Arkcher some more pickles and runs* *calls Glowurm and the rest of the Hammie Group to start grabbing and eating more pickles*
  22. sorry i didnt see this before. puppydog Hampsterdancer Supreme ***** Group: HampsterFan Posts: 3,098 Joined: 21-August 02 From: nj Member No.: 160 you can search puppydog if you wish. Ya, I did search Puppydog, and it said that account had 3,098 still, which usually means it wasn't merged. gsahfa80us confused. I will check with HampsterKing because I do believe he merged the accounts but forgot to delete the Puppydog account.
  23. I just realized something. If you are a wurm, not a worm, wouldn't that make you a baby dragon? Wyrm - Baby Dragon Worm - Slimy maggot-like animal. Wurm - Me! Wirm - Erm? I dunno. Non-existant, I think. Warm - Not cold, Not too hot. Just somewhere in-between. I just made my name a little joke as I came up with the name when I was seven (and had no idea how used it was)... And I spelled it wurm instead of worm. I just use u instead of o sometimes. So yeah, wurm = worm. But wurm also = me. It's nice when I find that I can register as Glowurm. Wurm (voorm) is also the final Pleistocene glaciation in the Alps.
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