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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. *screammmmmmmmmmssssssssssss* I love your piggie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a beautiful face!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a spectacularly magnificent picture!!!!!!!!!! *invites the piggie to my cage*
  2. i swear its like the fcc is everywhere. i'm gonna feel stupid when you tell me but... fcc? define? Directly referring to the Federal Communications Commission. (Censoring) Indirectly referring to me. (Censoring in the form of moderating) Ah. Gotcha. Now I feel sheltered again! Don't. This is for anyone young who might be reading. I AM young, in my knowledge of the world. It drives me crazy. Don't let it drive you crazy. You can not possibly know everything, even if you were 1000!!! LOL
  3. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    No, our band went to Baltimore over the weekend. But I went to a funeral instead. @Horatio: No, usually there's a 3 or 4 step distance between us, so it only gets in the way if the guy behind me is doing bad Or your tail is really, REALLY long!!!
  4. Loads Cheesemaster up with some yogurt style, sour cheese!!!
  5. i swear its like the fcc is everywhere. i'm gonna feel stupid when you tell me but... fcc? define? Directly referring to the Federal Communications Commission. (Censoring) Indirectly referring to me. (Censoring in the form of moderating) Ah. Gotcha. Now I feel sheltered again! Don't. This is for anyone young who might be reading.
  6. wut about it. Do you think you have talent and do you like having the ability to write? i dont believe i have any talent at all i can wine really well.. i guess if i have the ability to do more then breathe then awesome. *waits more* whining is a talent, but it doesn't contribute. it's annoying. trust me, i annoy myself sometimes! You are an amazing writer. Take pride in the fact that you can stir emotions where others can't do squat. thanks. but i dont see anyone that cant write as well as me so it doesnt make a difference realy.. but thanx. I am not able to write as well as you are. For me, it is extremely difficult to write poetry as a method of expressing myself. *hugs the horatio anyway* Thanks!!! *returns hug*
  7. ha, if only you saw that UNedited. I don't think she would like it, had she seen it UNedited. lol yea. well everyones just so uptight. Not everyone has the same attitude towards drugs that you do. and thats perfectly fine but i dont need people telling me how to live my life. its MINE to mess up. Okay. *quits talking* wuts UP with you? I do not want to disagree with you, but I was trying to show you people really do care about you. The friends you have here have nothing to gain by being friends with you, just a true, unconditional caring. We really like you just the way you are, but do not like seeing when you hurt or are self-destructive. That's all. Actually quite simple. We care. please dont. It's unconditional. You do not have to accept it, but it is still there. You will always have a place in my heart.
  8. wut about it. Do you think you have talent and do you like having the ability to write? i dont believe i have any talent at all i can wine really well.. i guess if i have the ability to do more then breathe then awesome. *waits more* whining is a talent, but it doesn't contribute. it's annoying. trust me, i annoy myself sometimes! You are an amazing writer. Take pride in the fact that you can stir emotions where others can't do squat. thanks. but i dont see anyone that cant write as well as me so it doesnt make a difference realy.. but thanx. I am not able to write as well as you are. For me, it is extremely difficult to write poetry as a method of expressing myself.
  9. Perhaps she was trying to dazzle you with her brilliance! LOL
  10. Well, yeah, I know... but... See, I actually have this thing where I can step back from myself and look at it. I knew full well what was going on. I just couldn't make myself say something. I did that this morning. I love her so much. She's the best mom I could hope for. I mean, I can improve on it, but hey, that just makes her even better. Glad to hear you did that. A great relationship between a young person and their parents is very, very important.
  11. i swear its like the fcc is everywhere. i'm gonna feel stupid when you tell me but... fcc? define? Directly referring to the Federal Communications Commission. (Censoring) Indirectly referring to me. (Censoring in the form of moderating)
  12. *~*The GRand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* I'm always getting Mosquito bites and getting bitten by my cats, so yea, I guess so... *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* Getting bitten by your cats? Perhaps it might be a good idea not to roll around in nip tac. LOL Horation! How many times do I have to tell you? It is PIN TAC, not NIP TAC. PIN. Arggggghhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! Why can't I get that right. And each time I write it, I always think about you and how to get it right!!! LOL
  13. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    If Connecticut had been there, Jesse would have been very easy to spot. *wonders if Jesse's tail gets in the way with the other marchers*
  14. WOW!!! You are such a really terrific guy!!! Your positive attitude is absolutely amazing! I really admire you!!!!!
  15. I'll got for the peanuts and seeds, but that is it. Would you like a little xynotyro on the side?
  16. ha, if only you saw that UNedited. I don't think she would like it, had she seen it UNedited. lol yea. well everyones just so uptight. Not everyone has the same attitude towards drugs that you do. and thats perfectly fine but i dont need people telling me how to live my life. its MINE to mess up. Okay. *quits talking* wuts UP with you? I do not want to disagree with you, but I was trying to show you people really do care about you. The friends you have here have nothing to gain by being friends with you, just a true, unconditional caring. We really like you just the way you are, but do not like seeing when you hurt or are self-destructive. That's all. Actually quite simple. We care.
  17. [You will most definitely have to continue this!!! This is going to be phenomenal!!!]
  18. i dont care if he leave for good he was lucky to have me i wasnt the best girlfriend but i was pretty good party is good for me im a kid, its wut im supposed to do its not wrong or anything and im gonna have fun im already having a good day cuz of it. If you do not care if he leaves you for good, then why did you miss him and want him to come back? As for partying, some partying is good, but when you are hurting yourself and getting out of control by abusing substances, this is not really good. eh, wutever. i need a boyfriend that knows how to have a good time. i really thought i loved him but wutever. he wants to change me and im not down with that. Having a boyfriend who cares about you and having a guy who wants to have a good time two different ducks. The guy that cares about you will not want to see you doing things to yourself that are self-destructive. The guy that genuinely cares about you will accept you exactly who you are for what you are. Because someone does not want to see you partying and destroying yourself, does not mean he is trying to change you, he is just trying to care about you. A guy interested in changing you would say something like this... I like you, but you are too fat. We will go out when you are 20 pounds later. If you encounter a guy like this................. RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!! ha. id never be with a guy like that. anyway, i know hes just trying to care but ive always been deep dark and destructive AND thriving to have fun and know people and get out there and live i felt ALIVE last night i felt like living is worth it. i know your gonna say i should feel that way more but i really loved last night and rob just never got into drugs or drinking and partying and i started drinking at 10, and drugs and smoking at 14. thats almost 6 years ive been drinking ive always had my own little parties.. but parents were always there and we couldnt do anything this party was great im glad i went and hey dont bash me for liking a party im a teenager.. I'm not bashing you for being a teenager and enjoying a party. I am only concerned that the substance abuse will lead you down a road that you probably will regret later in life and Rob seemed to be a really great person and a shining star in your life. What makes me sad is that you chose substance abuse over a really nice person. I am not trying to be hard on you, just showing you my viewpoint of things. *raises hand politely* Um.. excuse me? I'm almost 18. I've never had a drink. Never had a smoke. Never tried any drugs. Never got into the wrong crowd. Never gave myself away to a jerk (though I did come close two weeks ago). Never WANTED TO (okay maybe the last one...) do any of this stuff. I've never been to a party, (partly bc I was never invited) and frankly, I don't want to go to a party. I've had a whopping 3(THREE) boyfriends, and all three were idiots. I'm not a prep, and I'm not in "the bad crowd" (though most of the friends I have left are). I don't listen to dirty music (ICP), but I ordered Twistid from FYE three weeks ago. I like arguing, and I wish I could speak up, get my voice out there. Lauren. If you want to be different, just quit doing everything you know full well is detrimental to your health... and your heart. I'm not talking religion here. When you deliberately go against someon, it feels good. But you feel bad about it, somewhere deep inside of you. After awhile it gets smaller, and less noticeable. I'd know. But it stays there. If you want to be accepted, you can one of two things: lower your standards and let jerks (not Rob, he seems good for you) play with your mind, or raise your standards both for yourself and others so you don't get involved with jerks. From what you write here, guys like Rob are good for you. He obviously cared(s) about you and wants the best for you. Whereas other guys, the ones who prey on the minds of girls who do drugs and party like a mother-lover WILL NOT respect you. Horatio and I care about you. I don't even know why I care about you, but I do. You're my friend. Albeit you live 3k miles away, but there you are. You can say stuff like you don't care, you don't listen, you don't give a **** about Christians, or you just wanna high again. But it won't make me like you any less. Nay, it does the opposite. When youy push someone like me away, it only makes my devoted friendship stronger. I've had too many jerks and jerkettes as friends not to be a strong friend. I don't want anyone experiencing the rejection I felt all through middle school. I am, of course, babbling by now, but I assure you, I mean every word. I care about you. I don't want you getting hurt. You might be ana, death-wishful, high, drunk, burnt, and scarred, but guess what? You're still my friend, and I'm still yours. You know all too well how I feel about it (I know I 've lectured you multiple times), but the actions of my friends don't turn me away. It's when they turn away from me without a word or do something directly to my family that I give up on them. And since you are the kind of girl who will keep a friend as long as they accept you, and you live so far away, I don't see either of those happening in the near future. (lol, it's a quip. half-joking, but it's witty. laugh about it. please?) Keep this in mind, Lauren. Horatio, I hope this input helps you with every friend you have. Much love and a thousand KUDOS for confidence to each of you, -4771- 1. do you want a cookie? everyone lives life diferently. you chose to skip some fun stuff. doesnt make a difference to me. just dont tell ME how to live. 2. wut r u talking about doing stuff against people? not everyone is gonna accept my choices and thats fine. 3. who said anything about acceptance? 4. im starting to think distance is my friend.. Distance is not always your friend. You will still be our friend even though you are geographically far away and we don't always agree on things. thats not wut i meant Okay. *quits talking* thats not wut i wanna do but im thinking its all best. Not best, but you will do what you want.
  19. *~*The GRand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* I'm always getting Mosquito bites and getting bitten by my cats, so yea, I guess so... *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* Getting bitten by your cats? Perhaps it might be a good idea not to roll around in nip tac. LOL
  20. I have a whole bunch of FedEx buttons. I will save them for you until you are grown-up. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* You can open an eBay store if you are 18. I dunno if there are enough human years in three hamster years to do this, but you could. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* 18??????????? I can't see that happening anytime soon. LOL
  21. Well, here I sit and no one is posting. Perhaps it is time for a hammie sundae of pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, peanuts, all sprinkled on top of some corn, raw veggies and some fruit. Tasty!!!
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