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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. how would you suggest me to tell arkcher how do get the program? I will help you with this. I've since gotten some new email adresses and IM names and all that mess, check my profile for the best way to get hold of me, aye? I could do that. *cough, cough* BTW, I showed up and saw you took away my privileges.
  2. how would you suggest me to tell arkcher how do get the program? I will help you with this.
  3. Are you counting by ten? I keep forgetting. I started this thing a long time ago though, r'member? Yeaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh riiiiiiiiiigggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhttttttttttttttttttt.
  4. Leguan, check the Horatio Club topic in HampsterDance Talk.
  5. Leguan!!! You have absolutely made my year by showing back up!!! You are really studying so hard, taking such difficult courses, that I am so very impressed with everything you are accomplishing. If I could help, I certainly would, but I am sure you don't want a hamster helping with your studies. As for things here, not much is new. I could give you the entire rundown, but you need to let me know just how much information you really want.
  6. wut do the colors have to do wth it? and fingerpaint theyd be pruple black and red awesome si coclors I picked two out of three colors. what does that mean? oh and HELLO... wow. Nothing other than I guessed black and red. its not cuz im 'dark' or anything its cuz black and red are pretty and black is a base Not because you are dark, but just the colours I selected. If you noticed, I also included yellow, hardly a dark colour. yea i know but people are like OMG BLACK AND RED.. GOTH! and there are very logical answers why i picked wut i did and they have nothing to do with gothicness in my soul ANYWAY, to the point of this.... ? Hamsters are goth???????? I think black is great! I would have said that I would NEVER paint a room black, but I went into a house for sale and saw a bedroom painted black with all white accessories, and it was quite dramatic. I am still sure that I would not try that in my cage, but it looked great in that house. i would do that. sounds hot. my room is the prettiest shade of purple though.. not that you can see much of my walls.. i LOVE my room! *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Coooooooooool. j00 get Disco Aisha award. Spiffy photography. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* gracias. :] i need to add to my collage.. i want it to be the entire wall. That would really look great!
  7. *cough*whywouldanyoneeverdosuchastupidhorrendousthingasthat*cough* *cough*someonedoes*cough* *cough*ihopeitisntyouandicantseeanyreasontodosobutiknowyoucouldneversayhowyouwou ldvotebecauseofthewayyouaremoderated*cough* *cough*actuallyIvoteforthecandidatewiththeplatformthatagreesmostwithmyideals,nom atterwhattheirpartyaffiliation*cough* *cough*thatstilldoesntactuallygiveawaywhereyourvoteis:P*cough* I vote for the candidate who is against drilling for oil in Anwar, for protection of the environment, etc. Whichever candidate endorses my views is the one I cast my vote for. Party has nothing to do with who I vote for. There is only one exception, Hilary Clinton. I will vote for ANYTHING who runs against her as I would NEVER want to see her as our President. i like the use of anyTHING as supposed to anyONE. But yeah, that is what i do. Just, it seems that only one party actually endorses my views. Or, comes close, at least. You caught that I see.
  8. I have heard of it, but know nothing about it's performance. *let's TGHL try it first* The nintendo wii will use Opera. And I use internet explorer. I have used the internet explorer and it still does the same thing. I am having that problem right now. when did this start? perhaps it has something to do with the library computers? No, it started when HampsterKing updated the boards. I have seen this happen with a couple of other postings. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*the Final Cut*~* Note To Self: Any compy that Horatio touches becomes a TIME BOMB. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* Please don't say that... I am using my friend, Neal's, brand new 17" Mac Book Pro. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Oh you'd better tell Neal that it became a time bomb. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* *throws Mushroom_king into her own Meat Grinder*
  9. I have heard of it, but know nothing about it's performance. *let's TGHL try it first* The nintendo wii will use Opera. And I use internet explorer. I have used the internet explorer and it still does the same thing. I am having that problem right now. when did this start? perhaps it has something to do with the library computers? No, it started when HampsterKing updated the boards. I have seen this happen with a couple of other postings. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*the Final Cut*~* Note To Self: Any compy that Horatio touches becomes a TIME BOMB. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* Please don't say that... I am using my friend, Neal's, brand new 17" Mac Book Pro.
  10. *cough*whywouldanyoneeverdosuchastupidhorrendousthingasthat*cough* *cough*someonedoes*cough* *cough*ihopeitisntyouandicantseeanyreasontodosobutiknowyoucouldneversayhowyouwou ldvotebecauseofthewayyouaremoderated*cough* *cough*actuallyIvoteforthecandidatewiththeplatformthatagreesmostwithmyideals,nom atterwhattheirpartyaffiliation*cough* *cough*thatstilldoesntactuallygiveawaywhereyourvoteis:P*cough* I vote for the candidate who is against drilling for oil in Anwar, for protection of the environment, etc. Whichever candidate endorses my views is the one I cast my vote for. Party has nothing to do with who I vote for. There is only one exception, Hilary Clinton. I will vote for ANYTHING who runs against her as I would NEVER want to see her as our President.
  11. I have heard of it, but know nothing about it's performance. *let's TGHL try it first* The nintendo wii will use Opera. And I use internet explorer. I have used the internet explorer and it still does the same thing. I am having that problem right now. when did this start? perhaps it has something to do with the library computers? No, it started when HampsterKing updated the boards. I have seen this happen with a couple of other postings.
  12. *cough*whywouldanyoneeverdosuchastupidhorrendousthingasthat*cough* *cough*someonedoes*cough* *cough*ihopeitisntyouandicantseeanyreasontodosobutiknowyoucouldneversayhowyouwou ldvotebecauseofthewayyouaremoderated*cough* *cough*actuallyIvoteforthecandidatewiththeplatformthatagreesmostwithmyideals,nom atterwhattheirpartyaffiliation*cough*
  13. I have heard of it, but know nothing about it's performance. *let's TGHL try it first* The nintendo wii will use Opera. And I use internet explorer. I have used the internet explorer and it still does the same thing. I am having that problem right now.
  14. *cough*whywouldanyoneeverdosuchastupidhorrendousthingasthat*cough* *cough*someonedoes*cough*
  15. [sleeps in this topic waiting for update]
  16. I have heard of it, but know nothing about it's performance. *let's TGHL try it first*
  17. *is speechless at how great this poem is*
  18. wut do the colors have to do wth it? and fingerpaint theyd be pruple black and red awesome si coclors I picked two out of three colors. what does that mean? oh and HELLO... wow. Nothing other than I guessed black and red. its not cuz im 'dark' or anything its cuz black and red are pretty and black is a base Not because you are dark, but just the colours I selected. If you noticed, I also included yellow, hardly a dark colour. yea i know but people are like OMG BLACK AND RED.. GOTH! and there are very logical answers why i picked wut i did and they have nothing to do with gothicness in my soul ANYWAY, to the point of this.... ? Hamsters are goth???????? I think black is great! I would have said that I would NEVER paint a room black, but I went into a house for sale and saw a bedroom painted black with all white accessories, and it was quite dramatic. I am still sure that I would not try that in my cage, but it looked great in that house. i would do that. sounds hot. my room is the prettiest shade of purple though.. not that you can see much of my walls.. i LOVE my room! Your room looks outstandingly phenomenal!!!!!! *hammie mothers do not allow us to hang anything on our cage bars*
  19. I use windows XP with comcast. I just post, and then go back to the topic and post again. Comcast, does that use Internet Explorer, FireFox, etc.? I am unable to do that. If I go back to the topic and post again, it will combine the two posts into one. I have to get out of the topic, get completely out of HampsterDance before returning, and then it still might combine them.
  20. Cheesemaster... what browser do you use? You are able to post two separate posts in one topic and I am unable... I am trying to figure out why the board wants to combine all my posts into one.
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