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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. It hurts me to see you in such pain. I wish I could help you. im okay now. he'll take me back if i let him untill then im free to party. which is amazingly sweet silver lining if you ask me. Perhaps you might think about the 'free to party' part. Perhaps this is part of the reason he left before. You need to understand the reason he left so that you do not repeat the behavior. If you continue, he will only leave again. The next time might possibly be for good. I might suggest stopping the destructive behavior. You do not need to be saved and he will get very, very tired of saving. So, love yourself first, and Rob will love you even more. Take care of yourself for yourself. Enough said.
  2. Yeah for hamster nightmares!!! A hamster and THEIR lungs?
  3. I am sorry to hear you are going through this. If you could learn the same thing I am telling Lee, love yourself. Love yourself first and everyone will want to love you as well. If you try to depend on someone else for your happiness, acceptance and love, the burden is too great. Please work to love yourself first and that does not mean you will only love yourself when you are thin. ive never loved myself i havnt the slightest idea how to. I can help you on this if you would like me to. It is not easy, but the end results are truly phenomenal!!! is it even possible? i mean like.. im stubborn and im not gonna wake up and tell myself im beautiful everyday ive tried to 'convince' myself to love me but in the end i know im talking out of my butt and love myself as much as i love cleaning cat pee off the floor. It most certainly is possible. I am not talking about getting up and telling yourself that you are beautiful, but start with one thing. There must be one thing you like about yourself. For me, it is my blonde fur. So, I try and take as good care of my fur as possible. More specifically, I am talking about treating yourself like you would want someone else to treat you. For example, and you will have to make the changes to what appeals to you, if you would want someone to buy you flowers, then get yourself some flowers from a place like the grocery store. You need to take time to appreciate the person you are. For example, your writing is phenomenal and I think you have lots of talent. If you agree with me, this is a place to start. Do not let others try to distract you from doing something you like to do. The goal is for you to be pleased with not everything in your life, but start with one or two things. Work from there. Financially, they always say, pay yourself first. The same thing goes for how you treat yourself. Treat yourself like you would want Rob or someone else to treat you. I am not expressing my thoughts very well today, but let me think on this and I will get back to you.
  4. That would be some band!!!
  5. Horatio

    My place. :)

    So thrilled to see you Poison Ivy. I do hope you return again soon and this was not a one time affair. well, now i've made it a two-time affair! Yay! Let's make it a many times affair. I absolutely agree!!!
  6. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final cut*~* You forgot to mention a certain celeb I enjoy throwing at people. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~&* I left that for you to do.
  7. It hurts me to see you in such pain. I wish I could help you.
  8. Yours has been stolen. Cheesemaster's Calamity, remember? As for mine, TGHL has been trying forever. As you just thought you stole Cheesemaster's sanity. What you actually caught is his decoy sanity. I didn't want to tell you, but now you know.
  9. I am sorry to hear you are going through this. If you could learn the same thing I am telling Lee, love yourself. Love yourself first and everyone will want to love you as well. If you try to depend on someone else for your happiness, acceptance and love, the burden is too great. Please work to love yourself first and that does not mean you will only love yourself when you are thin. ive never loved myself i havnt the slightest idea how to. I can help you on this if you would like me to. It is not easy, but the end results are truly phenomenal!!!
  10. *debates the relative merits of chocobos Vs. shorthaired tauntauns as pack animals with himself* I vote chocobos!!! For hamsters they are the absolute best. BTW, I would like to request a Thanksgiving pack trip for five hamsters. Four days and three nights please.
  11. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    And I can't believe I missed YOU last night! Nice to see you back here! *giant hug!* And thank you. *giant hugs back* it's so nice to be back! Now to make sure you stay!!!
  12. *gives Poison Ivy a giant hammie bear huggle and won't let go* Please stop in and visit more often!!! *hugs horatio right back* wow! i didn't know a hamster could give such big hugs! Of course!!! Especially when I am sooooooooooo happy to see you!!!! I see I have left you speechless! LOL
  13. It depends, who's the bigger, more intimidating???
  14. Horatio

    My place. :)

    We never mind old hampsterdancers dropping in! I wish you guys would do that more often. I really miss Poison Ivy and all the other guys!!! it's so nice to see everybody when i drop in, but yes, i too miss seeing the old-timers... i wonder if anyone's heard from Sheena or Leguan, or any of the other 'rare appearers'? Leguan and Sheena both made appearances quite a while back, but they have been silent. Hopefully we will have a visit from them again. Emily E stopped in, got married, had a baby and we have not heard from her since motherhood has completely taken up all her time. There are others, but my brain is not working well at the moment. I will leave it for someone else. There are some name changes... Puppydog is now xMyOwnMindx and Moneylover is now TBFOF. More to come later. Here is a link for you... *cough, cough* http://www.hampsterboard.com/board/index.p...mp;#entry108816 *giggles* hehe! i found it already! but CONGRATULATIONS AGAIN!!!!!!! i'm so happy for Emily. and hope to hear from Leguan and Sheena myself. and i actually already knew of the name change from puppydog to xMyOwnMindx, and TBFOF. what about Super Katie, anyone hear from her? Unfortunately, no. That would really make my year if we heard from her!!!
  15. *waits for Poison Ivy to appear* (sorry for the delay in the ceremony, but i was still muching on cheese at Cheese's ceremony!) Dum Dum, DaDah! *the drum role begins* Long purple drapes are withdrawn to reveal a long corrodor lined with royal hamster guards holding their tiny hamster swords above their heads. Trumpets and Tambourines, and Horns, and many stringed instruments are heard playing a lovely anthem. Horatio is dressed in his best scarf. Evertone cheers as he proceeds down the corrodor. At the end, he is thrilled to be surounded by all his hamsterdance friends. he is presented with many gifts and goodies. He can't believe his eyes as he watches a hamster-sized Tri-plane gliding through the sky. It lands nearby, a hamster pilot exits, wearing a cap and goggles. Who could it be??? he walks toward Horatio.... he takes off his cap and goggles - It's Hampton! Horatio is speachless as Hampton presents him with a KEY. Hampton smiles, "In the honor of the First Hamster to ever type 30,000 posts, i here by present you with this Super Spiffy Hammie Tri-Plane!" *screamssssssssssssssssssss* WHAT A WAY TO START THE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much Ivy!!!!!
  16. Hello Scott aka Sexyrodent! Welcome to the HampsterDance Boards. Sanities as Lexxscrapham said are to be protected and watch out for the Meat Grinder!
  17. For this contest, I would like for you all to design some birthday cakes for me. These will be ones that are used for the upcoming birthdays. The winner gets an all expense paid holiday in my cage with trips in my helicopter to various undisclosed locations. So, if you feel up to it, please design away!!! The contest closes on the 28th of the month! Let the contest begin!!! Horatio
  18. Unfortunately love has a way of lingering. The saying 'time heals all wounds' applies but does not make this any easier. Please take some time to pamper yourself and treat yourself as you would want someone else to treat you. Ask your mother to purchase a small bouquet of flowers from the grocery store (in the US these are about 3 to 5 dollars) and put these in your room or take a luxurious bubble bath with some music playing in the background. Do not think about this guy, but think about yourself and how you are a beautiful, kind, nice, considerate, funny, intelligent, special girl with so much to offer. Make yourself feel like a princess. Love yourself. Do not look for someone else to make you feel special. Make yourself feel special. This should help. That, Horatio, is the best advice I have ever got. My friends just say "Oh, forget him" or "He's not worth it" or something like that but then never actually say what I should do to help myself. You my blonde hamster friend, are a shining star. I love you to bits. *hugs* ♥ Lee And I hope you know, in your heart, that I love you with all my heart! *returns the hug with a really super-uber-hyper-mega hammie bear huggle* Sometimes it is so easy to sit across the world on the other side of a computer screen and say 'you should do this, or you should do that' because it is not happening directly to me. But I always hope that you know deep down in your heart that what I am saying is because I truly care and do not want to see you in any pain.
  19. Wait until fall sports are over, then people will show up more. (and then other people will get busy with winter sports...) True! But then you will be playing at the basketball games. Sports are good, but not when they get in the way with posting on HampsterDance. LOL The problem is that I am limited by the library computer and the compy police. The woman who is a sister to Attila the Hun, has nothing better to do than monitor computer minutes. I am so sad that Max is not back. *cries* If he was here, then we could post into the middle of the night. As it stands, I have only about 32 more minutes if they will let me stretch it.
  20. I am sorry to hear you are going through this. If you could learn the same thing I am telling Lee, love yourself. Love yourself first and everyone will want to love you as well. If you try to depend on someone else for your happiness, acceptance and love, the burden is too great. Please work to love yourself first and that does not mean you will only love yourself when you are thin.
  21. Absolutely right!!! *keeps a watchful eye over the sanities* :ninja:
  22. oh, that is so helpful in finding out about the man behind the avatar. REALLY helpful. Can you imagine an 99 year old guy as a fire fighter???????? all the time. I really am a firefighter along with being the hampsterking. That picture was taken last week during Fire Prevention week. I was teaching a group of little kids not to be scared of firefighters even if we are wearing our masks and breathing like Darth Vader. Unfortunately, a lot of young kids have a tendency to hide if there is smoke and an alarm going off. We try to teach them to get out and stay out. wow HK, that's awesome! you should be called Hamster Hero instead of Hamster King! Stellar idea!!!!!!!!!!!!! *hands Poison Ivy The Red Rose Award* wow. thank you Horatio! I thought about how firemen are our heroes but did not express it. Kudos to you!!!!!
  23. Horatio

    My place. :)

    We never mind old hampsterdancers dropping in! I wish you guys would do that more often. I really miss Poison Ivy and all the other guys!!! it's so nice to see everybody when i drop in, but yes, i too miss seeing the old-timers... i wonder if anyone's heard from Sheena or Leguan, or any of the other 'rare appearers'? Leguan and Sheena both made appearances quite a while back, but they have been silent. Hopefully we will have a visit from them again. Emily E stopped in, got married, had a baby and we have not heard from her since motherhood has completely taken up all her time. There are others, but my brain is not working well at the moment. I will leave it for someone else. There are some name changes... Puppydog is now xMyOwnMindx and Moneylover is now TBFOF. More to come later. Here is a link for you... *cough, cough* http://www.hampsterboard.com/board/index.p...mp;#entry108816
  24. *gives Poison Ivy a giant hammie bear huggle and won't let go* Please stop in and visit more often!!! *hugs horatio right back* wow! i didn't know a hamster could give such big hugs! Of course!!! Especially when I am sooooooooooo happy to see you!!!!
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