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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. LEGUAN!!!!!! So happy to see you!!!!!!!! What a beautiful autumn! I miss Germany and the beautiful days. Talk to us... how are you? What are you doing? How is life? Okay... you can start with those and I have a million, zillion more for you. LOL
  2. Horatio

    My place. :)

    It's always nice to have a plan. Even better if you had some idea of what it was. LOL Yeah. Especially when you're like me, who has to know exact;y what she's doing at all times. Hamsters are like you are. We need to know. Of course, inquiring minds need to know. LOL LOL lol true. And I am forever an inquiring mind. It annoys my friends when I question the oddities on the game katamari (katamari is the escence of Japanese video games combined with several different illegal substances. And you thought rainbow road in mario kart was bad.... )
  3. LEGUAN!!!!!!!!!!!!! That snapshot is worth one zillion points!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh My!!!!!!!!
  4. Be careful or you will be frozen cheese!!! i was a bit cold... next day i wore long pants and a hoodie. xD Glad to hear you switched over. LOL lol yeah, it's getting cold out. It's not so bad if the ground is dry though. Let me hear you say that when there is lots of snow on the ground. LOL Have you ever walked barefoot in the snow? Let me tell you. It hurts. Snowboots are definately on my list of things I need mom to bring me from home. So, what's your favorite color? ...green...? Here you go... your fuzzy straight-jacket with matching slippers!
  5. Let me go find the Halloween costume topic... *runs off* *hurries back...* Here you go... click on this: http://www.hampsterboard.com/board/index.php?showtopic=4414
  6. What ? ? No pictures????????? sry, we're not really supposed to bring cameras to school....and i cant be on yearbook cuz its the same time as piano....grrrr i like piano, i just wish they didnt conflict. Would you be able to change your piano lesson? i dont think so correction: my piano is now on mondays! and i went to math team yesterday (wed.) with my friend mary alice, who's in it, and then we went to yearbook, which she is also in, and she takes pictures for, and even tho the meeting was over, the guy let me join and now im a photographer with her.... CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Now we have two photographers at HampsterDance... you and TBFOF!!!
  7. Bye Bye Birdie is really a lot of fun! I guarantee you will have a great time, no matter what you do!!! the girl who got anne is in some of my classes...and i eat lunch w/her and some other kids....shes a freshman, which i wasnt expecting.....and then theres another girl in some of my classes the wrote a book that is getting published....she had the proof with her today....she said it should hit stores in october.....i think this is very cool, considering i want to be a writer...ive been working on a book since i was going into 3rd grade, its long but i need to work on like the characters and the plot and everything......its called the flying saucer adventures but its not too science-fiction-y. *crosses paws for Dog lover* The Flying Saucer Adventures sound like something that could start with one and grow into as many as you can write. Sounds fantastic. Is there a camp that develop writing skills? There are music camps, art camps, so why not a writer's camp. ive taken a writing class before, in which i started a whole new story....and we are learning about literature in english class, so i suppose that helps i havent worked on actually continuing my story in a while....although i have been working on typing it into my computer on and off...i wrote most of it during my spare time in grade school....i havent worked on it since i started highschool....o well, its a work in progress..................... Although you already know this, make a back up copy. I became aware of this the hard way... they swapped my hard drive.
  8. Horatio

    My place. :)

    It's always nice to have a plan. Even better if you had some idea of what it was. Yeah. Especially when you're like me, who has to know exact;y what she's doing at all times. Hamsters are like you are. We need to know. Of course, inquiring minds need to know.
  9. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Jesse... you are soooooo phenomenally great at this. I believe you should take some courses in this area. You might make another George Lucas.
  10. Be careful or you will be frozen cheese!!! i was a bit cold... next day i wore long pants and a hoodie. xD Glad to hear you switched over. LOL lol yeah, it's getting cold out. It's not so bad if the ground is dry though. Let me hear you say that when there is lots of snow on the ground. LOL Have you ever walked barefoot in the snow? Let me tell you. It hurts. Snowboots are definately on my list of things I need mom to bring me from home. So, what's your favorite color?
  11. DOG LOVER'S SIGNATURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so, teal/blue for dark backgrounds, if it exists on that site, and if it doesnt, ill look at the new choices It's just two colours - you pick one from the spectrum, then pick another, and viola, instant gradient for whatever text you put in. As a result, I'm going to have to ask people to put in the two colors somewhere in their post so I can get approximately what you are thinking. Of course, you can always leave it to my opinion. ummm if its like that, then can i have it with a light purple (or if there isnt one, then just a regular purple) and a light blue (same thing if theres no light) thx! I might have something that will help... PURPLE PURPLE PURPLE PURPLE PURPLE PURPLE PURPLE PURPLE PURPLE PURPLE PURPLE PURPLE PURPLE PURPLE PURPLE PURPLE Here are the purple numbers I have not listed, some of them may be duplicates of the above... PURPLE, PURPLE, #440039, #530046, #600051, #6D005C, #7A0067, #860071, #92007B, #9C2C86, #A74992, #B1629F, #BC7AAC, #C790B9, #D2A6C7, #DEBDD6, #E9D2E4, #F4E8F0, 0A011D, 12022C, 190438, 200645, 260751, 2C0A5C, 330B67, 380D71, 3D107B, 4A2885, 5C3E90, 6F559D, 826BA9, 9781B7, AA99C5, BFB2D3, D4CAE2, EAE4EF. I am at the library on a limited time, so I will do blues later. PURPLE that one it is: color=#CC66CC i think PURPLE!!! I love purple!
  12. I love the mornings, except when it is cold out, then I do not want to get up.
  13. i guess i could accept that cenorship, if thats wut you gotta do. its not right, but i get it. so today in amnesty int. we watched this movie about women and sweatshops in mexico.. id be lied if i said i wasnt touched it contributed to my outbrusts and bad mood today i HATE the way i live im selfish and slob and i cant wait straight or look nice this isnt who i wanna be and im TRYING to change and i keep stressing out and crying. why does somthing so simple have me so caught up? grrr im so frustrated! Can you talk to your mother so she understands what you are going through? i did. The real question is...did your mother listen or simply hear you and does she understand? she didnt understand. and i cant make her. and i dont need to hurt her anymore then my brother already does. how do you explain to your mother that you HATE her for creating you out of love? and hate the fact that it happened. i need to learn how to deal with things myself. I'm sorry she didn't understand. It is sad that you are unable to open her eyes. This is not about learning to deal with things yourself, perhaps you could find someone to talk to. yea, well, i didnt expect to. no, thats weak and has only gotta me into trouble in the past. they say thats the "right" thing to do, but its a total lie. id rather go back to cutting then be entirely codependent plus im lying to half my friends at the moment. they wouldnt understand. Let me understand, you do not want to hurt your mother by telling her the truth about how you feel, but you do not think she would have any hurt if the one time you cut yourself you bled to death? thats foolish. i hate when people tell me thats gonna happen. when you become a cutter, then you can judge me. anyway, i tried to talk to her and i was crying and she was like 'get over it.. blah blah blah' which made it worse in my heart i feel my depression grow it takes so much more to make me happy now its almost like im beyond dead.. I am not judging you. It hurts me to hear that your mother would just tell you to get over it... etc. She was not listening. I am totally sure her response would make me depressed.
  14. *thinks* Depends. If it's a spoof of a soap opera, is it still a soap opera? It's a sitcom. Are you asking me a trick question?
  15. Be careful or you will be frozen cheese!!! i was a bit cold... next day i wore long pants and a hoodie. xD Glad to hear you switched over. LOL lol yeah, it's getting cold out. It's not so bad if the ground is dry though. Let me hear you say that when there is lots of snow on the ground. LOL
  16. wow! cool Horaio, but what were you doing at Cape Canaveral? My cage faces Cape Canaveral. I just have to look out the front window of my cage and watch the sights. At night it is even easier... I am able to see the glow. Pretty!!!!!! Then I turn my attention towards the NASA channel on the Tele and watch the replays of the various cameras around the launch-pad so I can see the take-off from various views. This is probably the second best part of the launch. You are always welcome to come, stay and watch a launch. The guest cage has a great view of the river and the launch site. I was trying to remember where I posted those pictures of the daytime launch. I will find them again and link you to the topic.
  17. *screammmmmmmmmmssssssssssss* I love your piggie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a beautiful face!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a spectacularly magnificent picture!!!!!!!!!! *invites the piggie to my cage* does Horaio have a crush? I could get crushed!!
  18. Horatio

    My place. :)

    It's always nice to have a plan. Even better if you had some idea of what it was.
  19. Glad you decided to join the rest of us with FireFox 2.0. You had better stay around, we missed you too much! I was getting the big jet ready to go and pick you up. I got it just as it came out. First customer sort of thing. I'm sorry Horatio, but old FF didn't allow me to jump in as speedily. Also I've been watching too much Naruto recently. You have been missed!!! No more Naruto!!! I will clip your wings if we don't see you here to stay. LOL Naruto is good Horatio.. *chants in Horatio's ear "Naruto is our friend" over and over* *realizes another good person has been taken over* Would you like a cup of Kool Aid? LOL
  20. Usually the saying goes... you always want what you can't have. But, in your case... I am at a loss for words. Let me understand this, he is sleeping in your house, in your top bunk, with the approval of your parents? I need to ask, where are his parents? Why doesn't he have a home of his own? I think it is time for me to keep my mouth shut. Its not in my house. Schoolies is a week long end of year celebration. For schoolies we are going to my friends holiday house 3 hours away. He's comming. Theres gonna be 16 of us there. I am lucky that I am good friends with the person who owns the holiday house which is why I got a bed. Some people are sleeping on the couch, others, the floor or whos ever bed they can share. He's only gonna be there for the first few days. And since hes my friend he'll be sleeping in my bed. There is very little room on the floor. It wasn't my decision. We've slept in the same bed before Horatio, and nothings happened. ♥ Lee I never implied that something would happen, just that I did not understand the Schoolies week, so I was thinking he was staying at your house. My apologies if you thought I was thinking you were a mischievious fox. Thats quite alright Horatio. I understand. I thought I had told you about Schoolies before and that you would remember what I was talking about. I should have explained what it was. Jesusfreak, thank you. *hugs back* ♥ Lee The first thing to remember when you talk to a blonde hamster, if we have this glazed-over look in our eyes, always treat us like we have no clue. The second thing to remember is that we have memories like a gnat... short. And yes, I do remember you telling me about schoolies. *makes mental note... slow down and RTP* *gives Lee The Red Rose Award for patience*
  21. Be careful or you will be frozen cheese!!! i was a bit cold... next day i wore long pants and a hoodie. xD Glad to hear you switched over. LOL Welcome to the Dark Side.... oops, i mean the warm side! LOL...
  22. a horatio couch? could be: 1. a couch just the right size for Horatio 2. a couch that looks like a giant Horatio 3. a couch made from Horatio's own hair note: #3 would take a very very very long time. considering Horatio would have to grow his hair and keep cutting it often to collect enough to cover a whole couch.... I would like door number one!!!
  23. Horatio

    My place. :)

    *eats cheese* Perhaps this will help. LOL thanks Don't worry, I ate one of your relatives that you really didn't care for. LOL *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Clazzik's wisdom #1: Unless you want to be on the cover of the newspaper, don't eat MK's cousins. I'm being serious. I have an uncle who is something important (dun remember what) at ESPN, I have a cousin who owns Golf Courses, my mom is vice prez (I think) of United HealthCare, etc. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* *is very impressed* *decides not to eat any of Mushroom_king's relatives*
  24. Night, night Mushroom_king!!!! Have a great night.
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