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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. *wonders when Hampsterdudet is going to reappear*
  2. *hugs you* now i can say i know how you feel. singleness STINKS!!! Trust me. 3 weeks of it is torture, especially when he's MOVING TO TENNESSEE!!!!!!! In a bad mood/good mood bipolar type mindset. But i'm only half-insane. the other half is NUTZ! haha! hes moving? :[ im so sorry it's okay. we're not going to try to hold a long distance relationship. This last week has been murder on us. Oh well. Now I'm free to find a guy in time for prom! If, for whatever reason, you do not find someone to go to the prom with you, please do not be sad or worry. You will find the right person when the time is right. I believe that you will continue to grow in positive ways and you will find someone who will be even better.
  3. I forgot to mention that this morning, we had a terrific fog. It was wonderful. We hardly ever get fog and when we do, I just love it. You would look out my cage towards the river and could not see the other side. Actually, you could only see about one-twentieth the way across. Very cool looking.
  4. You know your addicted to HampsterDance when you are as sad about Max as I, Horatio, am.
  5. *wonders if you get welts from playing legos while listening to this band* that would be a big lego set to give you welts. but maybe the awsomeness of the songs make it so that you don't concentrate on the legos and... welt yourself? Welting yourself... now that would be an interesting concept. LOL You could make it like fake tattoos... red paint on or stick on welts.
  6. Max is still in the hospital and I cannot see a release date as of yet. I am so sad. The good news is that I have found one more store that I can access the internet. Yeah!!! Just one more place to get kicked out of. At the moment I am back at the library, which is closing in a little bit, so I will see what is happening and then off to Circuit City. They have the worst music..., but who is complaining. So, I will keep you all posted to see if Max will get released from the hospital next week. The really bad news is that the Apple guy has said that the longest he has ever seen a repair go is 50 days!!!!!!!!!! Oh my... I certainly hope I do not make a new record.
  7. Pictures of people 18 and over is totally acceptable. Just no one under 189. You think THE HK is a bit over protective? Silly me, MK said that already. Maybe I should read ahead before posting. I always think saying something twice is good... for those hamsters who miss it the first time!
  8. [o___o;... Becaaauuuuussse... Theres a Meat Grinder over here in mah haus that is like, little. and you like, turn this little handle crank thing and a thing thing thinger pushes some beef or whatever into a little grinding thing and spits it out. Its fun. so you have one of the smaller ones. But not too small to put stoopid peaple's into.] *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* [show me a picture. It is probably not the kind of Meat Grinder I use.] [i use Dark Side Of The Wall ® Meat Grinders. Go see the Fake Advertisments topic, theres an ad there, but it says Mushroom Meat Grider. But Mushroom changed to Dark Side Of The Wall.] *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* [s'like a more awesome-looking thing than this: ... yeah. one'a dose. Only like, less stoopid looking and more portable.] [it looks like it's throwing up...] I will never look at hamburgers the same way again. LOL Seriously, can you imagine what a commercial sized meat grinder must look like? like a big grinder OF DOOM! Now there is a great idea for your next robotics competition... The Robot Of Doom... he grinds his opponents into bits.
  9. Great idea Cheesie!!! Plus you get The Red Rose Award for deleting the quotes!!! Thank you.
  10. I am in the library at the moment. Before I leave I am going to check one out. I just tried to read a science fiction book and it was awful. I won't mention the name just in case you all like this author. Some science fiction is really boring, but some of it isn't. Usually this author writes great stuff... but for some reason this one just didn't interest me.
  11. It was my understanding that binh was just a name, not his real first name. I will have to check. *cries* I miss Max!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Boo to nuclear tests. Underground or not, still very boo. In fact, when you think about it, even though direct human death is not a factor, if they tested it in the wrong area the water supply could be contaminated. Wonder what punishment North Korea is going to receive for doing that? looks like economic sanctions for now. And when they set off the next test?
  13. Horatio


    might be interesting, just don't wrap the rest of yourself in old carpet samples and you should be alright. I was wondering how TBFOF would look in the diaper.
  14. If someone were to log on as horatio besided horation, think of the possible chaos! The good news is that the library purges all the computers of any stored data each night, plus once I log off on one of the library computers, I do just what they hate... I log off and shut the computer down and then restart it so if I forgot, it now has purged the system.
  15. Hey......... 66 is really freezing for a hamster!!!!!!!!!!!! *sends Cheesie up to Barrow, Alaska with Arkcher*
  16. Here I am at the library again. Max is still in the hospital. This means another weekend of Circuit City, all the other no name stores and the shortened hours at the library. They replaced the old computers with new ones and I tried to buy one of the old ones, no such luck. I asked to rent one... they had the best laugh ever. Anyway, I miss Max and my access. I am really tired of hoping on all sorts of computers and then making sure no one can log on as Horatio after I leave. (BIG concern!!!) So, I will talk to you all later. Horatio
  17. I will have to think on this one as there are a couple of strategies. Sometimes if you give lots of attention to someone, they run the other way and then that strategy could also backfire and the one you were trying to get rid of actually adores the attention. Cheesemaster should be good at this one. Perhaps you could try the TBFOF strategy as all the girls have a much different opinion. Good luck on this one.
  18. Looks like you have some terrific friends!!!
  19. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Jesse must have been reading your mind. He posted just before you. How about cake micicles??? Cake micicles sound awesome! Crunchy on the outside, soft on the inside. Now we have a new birthday product for wolves!!! All the marching bands are gearing up for the holiday parades!!! *thinks Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade with all those wonderful marching bands*
  20. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Did you pot it in a clay pot? Glad to hear you got to sleep in. If your first class was at 08H00, you would have slept through class.
  21. *flies Arkcher up to Barrow, Alaska* swoot! Thought you would like it. I believe that is about as far north as you can live while still in the USA.
  22. You forgot to add the most important factor... it is a strong signal of fall and the things to come. LOL
  23. I agree. >__> Wha'f you were like, playin' Metroid Fusion while talking in Arkcher-man style? I need to come up with an official name for that... thing, way of speech, language, I dunno. i dont even know what it is. XD *~*the Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Just Call it Arkcher-speak, man. Pff. Stoopid peaple's. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* How about Arkish? ...if you ever wanted to put MK's siggy through a meat grinder. Arkish? Eh, THat'd be too easily mistaken for some mockery of them Amish folks. They're cool. No, it'll take more than just one or two people to take MK's massive siggy out. Or more than one meat grinder. Maybe we should make a coalition for the meat grinding of MK's siggy. ...oh, how about Arkcherese? Count me in!!! *wonders where the commercial sized meat grinder is*
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