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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Shanghai was incredible! I never thought I would like it so much. We spent 9 days there, but it most certainly was not enough. The funny part is before we left, I kept complaining about spending "so much" time in Shanghai, as I wanted to spend it on Koh Samui. I'm glad my friend was stubborn and didn't let me get my way. I cannot wait until my next opportunity to go back! What amazed me was the size of Shanghai. It is larger than about five of our largest cities combined into one. The number of skyscrapers housing people was astonishing.
  2. Being on the road away from home and family is really stressful, especially when you are confined to a bus for hours at a time. Good luck with the last four weeks.
  3. It will take time for her. Hagar does not like human contact. He runs every time I go near his cage or even call his name. Harry Potter is a phenomenal storyline, so I agree, it is not over. Too much money to be made.
  4. Excellent time to be visiting Minnesota... when it is warm.
  5. I am so jealous!!! What an incredible adventure you are having in Australia!!! Thank you so much for keeping us informed of your experiences. Sounds like this has been the trip of a lifetime and you were paid as well!!! Going back to Germany will be a culture shock.
  6. That sounds like a cool idea. I couldn't use it verbatim, but I could definitely tweak it. (Maurice was a grunt soldier, but I could have him dabbling in science enough after retiring that this would be feasible.) It is an idea to perhaps spark some other ideas. However you choose to use or not use it, is totally in your hands. I am not done... the idea generator has lots of cafe latte's yet to drink.
  7. It is so nice to know you are still writing such wonderful poetry. Please keep writing!
  8. Those photographs are amazing!!!! Thank you so much!!! How did you like Shanghai? It is a terrific city isn't it???
  9. WOW!!! What a schedule! Sounds like you are having a phenomal tour!
  10. Belva and Hagar would love you being on their schedule!
  11. Delta can take a great flight and mess it up. We were late leaving, then there was a thunderstorm in Atlanta and we had to hold. Ultimately I had to run. Got to the gate with about 15 minutes before they closed the door. I hate running for a flight.
  12. Eiffel Tower... Tour de Eiffel.MOV Let's hope this works.
  13. Great news!!! Have you tried whispering to her and watching her respond?
  14. There were some thoughts along the lines of his father being a scientist, in a group of select scientists who each had a specific task. Put together, all the tasks meant the destruction of the world, with just a few people remaining, and none of the scientists understood the relationship to the other, but Maurice had figured it out. The end of the earth was to happen shortly. That was one idea.
  15. Terrific!!! You are really writing great poetry!!! I am happy to see you are still writing such outstanding works.
  16. Returned from Japan and it took me two days to get back to sleeping on our schedule... now I have to go the other way. At least it is only six hours difference. On my way to the airport to deadhead to Paris. Will fill you in from the airport. Heading from Memphis to Atlanta, then on to Paris.
  17. How exciting!!! What city in Wyoming and which ones in Colorado?
  18. When you have to go... you have to go. Hilarious that you were the one to make all the busses stop. A half hour would have been excrutiating! I know... as it is about one half hour from the top of descent to landing, bar any holding which would only make it longer. So, you were the one. No, you forgot to tell us about the letter. You were too excited about band camp. On my way to the airport to deadhead to Paris. I can live with 2 days off there. It is going to be hard, but I believe I can struggle through it.
  19. Get her out as many times as you can. She will eventually get used to you. For example, Helga still gets squirmy on the first time in the ball. She wants to get into her ball so much, that I have to pay close attention as she will launch herself in the direction she believes the ball to be. And she is really, really quick. She does not want any attention from me, she just wants to get into her ball. Hagar on the other hand could care less about human intervention. He will tolerate it for a few minutes, then he gets really wound up and wants to get into his ball.
  20. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Wonderful on your week with Shane!!! As for the guinea pig and babies, I know you know this, but give the mother at least a week with almost no interaction from the kids. As you mentioned that you have almost no quiet place, you can take a towel and cover the side of the cage where the babies are. This should help the mother during the initial phase of child rearing. Please keep us informed.
  21. Double post??? I didnt see a second post. The fireworks display must have been a sight to see. They made a good choice not to save them as I can only envision them going off on their own sometime during the year, without human intervention. You always semm to have the best time with pyrotechnics. From your post, it sounds like you had quite a great deal of fireworks. The mortar must have been quite the finale!!! I am really sorry about your friend's sprained ankle. This does not count on your safety record. Sprains are really bad and I believe, are worse than broken ankles. The muscles and tendons always seem to take much longer to heal and seem to be more painful. Your description of the kitties make them sound so precious. I can understand your father not wanting another cat. He is saving you from yourself. Sasha probably was quite upset with all the fireworks noise. When she gets upset, just give her day or too. If you have to, go back to letting her get into her ball in her cage. Then when you are sitting, put the ball in your lap, open the top and let Sasha walk in and out of her ball. This will help her calm down and let you hold her again. Hamsters have extremely sensitive ears and the fireworks must have been very distressing for her. When you talk to her, whisper. If you whisper, this will help her calm down. She should perk up her ears and pay attention. Not for long, but at least for a while. You are doing great, it is sometimes outside influences that make your progress difficult.
  22. Outstanding progress!!! But please do not let your hands smell like fruit the next time as she might take a bit. Hamsters love apples, blueberries, cherries, you get the idea. Keep working at it. She will get better. If you can, when you get her in your hands, sit down on the sofa or somewhere she might be able to run around on your lap without escaping and falling to the floor. This will help to make her more comfortable around you. If she is anything like Helga, at some point she will lose patience with being in your lap and start to get squirmy. Then it is time to put her in the ball or back into her cage. Great work!!! You are making terrific progress.
  23. Horatio

    My place. :)

    How terrific Shane is there with you!!!! Enjoy your week!!! The tube idea is a good one. I had never tried a technique such as that. Another thought is to make sure that all the kids wash their hands before they handle the animals. Food smells on their hands will represent dinner to the hamsters.
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