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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Horatio

    My place. :)

    The photographs could be released, but depending on how bullet-ridden and bloody his body was, it might be horrendous to view. I am not so sure what to think.
  2. My pleasure. Now quit delaying and cut the cake!!!
  3. Just heard that the wake is on Friday the 13th, followed by the funeral on the 14th. This is going to be really, really hard for me.
  4. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Keep applying to other jobs, but the old saying goes, "no news is good news". Hopefully this will apply in your case. As you mentioned, this is a new school, and perhaps they have had a large number of people apply. You are handling this quite well, and I am hoping it works out in your favour. Regarding Bin Laden... I would not want to see pictures. If the pictures were gory, perhaps this might anger some people when they saw the image. Or perhaps it might raise his status to martyr. Not releasing the pictures in his case is something I think I agree with.
  5. You brought up a excellent point about all the inflections, as I had not thought about that. I had enough problems with the different sounds in French and Spanish, you can change a word with the wrong vowel. This lesson was one I learned the hard way. Americans have a well-earned bad reputation. There are a number of occasions that I have witnessed Americans being just plain rude. Most often it is just lack of respect for other people and taking time to learn the customs, mores and ways of each country. For example, when you walk into a shop in France, you greet the shopkeeper with a hello. Saying 'bonjour' really opens a lot of doors. When I entered someone's shop, I would just say in French, 'hello, may I please look around your shop?', and this usually worked wonders. On a lighter note, when I tried to read a phrase from the language book, sometimes I would absolutely murder the language which would make the person I was trying to communicate with, smile. This really was a great way to meet people. I have said some really interesting stuff. Once in Germany I was trying to order something off the menu and I think I ordered old smelly shoes or something like that. The wait staff really started laughing and I loved going back to that restaurant.
  6. Dear - Kat -, These are the bestest of all wishes for the most terrific of all birthdays!!! Wishing you an outstanding birthday with many, many more to come!!! Of course, we are going to subject you to the traditional song, so get your birthday wish ready because after this, you will have to make the wish, blow out the candles and let your birthday celebration begin!!! HAPPY HAMMIE BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY HAMMIE BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY HAMMIE BIRTHDAY DEAR - KAT -, HAPPY HAMMIE BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!!! Let's get this party started!!! Horatio
  7. You will be outstanding!!!!! We will be waiting to hear how it went.
  8. Here is a picture of Paris from my hotel window. Room 3204. It has some reflection, but I wanted to get this posted for all to see.
  9. I just wanted to let everyone know that my sister, Teddie, passed away last night. She was neither ill, nor had any health problems. It was so very sudden. Thank you for your patience during this period in my life. Horatio
  10. Unfortunately I only speak one language. But, I know a few words and phrases in each language of the country I visit. For example, I know hello, please, thank you, my name is Horatio, how can I get to the _________ (fill in the name of the hotel), how to order coffee, and a few others. French and German, I have a better grasp of as I took a couple courses and have more friends there. English is really a worldwide language. You will find that in many countries, a good number of people speak two or more languages, English being one. My worst languages are Russian and Chinese. These two countries have languages that seem to be much more difficult for me to grasp. Perhaps that is because I do not spend much time there. The other problem is when I switch between countries with similar languages, such as Spain, Italy, France, often I will use words from French when trying to speak Italian or Italian when trying to speak Spanish. There are some words that are quite similar. This problem would happen when I would be switching countries every day or so. For example, in France one day, Italy the next, followed by Russia, France, Portugal and so on. German seems a bit easier for me and I am able to understand and commuicate my basic words, but almost every German speaks better English than I do, so I do not get a chance to practice their language as much as I would like. In my travels I have found that if I am respectful and attempt to communicate several words in the language of the country I am visiting, it helps immensely. I try never to be the ugly American who only speaks English and expects people of that country to accommodate me. When you try and speak a few words in the language of the country you are visiting, you will find out just how many people speak English. I do have some friends who do not speak English. We communicate with me knowing a few words, carrying a language dictionary, pad and paper and looking up words and drawing pictures. When this happens I am certain this is pretty hilarious for someone to watch. But usually we are successful.
  11. Next time I will take my camera and produce a short video. Just long enough to let you see it, and short enough that it will be able to appear here. LOL... you are probably much more sophisticated drinking tea. The coffee I make at home is Butter Rum and not really strong, so I would say I am unsophicated as well. For me, I really love the way coffee tastes and could drink it any time of the day.
  12. It is totally amazing to walk around Paris... even for a day. Most places I enjoy walking around and finding a place to have a cup of coffee. My friend Carole and her sister Florence, have taken over their parent's brasserie. The next time I go to Paris, I will take a photograph and post it. The Eiffel Tower now has a light show of white sparkling lights that runs for the first five minutes of every hour. When I saw it, I thought of you - Kat -, all the sparkly lights.
  13. Dear !_HogwartsHamster_! and Hamsterfireball, Although you probably will not be reading this, if you do, we wanted to let you know we are thinking of you and wish you a really outstanding birthday!!! Hopefully, life is treating you well and you are having a great time. Perhaps you will stop in and say hello sometime. HAPPY HAMMY BIRTHDAY TO YOU BOTH!!!!!! Horatio
  14. Glad to be home! The trip was Dubai, Delhi, Paris, returning back to Memphis. Very interesting trip. Not much to say. Found a Dunkin Donuts in Dubai, with coffee that tasted just like I was in the USA!!! Of course. Delhi, you do not leave the hotel compound, so we were trapped for two days in the hotel. This was not so bad as I only did three things... slept, ate and went to the gym. Paris, of course, was outstanding and I saw some of my friends who I had not seen in a long time, and walked all over the place and ate exceptional food. This whole month I am on reserve, so we will see where I end up.
  15. Thank you for the offer of help, even if you are miles and miles away. I do understand wanting to obtain your PhD from another university. Perhaps a U.S. university? I do not know which ones are the best for your specialty, but it might be where you could get a scholarship. You might even find something in Australia. It will be interesting to know what you decide upon. Germany has excellent companies that have terrific research and development departments that work hand-in-hand with universities. This will be an exciting time for you! Good luck!!! I should have remembered that the Rhine did not flow through Munich. In the Elizabethan Park and we swam in the water that flows around the park. As far as the city where we swam in the Rhine, I can see the picture in my mind as clearly as if I just did it, but I am at a total loss as to which one it was. You do not swim across the Rhine in this city, but you jump in on one side, and are taken along the side in the fast moving current to exit downstream at a series of points. You then walk back up to the starting point and start all over again. In Basel, is where we swam across the river. It is really narrow and although there are some boats, it is not heavily traveled. I need photographs. Then I would remember.
  16. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Great news!!!! I am glad to hear you found it easier than you anticipated to inform your manager of your exit. Get a copy of the yearly review you just had. It is always good for future reference. You may have to request this in writing, but it is an asset that you do not want to let slide. Please do this, even if it means another meeting with your manager. Find the one you like or perhaps request a copy of your personnel file from human resources. They should have no problem honouring your request. Yes, Bin Laden is dead, and you are one million percent accurate in that there will be someone else to replace him. My concerns are that the 'new' leader will have to prove himself, and rather rapidly, with an attack on the USA. My other concerns are the young terrorists, such as the twelve year-old suicide bomber in Morocco. Recruiting and utilizing children of this age is awful and may even disarm adults when it comes to terrorists. If you are sitting in a cafe and you see a twelve year-old, would you be alarmed? Most likely not. The next six months to a year will prove very interesting. As far as the death of Bin Laden, I was shocked to get home to see actors and actresses being interviewed and they said they would not believe he was dead until they saw pictures. I was wondering... have they ever heard of Photoshop? You can not believe everything you see with your eyes either.
  17. Five people may have quit... but you are up for this challenge!!! This will be a fun time for you and I do believe you will not find any problems or difficulties in your marching camp!!! You will be awesome!!! I would love to see a video of you all at the end of camp. It is going to be amazing!!! The time will pass really fast until it is time to go.
  18. Glad to hear your freshman year turned out to be a success. You will love your summer. traveling around, seeing the various parts of our country and the world. The places you intend to visit are terrific and you will end up taking a zillion pictures. My cousins live in Old Greenwich, so stop in and say hello for me. California is another great state and you will love being there as well. Four months doing what you plan will fly by so very, very fast. You will be shocked at how those days disappeared and you are back at school. We look forward to some of you amazing photographs being posted. Please do remember us. I always look forward to your posts, so please stay in touch.
  19. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Totally understand on not mentioning the town. I am positive that you will be successful on your teaching lesson interview. This sounds like such a terrific school and excellent opportunity for you. Congratulations on the camp job!!! Great news on the better pay. Like you, I would not look forward to telling my Wal-mart managers. The camp job will be a superb way to spend the summer making money before your teaching job begins. I am positive you will receive a job offer from them. Your yearly evalutaion sounded very good. Your skills as an effective and professional communicator will make you an excellent teacher. Very smart to run your letter past Shane as that gives you an objective point of view. Perhaps your letter added to your positive evaluation. It sounds like you are on a very positive employment track. The ability to pay your bills will take quite a bit of stress off your shoulders. What a relief! Keep us posted on your next step in the teaching interview! Good luck!!!
  20. If you can pick her up with both hands and then hold her against your body, you will not hurt her. At first, hold her over the tank and bring your body close to the tank while picking her up. You are not really young, so I am certain you will not squish her. Before putting her into her ball, try to guide her to her potty. When most hamsters wake up, they use the potty and then groom themselves. If you allow her to wake up and get to the grooming stage, she most likely will not pee in her ball. This usually happens when they have not had an opportunity to do their wake-up grooming ritual. Some hamsters will groom themselves in the ball because this is what they do after they have woken up. So, give her some time to do her ritual and this should avoid any problems with accidents. You really are doing great, it is a long process. When she is finished with the ball, sit with the ball in your lap, open the lid and stick you hand in. Keep making her get onto your hand. Eventually she will feel totally comfortable getting onto your hand.
  21. Outstanding! The company posted the bid and it is open for 45 days. So, I need to get serious and make a decision. There are lots of factors influencing my decision, so this will be a tough one. I would very much like to go. If I do go, how to you feel about helping me with housing? When I get know what is happening, from the close of the bid, on the 18th of June, to when we are expected to be there will be about six weeks, on the 1st of August. You can be sure that I will take your suggestions and do them if I end up over there!!! Sounds like a great night in the park!!! Have you ever swam in the Rhine River? When I was in Munich, I think as I can't remember what city we were in, we jumped in the Rhine at one point and ended up down stream quite a bit. It was amazing fun, but really, really cold!!! I thought I was going to have a heart attack when my body hit the cold water. Of course, I would do it again. When I was in Basel, there were lots of people swimming across the river. I looked and saw many people who were lots older and figured it they could do it, so could I. Well, I jumped in and found that it was so much harder than it looked as the current was ferocious! I ended up downstream about one-half mile. The river was not wide, but the current was so strong that it took some really strong swimming to go straight across. When I talked to some of the locals, I found that many of them had been swimming across the river for many years. Before I jumped into the river, I would have said that I was a pretty good swimmer; after ending up downstream, I felt like such an out-of-shape swimmer! When do you plan to return home? Imax is pretty amazing if you have the right film for the screen. I saw one a while ago and it was amazing. Enjoy your stay in New Zealand. I do know what you were speaking of when you talked about being a local and not seeing the sights. Living in Florida, I have never been to Disneyland, or Disney World or what ever it is called. Kennedy Space Center has a phenomenal exhibit and I have been there many times. It is the only tourist site I have visited in Florida.
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