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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Why aren't sunflower seeds and pumpkins seeds delivered daily to my cage? They are. Have you never been to FDP? FDP? No, I don't believe so. Horatio! Fried Dragon Palace! You forgot? *slaps forehead* Rotten acronyms!!! LOL Wow....this reminds me of when the "ptmy's" stole my sanity. Remember that? Someone would say "lol" Then the person tha said something funny would respond "ptmylol" and then there was "ptmyptmmlol" And it went on and on... *watches all those posters who can't stand the PTMY's roll their eyes* Yo Jesse, come here! *hands Jesse a PTMY basket* What have I resurrected? XD It's right up there with "plth!" PTMYResurrected. Oh boy, here we go... Ptmyptmmresurrected. Ptmyptmmptmyresurrected.
  2. -sigh- You're not allowed to bring back these topics. They were meant to die ... *gets out the paddles* C L E A R ! ! ! ! ! *zaps the topic and brings it back to life*
  3. Horatio

    My place. :)

    You could always say your pet fish, Alpha, ate it.
  4. Why aren't sunflower seeds and pumpkins seeds delivered daily to my cage? They are. Have you never been to FDP? FDP? No, I don't believe so. Horatio! Fried Dragon Palace! You forgot? *slaps forehead* Rotten acronyms!!! LOL Wow....this reminds me of when the "ptmy's" stole my sanity. Remember that? Someone would say "lol" Then the person tha said something funny would respond "ptmylol" and then there was "ptmyptmmlol" And it went on and on... *watches all those posters who can't stand the PTMY's roll their eyes* Yo Jesse, come here! *hands Jesse a PTMY basket* What have I resurrected? XD It's right up there with "plth!" PTMYResurrected.
  5. Don't worry... I turned TBFOF upside down, emptied his pockets of all his money, and now we are having a party!
  6. Agreed. You know you are addicted to WoW when you spray whatever you were drinking all over your lappy whenever you hear someone shout, "Leeeeeeeerooooooooy Jeeeeeeeeenkiiiiiiins!" it is LEEEERRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NNNNNNNNNYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNKIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNSSSSSSSSs ssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *sprays chocolate milk all over his moniter* I stand corrected! how can a wurm stand? you know you are addicted to hampsterdance if you have been typing so much so long that your typing speed and ability has greatly increased. Which brings me to a very good point... even HampsterDance has wonderful benefits! Your typing is getting your prepared for all that work you will be doing in college. And wurms can stand on their tail. The sad thing is; I can honestly say HD is the main reason I can actually type. likewise. XD Seriously. When I first joined HD I was typing with one finger and had to stare at the keyboard to find the letters. Now I can type at an about average speed. I am the fastest hamster in our group! WOW! HampsterDance has sped up my typing skills immensely!!
  7. Why aren't sunflower seeds and pumpkins seeds delivered daily to my cage? They are. Have you never been to FDP? FDP? No, I don't believe so. Horatio! Fried Dragon Palace! You forgot? *slaps forehead* Rotten acronyms!!! LOL Wow....this reminds me of when the "ptmy's" stole my sanity. Remember that? Someone would say "lol" Then the person tha said something funny would respond "ptmylol" and then there was "ptmyptmmlol" And it went on and on... *watches all those posters who can't stand the PTMY's roll their eyes* Yo Jesse, come here! *hands Jesse a PTMY basket*
  8. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    lol better. I've heard of sacred heart, but I don't know where it is....Oh well. How did your family visit go? It was good. Well, it's the only place we've visited so I can't compare it to anything else But the fact that we didn't want to visit any more schools afterward, should give an idea of our impression of the university. The resources it has are spectacular - laptops handed out every two years to all students, wireless communication all around the campus, battery replacement desks and stuff like that impressed me. They also allow honors freshmen to avoid the freshman dorm rooms and take a suite-style room instead, where the sophomores go. Oh yeah, housing is garunteed four years. The juniors get to have appartment-style places, and the seniors live in townhouses a mile or two away from campus. And NO LECTURE HALL CLASSES! The maximum is 35 students to a class. I think. And there's lots of activities and stuff, there's something happening maybe every day. So I'm looking foward to it. *nods* About Luke: I'm going to shorten the neck alittle, it just seems too big the more I look at it. Maybe make it half the size. I'll post the results since I don't have much else to do right now. Glad to hear you like the school. That is really, really important. Everything about it sounds fantastic. As for Luke, I can't wait to see the new drawings.
  9. AWESOME!!!!!!! And from me, you and Kris get The Cosmic Cooking Championship Award!!! *hands awards to - Kat - and Kris*
  10. I have them on my computer and put them on my friend's ipod.
  11. Let me guess, you will put this on your resume?
  12. Why aren't sunflower seeds and pumpkins seeds delivered daily to my cage? They are. Have you never been to FDP? FDP? No, I don't believe so. Horatio! Fried Dragon Palace! You forgot? *slaps forehead* Rotten acronyms!!! LOL
  13. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Actually I liked the previous pic. Luke reminded me of an alligator or crocodile type creature and they have no neck.
  14. Haha, that sounds like fun! Last year I was dared to get this guys email address, this guy is actually my friend by the way, so I casually walked up to him, leant over his shoulder (I was standing behind him you see) and seductively said "Could I have your email address?" XD He was all like "Uh.. Yeah... Uh... Sure..." Ahhh. Good Times. My boy was over last night 'Cause my parents were out. Hehe, I get a thrill out of sneaking behind their backs. I know its wrong but if I tell them they won't let me go out with him. ♥ Lee *puts on the hammie parent hat* Let's start here... WHY wouldn't your parents allow you to go out with this gentleman??????? Because I'm not allowed to have a boyfriend until I finish school. *is glad theres only a few more weeks left* I'll tell them as soon as my last exam is over! I swear! ♥ Lee Oh, I am glad to know that is the reason. At least your parents don't think this guy is a "bad boy" or something like that. Please, if you can, focus on your studies and final exams because these are the important moments before you leave high school.
  15. Please don't be hard on yourself. There will be good days and bad days. They usually say that before a phenomenal concert you have an absolutely rotten practice. All you can do is do your personal best and then smile. I am totally certain that you have given more than 100%, more like 1000%!
  16. So do I. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Meh new pants were to small. ~.~ *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* You grew that much?????
  17. I'm sorry about your friendship with Trent in the state it is. Perhaps it will work out in the future.
  18. So can Beth flip her cymbols now? We attempted to show her how it's done, but since she didn't come with us, it was a bit hard to explain. He really didn't flip them, he just rolled them on hi hands, making it look like he flipped them. Sneeky. Maybe you can borrow her cymbols and practice and then show her how it's done! Rolling them on his hands... very, very sneaky! LOL
  19. Haha, that sounds like fun! Last year I was dared to get this guys email address, this guy is actually my friend by the way, so I casually walked up to him, leant over his shoulder (I was standing behind him you see) and seductively said "Could I have your email address?" XD He was all like "Uh.. Yeah... Uh... Sure..." Ahhh. Good Times. My boy was over last night 'Cause my parents were out. Hehe, I get a thrill out of sneaking behind their backs. I know its wrong but if I tell them they won't let me go out with him. ♥ Lee *puts on the hammie parent hat* Let's start here... WHY wouldn't your parents allow you to go out with this gentleman???????
  20. Not at all... we have just been awaiting your return from Amsterdam! How was your trip? Did you get to visit Anne Frank's house? We have missed you soooooo much. Glad you are back. Oh I've been back for a long time now Horatio, popping in from time to time, but the forums seem to be so... empty. How strange it is to remember when it was full of members. As to Amsterdam, it was indeed amazing and I did visit Anne Frank's house. It was strange to be queing up to go into the huge glass and steel limpet that was attached to it. When I was in the house itself, going round (I had to queue behind some delightful person from the USA who was giving a very loud lecture on the war. I bit his head off (metaphorically) when he started insulting Japan.) it was extremely hot and the spice that still lingered was very agitating. Makes you wonder how horrible it must have been for the Frank family and their friends hiding in the small room behind the offices. true, it is emptier now on the boards. We should have recruiting parties to get people on the board. Please wait until either Friday or the following Monday before we have a posting spree, hopefully Max will be back home by then.
  21. Why aren't sunflower seeds and pumpkins seeds delivered daily to my cage? They are. Have you never been to FDP? FDP? No, I don't believe so.
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