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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Horatio

    My place. :)

    You could do that. We would like to see you, but please make sure the CD covers your face or at least most of it. Enough so we cannot identify you. *waits for a pic*
  2. *follows Lee around with a mop* Zombie Nation - I have no idea *scoops up the leaking happiness, bottles it, sells it and makes Lee famous* you can already buy bottled happiness... stewarts orange cream soda! What?????????? Stewart also bottles Orange Cream Soda???????? No wonder he isn't here any more!!! Soda, Ostriches, Souvenirs???????
  3. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Exciting! Hope you can get on the computer soon and let us know how it is going! Um, almost done packing? I got bored finding stuff to pack so I decided to come here instead. I just wish I knew why ants keep crawling all over my desk. There's no food anywhere near it, and the ants aren't anywhere near the food that is in my room... Are they the really tiny ones? If so, those are called sugar ants. Yeah. It was wierd. Anyways, I'm in college now, away from the ants. And I got a betta fish...I named him Alpha. LOL You have a great sense of humor!!! What color is he? Those fish are sooooo beautiful! lol thanks. The fish is red with a sort of irridescent blue glitter. Maybe if I get motivated enough I'll put up a picture. Studies first, pictures second.
  4. good wow, right? Absolutely a phenomenal WOW! Your other poem is a *gasp*. I have no words to express just how this touches my heart. I couldn't reply because your poem delves deep into the lives of many people who would be afraid to express this themselves. i dont understand why people are afraid to express anything.. or do you mean like internally admit it? cuz that i understand. people are so blind sometimes. "smiles and makeup hides everything theses days" Sometimes to admit something personal is showing how vulnerable you are. oh. well i have no issues doing that. making people GET IT, it a totally different story however. I think more people get it than you know. Admitting you get it, for some people, is not always easy. eh, people bug me sometimes. i bug myself. i keep over thinking and leaning on the identities i dont have. at least i can always be "rob's girlfriend" but that doesnt get me very far in my town cuz nobody knows him.. It's better that nobody knows Rob. At least whatever identity you do have is yours. i have been gone way too long Good reason for you to stop in more often!
  5. [Yay, Horatio's happy about people getting keelingyoudead'ed by Torrasks. >__>; Yeah, man. One advantage of using this character method, (using only non-fictional people as characters in this time setting) you can get back at those who you dont like very much. =D Yeah, And just by some stupidchance, everyone I ever knew just happened to be in North Dakota, so... thats a logic flaw i've yet to get around so shuddup. o__o;] [Ahahahahahaha. North Dakota. But anyways, it's still nifty. *uses MAD NINJA SKILLZ to swipe the Doritos back*] *grabs Doritos from - Kat -* No you don't. You think I want you choking again?
  6. I don't see hamsters on your list! And no, telling me it falls under #5 won't work.
  7. *follows Lee around with a mop* Zombie Nation - I have no idea *scoops up the leaking happiness, bottles it, sells it and makes Lee famous*
  8. Would you like a little umbrella with your glass of water? That would be cool. Real Top 5 Rulers of the World: 1. Viking/Ninja/Pirate hybrids (and any other combination of the three) 2. Me 3. Eric Idol 4. Dinosaurs 5. Me Excuse me... where are hamsters on your list?
  9. Dude I might just have to enter this one. LOL... probably a very good idea!
  10. Kris is into drama. Next time she wanders around you should say hi. Does Kris want to become an actress or does she just love to go to plays. Be an actress. Maybe we should all get her autograph now so that it will be worth lots of money when she is famous!!!
  11. Okay, This has evolved into what I have dubbed the Pork 'n Beans conspiracy theory. The gross bodily fluids that are inside of blisters can indeed make your mouth taste gross and all that mess with the bleeding and other... ew. Such substances, unless disposed of by rudely spittin over all over, you end up swallowing it. This gives you a terrible sore throat, as I have discovered the hard way. X_x; Ooh, To put this in the form of a question: What can be done about ridiculously horrible sore throats? =D Drink tea with lemon and honey. Now I know I have not had enough caffeine! Drinking gallons of tea with lemon and honey is also what I do for a sore throat.
  12. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Exciting! Hope you can get on the computer soon and let us know how it is going! Um, almost done packing? I got bored finding stuff to pack so I decided to come here instead. I just wish I knew why ants keep crawling all over my desk. There's no food anywhere near it, and the ants aren't anywhere near the food that is in my room... Are they the really tiny ones? If so, those are called sugar ants. Yeah. It was wierd. Anyways, I'm in college now, away from the ants. And I got a betta fish...I named him Alpha. LOL You have a great sense of humor!!! What color is he? Those fish are sooooo beautiful!
  13. Horatio

    let me rant

    Actually eating chocolate doesn't count because you said 'drink'! LOL *realizes Topazia was giving me a reading comprehension test* Did I pass? LOL
  14. Horatio

    go to itunes!

    I like you too, Hampsterdudet! What did you do this summer? I didn't do anything but sleep, eat and run in my wheel. Ipods are great aren't they? Mine only plays music, but some of the new ones do everything!!!
  15. Of course you win!!! How did you figure it out? @________________@ But what is my priiiiiiiize? You didn't answer my queeeeeeesssssssstion! You said you went on an interstate highway, so I went to Google and did an image search of Insterstate highways in the US, then I found the one that went through Memphis and just listed all the states it went through. LOL... well that was much too easy! I thought you might have put the Stewart's Ostrich farm on I.40 and my trip together. Now for the prize...... *thinks, then falls asleep*
  16. *hands out Mafia lingo Berlitz CD's to all members*
  17. Great idea! thank u (now we will see if i remember....i am very forgetful) LOL You have a long way to go before you get as forgetful as I am! see? i am forgetful. i still havent done it. Well, I have Halzheimer's Disease.
  18. LOL You can worry about that when Halloween arrives!
  19. good wow, right? Absolutely a phenomenal WOW! Your other poem is a *gasp*. I have no words to express just how this touches my heart. I couldn't reply because your poem delves deep into the lives of many people who would be afraid to express this themselves. i dont understand why people are afraid to express anything.. or do you mean like internally admit it? cuz that i understand. people are so blind sometimes. "smiles and makeup hides everything theses days" Sometimes to admit something personal is showing how vulnerable you are. oh. well i have no issues doing that. making people GET IT, it a totally different story however. I think more people get it than you know. Admitting you get it, for some people, is not always easy. eh, people bug me sometimes. i bug myself. i keep over thinking and leaning on the identities i dont have. at least i can always be "rob's girlfriend" but that doesnt get me very far in my town cuz nobody knows him.. It's better that nobody knows Rob. At least whatever identity you do have is yours.
  20. *sends over a scanner* I hope it works alright. *sends over manual as well, just in case* I am glad you are sending an Australian scanner. I sent one, but it didn't work with your electrical system. Lee probably blew it up!
  21. Horatio

    let me rant

    LOL I can't slip anything past you. .. wut Disregard. I think I was thinking about a different post. Not enough coffee when I wrote that. *makes your face some coffee* i wish i was into coffee. I am not into soda, so coffee takes it's place.
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