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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Agreed. You know you are addicted to WoW when you spray whatever you were drinking all over your lappy whenever you hear someone shout, "Leeeeeeeerooooooooy Jeeeeeeeeenkiiiiiiins!" it is LEEEERRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NNNNNNNNNYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNKIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNSSSSSSSSs ssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *sprays chocolate milk all over his moniter* I stand corrected! how can a wurm stand? you know you are addicted to hampsterdance if you have been typing so much so long that your typing speed and ability has greatly increased. Which brings me to a very good point... even HampsterDance has wonderful benefits! Your typing is getting your prepared for all that work you will be doing in college. And wurms can stand on their tail. The sad thing is; I can honestly say HD is the main reason I can actually type. likewise. XD Seriously. When I first joined HD I was typing with one finger and had to stare at the keyboard to find the letters. Now I can type at an about average speed. I am the fastest hamster in our group! WOW! HampsterDance has sped up my typing skills immensely!! Im not too sure about that. according to "TypingTest" in google when searching for "typing speed" gave the following results: Test name: Tigris in the Wild Gross Speed: 52 WPM Errors: 3 words Net Speed: 49 WPM Accuracy 94% I'm a bit slow now beacuse I'm tired, but how would y'all do? I scored so low, the test told me not to think of a career using a keyboard. It suggested a chainsaw or jackhammer. I got 60 WPM with 100% accuracy. ^.^ My guess for your score would have been 110 WPM with 10% accuracy!
  2. ROFO -hic- CLH!!! This deserves a really special award. *is still laughing*
  3. AWESOME!!!!!!!! What a great day! *sees a very happy squirrel*
  4. Why aren't sunflower seeds and pumpkins seeds delivered daily to my cage? They are. Have you never been to FDP? FDP? No, I don't believe so. Horatio! Fried Dragon Palace! You forgot? *slaps forehead* Rotten acronyms!!! LOL :ninja: PTMYLOL!!! Ahh, that feels so good. It's my first PTMY PTMYPTMMLOL!!! PTMYPTMMPTMYLOL!!! PTMYPTMMPTMYPTMMLOL!!! *waits for those people with anti-ptmy signs LOL *
  5. AWESOME!!!!!!! And from me, you and Kris get The Cosmic Cooking Championship Award!!! *hands awards to - Kat - and Kris* Whoo! The next step is for you both to be contestants on the Iron Chef show!!! While that would be fun, I doubt it'll happen. XD Next year we're going all out. We're gonna have somebody dress like the silly chairman and everything. I want to be there!!!!!!!!!
  6. I am overwhelmingly addicted! It is terrible when hamster's talk about all their cheesie, skwerl, wolf, phoenix, cat, dog and mushroom loving friends! Then we have the tumbleweed loving, meat grinding, micicle and Monk loving friends! Then there is the... It is really the worst when your home page is HampsterDance!
  7. justify what..? whats wrong with setting goals? everything i said has changed though. im so up and down. ive been bingeing for the past 4 days. which is good news for you and HORRIBLE for me ive gained 6 pounds.. then i lost 2 more. so ive gained 4 pounds. i went on the treadmill today and kept my intake reasonable, so im okay. tomorrow im hanging out with rob, so my intake will be from 0 to like 300. i love rob days. sometimes im so happy, i come home and workout and then i end up with negative intake or like a small number its awesome. anyway.. im looking to loose like 12 pounds by homecoming, including the 4 i gained. if i can get back on track im sure i can do it. im in driver's ed. im gonna DIE in gym exspecially for running, i am SO out of shape but im hopeful at the moment (im always hopeful about this) cuz i know if i WANT it enough, i will be thin. and DONT WORRY PEOPLE, im healthy, 100%. I am so happy to hear you are healthy! :] yup. always was. well.. i was TOO out of shape before now im just KINDA out of shape. lol its gonna change... ive got big plans. Big plans are always great!!! Good luck!
  8. We have an actual working record player with lots of albums! Elton John... Burn Down The Mission.
  9. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! thanks! i have a cold tho.... but today was fun...it was freshman/senior day, we got to be outside all day and play games.... That's how school should be all the time! yeah...but im not one of those school-hating people....its cool.... I'm a procrastinating hamster.
  10. okay-o i just mentioned this in "what song are u listening to right now," but im listening to elton john. he's cool. I love Elton John... there are many of his songs that are my favorite!
  11. Bye Bye Birdie is really a lot of fun! I guarantee you will have a great time, no matter what you do!!!
  12. wow thats weird, today it was hat day at my high school....but i didnt wear one, cuz it also happened to be picture day....bad planning.....its spirit week at my school......monday was color day, each grade was assigned a different color to wear, freshmen were white, sophmores were red, juniors were green, and seniors were blue...today was hat day, tomorrow is twin day or mix and match day, thursday is pajama day, friday is blue + gold day (school colors) (weird, because those were also my grade school colors.....) saturday is the homecoming football game + dance.....its a cool school.....tonight is "back to school" night, in which our parents go to school and follow our schedule and have to do what we do every day......its funny....theyre not back yet, idk if they got lost or not.....i wrote them really detailed instructions......... Whenever we have crazy hair day... the guinea pigs ALWAYS win!
  13. justify what..? whats wrong with setting goals? everything i said has changed though. im so up and down. ive been bingeing for the past 4 days. which is good news for you and HORRIBLE for me ive gained 6 pounds.. then i lost 2 more. so ive gained 4 pounds. i went on the treadmill today and kept my intake reasonable, so im okay. tomorrow im hanging out with rob, so my intake will be from 0 to like 300. i love rob days. sometimes im so happy, i come home and workout and then i end up with negative intake or like a small number its awesome. anyway.. im looking to loose like 12 pounds by homecoming, including the 4 i gained. if i can get back on track im sure i can do it. im in driver's ed. im gonna DIE in gym exspecially for running, i am SO out of shape but im hopeful at the moment (im always hopeful about this) cuz i know if i WANT it enough, i will be thin. and DONT WORRY PEOPLE, im healthy, 100%. I am so happy to hear you are healthy!
  14. Where is Mushroom_king's meat grinder when you need it? Typical actions, when Arkcher arrives back on the scene, let's dump everything on him.
  15. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Don't worry about being naggy. I need the peer editing, so to speak. How Luke looks to me is a biased opinion because I'm the one doing the changes. I need other people to see if things look practical or not (well, as practical as a character like this can get ) Here is the current Luke. I made the neck smaller and I edited the furs sticking out the sides and back of his head (although that is a bit hard to see in this screenshot). I like him! Personally I like the shorter neck. *hands Jesse some mango micicles*
  16. AWESOME!!!!!!! And from me, you and Kris get The Cosmic Cooking Championship Award!!! *hands awards to - Kat - and Kris* Whoo! The next step is for you both to be contestants on the Iron Chef show!!!
  17. Agreed. You know you are addicted to WoW when you spray whatever you were drinking all over your lappy whenever you hear someone shout, "Leeeeeeeerooooooooy Jeeeeeeeeenkiiiiiiins!" it is LEEEERRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NNNNNNNNNYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNKIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNSSSSSSSSs ssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *sprays chocolate milk all over his moniter* I stand corrected! how can a wurm stand? you know you are addicted to hampsterdance if you have been typing so much so long that your typing speed and ability has greatly increased. Which brings me to a very good point... even HampsterDance has wonderful benefits! Your typing is getting your prepared for all that work you will be doing in college. And wurms can stand on their tail. The sad thing is; I can honestly say HD is the main reason I can actually type. likewise. XD Seriously. When I first joined HD I was typing with one finger and had to stare at the keyboard to find the letters. Now I can type at an about average speed. I am the fastest hamster in our group! WOW! HampsterDance has sped up my typing skills immensely!! Im not too sure about that. according to "TypingTest" in google when searching for "typing speed" gave the following results: Test name: Tigris in the Wild Gross Speed: 52 WPM Errors: 3 words Net Speed: 49 WPM Accuracy 94% I'm a bit slow now beacuse I'm tired, but how would y'all do? I scored so low, the test told me not to think of a career using a keyboard. It suggested a chainsaw or jackhammer.
  18. Let me guess, you will put this on your resume? I already have a job here. XD But now I can actually make something. Even if it's only one thing. >_>;; I was referring to the bartending!
  19. thanks, i think. i like this one. Absolutely! It's great!!
  20. I would think it is great that your parents brought you up with lots of great artists!!! How many people know the names of various opera singers?????? Good choice!!!
  21. Beeeeaaaaaaauuuuuuuuttttttttttiiiiiiiiiifffffffffffuuuuuuuuuulllllllllllllll!!!
  22. Horatio

    My place. :)

    You could always say your pet fish, Alpha, ate it. My homework is a lot bigger than Alpha is. He has friends, doesn't he?
  23. Why aren't sunflower seeds and pumpkins seeds delivered daily to my cage? They are. Have you never been to FDP? FDP? No, I don't believe so. Horatio! Fried Dragon Palace! You forgot? *slaps forehead* Rotten acronyms!!! LOL :ninja: PTMYLOL!!! Ahh, that feels so good. It's my first PTMY PTMYPTMMLOL!!!
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