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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. It only takes me 17 days to find this ... Alright. The only reason why Hillary Clinton would win the presidential candidacy is because she is a female. And the #$*& feminists have been waiting for this for what ... 60 years? If I were into politics at all, I suppose I would run for president. We really need a dictator leader like myself. One that makes everyone become vegans and enviromental zombies against war. Yes. That is what we need. *~*the Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* What if we didn't wanna be Vegan? ~.~ *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* That's where the term "dictatorship" comes into place. Come pick up your award!!! That is a statement worth The Triple Gold Star Award!!! Yay! ^-^ Now, if only I had some sort of a cabinet to put these awards in ... Here are a few cabinets to choose from... let me know which design you prefer and your wish is my command.
  2. well, i am, mostly to find out what "That" is "-" but yeah, im sad I keep checking the apple repair site about three times a day for some glimmer of hope. *runs off to check now*
  3. Like ... soup base? I do have a badge that I got when I passed my hunting safety course. (It was required ...) If you want it, it's yours. I was supposed to sew if upside down on a jacket like Octubre did, but I'm really too lazy. *~*The Grand Illusion*~The Final Cut*~* Not that kind of badge. The badge I'm talking about are really big butons (Usually two inches or bigger) that I put on my jacket. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The astronomy Domine*~* Badges are iron-on pieces of cloth. Buttons are buttons. :] It was really, really nice of you to offer to give your badge to Mushroom_king!!! BUT... what is an animal lover doing taking a hunting safety course????????????????? You don't hunt hamsters, do you???????? It was required for the PE class I was taking. Haha. I didn't want to tak it, but I really had to. Required for PE??????? I thought you lived in a relatively civilized town. Are you really in the outback of Australia? *wonders if this course has anything to do with V.P. Dick Chaney* LOL
  4. It only takes me 17 days to find this ... Alright. The only reason why Hillary Clinton would win the presidential candidacy is because she is a female. And the #$*& feminists have been waiting for this for what ... 60 years? If I were into politics at all, I suppose I would run for president. We really need a dictator leader like myself. One that makes everyone become vegans and enviromental zombies against war. Yes. That is what we need. *~*the Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* What if we didn't wanna be Vegan? ~.~ *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* That's where the term "dictatorship" comes into place. Come pick up your award!!! That is a statement worth The Triple Gold Star Award!!! Yay! ^-^ Now, if only I had some sort of a cabinet to put these awards in ... A.L...G.O.R.E...?.?.?.? You really must have lost all your marbles!!!!!!!!! Gore and his father own the biggest polluting company in the state of Tennessee!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Thank you!!! *is still excited for Jesse!!!*
  6. I dunno, sometimes I feel like I shouldn't be in relationships at all. I mean, I like relationships, but then eventually I end up like this where I'm confused and I like the guy, but then I'm also distracted and liking him less. Nobody ever seems to really understand my actions. I mean, if I were to dump two different guys twice, that wouldn't exactly look good for me. I dunno. Maybe I'm just being a stupid emo. You are definitely not a stupid emo. This is just part of learning who you are. I think you are terrific for knowing who you are and having the courage to do something about it. Now this is a very cool idea!!! I might add, NEVER put into writing something you wouldn't want published to the world.
  7. Hey there... I am the birthday cake baker!!!!!! AND... I don't work for you! *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Well yer GONNA work fer me. Unless 5th graders like hamster meat. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The astronomy Domine*~* I don't think so! *~*The Grand illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* I hope you like being lunch meat. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The astronomy Domine*~* I guess lunch meat is much better than being cream of mushroom soup. LOL
  8. *waits for more people to notice* Okay... here I sit at the library waiting for someone to arrive. Toto appeared briefly and then disappeared, but at least she posted a few times. So, unless someone shows up rather quickly, it will be quiet night at the HampsterDance Boards. Remember, Max is in the hospital and everything closes early this evening, so I will search and see if any store is open, but the library closes in 20 minutes and they kick us off about five minutes before that. Everyone cross your paws to hope that Max comes home from the hospital soon. HORATIO Yay for 30,000! *is very happy Mega Wolf stopped by*
  9. *waits for more people to notice* Okay... here I sit at the library waiting for someone to arrive. Toto appeared briefly and then disappeared, but at least she posted a few times. So, unless someone shows up rather quickly, it will be quiet night at the HampsterDance Boards. Remember, Max is in the hospital and everything closes early this evening, so I will search and see if any store is open, but the library closes in 20 minutes and they kick us off about five minutes before that. Everyone cross your paws to hope that Max comes home from the hospital soon. HORATIO
  10. It only takes me 17 days to find this ... Alright. The only reason why Hillary Clinton would win the presidential candidacy is because she is a female. And the #$*& feminists have been waiting for this for what ... 60 years? If I were into politics at all, I suppose I would run for president. We really need a dictator leader like myself. One that makes everyone become vegans and enviromental zombies against war. Yes. That is what we need. *~*the Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* What if we didn't wanna be Vegan? ~.~ *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* That's where the term "dictatorship" comes into place. Come pick up your award!!! That is a statement worth The Triple Gold Star Award!!!
  11. It only takes me 17 days to find this ... Alright. The only reason why Hillary Clinton would win the presidential candidacy is because she is a female. And the #$*& feminists have been waiting for this for what ... 60 years? If I were into politics at all, I suppose I would run for president. We really need a dictator leader like myself. One that makes everyone become vegans and enviromental zombies against war. Yes. That is what we need. I would much prefer to wait for you to become the first woman president. I would vote for anything that moves over Hillary. Well, I'm sure if and when Hillary Clinton becomes president, she will rename herself high chancellor Clinton. So, really any vote would be better than voting for her. So true!!! *votes Homer Simpson for president* LOL
  12. Like ... soup base? I do have a badge that I got when I passed my hunting safety course. (It was required ...) If you want it, it's yours. I was supposed to sew if upside down on a jacket like Octubre did, but I'm really too lazy. *~*The Grand Illusion*~The Final Cut*~* Not that kind of badge. The badge I'm talking about are really big butons (Usually two inches or bigger) that I put on my jacket. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The astronomy Domine*~* Badges are iron-on pieces of cloth. Buttons are buttons. :] It was really, really nice of you to offer to give your badge to Mushroom_king!!! BUT... what is an animal lover doing taking a hunting safety course????????????????? You don't hunt hamsters, do you????????
  13. ive seen the movies, but no, i havent read the books...when i first saw the movies, i didnt realize that deloreans (if that's spelled right) opened like that, with the doors going up, so i thought it did that because it was a special time machine car....now i know better..... Delorean's (not sure either about the spelling) were abit ahead of their time and also were a brushed aluminium.
  14. DOG LOVER'S SIGNATURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so, teal/blue for dark backgrounds, if it exists on that site, and if it doesnt, ill look at the new choices It's just two colours - you pick one from the spectrum, then pick another, and viola, instant gradient for whatever text you put in. As a result, I'm going to have to ask people to put in the two colors somewhere in their post so I can get approximately what you are thinking. Of course, you can always leave it to my opinion. ummm if its like that, then can i have it with a light purple (or if there isnt one, then just a regular purple) and a light blue (same thing if theres no light) thx! I might have something that will help... PURPLE PURPLE PURPLE PURPLE PURPLE PURPLE PURPLE PURPLE PURPLE PURPLE PURPLE PURPLE PURPLE PURPLE PURPLE PURPLE Here are the purple numbers I have not listed, some of them may be duplicates of the above... PURPLE, PURPLE, #440039, #530046, #600051, #6D005C, #7A0067, #860071, #92007B, #9C2C86, #A74992, #B1629F, #BC7AAC, #C790B9, #D2A6C7, #DEBDD6, #E9D2E4, #F4E8F0, 0A011D, 12022C, 190438, 200645, 260751, 2C0A5C, 330B67, 380D71, 3D107B, 4A2885, 5C3E90, 6F559D, 826BA9, 9781B7, AA99C5, BFB2D3, D4CAE2, EAE4EF. I am at the library on a limited time, so I will do blues later.
  15. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    CONGRATULATIONS JESSE!!!!! Party time for Jesse's early acceptance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *bakes a very special micicle cake* Now for the competition... CONGRATULATIONS AGAIN!!!!! *bakes another special micicle cake*
  16. It only takes me 17 days to find this ... Alright. The only reason why Hillary Clinton would win the presidential candidacy is because she is a female. And the #$*& feminists have been waiting for this for what ... 60 years? If I were into politics at all, I suppose I would run for president. We really need a dictator leader like myself. One that makes everyone become vegans and enviromental zombies against war. Yes. That is what we need. I would much prefer to wait for you to become the first woman president. I would vote for anything that moves over Hillary.
  17. Hey there... I am the birthday cake baker!!!!!! AND... I don't work for you! *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Well yer GONNA work fer me. Unless 5th graders like hamster meat. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The astronomy Domine*~* I don't think so!
  18. I got kicked off, hopped back on when the compy police weren't watching, for just a minute, then off and now back on for about two minutes and then off, to be able to hop back on around 16H00 so that I can stay on until the library closes at 17H00. Of course, I will have to log off at about ten to five minutes prior to closing so this will give you an idea. *~*the Grand Illusion*~*The final Cut*~* *tries to understand* *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* I was just told to get off now!! Bye!!!
  19. The library countdown begins. I have about 30 minutes remaining before I get kicked out. There is no one here now, , and I suspect that everyone will come two minutes before or just after I have been kicked out by the compy police. The library closes at 17H00 and we get kicked off about 5 to 10 minutes prior.
  20. I think you might just be on to something that would work great!!! *waits for Cheesie or someone else with a better opinion, after all I am a hamster*
  21. I got kicked off, hopped back on when the compy police weren't watching, for just a minute, then off and now back on for about two minutes and then off, to be able to hop back on around 16H00 so that I can stay on until the library closes at 17H00. Of course, I will have to log off at about ten to five minutes prior to closing so this will give you an idea.
  22. I thought more people would notice. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Chuck Norris did. (Chuck Norris is also one of my split personalities. That instantly makes me the coolest person who ever lived.) *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~* You already were the coolest person who ever lived before Chuck Norris became one of your personalities. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Yup. And now I can divide by ZERO. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* That's quite an accomplishment.
  23. I thought more people would notice. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Chuck Norris did. (Chuck Norris is also one of my split personalities. That instantly makes me the coolest person who ever lived.) *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~* You already were the coolest person who ever lived before Chuck Norris became one of your personalities.
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