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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. We love funny stories. Would you please try and write one? I am certain you are probably terrific at anything artistic, written and creative.
  2. How terrific you are! I thought you were older. You do a great job on the computer.
  3. I've tried basically the stuff you've said already. What I also tried was dumping him today but I chickened out. Again. And he just said I love you over messenger. Again. And I just replied I love you too over messenger. Again. Which is a half lie, I suppose since I love him as a friend. *feels very violent at the moment* *is very happy there are no hamster-love problems like Mega Wolf's*
  4. *proud of herself for knowing what those times are* :3 XD I meant I know when you mean when you say 19H39, or whatever. No, I live in Kansas. I don't think I really need to worry about high tide. And should the situation ever arise that high tide did reach Kansas, I think I would have other things on my mind. LOL... Good point about the tides in Kansas! You get The Gold Star Award for that response! I am so happy that you know the 24 hour clock. Have some Seikooc Pin Tac! You said pin tac instead of nip tac again. XD *just loves that edit button*
  5. ha. im a whale. your probably lighter then i. oh and to explain the 2468 diet.. its how many calories you eat that day 200.. 400..and so on. You are hardly a whale! ok well i feel a little good about myself cuz i was readying an ana's website and shes 223. i know, its horrible to feel good when someone else is so far behind like im slightly a witch and i feel good. im 100% average, my body looks kinda average and my bmi is average but thats not nearly good enough as long as i have fat rolls, i'll feel like an overweight cow. Please tell me one thing you do like about yourself. um. my eyes are pretty? idk. im short and small chested, low confidence and scarred up. and i live inside my head. theres not many good things around.. Noooooooo, you answered the question with the first line, so I edited out the negative part. You have pretty eyes. I also think you have a beautiful face and gorgeous hair!!!!
  6. Ohhhhh, I won't have anyone to play with during the day. Today was my first day at high school. Nothing really happened, although my History teacher did sing "Where is Love" while we came in. But yeah. I'm in Japanese! :3 *happy jig* Go japanese! Since kana and kanji probably won't show up on most people's screens I guess I'll have to use romaji to talk in japanese on these forums, if I ever felt the need to. Aww, heck. Watashi wa Glowurm desu. Douzo yoroshiku. *points at horatio* Tomodachi no Horatiosan desu. *hears horatio say 'Watashi wa Horatio desu. Douzo yoroshiku.' and wonders where horatio picked that up * Onamae wa? Hah, I love using my miniscule amount of knowledge of the japanese language . I've forgotten so much though. It's been a good 10 weeks since I last saw any kana, and I forget pretty quickly. I'm suprised I remember even this much. *counts to 5 before running off* Ichi, ni, san, shi, go *runs off* *waits for Mega Wolf to appear* *wonders how much Japenese Glowurm knows*
  7. nice. ah, well, neither am I, but that's for a different reason. "saving yourself"? my best friend told me she was gonna do that, she really meant it, i kept rolling my eyes... omg i was right.. im scared shes gonna get preg one day... that's part of it, but I'm terrified I'll get hurt, or he'll leave me like a bootycall, or I'll be foreced to marry a guy I don't really like. I mean, Ich and I are TOTALLY getting married, but still. Murphy's law says we'll break up if we do it before marriage. That and my past has totally numbed me. It's a miracle Ich even got me to love him. mm. understandable. im glad your happy with him tho. i keep telling rob, that if he loves me, it shouldnt matter when im ready. and if he gets mad about it then we're over. very mature thought process, Lauren. You sound too much like me. lol. no jesusness for me though *shields eyes* I'd say something, but Horatio would baleet it. You are one step ahead of me. I like that. i dont understand why religion cant be talked about in more then one place.. i mean.. i understand wanting it to be organized but POEMS ||||||| RELIGION is kinda black and white if you ask me... Because HampsterKing wants only one of the controversial topics. This way someone who does not share the same religious views does not feel that the board is a place they don't want to be. If there is one religion and one government, then if they don't like to discuss those subjects, then they can avoid them. Did I answer your question? yes it sorta makes sense now. but still.. i dont share most people's religion veiws but hey.. free speach everyone should be able to say wut they need to. exspecially since all my poem topics are like.. me and paz talking about stuff. ha but i do get it. Great. mhm. i dont really wanna hear wut she was gonna say anyway ;PPP lol. *brings Lauren a cup of coffee*
  8. For some reason, the way you're holding the burger strikes me as odd. I dunno. ... So? >_>; Maybe the way your siggy is colored strikes me as odd. OOH. Snap. Somebody get me a fork, 'cause I've just been SERVED. ...*kills self for saying that* x_x That made me laugh A LOT! I like this funny edit to normal pictures idea, sounds like jolly good fun ♥ Lee I can't wait to see the results!!! *creates a special award for this topic*
  9. nice. ah, well, neither am I, but that's for a different reason. "saving yourself"? my best friend told me she was gonna do that, she really meant it, i kept rolling my eyes... omg i was right.. im scared shes gonna get preg one day... that's part of it, but I'm terrified I'll get hurt, or he'll leave me like a bootycall, or I'll be foreced to marry a guy I don't really like. I mean, Ich and I are TOTALLY getting married, but still. Murphy's law says we'll break up if we do it before marriage. That and my past has totally numbed me. It's a miracle Ich even got me to love him. mm. understandable. im glad your happy with him tho. i keep telling rob, that if he loves me, it shouldnt matter when im ready. and if he gets mad about it then we're over. very mature thought process, Lauren. You sound too much like me. lol. no jesusness for me though *shields eyes* I'd say something, but Horatio would baleet it. You are one step ahead of me. I like that. i dont understand why religion cant be talked about in more then one place.. i mean.. i understand wanting it to be organized but POEMS ||||||| RELIGION is kinda black and white if you ask me... Because HampsterKing wants only one of the controversial topics. This way someone who does not share the same religious views does not feel that the board is a place they don't want to be. If there is one religion and one government, then if they don't like to discuss those subjects, then they can avoid them. Did I answer your question? yes it sorta makes sense now. but still.. i dont share most people's religion veiws but hey.. free speach everyone should be able to say wut they need to. exspecially since all my poem topics are like.. me and paz talking about stuff. ha but i do get it. Great.
  10. ha, i thought it was funny So did I! great minds laugh at similar things :]] Quite right!
  11. ha. im a whale. your probably lighter then i. oh and to explain the 2468 diet.. its how many calories you eat that day 200.. 400..and so on. You are hardly a whale! ok well i feel a little good about myself cuz i was readying an ana's website and shes 223. i know, its horrible to feel good when someone else is so far behind like im slightly a witch and i feel good. im 100% average, my body looks kinda average and my bmi is average but thats not nearly good enough as long as i have fat rolls, i'll feel like an overweight cow. Please tell me one thing you do like about yourself.
  12. ha. im a whale. your probably lighter then i. oh and to explain the 2468 diet.. its how many calories you eat that day 200.. 400..and so on. You are hardly a whale!
  13. Hampsterdudet, why don't you try and write a few poems. I bet you would be great at it!
  14. ha, i thought it was funny So did I!
  15. nice. ah, well, neither am I, but that's for a different reason. "saving yourself"? my best friend told me she was gonna do that, she really meant it, i kept rolling my eyes... omg i was right.. im scared shes gonna get preg one day... that's part of it, but I'm terrified I'll get hurt, or he'll leave me like a bootycall, or I'll be foreced to marry a guy I don't really like. I mean, Ich and I are TOTALLY getting married, but still. Murphy's law says we'll break up if we do it before marriage. That and my past has totally numbed me. It's a miracle Ich even got me to love him. mm. understandable. im glad your happy with him tho. i keep telling rob, that if he loves me, it shouldnt matter when im ready. and if he gets mad about it then we're over. very mature thought process, Lauren. You sound too much like me. lol. no jesusness for me though *shields eyes* I'd say something, but Horatio would baleet it. You are one step ahead of me. I like that. i dont understand why religion cant be talked about in more then one place.. i mean.. i understand wanting it to be organized but POEMS ||||||| RELIGION is kinda black and white if you ask me... Because HampsterKing wants only one of the controversial topics. This way someone who does not share the same religious views does not feel that the board is a place they don't want to be. If there is one religion and one government, then if they don't like to discuss those subjects, then they can avoid them. Did I answer your question?
  16. i meant the awards Oohhhhhh those... *changes the subject* Well, how is the weather where you are? well i dont go out in the day.. but it was good before.. I thought the weather up there is beautiful... why not go out in the day? i sleep thru some of it and then im inside for the rest of it. Get out!!!
  17. nice. ah, well, neither am I, but that's for a different reason. "saving yourself"? my best friend told me she was gonna do that, she really meant it, i kept rolling my eyes... omg i was right.. im scared shes gonna get preg one day... that's part of it, but I'm terrified I'll get hurt, or he'll leave me like a bootycall, or I'll be foreced to marry a guy I don't really like. I mean, Ich and I are TOTALLY getting married, but still. Murphy's law says we'll break up if we do it before marriage. That and my past has totally numbed me. It's a miracle Ich even got me to love him. mm. understandable. im glad your happy with him tho. i keep telling rob, that if he loves me, it shouldnt matter when im ready. and if he gets mad about it then we're over. very mature thought process, Lauren. You sound too much like me. lol. no jesusness for me though *shields eyes* I'd say something, but Horatio would baleet it. You are one step ahead of me. I like that.
  18. Aww. Dang. I start school on Monday. I hate when they do that, since I have a full week of school to look forward to. I'm going to get lost, and just sit in the middle of the hallway and start crying. Haha. XD I was about to do that at the open house when I went to find my classes. They're all so far away from each other. I told my dad I want a helicopter to take me to my classes. u_u Love the helicopter idea. Can I be your pilot? What did your father say... that he will have your new helicopter delivered by this weekend?
  19. *proud of herself for knowing what those times are* :3 XD I meant I know when you mean when you say 19H39, or whatever. No, I live in Kansas. I don't think I really need to worry about high tide. And should the situation ever arise that high tide did reach Kansas, I think I would have other things on my mind. LOL... Good point about the tides in Kansas! You get The Gold Star Award for that response! I am so happy that you know the 24 hour clock. Have some Seikooc Pin Tac!
  20. I think I need a good bagel. Time to go to New York and have a couple fresh baked bagels. Anyone want to come? The jet is all fueled and ready. No need for waiting in line at the airport, just come to Horatio's cage and we will scurry over and hop in the jet. If you have to attend school, place your bagel order and we will FedEx it to you.
  21. Because she is writing in a forum that is called Stories, Poems and anything written. This is where you create written works.
  22. I wish I could help you understand that starving yourself will not help you remain thin. my metabolism isnt going to slow down. theres so many ways to avvoid that. plus i think im gonna try the 2468 diet. Okay.
  23. So you wouldn't think I just deleted it without an explanation.
  24. We should all like, do silly edits like that to real pictures of our real selves. I have a good one of me, who wants to do the edit? -raises hand- I shall... Oh wait a minute... I got a relatively humorous idea. We do a W1K parody and have a Photoshop This Photo contest of sorts, One person uploads a photo, like a hamster or something, And everyone else comes in and applies mad MS Pain skillz or photoshop skillz and makes it... more.. different. More humorous wins, (Not necessarily talented or well-done, considering I think only about five members here have photoshop.) or... whatever is specified by whoever uploads the photo. Of course, with the whole copyrighting mess applied. that kind of goes without saying though. Very cool idea! I like it. Let's do it! Now, let's talk about the way your holding that burger. That was some big huge burger I got at Applebee's once. I forgot what it was, but it was pretty good. Muh dad said it was hilarious (He has a wierd sense of humor.) and asked if anyone had a camera, and I remembered I had that digital camera in my backpack (which goes nowhere without me. Since i dont have an official compy, my backpack and its contents go wherever I do. =D) so my sister or someone took that picture, and... I guess i decided to hold it with like 3 fingers, so I did. ... so you could see the whole thing. yeah, thats it. Then i ate it. ... and it kept falling apart. Those hamburgers that keep falling apart are the best ones! I like using a sandwich-sized English muffin to make my cheeseburger, with lots of tomato, lettuce, onion and all the condiments!!!!!!!!!!
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