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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Jesusfreak... glad to hear you are alive, busy and having some wired connection. Top Banana stopped in and filled us in and has told us that she is starting teacher training this fall. Not much else to report. Pictures of Israel and Jerusalem will be posted in the next couple days in my topic.
  2. Dear TGHL, Hope your birthday is a happy one. Although we have not heard from you in a while, we wish you the best on your special day and hope that your birthday is one to remember. Of course, your favorite... HAPPY HAMMY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY HAMMY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY HAMMY BIRTHDAY DEAR TGHL, HAPPY HAMMY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! We are thinking of you and hope life is treating you well. Hope you stop in and say hello some time. Horatio
  3. Oh my... this is a year that he will never forget. He probably has grown up more than he would ever have imagined.
  4. Hopefully you will post a picture of the band so we can see. As for being athletic... I cannot imagine how you could avoid this state. Unless they gave you all golf carts.
  5. Ten days... it is all down hill now. Do not know why your friend popped into my head. When you get home and settled, it would be terrific if you could fill me in on what is happening. Strange that this is on my mind. I guess it just makes me realize how fortunate I am.
  6. Okay... now I get it. You are competing your way across America. For some dumb reason, I thought you were just playing concerts. Now that I think about it, that makes no sense as you all are a "marching" band. Duh.
  7. Welcome back! Jesusfreak is also a teacher. So nice to hear that your life is going well. Great to know that you have a special relationship and that it has been going well for such a along time. Congratulations on graduating from university. I am so proud of you!!! I have been in Cambridge a number of times and just love it!!! I try and go back about once a month if I can work it out. Hopefully you will stop back in and visit again. It is wonderful to see you.
  8. It seems like you are criss-crossing states. What cities in Indiana and Ohio? Enjoy your day in DC. Fantastic city. We owned an airport in northern Virginia, and I was able to spend time in DC. You will really enjoy Georgetown is you are able.
  9. Strange... but I was just wondering about your jail friend. I wonder how he is doing.
  10. You are heading the wrong direction.
  11. Ohhhhhhh, I am so sorry. Of course, your grandmother, you and your family will be in our thoughts, hearts and prayers. Please keep us informed on how she is doing.
  12. Or pound signs as HD would censor automatically. Exactly.
  13. After Atlanta, where do you go?
  14. I would have been there!!!! Ohhhh!
  15. Pick up is in four hours... time to head from Shenzhen to Memphis.
  16. Are you coming to Tennessee or, probably not because it is too far in the wrong direction, Florida??? What city in Arkansas? I will come to your concert!!!
  17. Sitting here in the hotel in Shenzhen, I was lucky enough to receive a corner room with this fantastic panoramic view! There is a mini theme park out one window with a KFC and a 7-11. Out the other window are other hotels and residences. This one building has a pagoda type structure on the top. Really interesting. I will take some pictures. It would be great if I could job through the park, but for some reason, I think it just might not be permitted. I will have to ask.
  18. A Japanese television station where I have no idea whatsoever what they are saying. *wishes - Kat - were here to help*
  19. Still tossing around ideas... nothing to report as of yet as they need some refining.
  20. Then it would have lots of stars in it.
  21. Dear Wildcat, Today is that special of all days, your birthday. Hope today brings you a most terrific day on the celebration of your birth. We are all thinking of you and want to help you with the party. Of course first... the traditional song. HAPPY HAMMY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY HAMMY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY HAMMY BIRTHDAY DEAR WILDCAT, HAPPY HAMMY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! Here comes the specially designed birthday cake, so make a wish, blow out all the candles and let us get this party started! Horatio
  22. Shanghai was incredible! I never thought I would like it so much. We spent 9 days there, but it most certainly was not enough. The funny part is before we left, I kept complaining about spending "so much" time in Shanghai, as I wanted to spend it on Koh Samui. I'm glad my friend was stubborn and didn't let me get my way. I cannot wait until my next opportunity to go back! What amazed me was the size of Shanghai. It is larger than about five of our largest cities combined into one. The number of skyscrapers housing people was astonishing. I agree! It was SO spread out and took us so long to get from place to place. Especially when we stayed with our friend in Pudong. One night it took us nearly 25 minutes to get to the clubs in Puxi. And it's not like either one of those areas are on the outskirts of the city, they're both still very much near the center. Exactly! Today I have a few things to accomplish, and hopefully the traffic will on the light side. Amazing, the taxicabs are so very, very inexpensive. I mean a couple dollars even when you are locked in a traffic jam for a while.
  23. Take me with you to Shanghai!!!! Sure... but it will have to be the next time as I am in Shanghai at the now. One of the aspects of Shanghai I love is how the city uses neon on the buildings and bridges.
  24. Yesterday we left Memphis, heading for Seoul, Korea. We were able to see the fringes of the typhoon just off the coast of Japan. Here is a satellite image from the NOAA site of the typhoon. After arrival at the hotel, I headed for Dunkin Donuts for a really good cup of coffee. Tomorrow, I deadhead to Shanghai. What an amazing city. I always love walking all over the place here. After resting a day, I will be flying from Shanghai to Anchorage, quick rest and fly back from Anchorage to Osaka, Japan. Osaka is one of my favorite places to visit. I am looking forward to my arrival in this city. Shakers, a "Lego" type cafe near to the hotel is number one in Latte Art. Here are a couple pictures... Keep you updated with news from the road.
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