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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. You must have pulled some strings or have quite a bit of influence. LOL You didn't threaten anyone did you???
  2. I'm totally gonna save up for a Segway now. XD Then I'll ride up to all the gangsta people and be all "S'up? :D" and then they steal your segway. XDD I think if a gansta was seen with a Segway, his fellow gang member would take it upon themselves to do a mercy killing. Would they use a Claymore? LOL Nope. They'd bust a cap. So what do they use? A dull butter knife? LOL
  3. Okay... there we have it. The megaphone announcer over the loudpseaker compy police voice... 25 MINUTES !!!!! No ifs, ands, buts or any other excuses are permitted. It is Friday and everyone wants to get home early. I am sitting at a computer which is on a desk so high that only Jack, the famous one of Jack and the Beanstalk, could sit at this desk. I always put the keyboard in my lap or else I look like I am trying to reach over my head. My paws are just not that long. Too bad, I couldn't just sit on the floor and make myself at home. LOL
  4. I'm totally gonna save up for a Segway now. XD Then I'll ride up to all the gangsta people and be all "S'up? :D" and then they steal your segway. XDD I think if a gansta was seen with a Segway, his fellow gang member would take it upon themselves to do a mercy killing. Would they use a Claymore? LOL
  5. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    You'll get in. You're too smart to reject. That's the day after my dad's birthday. Wierd. I still need to buy him something... Well then, you're dad's birthday is the same day as a math team event. Not that he would care much. Unless your math team was going to celebrate for him. LOL
  6. *hugs you* i know you're upset. i know why. i'm sad you're upset. but i'm not sad why. i'm sad that my friend is upset. okay done shooting my mouth off. but you're cool. you're nice to me, aren't you? too many people aren't... well too many people do wut vacuum cleaners do! meanies. so ive gained 5 lbs, probably 2 more by tomorrow :[ and im fightining with rob and i have a HARD math test tomorrow and im stressed and crying. -hugs- You know, if you're exercising, you'll be gaining muscle, which weighs more than any other body tissue. Your friends are very supportive about what you're doing, so you should be proud. ;D Just breathe ... listen to some music, do something to get your mind off of Rob and stress. its all good now and i dont want muscle.. at all. cept for like.. wut you need to have w/o being like jelly.. Not bulk Arnold type muscles, but very streamlined in shape muscles.
  7. (because I'm hungry) Ecidence-based medicine will relieve your pain better when it's actually in your body. *awaits Horatio's "catch" verdict* LOL... I caught yours then had to look back. And this all without my glasses. You should see me at the library, a tiny hamster using a human computer and having to put my face about one inch from the monitor, all while waiting for the same reference librarian, dubbed "the computer police', to come and tell me my hour is up. why don't you have your glasses? Because I ran out of my cage and left them next to the bed. I have them now!!! I have done that before. *hates it* I tried the old string attached to the glasses trick, but they hung around my neck and would interfere with my running. Then if I tried eating, some of the food would always end up on the inside of the glasses and that was completely the most disgusting thing. So, I just have to keep trying to keep them in my paw.
  8. LOL... TBFOF was just saying the same thing about girls. As for being lonely, please try and be your own best friend. Try and not be lonely, but instead enjoy yourself when you are alone. This takes some getting used to, but you can learn to enjoy your time with yourself and do things that you might not be able to do with others. Reading, playing your guitar, etc., these are things that you can make enjoyable when you are alone. This way you teach yourself not to be lonely and not to rely on anyone else to make you happy.
  9. Booooooooooo Compy Police > I am ready to take the whipped cream now! The same compy police reference librarian is still working. What???????????? A double shift? Or is it a conspiracy against computer hamsters. Grrrrr........ She is sitting there giving me the evil stare and has let me know... 20 minutes remaining! Does she really think I want to be here without my Max?????????????? NOOOOOOOO!!! I checked the apple repair and they are still waiting on the part. *cries* NO, NO, NO... I cannot go through another weekend with the compy police!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *~*THA GRAWND ELLOZHAN*~*THA FAHNEEL CAWT*~* *HAWNDS HEWAYSHHAW AH MEET CLEEVEAH* HEA. KEEL THAM WEETH THAWT. AWND EEF YEW DOWNT DEW EET THAWN I'LL DEW EET. *~*THA PSYKAHDEELEEC LOOAW*~*THA ASTROONOOMY DOOMEENE*~* Arnold, I will let you take care of it. You are much, much bigger and stronger than I am! *~*THA GRAWND EELOOZHAN*~*THA FAHNEEL CAWT*~* YA. AWND IEE WEEL GEET MYE AWTHAWH SPLEET PESAHNALAHTEES TEW HELP MEE. (Which is: Stewie Griffin, Syd Barret, Jimi Hendrix, Marc Jacobs, Yoda, David Gilmour, The Teacher, Jennifer Anniston, Avril Lavigne, Roger Waters, Nick Mason, Trent Reznor (NOT Trent the guy I like. Trent Reznor of The Nine Inch Nails), Victor Van Dort, Bill Gates, Bob Geldof, Bob Dylan, Tim Burton, Willy Wonka, and Giza.) *~*THA PSYKAHDELLEEC LOOAW*~*THA ASTROONOOMY DOOMEENE*~* I am kicked off in ten seconds. Nite, nite! Talk to you tomorrow. I have to go! XD I just made three posts with more of my split personalities.... Which had to be moderated this morning due to the fact that I was kicked off last night. This particular librarian would probably ask for their library cards and then kick them out because they didn't have one. have you tried explaining your situation to the librarian? Yes. One is really nice and helps me out. She finds a computer for me and lets me stay a bit longer. The other two are like Attila The Hun, female version, and need to lighten up a bit. At the moment I have the good old... 20 minutes remaining. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Want me to send you my army? It includes my freinds (ALL of them), all the charecters I've made up, my Split personalities, etc. That should help. XD *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* That would be absolutely perfect! *waits for army to appear at the library* The really nice librarian, who works with me, must be on holiday as I have not seen her in a few or more days. As today is Friday, there will be no Max until at least Monday, if they get the part today and ship it today. That would be the best case. In the worst case... I do not want to even think about it. *cries for my precious little Max*
  10. The rumour probably appeared on the front page of a couple of those tabloids that are in the grocery checkout line. actualy, if you read the lyrics, you could interpet the lyrics either way, like the line "You can get yourself cleaned" It's more fun to pretend that you read it in the tabloids. They have a way of twisting the story line.
  11. Horatio

    My place. :)

    The difference, I believe, is that some of the friends you make in college will remain lifetime friends. I hope so. They're a great bunch of people. Today some of us went to yoga, and then hing out in Lindsay and Steph's room to watch TV. Now I'm trying to read a history book with no lights because my roommate is sleeping. Ask your parents to buy you one of those itty-bitty book lights. They work great. The light clips on to the cover of the book and unfolds to reach high enough above the book so that you can read both pages of a large book at one time and turn the pages without hitting the little light. Great invention!!!
  12. but im not loosing.. i guess its cuz its the begining of the week. i always loose the most on like thursdays and stuff. this weekend im gonna do good though. cuz i never ever do good on weekends. im so messed up today. tired and dizzy. but im not hungry. i just had a peanutbutter and banana sandwhich. mmmmmmmm. You will lose your weight. You are persistent and that is important. ive gained 5 whole pounds :[ i was so happy too.. now i have MORE work to do. i have 23 days to loose 10 pounds and i know that sounds kinda easy but i havnt lost anything in a week... ive just gained everyday. today i will do good. i must. *hugs you* don't worry. you'll be okay. i promise. i can't make promises i can't keep, either. im trying the rubber band thing. if i eat, i hurt. i did it a little today i had pizza and cake and i snapped my wrist bright red and kept saying "hunger with pain, hunger with pain" but i came home and ate even more :[ Is there any way you could change what you eat? For example, get your mother to buy the carrots in the little bags, celery and string cheese. The string cheese is great as it comes in individual servings. Eat these type foods and fruits such as apples instead of pizza and cake.
  13. uhh i despise that song and the whole pack of AFI's new fans. The only reason that song is so popular is because it was the prerealease for Decemberunderground which the real fans waited for for four years so ,basically the kids who liked their punk stuff like The Art of Drowning and Very Pround of Ya and all their good stuff made a hype about the album coming out causing a lot of radiostations to play that song since it was the prerealese, im not saying your friend is but i hate those kids who go aroung saying "oh my god i love AFI" when the only song the know is miss murder, posers, sry i needed to let that out XD I was being sarcastic. Kris haaaaaaaates Miss Murder. It's funny to make her sit through it. XD It must be the almost full moon! Torture... Kris will get you back. You know how revenge is. How's it again? Sweet? fun? Sweet and possibly fun as well. A dish best served as a many-course meal? I think some might agree with you. a dish best served cold well, everybody has heard that. i couldn't just leave it the way it was. ^.^ I love creativity!!!
  14. To use your words along with two others... life, and love, can be so complex. I don't want to upset my friends, but i don't want to forget the one I like as well. this is prolly the most dificult part of my life, upon reflection. This is the hardest part of life. Feelings are really fragile and you never know what will upset someone until you have uttered those words and then their reaction is not what you expect. I will try and think of how to help. Sometimes I am good at it and sometimes there are no ideas in my hamster brain. Let me think.
  15. Two minute warning from the compy police... Max is still not coming back tomorrow. Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nite, nite all!!!!
  16. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    I have been counting the days and have been saying a prayer for you. *crosses paws for Jesse and Max*
  17. (because I'm hungry) Ecidence-based medicine will relieve your pain better when it's actually in your body. *awaits Horatio's "catch" verdict* LOL... I caught yours then had to look back. And this all without my glasses. You should see me at the library, a tiny hamster using a human computer and having to put my face about one inch from the monitor, all while waiting for the same reference librarian, dubbed "the computer police', to come and tell me my hour is up. why don't you have your glasses? Because I ran out of my cage and left them next to the bed. I have them now!!!
  18. Booooooooooo Compy Police > I am ready to take the whipped cream now! The same compy police reference librarian is still working. What???????????? A double shift? Or is it a conspiracy against computer hamsters. Grrrrr........ She is sitting there giving me the evil stare and has let me know... 20 minutes remaining! Does she really think I want to be here without my Max?????????????? NOOOOOOOO!!! I checked the apple repair and they are still waiting on the part. *cries* NO, NO, NO... I cannot go through another weekend with the compy police!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *~*THA GRAWND ELLOZHAN*~*THA FAHNEEL CAWT*~* *HAWNDS HEWAYSHHAW AH MEET CLEEVEAH* HEA. KEEL THAM WEETH THAWT. AWND EEF YEW DOWNT DEW EET THAWN I'LL DEW EET. *~*THA PSYKAHDEELEEC LOOAW*~*THA ASTROONOOMY DOOMEENE*~* Arnold, I will let you take care of it. You are much, much bigger and stronger than I am! *~*THA GRAWND EELOOZHAN*~*THA FAHNEEL CAWT*~* YA. AWND IEE WEEL GEET MYE AWTHAWH SPLEET PESAHNALAHTEES TEW HELP MEE. (Which is: Stewie Griffin, Syd Barret, Jimi Hendrix, Marc Jacobs, Yoda, David Gilmour, The Teacher, Jennifer Anniston, Avril Lavigne, Roger Waters, Nick Mason, Trent Reznor (NOT Trent the guy I like. Trent Reznor of The Nine Inch Nails), Victor Van Dort, Bill Gates, Bob Geldof, Bob Dylan, Tim Burton, Willy Wonka, and Giza.) *~*THA PSYKAHDELLEEC LOOAW*~*THA ASTROONOOMY DOOMEENE*~* I am kicked off in ten seconds. Nite, nite! Talk to you tomorrow. I have to go! XD I just made three posts with more of my split personalities.... Which had to be moderated this morning due to the fact that I was kicked off last night. This particular librarian would probably ask for their library cards and then kick them out because they didn't have one. have you tried explaining your situation to the librarian? Yes. One is really nice and helps me out. She finds a computer for me and lets me stay a bit longer. The other two are like Attila The Hun, female version, and need to lighten up a bit. At the moment I have the good old... 20 minutes remaining.
  19. The rumour probably appeared on the front page of a couple of those tabloids that are in the grocery checkout line.
  20. How much do they pay???????
  21. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    I agree!!! Jesse is the stealth wolf... you see his name on the member's list and he lurks in various topics... then he disappears with no posts to his name for the day.
  22. Horatio

    My place. :)

    The difference, I believe, is that some of the friends you make in college will remain lifetime friends.
  23. i am. i.. dont know why im alive. not that anyone does i just.. feel so sick right now.. but tomorrow is a school day so i know i can control myself just dont know how to deal with the fatigue life is so meaningless.. *hugs you* ok now i wish i had someone to hug me when i feel like that. Like now! *gives Topazia the most gigantic hammie bear huggle and gets everyone to join in on a group hug*
  24. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* *Bumps Fists with Lauren* \m/>_ *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* and horatio cuz i swore this place like.. out of my life 2 years ago with animal kidd. i guess i was just bored. lol. :] You have heard the saying... Never say never. Hope you like being back because we like having you around. yea its good cuz i can talk about my supposed "ed-nos" without hessitating. and i like seeing people like my poems. Your poems are phenomenal!!!
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