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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. We would be sad if you left. I am glad you can't leave.
  2. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* XD I think I'll print that our and tape it to my binder. XD I think Ill get a freind to take a picture of me with a Pink Floyd CD in front of my face. Here are my HD portraits. Glowurm TB MK Arkcher *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* I always love your drawings! Colorful and with a fantastic sense of humor.
  3. All those images are simply ooh-aah. That mascot46 thing is just... O.O Wooooooow. Wow. Wow wow wowedy-wow. Wow wow. Now with added wow. Multiplied by wow, plus wow, plus the result from multiplying it by wow, to the power of wow. WOW Okay, done now. *runs off to research human anatomy and try to draw some stuffz* Oh, and here's another artistic animal award (AAA!). *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* I didn't draw that, It's from Zetapets. I'm going to maybe print it out and learn to draw it though. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astonomy Domine*~* It probably has a copyright and I do apologize I will have to remove it as this is only for original works. I hope you understand.
  4. You can always talk to us. We may not tell you what you want to hear, but we will always be here for you. Meh. I'm usually more... serious, depressed even at nighttimes. And sometimes I'm crazier XD But right now I think I'm the former. I also find I swear more when I'm in this mood >. Perhaps the problem is that you are surpressing your vampire side! *watches the sun set in Australia and Glowurm start growing fangs and get really hairy*
  5. Actually TGHL will be back. He now is on holiday in Holland.
  6. Nobody hates teh Lee. We all love her and care about her. - Kat - is 1 million percent correct!!!!!! *gives Lee the biggest hammie bear huggle ever, then gives her a purple pair of shoes to go with the glow stick*
  7. *starts mixing up Wildcat's drink, doing lots of flashy spins and tosses* I forgot I was a bartender too >. I remembered because if the whole being a vet thing doesn't work out, bartender was one of my other career choices. XD I wouldn't have guessed your second career choice! Since we are on the topic of food and drink... anyone care to join me for dinner? I will be perusing the Planet Horatio menu while waiting for others to arrive.
  8. You didn't make a mistake, you attached this! Great card!!!
  9. You can always talk to us. We may not tell you what you want to hear, but we will always be here for you.
  10. You MUST continue!!! This is fantastic!!!!!!
  11. *installs concert sized speakers to help Lee jump higher*
  12. I always love your pics, MK. They're so colorful and cheery. Very true!!!
  13. [Outstanding! You are a phenomenal storyteller!!! I look forward to you continuing!]
  14. Is there some kind of explaination to The Pschedelic Luau? I don't really get it, or is this a self-explanatory type thing. *~*The Grand Illusion*~* Psychedelic is the weird, LSD-Colourfull`hippie-stuff. Luaus are Hawaiien Parties. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~* 'Kay, just making sure that there wasn't some other meaningfulness in it. *~*The Grand Illusion*~* Psychedelic Luaus are really just colourful hawaiien parties with all thids music and hippies. But no drugs, 'case we wouldn't want to get arrested. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~* ...Are drug references allowed? *waits to see what Dr. Wolf posts*
  15. Horatio

    Band camp

    I probably do. My band has about 170 members. And then there's the show to put together, which is 7-8 minutes long. Whoa........... 170 members??????? Your band is not large, it is an ULTRA MEGA HYPER BAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cannot imagine coordinating 170 people for a show. Your band director must be really, really phenomenal.
  16. Yes!!! I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!! *gives Wildcat The Platinum Moon Award for her first artwork here*
  17. I've tried basically the stuff you've said already. What I also tried was dumping him today but I chickened out. Again. And he just said I love you over messenger. Again. And I just replied I love you too over messenger. Again. Which is a half lie, I suppose since I love him as a friend. *feels very violent at the moment* Oh, thats sad. So you would rather have him as a friend? Because if this is how you feel I think you should tell him, no doubt he will be sad but you really shouldn't keep it to yourself. ♥ Lee Yeah, I guess. Since I dumped the last guy, causing him to totally hate me(and be a drama queen), it's been sort of hard to do anything without rethinking and reconsidering. My confidence has just been thrown off completely. I understand how that must feel. I am lying to a boy because he wants me, I told him I had a boyfriend but I really don't. I know I shouldn't lie but I don't want to hurt his feelings by telling him to leave me alone because we've been friends since were little. He just asked me if I was ready to cheat on my "boyfriend". I know it was just jokingly but I hate it when he says things like that. ♥ Lee Remember this saying... "In every jest, there is an ounce of truth." My self esteem is really low at the moment. Maybe I should let this boy use me, no body else wants me. ♥ Lee NO!! NO!! NO!! NEVER !!!!! If you think your self-esteem is low, let him use you and your self-esteem will be even lower then you could ever imagine. Please do not do this.
  18. Blame it on me! I have not deleted any of your posts. I only edit them. *blames it on HampsterKing*
  19. I've tried basically the stuff you've said already. What I also tried was dumping him today but I chickened out. Again. And he just said I love you over messenger. Again. And I just replied I love you too over messenger. Again. Which is a half lie, I suppose since I love him as a friend. *feels very violent at the moment* Oh, thats sad. So you would rather have him as a friend? Because if this is how you feel I think you should tell him, no doubt he will be sad but you really shouldn't keep it to yourself. ♥ Lee Yeah, I guess. Since I dumped the last guy, causing him to totally hate me(and be a drama queen), it's been sort of hard to do anything without rethinking and reconsidering. My confidence has just been thrown off completely. I understand how that must feel. I am lying to a boy because he wants me, I told him I had a boyfriend but I really don't. I know I shouldn't lie but I don't want to hurt his feelings by telling him to leave me alone because we've been friends since were little. He just asked me if I was ready to cheat on my "boyfriend". I know it was just jokingly but I hate it when he says things like that. ♥ Lee Remember this saying... "In every jest, there is an ounce of truth."
  20. So there. it doesnt make you more hungry. i felt like i ate that cheeseburger and it was really good. *sighs* seriously, the only point of eating is the taste anyway. i was telling lucy how id be like 70 pounds if i had no taste buds. WAY TOO LITTLE EVEN FOR ME, LAUREN! um duh! did you notice the "if i had no taste buds." *sigh* so.. i DO have taste buds and i binged today :[ *sighs again* stop sighing and vocalize your thoughts. new diet buddy! i love support. i have SO much hope today. im fasting till like 5pm tomorrow. O.O If you lived in aus, you should've done the 40 hour famine. That way, you'd be getting sponsored to do something you already do. The 40 hour famine sounds like a stupid thing to me. They prevent children from eating for 40 hours for charity of all things. How crazy!!!
  21. I am so very sorry to hear about the kitty. You really tried and that was wonderful.
  22. Bwahaha. Elementry school, the best years of my life (as of yet). Very little homework compared to now. I remember... More then three years ago I was running around succesfully convincing people I was 16+. Now I am 12 (year 7 is the first year in junior high where I go), succesfully convincing people I am 21+. Without even trying :blink: I ask all of my friends after I realise I did something stupid if they believe I'm really 12. Not once has anyone replied, "Yes." So, after you convinced your friends that you were 21, you now wanted them to believe you are 12?
  23. Thanks-ness! *decides to store that award in his memory for the next time he edits his sig* A brownie. Okay, you'll be brown then! When I stop being lazy. I probably won't stop being lazy though. Yay procrastination! 109 more posts until you reach 500!!! Then you will really have to edit your siggie!!!
  24. Couldn't you stop in for five minutes on the weekend to say hello and fill us in on your life? We would really appreciate it.
  25. [This is outstanding! *waits for Arkcher to post more* ]
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