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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* First Luke. (I sometimes call him Woody woodepecker) Then Horatio. Now Arkcher?! I'M TURNING INTO ARLUKEATIO!!!!!!! Or something. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* Arlukeatio... now that is a cool name. Perhaps you could add an illustration of just how you look. acne-riddled hampster-wolf thing with a lightsaber? *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final cut*~* Luke, AKA Woody Woodepecker, is a Jock kid who kicks %$# and is one of my closest real-life freinds. XD I Don't know what that would look like. I've seen Arkcher's photo and I just can't see how that would combine with Luke and Horatio. I also found a new button set. This button set has various Buttons from Various Clssic rock bands i like, such as Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Rush, Judas Preist, etc. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* where is his photo? Don't ask that question because you will not get the answer.
  2. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    You'll get in. You're too smart to reject. That's the day after my dad's birthday. Wierd. I still need to buy him something... Well then, you're dad's birthday is the same day as a math team event. Not that he would care much. Being an engineer, he might appreciate that. So far I got him a calendar featuring scenic outhouses (camp joke). I want to see about finding him some lemon cookies or something else he likes too. He's a tough one to get gifts for, because he doesn't play golf and hates wearing ties. What kind of engineer???? Civil, mechanical, etc. ...? In the grocery store are these killer lemon and ginger cookies by a company called Carr (if I remember correctly). They should be in the cookie area, but usually off in their own special section just for Carr products. They make all kinds of crackers, cookies, etc. These are really superb. Crabtree and Evelyn also makes a wonderful lemon cookie. I especially like both these cookies with lemon sorbet. I prefer lemon and lime bars. ^.^ Lemon and lime bars??? Ohhhh, those sound so good. Who makes the best one and where do you find them? *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Horatio, if you ever go to England, I recomend you try two things: Jelly Babies and Cadbury Flakes. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domien*~* Writes this down in my special book. Thank you!
  3. well, don't they have an upstairs room? That is exactly where I am hiding. She came up from downstairs to find me. I guess there is not enough going on in the reference department for her. Or, she does not like hamsters. Either way, I am going to try and find another place to go. Max is still in the hospital and Apple Care is trying to do an expedited search and hopefully will have Max home by Friday. Of course, when he comes home he will be a super computer with almost every part being replaced. He will be like a brand new computer!!!!!!!!!! *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* D= My mom says she isn;'t gonna buy a new lappy cord to replace Morrison, so I'll just stick with this stoopid compy. *~*The PPsychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* Oh, I'm sorry. Perhaps you can put it on your Christmas wish list.
  4. I agree. >__> Wha'f you were like, playin' Metroid Fusion while talking in Arkcher-man style? I need to come up with an official name for that... thing, way of speech, language, I dunno. i dont even know what it is. XD Arkamonics? That sounds more like a new type of Economics program. Perhaps Arkcher has a new idea for currency.
  5. well, don't they have an upstairs room? That is exactly where I am hiding. She came up from downstairs to find me. I guess there is not enough going on in the reference department for her. Or, she does not like hamsters. Either way, I am going to try and find another place to go. Max is still in the hospital and Apple Care is trying to do an expedited search and hopefully will have Max home by Friday. Of course, when he comes home he will be a super computer with almost every part being replaced. He will be like a brand new computer!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Grrrr.......... The Compy Police just checked the sign-in sheet and alerted me to the fact that I have 15 MINUTES REMAINING !!! So, I will try and get as many posts moderated that I am able and I will return to the library later in the day.
  7. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    You'll get in. You're too smart to reject. That's the day after my dad's birthday. Wierd. I still need to buy him something... Well then, you're dad's birthday is the same day as a math team event. Not that he would care much. Being an engineer, he might appreciate that. So far I got him a calendar featuring scenic outhouses (camp joke). I want to see about finding him some lemon cookies or something else he likes too. He's a tough one to get gifts for, because he doesn't play golf and hates wearing ties. What kind of engineer???? Civil, mechanical, etc. ...? In the grocery store are these killer lemon and ginger cookies by a company called Carr (if I remember correctly). They should be in the cookie area, but usually off in their own special section just for Carr products. They make all kinds of crackers, cookies, etc. These are really superb. Crabtree and Evelyn also makes a wonderful lemon cookie. I especially like both these cookies with lemon sorbet. I prefer lemon and lime bars. ^.^ Lemon and lime bars??? Ohhhh, those sound so good. Who makes the best one and where do you find them?
  8. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* First Luke. (I sometimes call him Woody woodepecker) Then Horatio. Now Arkcher?! I'M TURNING INTO ARLUKEATIO!!!!!!! Or something. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* Arlukeatio... now that is a cool name. Perhaps you could add an illustration of just how you look.
  9. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    You'll get in. You're too smart to reject. That's the day after my dad's birthday. Wierd. I still need to buy him something... Well then, you're dad's birthday is the same day as a math team event. Not that he would care much. Being an engineer, he might appreciate that. So far I got him a calendar featuring scenic outhouses (camp joke). I want to see about finding him some lemon cookies or something else he likes too. He's a tough one to get gifts for, because he doesn't play golf and hates wearing ties. What kind of engineer???? Civil, mechanical, etc. ...? In the grocery store are these killer lemon and ginger cookies by a company called Carr (if I remember correctly). They should be in the cookie area, but usually off in their own special section just for Carr products. They make all kinds of crackers, cookies, etc. These are really superb. Crabtree and Evelyn also makes a wonderful lemon cookie. I especially like both these cookies with lemon sorbet.
  10. Horatio

    My place. :)

    The difference, I believe, is that some of the friends you make in college will remain lifetime friends. I hope so. They're a great bunch of people. Today some of us went to yoga, and then hing out in Lindsay and Steph's room to watch TV. Now I'm trying to read a history book with no lights because my roommate is sleeping. Ask your parents to buy you one of those itty-bitty book lights. They work great. The light clips on to the cover of the book and unfolds to reach high enough above the book so that you can read both pages of a large book at one time and turn the pages without hitting the little light. Great invention!!! The light coming from the computer was good enough. Today we went out shopping, watched tv, ate dinner, and played video games. I pwned at mario kart, even though I never played the game cube version before (I only have an N64 ) Then i went back to my room, chatted online with my friend Marius, took a shower, and now I'm going to sleep soon. Tomorrow some of us are going to some Chinese festival. Some of my friends apparently get extra credit in their Chinese class for it. I would definitely sign up for the classes that give extra credit for going to festivals!
  11. thats good i think. lack of sleep. it works everytime. one time i slept over lizz's house and we stayed up all night and we were so high on life it was insane i always peed from laughing we were SO tired.. Oh my!
  12. but im not loosing.. i guess its cuz its the begining of the week. i always loose the most on like thursdays and stuff. this weekend im gonna do good though. cuz i never ever do good on weekends. im so messed up today. tired and dizzy. but im not hungry. i just had a peanutbutter and banana sandwhich. mmmmmmmm. You will lose your weight. You are persistent and that is important. ive gained 5 whole pounds :[ i was so happy too.. now i have MORE work to do. i have 23 days to loose 10 pounds and i know that sounds kinda easy but i havnt lost anything in a week... ive just gained everyday. today i will do good. i must. *hugs you* don't worry. you'll be okay. i promise. i can't make promises i can't keep, either. im trying the rubber band thing. if i eat, i hurt. i did it a little today i had pizza and cake and i snapped my wrist bright red and kept saying "hunger with pain, hunger with pain" but i came home and ate even more :[ Is there any way you could change what you eat? For example, get your mother to buy the carrots in the little bags, celery and string cheese. The string cheese is great as it comes in individual servings. Eat these type foods and fruits such as apples instead of pizza and cake. i was at a meeting, where we order pizza. and then the cake was for a birthday im not that gross.. i dont just eat cake alone for no reason!! my mom buys me special k bars, fruits and veggies,V8 juice and rice cakes. it has nothing to do with wut she buys. Well, I must be the grossest hamster in the nation... my favorite food is birthday cake and I eat cake for no reason whatsoever. Well, maybe for the sugar rush.
  13. Here I am at the library again and who is the very first person I see... The Compy Police!!! Doesn't this woman have a home???????????? As soon as I say "Good Morning", she replies, "I will be watching you today! No extra minutes." Okay... no extra minutes.
  14. *joins Jesusfreak behind the bullet proof glass* :ninja:
  15. You must have pulled some strings or have quite a bit of influence. LOL You didn't threaten anyone did you??? XD It was actually my internet. But I wanted to blame the site because it made me feel better. I think blaming the site is much better. LOL Do you regularly clean out your cache, cookies and history? This will speed things up. I do it very, very often... *cries* when Max is home. I'll have to ask my dad. I dun deal with that stuff as I'd prolly end up killing the compy and somehow myself in the process. Good idea. Ask your father to show you how to do it. Very easy. If your father is a computer wizard, ask him for the easy button. The really awful music in this Circuit City.
  16. As I said before, I am at Circuit City. Tomorrow and Sunday are the library during the day and Circuit City at night. Monday is Circuit City allllllllllllllllllllllll day.
  17. Please don't cry. *gives Topazia a giant hammie bear huggle* Some things, although great works of art, are not suitable for everyone. My apologies.
  18. *hugs you* i know you're upset. i know why. i'm sad you're upset. but i'm not sad why. i'm sad that my friend is upset. okay done shooting my mouth off. but you're cool. you're nice to me, aren't you? too many people aren't... well too many people do wut vacuum cleaners do! meanies. so ive gained 5 lbs, probably 2 more by tomorrow :[ and im fightining with rob and i have a HARD math test tomorrow and im stressed and crying. -hugs- You know, if you're exercising, you'll be gaining muscle, which weighs more than any other body tissue. Your friends are very supportive about what you're doing, so you should be proud. ;D Just breathe ... listen to some music, do something to get your mind off of Rob and stress. its all good now and i dont want muscle.. at all. cept for like.. wut you need to have w/o being like jelly.. Not bulk Arnold type muscles, but very streamlined in shape muscles. ew. *imagines AHNULD hamster* More like a soft cuddly squishy hammie. No AHNULD hammie here!
  19. XD You should do it and see what they do. I have already had the compy police attack me for the minutes, so what harm could it do? In addition to the Max update, the part is still NOT available. I am going to cry all weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!! This means that it will be at least Friday if I am lucky before I get Max home. I miss him sooooo much. x_X Didn't they say they'd have the part on Monday? I tried to respond and have no idea why it will not post my post. 3 minutes. I am heading over to Circuit City. Talk to you later, alligator. Hope this posts. Well, if I'm gone before you get to Circuit City, see you Monday! WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT????????????? Where are you going???? I am at Circuit City and you are ..............? You didn't tell me you were going away for the weekend. *falls over paws in the air*
  20. XD You should do it and see what they do. I have already had the compy police attack me for the minutes, so what harm could it do? In addition to the Max update, the part is still NOT available. I am going to cry all weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!! This means that it will be at least Friday if I am lucky before I get Max home. I miss him sooooo much. x_X Didn't they say they'd have the part on Monday? I tried to respond and have no idea why it will not post my post. 3 minutes. I am heading over to Circuit City. Talk to you later, alligator. Hope this posts.
  21. You must have pulled some strings or have quite a bit of influence. LOL You didn't threaten anyone did you??? XD It was actually my internet. But I wanted to blame the site because it made me feel better. I think blaming the site is much better. LOL Do you regularly clean out your cache, cookies and history? This will speed things up. I do it very, very often... *cries* when Max is home.
  22. I'm totally gonna save up for a Segway now. XD Then I'll ride up to all the gangsta people and be all "S'up? :D" and then they steal your segway. XDD I think if a gansta was seen with a Segway, his fellow gang member would take it upon themselves to do a mercy killing. Would they use a Claymore? LOL Nope. They'd bust a cap. So what do they use? A dull butter knife? LOL XD Rephrase: They'd shoot them. With????????? I dunno. o_o I've never asked... I think this would be an important question. What if it was a BB gun???????? LOL You wouldn't die, but you sure would have a lot of explaining to do. LOL
  23. (because I'm hungry) Ecidence-based medicine will relieve your pain better when it's actually in your body. *awaits Horatio's "catch" verdict* LOL... I caught yours then had to look back. And this all without my glasses. You should see me at the library, a tiny hamster using a human computer and having to put my face about one inch from the monitor, all while waiting for the same reference librarian, dubbed "the computer police', to come and tell me my hour is up. why don't you have your glasses? Because I ran out of my cage and left them next to the bed. I have them now!!! I have done that before. *hates it* I tried the old string attached to the glasses trick, but they hung around my neck and would interfere with my running. Then if I tried eating, some of the food would always end up on the inside of the glasses and that was completely the most disgusting thing. So, I just have to keep trying to keep them in my paw. mine never fall off, not even on roller coasters. XD Maybe my hair helps keep it on? I dunno. First, I have fur. Second... have you seen the position of my ears? I have specially designed glasses to stay on my head. *thinks*
  24. I'm totally gonna save up for a Segway now. XD Then I'll ride up to all the gangsta people and be all "S'up? :D" and then they steal your segway. XDD I think if a gansta was seen with a Segway, his fellow gang member would take it upon themselves to do a mercy killing. Would they use a Claymore? LOL Nope. They'd bust a cap. So what do they use? A dull butter knife? LOL XD Rephrase: They'd shoot them. With?????????
  25. XD You should do it and see what they do. I have already had the compy police attack me for the minutes, so what harm could it do? In addition to the Max update, the part is still NOT available. I am going to cry all weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!! This means that it will be at least Friday if I am lucky before I get Max home. I miss him sooooo much.
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