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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. *calls - Kat - to give Hamster Luver a Typo Award* *award descends in a beam of heavenly light to HL* ... *makes a cardboard Grim and props it up next to my chair* So Kat... err Boss... is this cardboard edible?r *licks* ♥ Lee Dun eat my Replacement Grim. >_> Here. Eat this cardboard uh...somebody. *chucks a random cardboard figure at Lee* No, Not that one! boss! Thats the Metroid Prime Hunters cardboard stand thingything! Its too cool to be eaten. -makes a cardboard Kat and throws it at Lee- =D *swipes the cardboard Kat and fwaps Arkcher with it* Not me, either. >_> *makes a cardboard Diao Quan* Here. I haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate her. *grins a toothy foxy grin and gnaws the cardboad delightedly* ♥ Lee *dances around Lee* Should I ever get around to drawing that picture, you'll be in it. n_n I thinking me, Grim (even though I have no idea what he looks like. x_x But he's Number 2!), Horatio, MK, and Lee, 'cause I have a good idea of what ya'll are supposed to look like. Yay! I think Grim is a pheonix or something like that... Horatio should know! *dribbles lovingly on your carpet* ♥ Lee You are correct. Grim is a Phoenix. *~*The Grand Illusuion*~*The Final Cut*~* Yes he is. A blue one, i think. I should start up The Mushroom Army again. *~*The psychedelic Luau8~*The Astronomy Domine*~* *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final cut*~* So, Boss, Since I'm in dis Now, can I go up to Trent and tell him I'm in da Mafia? *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* Have at it. So Grim is a blue phoenix? o.o Alright. I'll see what I can do... He is whatever color you wish to make him!
  2. I see this guy makes a positive impression on you. Is your girl friend a good friend? Would she listen to you? Is she attracted to this guy? If not, perhaps you could talk to her about him and express your feelings regarding this guy.
  3. good night to you too but why am i amazing? I'm only venting. Because you have an amazing way to word your venting.
  4. Actually, it is still on your hard drive. There is a way to retrieve it. I am not sure how, but I am certain Arkcher will be able to tell how to retrieve the data. Another thought., perhaps you might want to borrow Mushroom_king's Meat Grinder.
  5. Studies first, HampsterDance second. We miss you but understand that you need to get your studies accomplished.
  6. 1 gatorade barrels are cheap. It's the powder. 2 I'd trade you points of view anyday. 3 let's see... emergency room visits as a result of hypoglycemia, hyposodioma, and hypoproteinia... 500$ therapy because your parents and doctors mandate it... 500$ being forced to gain back weight because you almost killed yourself from malnourishment... 700$ realizing that the ones who really care about you are telling you you're just fine and agreeing with them... PRICELESS 4 so control your temper. You won't have to control your weight. 5 fine you're no fun. It's archaic for blood vessels. 1-they have calories and sodium and all that 2- for serious? 3- why would any of that happen? why would you even SAY that?? 4-but i wanna be skinny! 5-seriously.. i looked it up thats wut i found.. archaic? 1 you have to have some to live, Lauren 2 yeah I'd love to be weighty enough to donate blood 3 if you exclude calories and electrolytes from your diet, you will get very sick. I saw my friend Sarah deteriorate so quickly because she was basically living off water and half an apple's equivalent per day. We were all so scared she wouldn't make it out of the emergency room... And then the intesive care unit... She asked me the other day how you were doing, Lauren. I couldn't answer because I'd been so busy... 4 do you want to enjoy being skinny or do you want to die trying? Look, a girl your height needs to be above a certain weight, and less than 100 is down right dangerous to strive for. Less than 120 is dangerous to strive for, unless your bones are as nonexistent in density as mine are. I have tiny, thin, relatively weak bones. I have to drink milk or risk injury at swim practice. I want to gain weight. I can imagine if you're way overweight wanting to lose, but at where you are now, you don't need to worry about your body. Stay healthy. Don't become malnourished, or you'll look like Karen Carpenter. She weighed 40-something when she collapsed onstage, and she was so malnourished... I won't forget the pictures of what she looked like... so sickly and all those ribs... 5 archaic -- old-speak Could you drink some of those drinks like Ensure to help gain weight?
  7. LOL Great one!!!!!! *does a jig* ...Come to think about it... 'Does a jig' should be mentioned in the song somewhere... Get writing Glowurm!!!
  8. Mushroom_king... you are such a talented and creative person. Your lyrics are fantastic. I hope you always keep writing as you are terrific!!! *hands Mushroom_king The Double Platinum Moon Award for her outstanding lyrics*
  9. Didn't Arkcher die the last time you threw him into the Meat Grinder????????
  10. I am not so sure about that. You need to have talent first. Something I seem to be lacking! Then you need to read the manual to figure out how to work it. Something I can't bring myself to do! *sends Wacom tablet and manual to Glowurm* You already have talent, perhaps this will make your talent shine! Exactly... It helps if you have talent. If only you could really send it to me... I bet everyone feels like that when someone does that XD Especially when the thing being sent is worth close to $100! You should feel four times as special. This one was over $400 when I first got it. And I still can't use it correctly!!!!!!!!! *makes note... must read manual* You got it when it was newer... Look at the prices of, say, x-box 360s. Now, how much do you think they'll cost in, oh, let's say three years? It's probably worse to buy things when they are newer... But then again, you get gloating rights! Okay!!! Rub it in!!! I should have waited... seeing as how I still can't work it correctly! ...But you can always go up to the other hammies and say, "I got a wacom art tablet!" and boast about it *nods* Doesn't work. We all share. I was able to borrow the iPod because I shared my tablet. The minute I got my computer, everyone was over and had to get time on it. Then I got the tablet and the Corel Art Program and they all started playing on my computer and using the tablet, so much so, we had to make a schedule for access time. LOL
  11. Horatio

    go to itunes!

    AHHHHHHH! is right!!! Good thing I was inside my cage burrowed under several layers of bedding. The rain came down in a flood! Today is beautiful and the space launch was spectacular!!!
  12. Unless you were a wurm, in which case you were probably underground and oblivious to it. What kind of computer internet service do you have Mr. Glowurm? If you are underground, do you get cable?
  13. Hey... did you see the spectacular launch? You should have been able to see the trail from no matter where you were at the time! Wonderful!!!!!
  14. I am not so sure about that. You need to have talent first. Something I seem to be lacking! Then you need to read the manual to figure out how to work it. Something I can't bring myself to do! *sends Wacom tablet and manual to Glowurm* You already have talent, perhaps this will make your talent shine! Exactly... It helps if you have talent. If only you could really send it to me... I bet everyone feels like that when someone does that XD Especially when the thing being sent is worth close to $100! You should feel four times as special. This one was over $400 when I first got it. And I still can't use it correctly!!!!!!!!! *makes note... must read manual* You got it when it was newer... Look at the prices of, say, x-box 360s. Now, how much do you think they'll cost in, oh, let's say three years? It's probably worse to buy things when they are newer... But then again, you get gloating rights! Okay!!! Rub it in!!! I should have waited... seeing as how I still can't work it correctly!
  15. Horatio

    go to itunes!

    Rich losers is just Mr. Moosey368's sense of humor. Ipods, in their various forms, are pretty expensive. Your parents got you a really great birthday present. Do they need a hamster in the family? My birthday is coming up! lol! -thats not about rich losers thingy-and you ppl have odd senses of humors! Yes you are right! We do have odd senses of humors!!! What did you think of the ferocious thunderstorm yesterday afternoon? Did you have the same storm we did? We have another one today! are you kidding?! Yesterday was hot and Sunny! We had an monstrous thunderstorm!!!!!! The lightning and thunder were happening simultaneously!!!!!
  16. Horatio

    Band camp

    I can do that! *gives Jesusfreak The Red Rose Award for thinking about Jesse* Thanks!!!
  17. but water is free. i like energy drinks. i had one today. i dont like puking. Water is free but sports drinks are healthier. I don't like puking either. I meant enjoying dessert every once in a blue moon. Why are sports drinks healthier? Your body is mostly comprised of water. Yes, but that water is largely in the blood and muscles. When you exert yourself, you lose water, sodium, and some other stuff that I forget what it's called, but it's important for the retention of water in the muscles. If you're just replacing water, and not the other stuff, you're actually diluting your blood, which isn't good, and that thinner blood fails to return strength to your muscles. the electrolytes (the stuffs and the sodium) are vital. Water is important, yes, but without those water-retention aids, you're just flooding your body. Yeah, sports drinks have lots of sugar in them, but those carbs are also part of the electrolytic system, and the sodium is too. You can buy these vats of powdered gatorade, and use that to spike your water, and that will be economical and safer than just flooding your sluices. [a KUDOS award if you know what those are. You can google it and still get the award] k here's a few things;;; 1-water is free 2- sports drinks have calories. why work out and be drinking something that has like 200 calories. then you have to burn off the 200, just to feel like youve done ANYTHING 3-water is good for your skin and theres nothing to work off if you drink just water 4-if i combined the two it might taste weird and i wouldnt know how many calories were in it (im gonna start becoming way stricter about my intake cuz before i was like ahhh whatever as long as its under 1000 and i gained a little.) 5-i do not know that was word is but it might be like a muscley thingy. Topazia!!! this is to you. come back and answeeeeeerrrrrrrrrr. 1- water is a buck twenty nine of you're luicky. 2- Yeah, but they're good calories. There are good cals and bad cals. 3- water dries you out. electrolytes are just as important as water. 4- You are such a control freak. Why? 5- sluices? google it. The KUDOS still is ready for you. 1- not from the fridge 2-i dont find good in ANY calorie 3-mmmk. well.. i have none. 4-cuz i want to be thin and counting calories is a control thing i guess. if i didnt do it, id be so flustered.. 5- "A sluice is a water channel that is controlled at its head by a gate. A sluice gate is traditionally a wooden or metal plate which slides in grooves in the sides of the channel. " 1 gatorade barrels are cheap. It's the powder. 2 I'd trade you points of view anyday. 3 let's see... emergency room visits as a result of hypoglycemia, hyposodioma, and hypoproteinia... 500$ therapy because your parents and doctors mandate it... 500$ being forced to gain back weight because you almost killed yourself from malnourishment... 700$ realizing that the ones who really care about you are telling you you're just fine and agreeing with them... PRICELESS 4 so control your temper. You won't have to control your weight. 5 fine you're no fun. It's archaic for blood vessels. 1-they have calories and sodium and all that 2- for serious? 3- why would any of that happen? why would you even SAY that?? 4-but i wanna be skinny! 5-seriously.. i looked it up thats wut i found.. archaic? or ignore me. i stopped working out. like weeks ago. im just too tried and lazy and im gaining i feel horrible but school has started its oh so horrible. i dont open my mouth from about 7 to 12. not a word. cept maybe "here" but i dont have to think about food and i cant binge and its good. if i loose weight everything else will be perfect.. Instead can you just get outside and walk? If you can do this, I will guarantee you will lose weight!
  18. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Thanks for the treats! *realizes the hampster treats are much tastier than the hamster treats* By the way... any special treats that you can give Alpha? Can you give him a plant to hide in or something like that?
  19. Would you like my phone? You could make a cool instrumental for me!!! *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Do you have MotoMixer? If so, you'll need to have Illness or Ology, those are my favourites to work with. By mom doesn't have Blue Planet, Earth Mama, or Esperenza. :[ *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* *runs off to look at cell phone*
  20. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* I was watching it as my dad changed Hadely (My two-year-old sister)'s diaper, but then she pointed at the screen when she came to the living room and kept saying "Barney!!" Over and over, and that means she wants to watch Barney, and he changed it to input and put in the DVD...and I was like, 'DAD!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* Ohhhhh, I am so sorry. *puts a piece of tape over mouth* *~*The Grand Illusion*~(The Final Cut*~* I think they made DVDs of it, Didn't they? I think they just released the Pulse DVDs. -Dances over to Best Buy and buys a Pulse DVD- *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* Don't know about the DVD's.
  21. You should be able to post your own music, but the file may be too large. I would email it. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Do they have to be our own music? I want to post the music I mention in my siggy, so people who don't have the CDs can hear the songs, but I am not sure if it is allowed. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* No answer? *~*The Psychedelic Luau8~*The Astronomy Domine*~* The music must be your own. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* > Grrr. *Goes off to maybe record some PBE stuffs teh post here* *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* I'm sorry. We do not want to violate any copyright laws.
  22. Would you like my phone? You could make a cool instrumental for me!!!
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