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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. [*hits the rest of the group with a hamster-sized feather pillow*]
  2. Your writing is wonderful! You surpass yourself with each poem you write. There is a deep current in this poem and it comes across magnificently.
  3. It hurts me to see you in such pain. I wish I could help you. im okay now. he'll take me back if i let him untill then im free to party. which is amazingly sweet silver lining if you ask me. Perhaps you might think about the 'free to party' part. Perhaps this is part of the reason he left before. You need to understand the reason he left so that you do not repeat the behavior. If you continue, he will only leave again. The next time might possibly be for good. I might suggest stopping the destructive behavior. You do not need to be saved and he will get very, very tired of saving. So, love yourself first, and Rob will love you even more. Take care of yourself for yourself. Enough said. i dont care if he leave for good he was lucky to have me i wasnt the best girlfriend but i was pretty good party is good for me im a kid, its wut im supposed to do its not wrong or anything and im gonna have fun im already having a good day cuz of it. If you do not care if he leaves you for good, then why did you miss him and want him to come back? As for partying, some partying is good, but when you are hurting yourself and getting out of control by abusing substances, this is not really good. eh, wutever. i need a boyfriend that knows how to have a good time. i really thought i loved him but wutever. he wants to change me and im not down with that. Having a boyfriend who cares about you and having a guy who wants to have a good time two different ducks. The guy that cares about you will not want to see you doing things to yourself that are self-destructive. The guy that genuinely cares about you will accept you exactly who you are for what you are. Because someone does not want to see you partying and destroying yourself, does not mean he is trying to change you, he is just trying to care about you. A guy interested in changing you would say something like this... I like you, but you are too fat. We will go out when you are 20 pounds later. If you encounter a guy like this................. RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. *screamssssssssssss* TOTO!!!! Yeah!!! Outstanding piece of poetry!!! Love to see you writing! *hands Toto The Stellar Stella Award*
  5. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Turn Off Emoticons *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* *slaps forehead* Duh......... I should have thought of that. Thanks. *hands Mushroom_king some freshly baked muffins* Whoa, whoa, Horatio, stop quoting posts that aren't there. ...Yet. Grrrrrrrrrrrr..... LOL Stop being so fast to post! LOL
  6. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Turn Off Emoticons *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* *slaps forehead* Duh......... I should have thought of that. Thanks. *hands Mushroom_king some freshly baked muffins*
  7. You are definitely not stupid, but suffering from matters of the heart. These are unexplainable but very real emotions. Unfortunately, it takes time. This does not make it any better, just that you know the days will have to pass for you to get over him. This is why I would like you to try and do something nice for yourself. As hard as this will be, please try and do it. If not for yourself, but for your favorite blonde handsome hamster. The next time you think about him, try to completely switch your mind to another subject.
  8. Mushroom_king, I tried to reply to your spectacular cake, but it said I had too many emoticons! Outstanding work of art!!! *would love to take a bite*
  9. Yeah!!! Phenomenal one!!! And in the traditional Florida colours!!! I hope you do not mind that I made the dots white. Is this okay???
  10. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    And I can't believe I missed YOU last night! Nice to see you back here! *giant hug!* And thank you. *giant hugs back* it's so nice to be back! Now to make sure you stay!!! i'll duck-tape myself to the board *goes to get duct tape* What colour duct tape would you be using to tape the duck to the board. I only have the normal grey kind, but we can color it with sharpies. Sharpies!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *starts to sneak away while others are collecting duct tape & sharpes* *hops into helicopter, spots Ivy, throws a net over her to keep her from escaping*
  11. Horatio

    My place. :)

    So thrilled to see you Poison Ivy. I do hope you return again soon and this was not a one time affair. well, now i've made it a two-time affair! Yay! Let's make it a many times affair. I absolutely agree!!! i'll do my best! Music to our ears!!! *starts singing* la la laaaaaa! LAAAAA! *accompanies Poison Ivy with my violin*
  12. Well, i don't have very many options, see? You could always try hamster love. LOL nah, not into that scene, considering that I am human. No, I wasn't suggesting you fall in love with a hamster, but that you try our techniques. LOL Oh. xD those techniques being? yes, do tell! i am also interested in these hamster techniques. ....is one of those techniqes saying: "i love you furry much!"? The Gold Star Award to you!!! Exactly one of our techniques!!!
  13. goodbye! They have swept around me, mopped the floor around me and now they are kicking me out the door! That is kinda funny, yet horrible in its own right. XD I think it is pretty nervy of them. Considering they would like to close this store and go home! LOL
  14. Well, i don't have very many options, see? You could always try hamster love. LOL nah, not into that scene, considering that I am human. No, I wasn't suggesting you fall in love with a hamster, but that you try our techniques. LOL
  15. goodbye! They have swept around me, mopped the floor around me and now they are kicking me out the door!
  16. Well, i don't have very many options, see? You could always try hamster love. LOL
  17. Horatio


    Why? Are you planning on growing one? i meant for a costume. *feels much better about hearing the last post* Nah, i was definitely planning on forcing a beard out of my chin. When no hair i have is red. Most totally? I love red fur!!! Hamlet has red fur!!!
  18. Downpours in cold water? *thinks downpours would make the cheese mushy*
  19. Horatio


    Why? Are you planning on growing one? i meant for a costume. *feels much better about hearing the last post*
  20. Horatio


    Why? Are you planning on growing one?
  21. Don't misunderstand me... I LOVE sunny weather, but I would love to have a total day of downpouring rain. Those are great days to hang around the cage, hot soup, hot coffee and a great book. I agree, but such days are not good for trudging back and forth between classes. :glare: So true... but I still would like just one of those to trudge back and forth and get drenched. *wonders just how wet hamster fur smells* It's only fun when you're in the mood for it, and definately not when it's also cold out. I don't like the temperature below 80. So we are in agreement there!! LOL
  22. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    And I can't believe I missed YOU last night! Nice to see you back here! *giant hug!* And thank you. *giant hugs back* it's so nice to be back! Now to make sure you stay!!! i'll duck-tape myself to the board *goes to get duct tape* What colour duct tape would you be using to tape the duck to the board. I only have the normal grey kind, but we can color it with sharpies. Sharpies!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. I am getting kicked off this computer in about one minute. Off to Circuit City to moderate the rest of the posts. Adios!!!
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