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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. I could try my hand at colouring it. It also needs a more... furry touch to it. It does look like a feline, but I really should put in a bit more fur. Oh, and I've done Arkcher as a werewolf But I still need to export it as an image (I finally discovered you can directly export scenes as images). When I'm not feeling lazy. If you look at Mushroom_king's avatar topic, you will see she loves colors. Sort of like Peter Max.
  2. Ohhhhh, I won't have anyone to play with during the day.
  3. I wish I could help you understand that starving yourself will not help you remain thin.
  4. Beautiful poem. I wish more people cared about their environment. Unfortunately, greed is the basis for destroying the world and other people. People complain about Global Warming, but they cut down trees at an alarming rate. Their thinking is: "let someone else worry about the problem, I want all the money and no one or no trees should stand in my way".
  5. at least you can admit it. There was this boy who liked me in 7th, but quit being my friend to hang out w/ this other chick who was mean, but in his words, "wasn;t afraid to wear a revealing shirt". I called him shallow, and it made him mad, but it was true! Hey, you aren't the only one awkward w/ her body. Join the club! We meet thursdays at 430pm(est) in the girls' room at Walmart, and we do have a jersey: it's skintone. (you can ignore that if you want.) haha. i dont think i'll never not be shallow. everyone i know is. haha nice color.i happen to hate mine. lol 35 pounds untill im happy with my weight. i can do it :]]] i have to. *still doesn't understand why someone would want to lose so much weight. course, that's because i'm a waif* im sorry. theres alot we can understand about each other somethings can be taught, some explianed some just mutural agreement this however, i can never make you understand. loosing this weight is life or death for me. i feel like a giant mass.. like a house with legs. im so sick of it Quite a bit has to do with 'control over your life'. And food is something you actually can have control over.
  6. We should all like, do silly edits like that to real pictures of our real selves. I have a good one of me, who wants to do the edit? -raises hand- I shall... Oh wait a minute... I got a relatively humorous idea. We do a W1K parody and have a Photoshop This Photo contest of sorts, One person uploads a photo, like a hamster or something, And everyone else comes in and applies mad MS Pain skillz or photoshop skillz and makes it... more.. different. More humorous wins, (Not necessarily talented or well-done, considering I think only about five members here have photoshop.) or... whatever is specified by whoever uploads the photo. Of course, with the whole copyrighting mess applied. that kind of goes without saying though. Very cool idea! I like it. Let's do it! Now, let's talk about the way your holding that burger.
  7. If you find it too hard to read, just say and I'll give you the same for light backgrounds. It would probably be a good idea to do another one that comes out a bit darker. What do you think?
  8. *proud of herself for knowing what those times are* :3 *wonders why - Kat - knows about the tides * Kat's a cat, right? Most cats don't like water, so Kat'd need to know about that stuff, if she's the sort of cat that doesn't like water, so she doesn't become a wet Kat LOL... a wet - Kat -... good one! *has a humorous vision of - Kat -*
  9. Wonderful! If had any say, you would be hired immediately. *hands Lexxy the Mod CP*
  10. We should all like, do silly edits like that to real pictures of our real selves. I have a good one of me, who wants to do the edit?
  11. yup. rules rules rules. shouldnt this be moved? Probably.
  12. *proud of herself for knowing what those times are* :3 *wonders why - Kat - knows about the tides *
  13. High tide. So I decided to have a cup of tomato soup and a banana. My new motto... if you can't run... eat. I am going back at 18H40. Low tide is about 19H39. I want to start running about one half hour before and end one half hour after. So, I want to start by 19H09 and end by 20H09.
  14. Hampsterdudet... where are you? Have you started school?
  15. Yeah, Its hilarious when you dig up really old topics that havent been posted in for 2+ years, bump them and everyone gets to see what a nerd they were back then. xD When I was getting the posts put back together from that RP, I kept looking at what I had written, either as part of the RP or in brackets and I was all "...AHAHAHAHAH- *kills self* x_x" I was so stupid. XD Yeah... -patpat- Dun worry, you still are. ^-^ Awww. That's sweet. She's alive? Oh phooey. I had the paddles out to restart her heart. I have always wanted to use these! You still can! ^_______^ *wanders up behind somebody random, probably Arkcher, as he's the only other one in this topic* CLEAR! *shoves the paddles into his back* You just have to be stealthy about it! LOL *watches the shock of the paddles turn Arkcher into a werewolf* *runs, grabbing - Kat - , pulling her away from the scene* This reminds me sorta of those beef jerky commercials where they play pranks of Bigfoot... LOL... I had forgotten about those. LOL My favorite advert is the Fruit of the Loom one, where the boy looks out the window at his father, the apple is singing about how the boy's hamster died. XD The singing Fruit of the Loom commercials are funny. Me, my brother, and a bunch of our friends were at a Walmart for something, and one of them saw a package of Fruit of the Loom underwear, but it was abbreviated FTL, and they just randomly said "Faster Than Light underwear?" ROFOCLH They get The Gold Star Award for that comment! XD I'll be sure to inform them. They'll probably think you are crazy, but I know I will never look at FTL underwear the same ever again. LOL
  16. XD Good luck! I will need it. This Saturday is 23 miles. Then I will definitely need luck. As for today, if it is high tide, I will be back in about 40 minutes. Low tide, then I won't be back for a couple hours. I am hoping it will be high tide so the low tide will be around 19H00 and it will not be midday, where there are less people wandering around the beach.
  17. Well, time for me to take a small trip over to the beach. Hamsters love running in sand. The only problem is, I want to run at low tide and I cannot remember if it is high tide at 13H00 or low tide. So, I might be back really fast or really slow.
  18. Yeah, Its hilarious when you dig up really old topics that havent been posted in for 2+ years, bump them and everyone gets to see what a nerd they were back then. xD When I was getting the posts put back together from that RP, I kept looking at what I had written, either as part of the RP or in brackets and I was all "...AHAHAHAHAH- *kills self* x_x" I was so stupid. XD Yeah... -patpat- Dun worry, you still are. ^-^ Awww. That's sweet. She's alive? Oh phooey. I had the paddles out to restart her heart. I have always wanted to use these! You still can! ^_______^ *wanders up behind somebody random, probably Arkcher, as he's the only other one in this topic* CLEAR! *shoves the paddles into his back* You just have to be stealthy about it! LOL *watches the shock of the paddles turn Arkcher into a werewolf* *runs, grabbing - Kat - , pulling her away from the scene* This reminds me sorta of those beef jerky commercials where they play pranks of Bigfoot... LOL... I had forgotten about those. LOL My favorite advert is the Fruit of the Loom one, where the boy looks out the window at his father, the apple is singing about how the boy's hamster died. XD The singing Fruit of the Loom commercials are funny. Me, my brother, and a bunch of our friends were at a Walmart for something, and one of them saw a package of Fruit of the Loom underwear, but it was abbreviated FTL, and they just randomly said "Faster Than Light underwear?" ROFOCLH They get The Gold Star Award for that comment!
  19. For some reason, the way you're holding the burger strikes me as odd. I dunno. ... So? >_>; Maybe the way your siggy is colored strikes me as odd. OOH. Snap. Somebody get me a fork, 'cause I've just been SERVED. ...*kills self for saying that* x_x *grabs the paddles... * "Clear!" *zaps - Kat - * "Yee haa! Clear!" *zaps - Kat - again* *sees her eyes open* Welcome back. Please stop killing yourself dead. *gets up* It was for my own good. Believe me. This time I will. *keeps the paddles armed and ready*
  20. Yeah, Its hilarious when you dig up really old topics that havent been posted in for 2+ years, bump them and everyone gets to see what a nerd they were back then. xD When I was getting the posts put back together from that RP, I kept looking at what I had written, either as part of the RP or in brackets and I was all "...AHAHAHAHAH- *kills self* x_x" I was so stupid. XD Yeah... -patpat- Dun worry, you still are. ^-^ Awww. That's sweet. She's alive? Oh phooey. I had the paddles out to restart her heart. I have always wanted to use these! You still can! ^_______^ *wanders up behind somebody random, probably Arkcher, as he's the only other one in this topic* CLEAR! *shoves the paddles into his back* You just have to be stealthy about it! LOL *watches the shock of the paddles turn Arkcher into a werewolf* *runs, grabbing - Kat - , pulling her away from the scene* This reminds me sorta of those beef jerky commercials where they play pranks of Bigfoot... LOL... I had forgotten about those. LOL My favorite advert is the Fruit of the Loom one, where the boy looks out the window at his father, the apple is singing about how the boy's hamster died. Wait... that doesn't sound quite right. The boy is sad about his hamster and he is looking for comfort. ??? From his underwear??? I need to rethink this advert.
  21. Please ask your mother to allow me to go. I promise I will not leave your pocket. I will be a very good hamster. Please, Please, Please!!!
  22. Yeah, Its hilarious when you dig up really old topics that havent been posted in for 2+ years, bump them and everyone gets to see what a nerd they were back then. xD When I was getting the posts put back together from that RP, I kept looking at what I had written, either as part of the RP or in brackets and I was all "...AHAHAHAHAH- *kills self* x_x" I was so stupid. XD Yeah... -patpat- Dun worry, you still are. ^-^ Awww. That's sweet. She's alive? Oh phooey. I had the paddles out to restart her heart. I have always wanted to use these! You still can! ^_______^ *wanders up behind somebody random, probably Arkcher, as he's the only other one in this topic* CLEAR! *shoves the paddles into his back* You just have to be stealthy about it! LOL *watches the shock of the paddles turn Arkcher into a werewolf* *runs, grabbing - Kat - , pulling her away from the scene*
  23. For some reason, the way you're holding the burger strikes me as odd. I dunno. ... So? >_>; Maybe the way your siggy is colored strikes me as odd. OOH. Snap. Somebody get me a fork, 'cause I've just been SERVED. ...*kills self for saying that* x_x *grabs the paddles... * "Clear!" *zaps - Kat - * "Yee haa! Clear!" *zaps - Kat - again* *sees her eyes open* Welcome back. Please stop killing yourself dead.
  24. It has given me the idea to possible start writting that story again! XD Which will help with my boredom, so yes, it has helped! Excellent! Here have some pin tac to help with any writer's block you might encounter.
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