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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. *gives Topazia a really, really big hammie bear huggle* Is this a parent requirement or state driving law that you cannot carry passengers for six months? If it is a parent requirement, then the punishment will not be as bad as if it were a state law and the police stopped you, so please don't worry too much. Yes, your mother will yell, scream and be upset and then she will tell your father, but after that is probably not driving for a bit. Of course, the good thing is, you will be given the keys probably sooner if your parents need you to run an errand for them. Remember, if they take away the car, they will now have to drive you to and from work, so this is in your favor. They will probably ask you why you took him, so be prepared. I don't know will probably not be an acceptable answer. Parents were kids once and they know what they did when they were your age, so understand your parents are just trying to protect you from making the same or similar mistakes. I wish there was some way I could help. nope just grounded for two weeks. Grounding for two weeks is not so bad. You will get through the grounding in no time. Please, if your parents give you rules for driving the car, please follow them. no offense, but... DUH DUH yourself. You didn't follow the rules the first time, so why would I think you would follow them the second time. bc i learn from my mistakes, unlike some of my rl friends with no conscience. You are fantastic to be able to learn and not repeat your mistakes. Not everyone has that ability. Are you still limited to the six months or did your parents up the time as part of your punishment? they upped it a month I'm sorry. I hope it goes fast.
  2. He sounds really fantastic! It would be great to have a bird in my cage. Yes, hes quite awesome, my little Benji boy. Cockatiels make great friends! But you have to get them while they are young otherwise they are hard to tame. Ruby Soho - Rancid ♥ Lee I didn't know that. How long do they live? My friends have a pet store and one of the birds they have, always says "get the phone, get the phone or calls Bill, Bill". It is a really big bird, I am not sure what kind, but absolutely beautiful!
  3. So, what's your main problem here? That your relationships don't last long or that the girls are expecting too much out of you? Hmm... I can't really answer until I really know what your problem is. *ponders* That I can't get into a relationship that last long. No one I meet wants to have a relationship. It's only "see who can make out with Nick the longest". Have you ever considered just going out, having a good time, but not doing anything? Then you would find who wanted to be in your company and it would have nothing to do with how long they could make out with you. the problem is, it will be hard to drop his reputation, which is bringing in these girls. True. But can you imagine just how fast the rumours will spread when Nick is just going out, having fun and not making out with anyone! This rumour will travel faster than lightning! Of course, the next problem will be that there will be a contest to see who can get Nick to make out with them first.
  4. roflmao Funny funny I like it when my bird sings and dances, it's really hilarious. He says the same thing, as well as 'Go to bed, Evan!' but he's a cockatiel so it's harder to understand. I think we need some bird pics!
  5. So, what's your main problem here? That your relationships don't last long or that the girls are expecting too much out of you? Hmm... I can't really answer until I really know what your problem is. *ponders* That I can't get into a relationship that last long. No one I meet wants to have a relationship. It's only "see who can make out with Nick the longest". Have you ever considered just going out, having a good time, but not doing anything? Then you would find who wanted to be in your company and it would have nothing to do with how long they could make out with you.
  6. 1. You know why. You know where that topic is to be discussed. 1. Joshua Albright isn't--But--*sputters, trying to make words come out for a while* You are making it very hard to do as I'm told, Horatio. I didn't even save that somewhere, and now it's lost! Now I can't use it on someone else on an unmodded board (which I do visit time to time, even though I prefer here)! *complains loudly* what are you two talking about? Topazia posted something that I took as being of a nature that it belonged in a different forum, so I deleted it and she is upset. wut forum did you think it belonged in? One of Topazia's favorite forums. One you just posted in yesterday.
  7. You need to be here a bit more Lee! LOL We miss you when you disappear for a bit. Sorry, I've been browsing and paying short visits here but I'm a bit busy these days. I still love you Horatio, don't worry! LOL Toto: I understand, I'd be more than happy to buy a book you've written! Oh and I don't think we have Barnes and Noble here but I'm sure our other book stockists would have it. ⦣8482;? Lee Oh good news! *gives Lee a giant hammie bear huggle* Just think, you could be Toto's Australian book agent and make lots of money! You could then sell the book to a studio and reap the profits from the movie. LOL Being a sharp business woman, you could then sell it to all the Asian markets and be pushing Toto to begin writing her next book. LOL Yay for australia! Okay, I just wanted to say that. Carry on being on-topic ...Oh, and if you're seriously going to sell your books in Aus, too, I need to know the title so I can buy it You mean we have two Australians here now? Yay!!! where abouts in Aus? I'm in the state of Victoria, Yeah its cold ♥ Lee How come I was not allowed to say the name of the city I'm in? I've said it before ♥ Lee Then I failed at my duties. HampsterKing said no cities, towns or villages. I thought I did the second best thing by naming the state. I'm sorry. I can tell you one thing, you and Glowurm do NOT live in the same city. Thats okay, I understand. When the first HD boards began we could say our last names, towns and even the schools we went to. I guess thats pretty dangerous. People could have stalked us so easily ♥ Lee Unfortunately you never know who is out there.
  8. As in, you recieved one, or got caught with one? I got caught with one. >. ♥ Lee Ooops! Yeah, pretty embarassing. I've lost faith in my ability to find a good boyfriend, I want one because I'd just like someone to be there to hold my hand when I need it (as corny as it may sound). I find that people lie and/or use me. Theres this one guy I know and he always seems to make me smile without being too suggestive. But he lives too far away from me. ♥ Lee This will sound even cornier... find a guy who is interested in you as a friend. Not a boyfriend, but a friend who just happens to be a guy. At your age, people are just learning what is out there and very few people are serious about developing a relationship. So, expect to hear lies, manipulation and all sorts of things while people try to get whatever it is they think they want. I know this doesn't help, but it is all I can say.
  9. He sounds really fantastic! It would be great to have a bird in my cage.
  10. You need to be here a bit more Lee! We miss you when you disappear for a bit. Sorry, I've been browsing and paying short visits here but I'm a bit busy these days. I still love you Horatio, don't worry! Toto: I understand, I'd be more than happy to buy a book you've written! Oh and I don't think we have Barnes and Noble here but I'm sure our other book stockists would have it. ⦣8482;? Lee Oh good news! *gives Lee a giant hammie bear huggle* Just think, you could be Toto's Australian book agent and make lots of money! You could then sell the book to a studio and reap the profits from the movie. Being a sharp business woman, you could then sell it to all the Asian markets and be pushing Toto to begin writing her next book. Yay for australia! Okay, I just wanted to say that. Carry on being on-topic ...Oh, and if you're seriously going to sell your books in Aus, too, I need to know the title so I can buy it You mean we have two Australians here now? Yay!!! where abouts in Aus? I'm in the state of Victoria, Yeah its cold ⦣8482;? Lee How come I was not allowed to say the name of the city I'm in? I've said it before ♥ Lee Then I failed at my duties. HampsterKing said no cities, towns or villages. I thought I did the second best thing by naming the state. I'm sorry. I can tell you one thing, you and Glowurm do NOT live in the same city.
  11. As in, you recieved one, or got caught with one? I got caught with one. >. ♥ Lee Ooops!
  12. With the sound of voices, Horatio stirs from a deep sleep, drinks from his water bottle and starts paying strict attention.
  13. [yippie!!! You must not let this die! darn no pickles to dodge..... ] [-stealthily lobs three pickles at Honey- Muhaha! >D] [Wait! Are those bread and butter pickles???? *catches pickles mid-air*] *dodges pickles than realizes Horatio is eating them so hands Arkcher some more pickles and runs* *calls Glowurm and the rest of the Hammie Group to start grabbing and eating more pickles* Yum! *chomps on a pickle* [gives up dodging *nibbles on pickle*] Good, aren't they? *hands a bucket of pickles for Honey's horses* *gets a microphone* Who wants stuff for their pickes? We have vegemite, some jams, some marmalades, some nuts, some seeds, some peanut butter, some chichen, some clothes for people who want to keep their pickle as a 'pet', and much, much more! [ Peanut Butter Pickles please!!!! ] [Yum! That sounds interesting! *hands Honey some Peanut Butter Pickles and points to the Pickle Pasture for her to turn her horses out into*]
  14. You have an abnormal theatre? Yes. It's strange. LOL Would this be a California thing? LOL Sure, why not. :ninja: Things always happen in California first, so I am preparing for when it gets here. LOL Tell me what it's like when it gets there, I want to know so I can ready my defences (if needed) here in Aus. LOL Sure, I can do that. LOL Good, good. Now, in the meantime, to save myself from the squirrels! *hides* Squirrels are my friends. Why are you hiding? They're out to get me... And they stole the cashews I was eating! *gets some more* Chocolate covered cashews! *takes some cashews down to the other forum where the chocolate fondue party is occurring* Good idea! I'll bring some other nuts too. And if those nut-stealing squirrels try to steal them, they get fondued You had better be careful... those nut-stealing squirrels of which you speak are my distant cousins. We are all in the rodentia family. *thinks about calling in a couple flocks of worm eating birds to give Glowurm something to think about* LOL *thinks about his house, and how much he loves being in it and all it's closed windows and doors* *reminds him just how excellent rodents are at digging* That's why there are squirrels here. But birds aren't as good at digging, so I'm safe :ninja: ...And I could always get some owls to pay a visit to your cage in response to the wurm-eating birds Some of the owl breeds don't eat wurms. LOL You will have to find an owl that is bigger than my great-horned owl buddies. There is a family of four right outside my cage and we are great friends. LOL And you can forget about hawks... we have some hawk friends as well. Tomorrow I will post a pic of the beaks on the wurm-eating birds. Hmm. Well then. *amasses an army of cats to eat the birds* I should take a pic of my murderous cat. She's stealthy, like a :ninja:. Not many birds, rodents or lizards live long around our house. A murderous cat? *decides to call-in some dogs, some really, really big dogs* *gets some lions, tigres, cheetahs, leopards, and verious other big cats* *also gets some help from the three bears in the woods. You know, the ones that threatened goldielocks* *gets the ultimate terrorist group... the New York City Subway Rat* LOL Ahhhh! I can't compete with that! *burrows underground to hide* *laughs* No one can! Hey, wait a minute, you don't even know where I live! *surfaces* *gets out crystal ball and sees the Glowurm at home, looks at the flashing GPS coordinates* *reburrows and moves to a random african country, stays uderground* *thinks about a new and improved strategy*
  15. You have an abnormal theatre? Yes. It's strange. LOL Would this be a California thing? LOL Sure, why not. :ninja: Things always happen in California first, so I am preparing for when it gets here. LOL Tell me what it's like when it gets there, I want to know so I can ready my defences (if needed) here in Aus. LOL Sure, I can do that. LOL Good, good. Now, in the meantime, to save myself from the squirrels! *hides* Squirrels are my friends. Why are you hiding? They're out to get me... And they stole the cashews I was eating! *gets some more* Chocolate covered cashews! *takes some cashews down to the other forum where the chocolate fondue party is occurring* Good idea! I'll bring some other nuts too. And if those nut-stealing squirrels try to steal them, they get fondued You had better be careful... those nut-stealing squirrels of which you speak are my distant cousins. We are all in the rodentia family. *thinks about calling in a couple flocks of worm eating birds to give Glowurm something to think about* LOL *thinks about his house, and how much he loves being in it and all it's closed windows and doors* *reminds him just how excellent rodents are at digging* That's why there are squirrels here. But birds aren't as good at digging, so I'm safe :ninja: ...And I could always get some owls to pay a visit to your cage in response to the wurm-eating birds Some of the owl breeds don't eat wurms. LOL You will have to find an owl that is bigger than my great-horned owl buddies. There is a family of four right outside my cage and we are great friends. LOL And you can forget about hawks... we have some hawk friends as well. Tomorrow I will post a pic of the beaks on the wurm-eating birds. Hmm. Well then. *amasses an army of cats to eat the birds* I should take a pic of my murderous cat. She's stealthy, like a :ninja:. Not many birds, rodents or lizards live long around our house. A murderous cat? *decides to call-in some dogs, some really, really big dogs* *gets some lions, tigres, cheetahs, leopards, and verious other big cats* *also gets some help from the three bears in the woods. You know, the ones that threatened goldielocks* *gets the ultimate terrorist group... the New York City Subway Rat* LOL Ahhhh! I can't compete with that! *burrows underground to hide* *laughs* No one can! Hey, wait a minute, you don't even know where I live! *surfaces* *gets out crystal ball and sees the Glowurm at home, looks at the flashing GPS coordinates*
  16. You have an abnormal theatre? Yes. It's strange. LOL Would this be a California thing? LOL Sure, why not. :ninja: Things always happen in California first, so I am preparing for when it gets here. LOL Tell me what it's like when it gets there, I want to know so I can ready my defences (if needed) here in Aus. LOL Sure, I can do that. LOL Good, good. Now, in the meantime, to save myself from the squirrels! *hides* Squirrels are my friends. Why are you hiding? They're out to get me... And they stole the cashews I was eating! *gets some more* Chocolate covered cashews! *takes some cashews down to the other forum where the chocolate fondue party is occurring* Good idea! I'll bring some other nuts too. And if those nut-stealing squirrels try to steal them, they get fondued You had better be careful... those nut-stealing squirrels of which you speak are my distant cousins. We are all in the rodentia family. *thinks about calling in a couple flocks of worm eating birds to give Glowurm something to think about* LOL *thinks about his house, and how much he loves being in it and all it's closed windows and doors* *reminds him just how excellent rodents are at digging* That's why there are squirrels here. But birds aren't as good at digging, so I'm safe :ninja: ...And I could always get some owls to pay a visit to your cage in response to the wurm-eating birds Some of the owl breeds don't eat wurms. LOL You will have to find an owl that is bigger than my great-horned owl buddies. There is a family of four right outside my cage and we are great friends. LOL And you can forget about hawks... we have some hawk friends as well. Tomorrow I will post a pic of the beaks on the wurm-eating birds. Hmm. Well then. *amasses an army of cats to eat the birds* I should take a pic of my murderous cat. She's stealthy, like a :ninja:. Not many birds, rodents or lizards live long around our house. A murderous cat? *decides to call-in some dogs, some really, really big dogs* *gets some lions, tigres, cheetahs, leopards, and verious other big cats* *also gets some help from the three bears in the woods. You know, the ones that threatened goldielocks* *gets the ultimate terrorist group... the New York City Subway Rat* LOL Ahhhh! I can't compete with that! *burrows underground to hide* *laughs* No one can!
  17. You have an abnormal theatre? Yes. It's strange. LOL Would this be a California thing? LOL Sure, why not. :ninja: Things always happen in California first, so I am preparing for when it gets here. LOL Tell me what it's like when it gets there, I want to know so I can ready my defences (if needed) here in Aus. LOL Sure, I can do that. LOL Good, good. Now, in the meantime, to save myself from the squirrels! *hides* Squirrels are my friends. Why are you hiding? They're out to get me... And they stole the cashews I was eating! *gets some more* Chocolate covered cashews! *takes some cashews down to the other forum where the chocolate fondue party is occurring* Good idea! I'll bring some other nuts too. And if those nut-stealing squirrels try to steal them, they get fondued You had better be careful... those nut-stealing squirrels of which you speak are my distant cousins. We are all in the rodentia family. *thinks about calling in a couple flocks of worm eating birds to give Glowurm something to think about* LOL *thinks about his house, and how much he loves being in it and all it's closed windows and doors* *reminds him just how excellent rodents are at digging* That's why there are squirrels here. But birds aren't as good at digging, so I'm safe :ninja: ...And I could always get some owls to pay a visit to your cage in response to the wurm-eating birds Some of the owl breeds don't eat wurms. LOL You will have to find an owl that is bigger than my great-horned owl buddies. There is a family of four right outside my cage and we are great friends. LOL And you can forget about hawks... we have some hawk friends as well. Tomorrow I will post a pic of the beaks on the wurm-eating birds. Hmm. Well then. *amasses an army of cats to eat the birds* I should take a pic of my murderous cat. She's stealthy, like a :ninja:. Not many birds, rodents or lizards live long around our house. A murderous cat? *decides to call-in some dogs, some really, really big dogs* *gets some lions, tigres, cheetahs, leopards, and verious other big cats* *also gets some help from the three bears in the woods. You know, the ones that threatened goldielocks* *gets the ultimate terrorist group... the New York City Subway Rat* LOL
  18. [yippie!!! You must not let this die! darn no pickles to dodge..... ] [-stealthily lobs three pickles at Honey- Muhaha! >D] [Wait! Are those bread and butter pickles???? *catches pickles mid-air*] *dodges pickles than realizes Horatio is eating them so hands Arkcher some more pickles and runs* *calls Glowurm and the rest of the Hammie Group to start grabbing and eating more pickles* Yum! *chomps on a pickle* [gives up dodging *nibbles on pickle*] Good, aren't they? *hands a bucket of pickles for Honey's horses*
  19. You have an abnormal theatre? Yes. It's strange. LOL Would this be a California thing? LOL Sure, why not. :ninja: Things always happen in California first, so I am preparing for when it gets here. LOL Tell me what it's like when it gets there, I want to know so I can ready my defences (if needed) here in Aus. LOL Sure, I can do that. LOL Good, good. Now, in the meantime, to save myself from the squirrels! *hides* Squirrels are my friends. Why are you hiding? They're out to get me... And they stole the cashews I was eating! *gets some more* Chocolate covered cashews! *takes some cashews down to the other forum where the chocolate fondue party is occurring* Good idea! I'll bring some other nuts too. And if those nut-stealing squirrels try to steal them, they get fondued You had better be careful... those nut-stealing squirrels of which you speak are my distant cousins. We are all in the rodentia family. *thinks about calling in a couple flocks of worm eating birds to give Glowurm something to think about* LOL *thinks about his house, and how much he loves being in it and all it's closed windows and doors* *reminds him just how excellent rodents are at digging* That's why there are squirrels here. But birds aren't as good at digging, so I'm safe :ninja: ...And I could always get some owls to pay a visit to your cage in response to the wurm-eating birds Some of the owl breeds don't eat wurms. You will have to find an owl that is bigger than my great-horned owl buddies. There is a family of four right outside my cage and we are great friends. And you can forget about hawks... we have some hawk friends as well. Tomorrow I will post a pic of the beaks on the wurm-eating birds. Hmm. Well then. *amasses an army of cats to eat the birds* I should take a pic of my murderous cat. She's stealthy, like a :ninja:. Not many birds, rodents or lizards live long around our house. A murderous cat? *decides to call-in some dogs, some really, really big dogs*
  20. So, what's your main problem here? That your relationships don't last long or that the girls are expecting too much out of you? Hmm... I can't really answer until I really know what your problem is. *ponders* I think TBFOF's problem is that his urges overcome his rational thinking. *thinks it is better Mega Wolf is in California* LOL Implying something Horatio? LOL You think so?????? LOL LOL Perhaps. *wonders what the girls think of TBFOF*
  21. So, what's your main problem here? That your relationships don't last long or that the girls are expecting too much out of you? Hmm... I can't really answer until I really know what your problem is. *ponders* I think TBFOF's problem is that his urges overcome his rational thinking. *thinks it is better Mega Wolf is in California* LOL Implying something Horatio? LOL You think so?????? LOL
  22. 1. You know why. You know where that topic is to be discussed. 1. Joshua Albright isn't--But--*sputters, trying to make words come out for a while* You are making it very hard to do as I'm told, Horatio. I didn't even save that somewhere, and now it's lost! Now I can't use it on someone else on an unmodded board (which I do visit time to time, even though I prefer here)! *complains loudly* what are you two talking about? Topazia posted something that I took as being of a nature that it belonged in a different forum, so I deleted it and she is upset.
  23. You have an abnormal theatre? Yes. It's strange. LOL Would this be a California thing? LOL Sure, why not. :ninja: Things always happen in California first, so I am preparing for when it gets here. LOL Tell me what it's like when it gets there, I want to know so I can ready my defences (if needed) here in Aus. LOL Sure, I can do that. LOL Good, good. Now, in the meantime, to save myself from the squirrels! *hides* Squirrels are my friends. Why are you hiding? They're out to get me... And they stole the cashews I was eating! *gets some more* Chocolate covered cashews! *takes some cashews down to the other forum where the chocolate fondue party is occurring* Good idea! I'll bring some other nuts too. And if those nut-stealing squirrels try to steal them, they get fondued You had better be careful... those nut-stealing squirrels of which you speak are my distant cousins. We are all in the rodentia family. *thinks about calling in a couple flocks of worm eating birds to give Glowurm something to think about* LOL *thinks about his house, and how much he loves being in it and all it's closed windows and doors* *reminds him just how excellent rodents are at digging* That's why there are squirrels here. But birds aren't as good at digging, so I'm safe :ninja: ...And I could always get some owls to pay a visit to your cage in response to the wurm-eating birds Some of the owl breeds don't eat wurms. You will have to find an owl that is bigger than my great-horned owl buddies. There is a family of four right outside my cage and we are great friends. And you can forget about hawks... we have some hawk friends as well. Tomorrow I will post a pic of the beaks on the wurm-eating birds.
  24. Horatio

    let me rant

    a skylight wouldve been kinda pretty. now i feel akward to take a shower How low does the window go? no too low. and its all fogged. To the top of your head? To your neck? like my eyes Then it is not too bad. No one can see in.
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