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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Don't misunderstand me... I LOVE sunny weather, but I would love to have a total day of downpouring rain. Those are great days to hang around the cage, hot soup, hot coffee and a great book. I agree, but such days are not good for trudging back and forth between classes. :glare: So true... but I still would like just one of those to trudge back and forth and get drenched. *wonders just how wet hamster fur smells*
  2. Here I am at the library, feeling like things are looking up. Not for Max of course, but for the moderating. Poison Ivy has surprised us with a bunch of posts, and things picked up last night, so all-in-all, I went back to my cage with a smile on my face. Today the compy police scowled at me as usual and I smiled at her and scurried away before she could offer her usual "I am watching your computer time ". This way she had to keep her comments until I could sneak out without her seeing. Bad hammie!!! My time is up in about 15 minutes so I will warn you ahead of time, just in case I disappear. Just in case not everyone saw the special picture... go to Jesusfreak's topic in the Original Art forum about Pictures (it's pinned) and look at the picture of HampsterKing!!! Talk to everyone later!
  3. Horatio

    My place. :)

    We never mind old hampsterdancers dropping in! I wish you guys would do that more often. I really miss Poison Ivy and all the other guys!!!
  4. I saw that one coming. This could be interesting seeing as it was Arkcher a few posts back (I think) who struck a manly pose. XD I'm happy to see I was not the only one!
  5. Yes! A rare appearance reporting evidence of herself! I love that! Wow. Seeing you here reminds me of that color wheel avatar from the old boards. XD I loved that avatar!!!!!!!
  6. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    That would be fun Except it breaks the Early Decision contract I signed, as in "I will not apply for other colleges" etc. Although I'm not sure if that applies now that I've been accepted...hmm... Either way, who knows...I might end up going to a place like Yale for my graduate studies. Right now I need a more local college so I'll do my undergrad studies there and then make a decision after that. Makes sense. I considered applying to yale, but I decided I wanted to have a life outside of homework. And even here it's still tough. But then again my high school went easy on me. That is because you are a very intelligent person!!!
  7. Don't misunderstand me... I LOVE sunny weather, but I would love to have a total day of downpouring rain. Those are great days to hang around the cage, hot soup, hot coffee and a great book.
  8. Unfortunately love has a way of lingering. The saying 'time heals all wounds' applies but does not make this any easier. Please take some time to pamper yourself and treat yourself as you would want someone else to treat you. Ask your mother to purchase a small bouquet of flowers from the grocery store (in the US these are about 3 to 5 dollars) and put these in your room or take a luxurious bubble bath with some music playing in the background. Do not think about this guy, but think about yourself and how you are a beautiful, kind, nice, considerate, funny, intelligent, special girl with so much to offer. Make yourself feel like a princess. Love yourself. Do not look for someone else to make you feel special. Make yourself feel special. This should help.
  9. I need more sanity knowledge before I can continue. HELP the story! It might be the first completed story, but I need people to tell me about their sanities ._. You think I am going to release any details about my sanity when it could only lead to someone being able to get near it?!?!? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
  10. I was thinking about Captain Jack the other day. Then I got all sad, remembering that he died and stuff. .__. We really have no more fun wit Captain Jack, because he is dead. :/ Well, don't be sad... I have another Captain Jack that can replace your Captain Jack. Remember my friend who was so ill, but recovered? He is Captain Jack. And he's a cat, right? What with his name starting with C and all... LOL... Last I checked he was a human, but one never knows!!! LOL Wouldn't his name start with H than? Perhaps he changed it in the hopes he'd become a cat... LOL... perhaps!
  11. oh, that is so helpful in finding out about the man behind the avatar. REALLY helpful. Can you imagine an 99 year old guy as a fire fighter???????? all the time. I really am a firefighter along with being the hampsterking. That picture was taken last week during Fire Prevention week. I was teaching a group of little kids not to be scared of firefighters even if we are wearing our masks and breathing like Darth Vader. Unfortunately, a lot of young kids have a tendency to hide if there is smoke and an alarm going off. We try to teach them to get out and stay out. wow HK, that's awesome! you should be called Hamster Hero instead of Hamster King! Stellar idea!!!!!!!!!!!!! *hands Poison Ivy The Red Rose Award*
  12. *gives Poison Ivy a giant hammie bear huggle and won't let go* Please stop in and visit more often!!!
  13. lol ewww. i never eat more then 200 cals for breakfast. seeing as today is saturday and i have some plans im probably gonna gain today i actually gained a pound last night i know it's easy to expect results on a daily basis, but really, losing weight takes time, and weighing in every day can be dissapointing and frustrating. i only weigh in about 1 to 2 times a week. it's much nicer that way, then you can see more of a change each time. my mom, actually only weighs herself in once a month. There are no scales in my cage.
  14. Horatio


    Toasted Thomas' English Muffins taste best with pumpkin seeds sprinkled on top.
  15. There are a few lady no-nos... - Never tell a woman she is fat, looks like she has gained weight or anything closely resembling this. Lie and tell her she looks great and of course she is NOT fat. Ladies will always ask. - Never comment negatively on a piece of clothing. Even if it is for her own good. Turn the topic a different direction if you need to, but NEVER say something doesn't look quite appropriate. For instance, if a lady says do I look fat in this or what do you think of this (insert piece of clothing here), and you think it looks awful... LIE. Say that it is nice, but you much prefer the (insert a piece of clothing you really like on here here). This may also get you in trouble, but it will be far less than if you are truthful. - If the lady is wearing a sweatshirt that everyone is laughing at, and she has a shirt underneath, say something like you really like the shirt and why not take off the sweatshirt so everyone can admire her shirt. If she doesn't have a shirt underneath, then keep your mouth shut. In these situations, lies are totally acceptable by whatever higher power you believe in and totally legal according to the law.
  16. Horatio

    My place. :)

    So thrilled to see you Poison Ivy. I do hope you return again soon and this was not a one time affair.
  17. well, i am, mostly to find out what "That" is "-" but yeah, im sad I keep checking the apple repair site about three times a day for some glimmer of hope. *runs off to check now* It repairs apples that have had a bite taken out of them. LOL... Max has had more than a bite, more like a giant worm that they are getting rid of!!! I'd've used wurm, but for one thing, I don't want to give away the fact that I'm in Max... Wait... Whoops ._. So you are Max's problem!!!
  18. *falls over and puts feet into air*
  19. oh, that is so helpful in finding out about the man behind the avatar. REALLY helpful. Can you imagine an 99 year old guy as a fire fighter????????
  20. Okay... here I sit at the library and there is no one posting. My time is up in less than one hour, but perhaps I can stretch it to five or ten minutes before 21H00. Pleaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee post away. I miss you guys. Too much schoolwork!!! This is the craziest thing... there were three people on and no one posted???????????? *is soooooooo confused*
  21. *is unable to come up with the right words to say*
  22. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Did you pot it in a clay pot? Glad to hear you got to sleep in. If your first class was at 08H00, you would have slept through class. Posted. I was at camp over the weekend. Hey, can you make a poll for me? I want to know which costume everyone likes best (use the picture I'm going to add). The choices would be left, middle, and right. (oh, and note the fairy wings in the middle one, kinda hard to see with the clutter) Yay my poll is up! Now go vote in it. I did.
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