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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Yes, Ive already seen that site, and got the songs. I really like the Sing A Simple Song video, but I wish they had a .wmv (Windows Media Video) verson of the song instead of just flash and real video I have a copy of of the Hampton version of Thank God I am a country boy, cognoscenti vs intelligentsia, & Hampton the Hamster feat Rednex - The Hamster Dance. For some reason I did not save the sites, so Ill email the admin, to post the songs in the thread PS: Im most currious to hear the Hampton's version of Dance to the Music, because I really like that song (I also like the orignal version of Thank God I am a Country Boy) I will try and get the lyrics posted today. I got sidetracked because I have a tree leaning on the roof of my cage and no one seems to be able to figure out how to remove it without it coming crashing into my cage.
  2. *sends over a scanner* I hope it works alright. *sends over manual as well, just in case* I am glad you are sending an Australian scanner. I sent one, but it didn't work with your electrical system. Lee probably blew it up! Oh yeah I probablly did that... >.> I'm thinking of buying a scanner from ebay but I also want to get a graphics tablet. ♥ Lee I love those graphics tablets! I have a Wacom, but still am not good at using it.
  3. Horatio

    go to itunes!

    I would really like an ipod nano because the ipod I have is too big for jogging. My favorite would be the black one. What color do you have? Camp? Day or Sleepover? Did you like it? What activities did you do? Having two beach houses to go to must have been really great! Would your grandparents mind a hamster the next time you go? I will be very quiet and don't eat much. Beach houses are fantastic! Hamsters just love the sand!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Do you like art? We have a great art contest going on at the moment. Please wander down to the last forum, Original Art, and look at the Art Competition, Part Deux by Mushroom_king. There is some fantastic art in that topic!!! Please feel free to enter the next competition called Kat's Mafia.
  5. Alrighty. (yes, I did get my homework done. Mostly because my friend yelled at me not to doodle and nap when we were doing homework together) Napping? I figure you are so smart, the homework is not enough of a challenge for you!
  6. Nite, nite to all you termites! *eyelids drooping* See you all tomorrow!!!!!!!!
  7. [Yay, Horatio's happy about people getting keelingyoudead'ed by Torrasks. >__>; Yeah, man. One advantage of using this character method, (using only non-fictional people as characters in this time setting) you can get back at those who you dont like very much. =D Yeah, And just by some stupidchance, everyone I ever knew just happened to be in North Dakota, so... thats a logic flaw i've yet to get around so shuddup. o__o;] [Ahahahahahaha. North Dakota. But anyways, it's still nifty. *uses MAD NINJA SKILLZ to swipe the Doritos back*] *grabs Doritos from - Kat -* No you don't. You think I want you choking again? Yeah, We need somebody useless and expendable to eat them for you. If you really wanted, we could like cram a tube in your neck and stick very liquified doritos in your stomach. Tha'd just be wierd, though. *sterilizes the inside of her elbow* Get the drip ready, Horatio, and then Arkcher, you gotta stab me with that there needle. Oh no!!! Not me! I can't stand the sight of needles! I will be outside while the drip is installed and will visit afterwards. That works, too. *waits to be stabbed* WAIT!!!! You really trust Arkcher???????????? I DID. But APPARENTLY, that was NOT a wise decision. x_x *bleeds* *sees - Kat - bleeding... runs before I faint*
  8. good wow, right? Absolutely a phenomenal WOW! Your other poem is a *gasp*. I have no words to express just how this touches my heart. I couldn't reply because your poem delves deep into the lives of many people who would be afraid to express this themselves. i dont understand why people are afraid to express anything.. or do you mean like internally admit it? cuz that i understand. people are so blind sometimes. "smiles and makeup hides everything theses days" Sometimes to admit something personal is showing how vulnerable you are. oh. well i have no issues doing that. making people GET IT, it a totally different story however. I think more people get it than you know. Admitting you get it, for some people, is not always easy. eh, people bug me sometimes. i bug myself. i keep over thinking and leaning on the identities i dont have. at least i can always be "rob's girlfriend" but that doesnt get me very far in my town cuz nobody knows him.. It's better that nobody knows Rob. At least whatever identity you do have is yours. i have been gone way too long Good reason for you to stop in more often! umm yea. your the only one that ever really answers me and did you give up on that 2:34am topic? I think you deserve an answer. Other people answer you, but in different topics. As for that 02H34 topic... is my senility showing again? *runs off to look there*
  9. Would you like a little umbrella with your glass of water? That would be cool. Real Top 5 Rulers of the World: 1. Viking/Ninja/Pirate hybrids (and any other combination of the three) 2. Me 3. Eric Idol 4. Dinosaurs 5. Me and also hamsters Excuse me... where are hamsters on your list? Right there. >_> Jeez. Horatio's goin' blind... LOL Nice recovery! *stops drawing the hangcat pic* Whoo. *not being hanged* You have nine lives. So what if you lose a one of them. Actualy, I've probably gone through six or seven by not without realizing it. o.o Then I can understand protecting the last two or three!
  10. [Yay, Horatio's happy about people getting keelingyoudead'ed by Torrasks. >__>; Yeah, man. One advantage of using this character method, (using only non-fictional people as characters in this time setting) you can get back at those who you dont like very much. =D Yeah, And just by some stupidchance, everyone I ever knew just happened to be in North Dakota, so... thats a logic flaw i've yet to get around so shuddup. o__o;] [Ahahahahahaha. North Dakota. But anyways, it's still nifty. *uses MAD NINJA SKILLZ to swipe the Doritos back*] *grabs Doritos from - Kat -* No you don't. You think I want you choking again? Yeah, We need somebody useless and expendable to eat them for you. If you really wanted, we could like cram a tube in your neck and stick very liquified doritos in your stomach. Tha'd just be wierd, though. *sterilizes the inside of her elbow* Get the drip ready, Horatio, and then Arkcher, you gotta stab me with that there needle. Oh no!!! Not me! I can't stand the sight of needles! I will be outside while the drip is installed and will visit afterwards. That works, too. *waits to be stabbed* WAIT!!!! You really trust Arkcher????????????
  11. Would you like a little umbrella with your glass of water? That would be cool. Real Top 5 Rulers of the World: 1. Viking/Ninja/Pirate hybrids (and any other combination of the three) 2. Me 3. Eric Idol 4. Dinosaurs 5. Me and also hamsters Excuse me... where are hamsters on your list? Right there. >_> Jeez. Horatio's goin' blind... LOL Nice recovery! *stops drawing the hangcat pic* Whoo. *not being hanged* You have nine lives. So what if you lose a one of them.
  12. [Yay, Horatio's happy about people getting keelingyoudead'ed by Torrasks. >__>; Yeah, man. One advantage of using this character method, (using only non-fictional people as characters in this time setting) you can get back at those who you dont like very much. =D Yeah, And just by some stupidchance, everyone I ever knew just happened to be in North Dakota, so... thats a logic flaw i've yet to get around so shuddup. o__o;] [Ahahahahahaha. North Dakota. But anyways, it's still nifty. *uses MAD NINJA SKILLZ to swipe the Doritos back*] *grabs Doritos from - Kat -* No you don't. You think I want you choking again? Yeah, We need somebody useless and expendable to eat them for you. If you really wanted, we could like cram a tube in your neck and stick very liquified doritos in your stomach. Tha'd just be wierd, though. *sterilizes the inside of her elbow* Get the drip ready, Horatio, and then Arkcher, you gotta stab me with that there needle. Oh no!!! Not me! I can't stand the sight of needles! I will be outside while the drip is installed and will visit afterwards.
  13. Those guys are pretty awesome. You should watch Blast! sometime. 6 of the Blue Devils(#3 in the country this year, rather than #1 as usual) came to my high school to help the band last week. One of our former band directors has a son in BD and that's how they heard about us not having a teacher. XD Oh, and since a couple of them happen to live nearby I think we'll be seeing those guys still. Maybe. Cool!!!
  14. I see a questionable member in the pic... hint, hint! Maaaaaaaaaaaaaybeh. Another issue with the group portrait thing is that I don't know what some of these people are supposed to look like. o_o Don't give it another thought. Look at the portraits Picasso did! You think those people really looked like that? Think, artistic liberty! LOL
  15. [Yay, Horatio's happy about people getting keelingyoudead'ed by Torrasks. >__>; Yeah, man. One advantage of using this character method, (using only non-fictional people as characters in this time setting) you can get back at those who you dont like very much. =D Yeah, And just by some stupidchance, everyone I ever knew just happened to be in North Dakota, so... thats a logic flaw i've yet to get around so shuddup. o__o;] [Ahahahahahaha. North Dakota. But anyways, it's still nifty. *uses MAD NINJA SKILLZ to swipe the Doritos back*] *grabs Doritos from - Kat -* No you don't. You think I want you choking again? Yeah, We need somebody useless and expendable to eat them for you. If you really wanted, we could like cram a tube in your neck and stick very liquified doritos in your stomach. Tha'd just be wierd, though. *supplies a useless and expendable poster to eat them*
  16. Would you like a little umbrella with your glass of water? That would be cool. Real Top 5 Rulers of the World: 1. Viking/Ninja/Pirate hybrids (and any other combination of the three) 2. Me 3. Eric Idol 4. Dinosaurs 5. Me and also hamsters Excuse me... where are hamsters on your list? Right there. >_> Jeez. Horatio's goin' blind... LOL Nice recovery! *stops drawing the hangcat pic*
  17. Because some people are stupid, and I have had that problem a lot. Plus some people just want to feel important by creating fictional gossip. Yes, indeed, happens a lot. How else would those gossip papers at the supermarket checkout do so well?
  18. I see a questionable member in the pic... hint, hint!
  19. Because some people are stupid, and I have had that problem a lot. Plus some people just want to feel important by creating fictional gossip.
  20. ... You wouldn't be mad if I laughed really hard at that, right? I'm glad you asked that question. You can go ahead and laugh. I don't care if it's at me or with me. It's with you. *proceeds to do so* Yaaaay! Yeah, he's a drama queen. XD Thanks for saying that. heh. One reason I think that the previously posted about red-hairded nerd likes me, is that not too long ago (eh, a few months) for reasons I dont feel like recalling to list, I was at a not-so-very-formal dance (You know, everyone is casual and break dances sometimes) and since there wasnt anybody to dance with during a pretty cool song, and sitting down or standing at the wall would be boring, I asked... lets see if i can spell this right, K... kaytline? I dunno, its pronounced the usual Caitlin kind of name. but Kate, i'll call her, got to tell me ALL about some computer nerding things she was doing, editting programs and hacking people on IMs, and all that mess. When the song was over, she excitedly led me off to the side of the room (oh boy.) and we talked for a short minute or two about software comparisons, She then pointed out that one of her friends was over there behind me, and went off that way giggling like an idiot. Maybe two seconds later, I turned around and saw her standing two feet away, staring at me with a very vacant look in her eyes, and that wierd little intoxicated feminine sigh. I think its hilarious. And hope im not acting like an idiot back at her. XD No, you are not acting like an idiot back at her.
  21. *eats more creamy mushroom soup* Oh is this soooooooo good!
  22. Horatio

    My place. :)

  23. One question: Does Colby taste good with crackers?
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