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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. *watches Arkcher's heart-rate increase dramatically* Meh: >_o; Addreeeeennaaaliiiiinne. Kate: n____n (Yeah, thats pretty much what happened.) I thought so!
  2. Actually, I think you would do great with two foreign languages. Especially after you returned from a summer abroad. *wonders if Cheesemaster's parents have recovered* i don't think so. I am doing well in all of my classes (if not excelling) except for in spanish. Languages just don't seem to be my forte. Actually I know a human who took Spanish and was lucky to get a C, the person switched to French, got an A, the next year took French II, got another A, while taking German and got an A. Sometimes it is just the teacher or the language. German makes so much sense as there are quite a few words that are similar. Plus you have a couple tutors here... Leguan, TGHL and EmilyE. You could converse with them in German!
  3. [i think MK could stay MK, couldn't she? And for our Kat, you could do it the way her name appears here... -Kat-. How does that sound? The other two are Caitlin and Katelin, which, in reading are two different names because of the spelling. What do you think?]
  4. Actually, I think you would do great with two foreign languages. Especially after you returned from a summer abroad. *wonders if Cheesemaster's parents have recovered*
  5. What kind of music is he into? Oh Horatio, I wouldn't mind both but I think I'll just go with the micicle sorbet since I'm kinda full at the moment. ♥ Lee *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* It's not what he's into, I'm putting love songs on there. (Rock Only plase) *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Dominwe*~* sweet child 'o mine - guns n roses I don't want to miss a thing - aerosmith Last kiss - pearljam I just looked up rock love songs. xD The real question is... have you listened to them and do you like them?
  6. >_>; Just because i'm awake doesnt really mean im mentally present. XD I recall seeing you but not thinking to post about it here. You missed a giant chance at racking up some major points!!! *wonders if the opposite sex is having a huge effect on Arkcher's mental state*
  7. *watches Arkcher's heart-rate increase dramatically*
  8. EmilyE !!!!!! *tackle, glomp, hugs until the entire group joins in* How are you? How is the beautiful baby? How is your husband? How is your life? Just, how is every little thing? Poison Ivy stopped in and posted and now you have reappeared! How spectacular!!!
  9. Too bad you didn't show up yesterday... EmilyE reappeared!!!!!!!!!
  10. Will I be needing to change your title? You have not spoken of Green Day in quite some time!
  11. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    *wonders if I can hire Cheesemaster as my tutor*
  12. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Really? How much do you use these languages? And I had forgotten about HTML and CSS, those would be good to consider to. Oh by the way I've been accepted into the National Honors Society. First... CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! Allllllllllllll rrriiiiiiiiiiiiggggggggghhhhhhhhhtttttttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You did great! Super congratulations on the greatest achievement!!! As for the languages, I am just learning. I bought the books to teach myself.
  13. *falls over, all four paws in the air, in shock*
  14. Couldn't you take German as an elective? Are you permitted to do that? I love listening to German being spoken. Well, you need two years of a foreign language, butit has to be the same one twice, the second time being at a higher level. I wanted to take german, but they made me take spanish. I hate spanish. But i wouldn't want to take a THIRD language. Two is enough. (the first being english) I would take a third language. Then I would go over to Germany for the summer and perfect what I had already studied! When you returned, you would be the best German student in your school! LOL Of course, you would have to convince your parents to let you go, which would be near impossible. I can hear the conversation now... Mom, Dad... I will be taking German as my elective, my second foreign language, and for Christmas I want you to buy me a ticket to Germany for the summer. I plan on staying in youth hostles and perfecting my German, then returning after the summer is over. Perhaps I can find a summer au pair job in Germany, to help pay my expenses. How does this sound? *mother and father don't respond, because they have just fainted* Okay... so that wasn't such a good idea. Loool. I want to see the parents. But you're right. Practice is the most important thing. The SymBioSE in Italy was the first time (2 weeks) I was really speaking english to communicate with other people. Even within this short time I recognized that my english was improving a lot. Perhaps sometime I'll take a semester in the U.S. In biology english is very important. In the advanced study period I'll have some lectures in english and many of the powerpoints the profs are using now are already in english. I had French as second foreign laguage and Latin as third. However, my french is bad, but Latin is useful because all the scientific names of animals and plants are latin. If you go for a semester in the U.S., you have a cage to stay in!!!
  15. Couldn't you take German as an elective? Are you permitted to do that? I love listening to German being spoken. Well, you need two years of a foreign language, butit has to be the same one twice, the second time being at a higher level. I wanted to take german, but they made me take spanish. I hate spanish. But i wouldn't want to take a THIRD language. Two is enough. (the first being english) I would take a third language. Then I would go over to Germany for the summer and perfect what I had already studied! When you returned, you would be the best German student in your school! LOL Of course, you would have to convince your parents to let you go, which would be near impossible. I can hear the conversation now... Mom, Dad... I will be taking German as my elective, my second foreign language, and for Christmas I want you to buy me a ticket to Germany for the summer. I plan on staying in youth hostles and perfecting my German, then returning after the summer is over. Perhaps I can find a summer au pair job in Germany, to help pay my expenses. How does this sound? *mother and father don't respond, because they have just fainted* Okay... so that wasn't such a good idea.
  16. You want me to disclose this? How much money do you have??? LOL LOL ...enough. If $6.43 is enough... How big is your sunflower stash?
  17. Couldn't you take German as an elective? Are you permitted to do that? I love listening to German being spoken.
  18. Which kind of work are you doing? I know, I'm curious. PS: It's Glühwein. Captain on the Airbus for FedEx. I am the only hamster they have on the pilot roster. Thanks for the spelling. Here is my question: If I don't have the umblatt (unsure of the spelling for those two little dots), do you replace the two dots with an e? Hey, cool. Therefor your avatar. You mean "Umlaut". I just searched for a translation- it's also "umlaut" in english. You can replace them: ae for ä,Ä oe for ö,Ö ue for ü,Ü In some words you have an ß, it means sz, but usually people replace it by ss. Thank you!!!!!!!!! *bakes Leguan some wonderful oatmeal raisin cookies* I will keep your post for a reference. When I lived in Berlin, I lived on a strasse having the character you described above (sz/ss). It would be great if I had time to take a course in German. I would love that. Along with all the other things I try to fit into one day, LOL
  19. Which kind of work are you doing? I know, I'm curious. PS: It's Glühwein. Captain on the Airbus for FedEx. I am the only hamster they have on the pilot roster. Thanks for the spelling. Here is my question: If I don't have the umblatt (unsure of the spelling for those two little dots), do you replace the two dots with an e?
  20. I just read this. Hehe, a hamster helping me would be cool. Well, studying is lots of work, more than at school, but it's also a lot of fun. In the last semester for example in genetics we made a dna fingerprint from ourselves. It's the same method which is used for paternity tests. Also the police uses it to identify delinquents . At the moment I'm attending a laboratory in organic chemistry. Today we acetylized glucose. With the same mechanism, you can make Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) from salycylic acid or even heroin (=acetomorphine) from opium. And last week we made some benzaldeyde. It smells like marzipan. For extraction we used ether as solvent. Sooner they used it as an anesthetic in hospitals. Afterwards everbody was a little bit "stoned" because some people forgot to close the bottles. So you see I'm having lots of fun. I am soooooooo impressed. You are really a phenomenal student!!! It must be really great to make your own dna fingerprint. I would love that. Organic chemistry must be very difficult, but really interesting. It is amazing to see the results of your creation. Good thing I don't like marzipan, or I would have been totally out of it in your class. Now is time for me to start studying again, I am NOT a good student. I am the epitome of a lazy hamster... eat, sleep, run around acting like I have accomplished something and then repeat the entire sequence all over again. I hope you are still around Koln because I will look you up when I get there!!! I just wanted to answer this one but you already deleted it. Just checked it. Kologne. That's a nice one. Looks like a mixture between english and german. In english it is usually Cologne, in german it is Köln. BTW, at the SymBioSE I was amazed that Finnish, Swedish and Norwegian people know the german name and also pronounce it correctly. At the moment I'm sitting in front of my computer in the house of my parents in a small city with 60.000 inhabitants just between Köln and Düsseldorf- not far away from Köln. However, I'm planning to move to cologne next year because 1,5 hours to get there in the rush hour by public transport is too much... It isn't a big distance, but first I have to take the bus, then the rail and then the subway... This takes lots of time, especially because the german rail isn't very accurate. You are planning to come to cologne? Perhaps for Karneval? I wish I was coming for Karneval, but I will be coming for work. Not quite as good, as the time is extremely limited, but okay because I don't have to pay to get there or for the lodging. I absolutely love going to Karneval and drinking some Gluwein (sp?). When it is cool out and you have a mug of this steamy wonderful liquid, it just warms you all the way down to your tail. I had wanted to attend the Christmas fair in Nuremburg, but it went from summer to winter and I missed about six months. Instead I was chainsawing trees, cleaning the frogs out of the swimming pool and other boring tasks around my cage.
  21. Of course I tried it. So totally amazing. I pasted it on cardboard, printed your name on the bottom and placed it on my desk. I am always shocked at the illusion. Very cool.
  22. Just checked it. Read that... thanks!
  23. I just read this. Hehe, a hamster helping me would be cool. Well, studying is lots of work, more than at school, but it's also a lot of fun. In the last semester for example in genetics we made a dna fingerprint from ourselves. It's the same method which is used for paternity tests. Also the police uses it to identify delinquents . At the moment I'm attending a laboratory in organic chemistry. Today we acetylized glucose. With the same mechanism, you can make Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) from salycylic acid or even heroin (=acetomorphine) from opium. And last week we made some benzaldeyde. It smells like marzipan. For extraction we used ether as solvent. Sooner they used it as an anesthetic in hospitals. Afterwards everbody was a little bit "stoned" because some people forgot to close the bottles. So you see I'm having lots of fun. I am soooooooo impressed. You are really a phenomenal student!!! It must be really great to make your own dna fingerprint. I would love that. Organic chemistry must be very difficult, but really interesting. It is amazing to see the results of your creation. Good thing I don't like marzipan, or I would have been totally out of it in your class. LOL Now is time for me to start studying again, I am NOT a good student. I am the epitome of a lazy hamster... eat, sleep, run around acting like I have accomplished something and then repeat the entire sequence all over again. I hope you are still around Koln because I will look you up when I get there!!!
  24. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Yeah, multiple programming languages would be awesome! I'm thinking about Javascript and C++. Javascript because it is very useful on macs (or so I've heard) and C++ because my dad said that would be a great language to know. My parents took a Pascal class, but my mom said that I probably wouldn't like it because most of the time you spend on making useless applications. I bought three books, a book on Javascript, a book on HTML, XHMTL and CSS, and the last book on Javascript. My next book will be on C++.
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