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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. LIEK!!!! ZOMMGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *ahem* It has been quite some time since you have populated the boards, no? tis has been a very long time, yes. I sorta dissapear form time to time which is odd cuz on the old boards I was EVERYWHERE... used to be a big regular on HD. well, take something and get regular! =D Something being... fiber? no, cause i definitely meant "time away from something else." I didn't make a poop joke, no. LOL No you didn't, I did.
  2. Don't be angry. No need to spend your money. Your mother is right. Gifts come later in a relationship. WHOA WHOA WHOA, I think I need to come back more often. MK+Trent=together? I mean I know I'm not on that much anymore, but how long ago did this happen? You will just have to come on more often to find out the answer. I do know you have the ability to talk on the phone and type on this website at the same time, so... what do you have to say for yourself? Besides, we miss you!!!
  3. Not all, only a couple. He is working on the rest. *waits*
  4. Okay... 0 guests, 0 members, 1 Horatio I guess it is time for me to say "Good Night" everyone is studying hard and not visiting here. Due to the fact that I get kicked out of the library about ten minutes or so to nine, I will hang out until then, holding a glimmer of hope that someone stops by.
  5. The awsomest teacher ever from my school got back from Iraq today! He will be back in teaching next year! What wonderful news. It is so terrific to hear your teacher made it back safe and sound. Will he be teaching beginning in January or the following school year. January I hope! What does he teach???????
  6. LIEK!!!! ZOMMGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *ahem* It has been quite some time since you have populated the boards, no? tis has been a very long time, yes. I sorta dissapear form time to time which is odd cuz on the old boards I was EVERYWHERE... used to be a big regular on HD. well, take something and get regular! =D Something being... fiber?
  7. Well, tell him how you feel. Otherwise, this will continue to eat you up, and you will never be able to get another boyfriend because you will keep thinking of this guy! =O I invited him around yesterday to keep me sane while my sister and her boyfriend were here. We jumped on the trampoline, watched Futurama, played with the pets, ate pizza and he ended up staying the night. I'm pretty sure he does like me after last night, but I'll have to talk to him about it. ♥ Lee Well, I hope all goes well for you. I talked to him and told him how I feel. He doesn't feel the same. But he does find me attractive and he cares about me. He was supposed to have a girlfriend and that night when he stayed over he kissed me so I felt guilty that I was helping him cheat on his girlfriend. BUT it turns out they aren't together so I have no reason to feel bad. ♥ Lee What I would like you to consider... do you find him more attractive because you know you can't have him? I wouldn't say I find him more attractive. I still find him attractive but not anymore attractive than when I thought I could have him. If you know what I mean. I still think theres a chance for us. I'm a wishful thinker, haha. ♥ Lee When someone says that they do not like you as anything but a friend AND they think you are attractive and they care about you, there is almost nothing you can do to get them with you. They already like who you are and how you look, so there isn't much left for them to like that is new. There really is no room for any change in the way they think of you, unless you somehow dissapoint you. I'm sorry, but I don't want you to go through your time with him thinking of how it might be, when it almost certainly won't go any further. Be glad about being friends with a great person, and look for a soul mate in someone else. nothing hurts more than false hope being shattered. You are very wise Mr. Cheesemaster. *hands Cheesie The Red Rose Award*
  8. Today I went to a site that sponsors a service person with a care package. I sent this person a package from all of us, goodies, some batteries and a Navy Teddy Bear. Perhaps we will hear from this person, and perhaps not, but it would be great if they showed up. Just to let you know, that the package came from everyone who posts here. *cross your paws*
  9. Schimmislick!!!!!!!!!! You could be green, With a hint of blue, You should be quick, Cause Schimmislick is you! Okay... so I have not had my afternoon cup of coffee. HOMG! Poem by Horatio!!! *collects* Not too good compared to the poetry on this site, but for a hamster, not too bad. LOL! You could always write a book called: Bad Hamster Poems. LOL
  10. Well, tell him how you feel. Otherwise, this will continue to eat you up, and you will never be able to get another boyfriend because you will keep thinking of this guy! =O I invited him around yesterday to keep me sane while my sister and her boyfriend were here. We jumped on the trampoline, watched Futurama, played with the pets, ate pizza and he ended up staying the night. I'm pretty sure he does like me after last night, but I'll have to talk to him about it. ♥ Lee Well, I hope all goes well for you. I talked to him and told him how I feel. He doesn't feel the same. But he does find me attractive and he cares about me. He was supposed to have a girlfriend and that night when he stayed over he kissed me so I felt guilty that I was helping him cheat on his girlfriend. BUT it turns out they aren't together so I have no reason to feel bad. ♥ Lee What I would like you to consider... do you find him more attractive because you know you can't have him? I wouldn't say I find him more attractive. I still find him attractive but not anymore attractive than when I thought I could have him. If you know what I mean. I still think theres a chance for us. I'm a wishful thinker, haha. ♥ Lee Wishful thinking is good as long as your heart does not get broken again. Another way to look at this is that you are not keeping your eyes open to the other possible guys who might enter your life when you are focused on him. Please be open to everyone who passes your way. Then before you date them... think... would you marry this guy? If there is anything that makes you think no, please do not waste your time. As long as you remember you can never change anyone, then you will do great in your relationships.
  11. Well, tell him how you feel. Otherwise, this will continue to eat you up, and you will never be able to get another boyfriend because you will keep thinking of this guy! =O I invited him around yesterday to keep me sane while my sister and her boyfriend were here. We jumped on the trampoline, watched Futurama, played with the pets, ate pizza and he ended up staying the night. I'm pretty sure he does like me after last night, but I'll have to talk to him about it. ♥ Lee Well, I hope all goes well for you. I talked to him and told him how I feel. He doesn't feel the same. But he does find me attractive and he cares about me. He was supposed to have a girlfriend and that night when he stayed over he kissed me so I felt guilty that I was helping him cheat on his girlfriend. BUT it turns out they aren't together so I have no reason to feel bad. ♥ Lee What I would like you to consider... do you find him more attractive because you know you can't have him?
  12. My father also mentioned a Floydhead concert. I'm going to that too... Are you trying to start trouble? My parents must have been. I see, the old 'blame the parents' trick! Well, they were the ones who told me this, they knew I liked Pink Floyd, and they even know a lot of the people here, MK included... I even said you peoplez would know in a snap. The 'Pink Floyd Experience' (the concert's named that I have a good feeling about this) is nxt sunday! Squeee! I am sure Mushroom_king will be on her way to your house. Better let your parents know! LOL Ahh, they know. I've even got them to set up their internet for her when she arrives xD Oh good! She will be pleased to hear this. Hopefully your parents have connections to get you all back stage. LOL
  13. Schimmislick!!!!!!!!!! You could be green, With a hint of blue, You should be quick, Cause Schimmislick is you! Okay... so I have not had my afternoon cup of coffee.
  14. *wonders if EmilyE can get points for herself* i should cuz I'm just 'oh so slick' at catching myself! hey i got Archer too I think... *checks again* Now if you had a pic of you and Schimmislick, that would be worth 500,000 points!
  15. My father also mentioned a Floydhead concert. I'm going to that too... Are you trying to start trouble? My parents must have been. I see, the old 'blame the parents' trick! Well, they were the ones who told me this, they knew I liked Pink Floyd, and they even know a lot of the people here, MK included... I even said you peoplez would know in a snap. The 'Pink Floyd Experience' (the concert's named that I have a good feeling about this) is nxt sunday! Squeee! I am sure Mushroom_king will be on her way to your house. Better let your parents know! LOL
  16. What sort of rodent?????????????????????????????????? Whoa, Ease up on the question marks. >__>; ... I dunno. Kinda like a Hamster, but its not. You know when them hamsters or whatever critters are standing on their hind legs, sniffin the air or whatever, and you can see their teeth? Just imagine one of those, only grinning. and thats what Brianrietta does. Standing up and everything. ... but I dont think shes smelling anything. I'm just watching how you are talking about my rodentia group.
  17. What sort of rodent??????????????????????????????????
  18. wasn't he supposed to be back on a friday a week or two ago? They telephoned and advised me the date would be pushed back. Are your paws crossed?
  19. Thank you for the shakes! *hands one to each hammie and keeps one for self. As for Max, I need to be able to hope!
  20. Max update... hopefully the remanufactured part has arrived and will be delivered to the Apple Repair Center. If this is the case, then I should have Max home by the weekend. Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, please everyone, cross your paws.
  21. Don't be angry. No need to spend your money. Your mother is right. Gifts come later in a relationship.
  22. How about five Milk-shakes, all different flavors.
  23. Oooh I missed you so much! I'm well... I've been better actually, I think I have namonia and *whispers* life stuff... (but i don't think this is the place to discuss such things) anyways, baby is doing great! She's trying to walk on her own now and looooves to talk (takes after her mommy) and she loves tv already (also takes after her daddy!) Hubby is dealing with some issues but we're working that out. Things could be better but we're working through it. OH, I got my first online art student I'll be teaching a course on drawing people, I'm so excited! O.O POison Ivy?!?!? ZOMG... it's been a loooong time since I've seen her! (I'll have more pics of the baby and I in my PICCYS topic) What a B E A U T I F U L baby!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a girl!!! Takes after both her mother and her father. Fantastic!!! Please do take care of yourself. Can a hamster sign up for your online art course? I want to learn. Please tell me more on how to be your second student. This is a serious request. Please email me: pmajr@earthlink.net and give me all the information. As for your husband, I hope everything works out. A marriage is a relationship that takes constant work. People work at their jobs, at sports, etc., but sometimes they neglect the most important thing, their marriage. So, I hope you can get everything worked out. Hang out here for a bit... Poison Ivy was here and posting in a flurry, and now she is gone. Hopefully she will return. Please don't forget... I want to be your second online art student.
  24. We would to place an order for a group of five hammies... non-alcoholic drinks for all, and please make each one different, then five different entrees, and five different desserts. We are having a preparation party for the return of Max. Hopefully he will be home this week.
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