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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. *wonders if you get welts from playing legos while listening to this band*
  2. Perhaps they both like you and they are in competition to see you can 'catch' you first!!! Yeah, I think thats what they're doing. o_o; I do believe you are correct! If not that, then they are conspiring to make you crazy.
  3. looking for trouble? *at the word trouble, sees a smile come across Lauren's face* teehee. i love trouble. unless its november 9th. so i played 9 hours of ddr today. seriously. i feel amazing. You are amazing! thanx. I hope you never stop writing. You have so much talent and write about subjects that most people would not go near. Please do not let any negative reactions stop you. Sometimes it is not the writing, but the fact that they are afraid of the topic that makes them not like what they read. The topic scares them.
  4. you have banana trees? Yes! Let me run out and take some pictures. Be right back. .. did you ever do that? lol. i love bananas. i love peanutbutter and banana sandwiches. yummy.yummy. lol. Skippy crunchy and banana sandwiches on english muffin bread!!!!!!!!!!! exactly. minus the english muffin part.. havnt tried that. enlish muffins have.. 130ish cals.. bread is like 210 for 2 pieces.. so i should definatly do that :] Actually this is English Muffin BREAD, and it has less calories than the regular bread. No toasting required.
  5. The rules can be a pain, but what if Arkcher was a 57 year old man who used a picture of a young person, claiming it was him, and then tried to get you to run away from home or something like that and ended up murdering you?????????????????????????????????????????? Okay, a bit theatrical, but you get the idea. what about the pics people already have up of themselves? *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* My mom hates Arkcher. And I don't mean she dislikes him. She HATES[/i]. I have NO idea why. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* Oh my.
  6. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    really good cake = lemon jello poke cake. You make a yellow cake, any brand, really. When it is done, you poke a bunch of holes in the top with a fork, and pour lemon jello over it. let it soak in, and put it in the fridge overnight. Next morning, put whipped cream on top. SO GOOD! This cake is for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the cake i use is duncan hynes yellow. Yummmmmmmmm! Good one!!!
  7. Wonderful news! *scurries off to create my gradient request* *waits for Glowurm to return*
  8. Perhaps they both like you and they are in competition to see you can 'catch' you first!!!
  9. looking for trouble? *at the word trouble, sees a smile come across Lauren's face* teehee. i love trouble. unless its november 9th. so i played 9 hours of ddr today. seriously. i feel amazing. You are amazing!
  10. Awwh. I wanna enter this one. But no time. Studying for exams. ♥ Lee Unfortunately we will miss your artwork, but focus on your studies and pass!!! That will make your summer a more pleasant one!
  11. you have banana trees? Yes! Let me run out and take some pictures. Be right back. .. did you ever do that? lol. i love bananas. i love peanutbutter and banana sandwiches. yummy.yummy. lol. Skippy crunchy and banana sandwiches on english muffin bread!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. *shoots a laser guided missile at TGHL and explodes him into bits* I figured I would help Toto out because I got to this topic before she did! Nothing wrong with having Clinton as a president, she's been good for NY and appears to have good policies. Of course appears is a rubbish word in politics. Better than the apparent Republican candidate anyway, which isn't hard.... I would rather vote in Homer Simpson than Hilary Dilary Duck. I thought you lot already did that with Gerald Ford.... Anyway, you haven't exactly got much choice. Facist or a duck. You decide. There are two new books out, 'State of Denial', by Bob Woodward, and 'In The Line of Fire: MyMemoirs' by General Pervez Musharraf, the Pakistani President. I am not sure when they will be available in your library, but you should enjoy reading them if you can find any time. I know you are swamped with homework, but these should be two good books. I shall endevour to find them, as they sound interesting. Incidentally, I have a thing against Bush. Why is he treating California like it is some sort of satan relam? I mean, just because unlike him, it accepts that the world is going to end if they don't do something and adopt a Kyoto Protocol style cap on emissions, does not make it evil. I think at the moment, the world has one bigger fish to fry... North Korea.
  13. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    really good cake = lemon jello poke cake. You make a yellow cake, any brand, really. When it is done, you poke a bunch of holes in the top with a fork, and pour lemon jello over it. let it soak in, and put it in the fridge overnight. Next morning, put whipped cream on top. SO GOOD! This cake is for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. The rules can be a pain, but what if Arkcher was a 57 year old man who used a picture of a young person, claiming it was him, and then tried to get you to run away from home or something like that and ended up murdering you?????????????????????????????????????????? Okay, a bit theatrical, but you get the idea.
  15. I am right here. So pleased to see you. I have about 18 minutes before they actually kick me out. Quick! We must utilise that 18 minutes. So... How are things? Is there much smiting of those red ants going on? How are the army of frogs in the swimming pool? The frogs in the pool were quite happy until I started lowering their water level. I must decrease the frog population and do not have the heart to kill them. There are NO ant hills anywhere in the back yard. Must be because of the frog population. I have a family of mice living in my house and I have them trained to come when I call. Of course, I back this up with feeding the peanuts. Well, the mother had babies and I have decided to evacuate them after the babies are weaned. There is a wildlife refuge and this probably would be a much better home than a hamster cage. The are sooooooooooo cute. I wrote a topic in Warm Wishes asking you about two books. Three minute warning before I am kicked out. Sometimes I can stretch it a bit as they need to do some kind of close out and I push things until the very end. *waits for TGHL to reappear* Just in case I do not get back here and they force my little paws off the computer... See you later alligators.
  16. [Fudge ones? ] [double fudge ] [eww] [Double Fudge with Hot Fudge Sauce on top? ]
  17. looking for trouble? *at the word trouble, sees a smile come across Lauren's face*
  18. I am right here. So pleased to see you. I have about 18 minutes before they actually kick me out.
  19. Okay... I am totally confused. Is everyone on holiday? Toto is here now and I hope she posts. Nope... she didn't post. Toto did a Jesse and lurked around, then disappeared. Now I am all alone. I miss Max more than ever. Here I am going from Circuit City to the library, to Circuit City then back to the library and when I look at the bottom, the guests reads 0, the members reads 0 and then a lonely 1 in my column. Where are you alllllllllllllllllllllllllllll????????????????
  20. Here I am at the library and there is no one here... . My time will be up in about twenty minutes and this evening is an early night everywhere. I guess I will give up the computer and try to get back on around 16H00... maybe I will see someone then. *crosses paws*
  21. Here I am at Circuit City with their awful music. I will get off the computer before I get kicked out. The library opens at 13H00 so I will get on there for one hour. Talk to you all later...
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