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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. You could have stayed in my cage!!! I have three connected with lots and lots of tubes and a variety of out buildings. I was in Memphis. Where were you? You can say because you don't live there. Mr. Moosey368 was on holiday in Tennessee about one month ago. Two bad, you two might have met each other and not known it until you came to the boards. Wouldn't that be cool!
  2. >. When you and I are the only two posters on the board, guests not counted, then I will give you some hints so you may search your sources and join in. How does that sound Glowurm?
  3. none of ur stuff ever ever ever sounds lame. if u want to hear something lame? read my poetry my stuff is so "BLAH BLAH WHINE WHO CARES BORING" to me. i like your stuff! Most writers, artists, and musicians are like that. They see their own work as sub-par. But none of them should really do that 'til they see my stuff. I don't think I could write a sad poem to save my life, for example. I think you write the poetry about things that are happening in your life. If you were having a bad time, I believe you would write wonderful poetry about sad events.
  4. You are fantastic at writing poems!!!!!!!
  5. [...This is a long time ago After all, stewart is still around ] [People keep on giving me more, and more, and more ideas! Dangit >. Actually I found out where Stewart has disappeared to. He has an Ostrich farm and tourist trap along I.40 in Arizona.
  6. I think TBFOF is trying to be nice. Why don't you try and make friends with him, please.
  7. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Dial up... grrrrrr! I remember when dial up was great, then I became really pleased with cable and dial up was no longer an option. Erendayu is starting college this year and I was looking for your pictures to show her. Your graduation gown is by far the best one I have ever seen!!!!
  8. No to Iowa and Mississippi, and North Carolina was the last trip. Run back a few posts and look at my response to Mushroom_king. Were you in Tennessee at some point? You will get extra credit for this answer. Yes I was. Now... where am I going and how am I going to travel there.
  9. I agree with your decision to focus on your studies until after exams! LOL *gets three pairs of fancy colorful shoes and extra glow sticks as a reward for focusing*
  10. Oh my goodness!!!!!!!!!! *screamssssssssssssss* I have been thinking of you! How are you? What college are you going to? Are you excited? Jesusfreak is going to college as well. Tell us what is happening! I am sooooooooo happy to see you!!! You weren't on! Stupid of me. How are you? How is everyone? (When was I last on?) *gives Erendayu a giant hammie bear huggle* I am glad to hear that you are kind of excited to go. When you get there I am sure you will enjoy yourself. Yes, there is a little stress as it is a big change, but I think once you get into the routine, you will be happy. CheetaSpot is in her second year of college this year. Once you reach 18 you can post pics of yourself if you want. And if you feel uncomfortable, then black out the face. Check out Jesusfreak's topic, she has some phenomenal pics. TGHL will be thrilled to see you have returned. He is in Amsterdam this week or perhaps two weeks. Do you know what you want to study? Does that mean you grew? *looks queasy* I'll pass on that. Okay. (Where, again?) Really. I wouldn't be thrilled if I (Eren) returned if I were him. I mean, like, three years ago almost exactly... I'll see if I can remember that. Hmmm, not quite. Were you afraid I was going to use ? 'Cause I was. I took my vitamins this morning! The vitamins have a strange effect on me. Yesterday I grew to about the size of Jack, in Jack and the Beanstalk. I will find her topic. I want to say one of the Hampsters. Be back. Thankfully, I was not expecting you to be back. I found it on my own, but thanks! I just had my first class. I survived (I think). I might not survive in the future, however. Jesusfreak's graduation gown is really cool. She put pictures down the front. It looks outstanding! Jesusfreak's two posting spots are... Fuzzy and the topic is called My Place and I believe it is pinned. The second is in Original Art and the topic is Jesusfreak's Pictures. Let me know what you think. As for surviving, you will survive and you will find that you are having a great time. All it takes is a bit of adjustment to the new life. This will be much better than high school.
  11. um, you went through all the states between florida and new york?. slept in virginia and new york? Tennessee to New York to Florida and all the states in between was the last trip was the last trip. Bigger hint... look at my response to Mushroom_king's post. I told her what I had been doing. When you get to the the arrival point, make this the new starting point. I will then give you some hints.
  12. This will be extremely difficult for Lee, Glowurm and TGHL, but here is the question... where in the USA is Horatio??? I can give you some hints, but I would like to know what state I am in right now. If anyone can come up with what states I traveled through last week and yesterday, there is an award for the name of those states and a bigger award for the two states I slept in. I will be traveling through more states today and will sleep in a different state tonight. BIG PRIZES!!!!!!!!! (And no, I am not telling what the prizes are.) There was a big, big clue a bunch of posts back that will help win part of the prize.
  13. I hope you never become anorexic or bulimic.
  14. No translation, no appearing post. Mr. Glowurm, consider yourself asked.
  15. Ohhhhh, I won't have anyone to play with during the day. Today was my first day at high school. Nothing really happened, although my History teacher did sing "Where is Love" while we came in. But yeah. I'm in Japanese! :3 *happy jig* Go japanese! Since kana and kanji probably won't show up on most people's screens I guess I'll have to use romaji to talk in japanese on these forums, if I ever felt the need to. Aww, heck. Watashi wa Glowurm desu. Douzo yoroshiku. *points at horatio* Tomodachi no Horatiosan desu. *hears horatio say 'Watashi wa Horatio desu. Douzo yoroshiku.' and wonders where horatio picked that up * Onamae wa? Hah, I love using my miniscule amount of knowledge of the japanese language . I've forgotten so much though. It's been a good 10 weeks since I last saw any kana, and I forget pretty quickly. I'm suprised I remember even this much. *counts to 5 before running off* Ichi, ni, san, shi, go *runs off* Rok, sich, hach, ku, ju! (ehh it's really hard to spell dem numbahs) (1)Ichi, (2)Ni, (3)San, (4)something/Shi, (5)Go, (6)Roku, (7)Sichi/Hachi, (8)Nana, (9)Kuu/Kyuu, (10)Juu. It jogged my memory, thanks. The annoying thing about romaji is that you don't spell it how it sounds, you spell it how it is spelled in japanese. *hopes he gets the accents right* Aú revoir! A bientôt! Tu sais comment faire les accents?! Dis-moi, s'il te plait. Est-ce quatre "yon" , ou quelque choses comme ca? (I need to stop speaking French. Vraiment. You are bad influence! Vraiment que tu are bad influence! And Horatio aussi!) (Do we need translation?) Oh, and: Il n y a pas de accent sur le "u" de "Au revoir". Mais il y a un accent sur l' "a" de a bientot. C'est un accent grave. Tu as raison: il y a un circonflexe sur l' "o" de bientot. Tu es incroyable! HampsterKing still wants translations in the same post. Translation: It n there has not any accent on the "u" of "good-bye". But there is an accent on l' "has" of has bientot. This is a serious accent. You have reason: there is a circumflex one on l' "o" of bientot. You are unbelievable!
  16. I love them all!!!!!!!!!! I am going to find a way to use them all!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!!!!! *hand Erendayu a very special Gold Star with a Red Rose Award* As for HampsterKing not accepting any avatars, he still has not gotten them into the gallery. There are about one million in there now. I even have submitted some and they have not been approved yet.
  17. Fantastic pics! Thanks for posting those! They are really great ones.
  18. Oh my goodness!!!!!!!!!! *screamssssssssssssss* I have been thinking of you! How are you? What college are you going to? Are you excited? Jesusfreak is going to college as well. Tell us what is happening! I am sooooooooo happy to see you!!! You weren't on! Stupid of me. How are you? How is everyone? (When was I last on?) *gives Erendayu a giant hammie bear huggle* I am glad to hear that you are kind of excited to go. When you get there I am sure you will enjoy yourself. Yes, there is a little stress as it is a big change, but I think once you get into the routine, you will be happy. CheetaSpot is in her second year of college this year. Once you reach 18 you can post pics of yourself if you want. And if you feel uncomfortable, then black out the face. Check out Jesusfreak's topic, she has some phenomenal pics. TGHL will be thrilled to see you have returned. He is in Amsterdam this week or perhaps two weeks. Do you know what you want to study? Does that mean you grew? *looks queasy* I'll pass on that. Okay. (Where, again?) Really. I wouldn't be thrilled if I (Eren) returned if I were him. I mean, like, three years ago almost exactly... I'll see if I can remember that. Hmmm, not quite. Were you afraid I was going to use ? 'Cause I was. I took my vitamins this morning! The vitamins have a strange effect on me. Yesterday I grew to about the size of Jack, in Jack and the Beanstalk. I will find her topic. I want to say one of the Hampsters. Be back.
  19. No it didn't. Everyone is out looking for Jimmy Hoffa.
  20. LOL I must be good!!! Now pick up your award... The Gold Star Award! sweet. =D ... Why, was it on the ground? As a matter of fact it was. Can you reach it?
  21. You know you are addicted to HampsterDance (MB/DB) when you find the same phrase running through your mind, and although you know you found it on HDMB, you have long since forgotten who said it. You know you are addicted to HampsterDance (MB/DB) when you find the same phrase running through your mind, and know it is from HDMB, and know either who said it or even where it can be found. You know you are addicted to HampsterDance (MB/DB) when you find yourself thinking about it even when away... You know you are addicted to HampsterDance (MB/DB) when you can't be kept away. You know you are addicted to HampsterDance (MB/DB) when your day is not complete without it. You know you are addicted to HampsterDance (MB/DB) when you're absolutely certain that someone from HDMB is near you/following you, everywhere that you go. You know you are addicted to HampsterDance (MB/DB) when your parents got you your own computer because you were on too much. (These do not all fit me. I shall leave you to guess.) (Whose phrase is "keeling you dead", anyway...? ) You know you are addicted to HampsterDance when you are off to college and you return to find other returning posters also in college... Lexxscrapham, Erendayu, Jesusfreak, CheetaSpot.
  22. LOL I must be good!!! Now pick up your award... The Gold Star Award!
  23. [i've heard this before. Wake me up when you finish writing. ] [You shut'cher face. xD I could have it done for all you know. ... but I dont. MS WORD HAS DELETED ITSELF D= Now i dun have anything to write the stories on. It makes me sad. i dun have Arffice on my compy no more. -forages through massive stacks of CDs for MS Office- This time I have a half-way good excuse for not writing! I bet i've got one of those fitting virus dealies that everyones freaking out about. I gotta get a mac. (Im about $1200 short of a Mac. >_ You can buy a Mac Mini and attach them to your keyboard and monitor for about $400. And that is NEW! There are other options that are not $1200. [i'll probably end up doing that. I'd really like a lappy, but they're hecka expensive.] Do you know how to change a logic board? [No, but i bet I could figure it out. if not, i can find out online.] It is pretty hard from what I understand, but probably easy for you. If you find out, let me know. Ask about a Mac G3 Powerbook. Pretty old, but a great laptop.
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