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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Mazda Miata... NICE!!!!! What colour? How nice of your parents, but I am certain that you have worked hard and they feel that you deserve it. The summer paid off and you are probably a superb trumpet player. Congratulations on being selected for the wind ensemble!!!!!
  2. Mega Wolf... absolutely phenomenal about the Hollywood event and I hope that we get to watch you on the show when it airs!!! As for the rent check, welcome to the world of hassles. It does not matter that you have never bounced a check, it is a type of lesson that they like to impose so hopefully you will never be late again. But of course, they love those late fees. Jesusfreak... glad to hear that the storm did not do too much damage to both you and your parents homes. That is good news. As for the tree that fell in the back yard, the guy will probably charge you more as now he has to stack the wood. They always come up with a plan to make more money than they should actually charge. Lexxscrapham... so nice to see you!!!
  3. Perhaps we ought to establish a conversion rate and design the money. We can then start circulating it. Who knows, there are some countries who just might like it over their own currency.
  4. Thank you for the update. I am glad to hear that your grandmother is doing okay. Please let us know when the surgery is going to be performed so we can say a prayer for her. Yeah... I am not one for change.
  5. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Being away from Shane was tough, but that is what made the weekends even better. The news about the earthquake in New Jersey took me by surprise. I could not remember what fault line you all had up there. That definitely must have been a very strange experience. Hope you did not lose power and were able to get through the hurricane without any problems. Did you have any damage to your grandmother's house? As for the faire... was it still held? My thoughts were that it might have been cancelled. Good luck with your interview at the charter school. I know this is the job you would prefer. Were they looking for previous experience? Hopefully not. As for the Applebees and Fridays, I have my paws crossed. Maybe the interviewer will not keep you hanging when it comes to a response.
  6. Ohhhhhh, I was having the same thought, without knowing about what type of guy he is. I feel so bad, and like you, worry about him. At least he is trying to look at a positive side of a bad situation.
  7. Terrific for new interests, and I am glad to hear that your ex has become more wishy-washy than before. He is like the tide... in and out, in and out. At least you both came to the best conclusion... focus on school and work. You are very smart when it comes to knowing what is in your best interest. Keep listening to yourself!
  8. Hopefully you were not flooded. I was worried about all your folks up that way. How did you weather the storm?
  9. Lazing around on the sofa, just trying to readjust to this time zone before I head in the other direction.
  10. With the American financial system in the mess it is in, perhaps this is the time to begin using H$!!!
  11. You are so right, the software is very expensive! I just listen.
  12. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Let me ask my friend who is in that field. She just finished accomplishing your goal with an online university. I am sorry that you are jobless. Waitressing is a good way to make some money while you finish your master's. It sounds like a very good plan you have to expand your qualifications. A wild idea just popped into my head, I wonder if you could get a short stint with the Peace Corps. It could very well be a teaching job that gave you the experience you need. Of course, you would be away from Shane and not have good internet, but it is another option, if that is something that interests you.
  13. November. That is close, but in his situation, a very long time to remain. Prison is a very bad place and I cannot imagine all that he has had to endure. The one thing that can be said, he has grown up and hopefully he can benefit from this bad situation. What I worry about, is him trying to adjust to life in society as things have changed immensely for him and it is going to be quite challenging.
  14. I can certainly understand just how awkward that must have been for you. Glad you are over him. As for romantic updates... yeah right... we will see.
  15. Saturday morning I flew to Anchorage, Alaska. After I got there I was unable to get to sleep so I went out and had breakfast. I walked from the hotel to the City Diner and had eggs, reindeer sausage and some tomatoes. After breakfast, it was raining, so I elected to take a taxicab back to the hotel. Tried to sleep, but it was difficult, so I tossed and turned until about two hours before I was to be picked up for my deadhead back to Memphis. After my shower, the phone rang and the first officer wanted to grab dinner, so with one hour before pickup, we went to Humpy's and had an amazing dinner. Grilled halibut, steamed veggies and some tomatoes and lots of fresh brewed ice tea. Anway, I headed for the airport and my deadhead to Chicago's O'Hare airport on American. The flight was delayed, then the worst service in the industry. I don't like eating on the airplane so I was thrilled I had a great dinner. We arrived in Chicago and now for my second leg to Memphis on United Express. The flight was terrific with the best flight attendant ever! The American flight attendant's could learn a lot from this guy, he was amazing! To get to the point, when I got home, took a quick shower, at a little food and then fell asleep... until this morning. I woke up a couple times, but overall, it was nineteen hours. Still tired, I could stay in bed longer, but I have to arrange my sleep so that I can go to bed really early tonight as I have a trip to Korea in the morning.
  16. Good morning!!! Beds, especially your own, are very, very nice. See my last post in my topic!!!
  17. It IS the greatest topic you have ever made!
  18. So how do you feel, not spending your waking moments on a bus. Welcome back home!!!
  19. Driver's license.... oh no!!!!!!!!! Drivers beware, Kat on the loose!!!!!
  20. Terrific update!!! I love the feral kangaroo. Thank you for continuing this story. It is really fantastic and I appreciate you continuing. Thank you!!!
  21. Mushroom_king, this totally rocks!!!! You have outdone yourself! I see that your writing has really developed. Outstanding! As I have not given out an award recently, I am awarding you The Copper Star Award!!!
  22. Vocaloid is really amazing! I first became aware of it in Japan. It has been around there for a long time. I would love to hear some of your songs through Vocaloid. Do you write your own music as well as the lyrics?
  23. Good to hear that you and Ghost have remained friends. As for your new interest, Street Fighter, I hope this works out for you. If not, perhaps you will remain friends. Thank you for stopping by as I was wondering how you were doing.
  24. It will be over sooner than you can blink. Enjoy the last few days.
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