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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. It had better do something for all that money! LOL
  2. Isn't it unsettling that in your dreams you can experience all sorts of emotions and feelings?!?!? Well, um, I don't find it unsettling when I feel different emotions in my dreams :/ I have had dreams where the feelings were so real that I still wonder if the dream actually happened. The dream wasn't that strange or wild, but something that could be a part of everyday life! I have had dreams like that before! It feels strange when you realise that it wasn't real. Sometimes the dream is so good you wish that it came true in real life. So, sticking to the topic of this thread, theres this boy. And I'm pretty sure he likes me. Last night he walked me home from a party which is a 45 minute walk, he also attempted to flirt on the way. Then he walked back to the party by himself rather drunk (I was completely sober, I've given up drinking). He's nice and stuff but I don't like him that way at all. Theres no attraction there what-so-ever. I don't want him to ask me out or anything 'cause I hate rejecting people. ♥ Lee eew, that could be difficult for you. D= But any news from mr. mixed messages? Yeah Hmm. I spent most of yesterday with Mr. Mixed Messages actually, he was acting like we were a couple, cuddling and holding me and holding my hand. Some guy asked him "Why don't you buy your girlfriend a t-shirt?" and he didn't say anything about me not being his girlfriend instead he said "She already has one". During the day he kissed me once because we were playing a silly game of spin the bottle at McDonalds and it landed on me. He also kissed me on the cheek a few times. I actually quite enjoyed it, I think he is beautiful and at this rate I'm not getting over him. At all! He hasn't said anything about it and no, I haven't talked to him about it yet because I hate confronting people about stuff... I'll be seeing him this coming Saturday anyways. Schoolies. Yeah, so I'll be with him for a few days. ♥ Lee He sounds more like a guy who is very interested. My thinking is if you are mum about your feelings, you just might have yourself a steady guy.
  3. What's happening in your life? We-ell, there's a few things. It's mostly me being confused. I've got a crush on a guy in my class. >_> That's pretty confusing, Then there's the deal my parents and their relationship with each other (and other people) and that's annoying as well as confusing, I'm getting closer then I'm comfortable with to an internet friend. And, yeah, that needs little to no explanation, xD And that's pretty much it. But it's really confusing. Basically I'm twelve and most people treat me like I'm twenty >_> Being confused makes things difficult. When thinking clearly and being able to make sense of things would make life easier, some how no matter how you try, you just cannot make sense out of things. One of the big problems is that although you are twelve, you appear to be very well educated and converse like an adult. So, the problem comes when an adult can speak with you and the response they receive is one that they can relate to. This response makes them forget you are a young person who does not need the burdens of adulthood. It is almost impossible to guess how someone else feels if they do not make it obvious, are you thinking this guy might have the same feelings for you? What makes this much harder is the fear of rejection and the reaction of your peers. When you are trying to find out who you are, who you like and if they will like you back, this is such a trying time. See if you can do something with this guy that is not a date but a friend type activity. This makes is so much easier and will establish a friendship from which you can build on. Just like Cheesemaster. you can have this person as a friend, find out later if there are reciprocal feelings and if not, you can still be friends. Ultimately keep in mind, you are twelve, there is no need to rush a relationship. Hopefully your parents are not thinking about a divorce. Are they getting along okay? What do you mean about their relationship with other people? Just how they relate to other friends? Remember, if your parents are going through a bad time, it is in no way your fault. Please explain a bit. As for internet friends, please do NOT meet this person. You have no idea if they are an adult. Just because they can relate to you and are a friend, does not mean they are your age. If you cannot talk here about this, you can always email me. But, please do not meet this person. For whatever reason, my gut feeling about this is not positive. Talk to me more about this please. Whatever you are thinking, promise me you will NOT meet this person under any circumstances. Take time to straighten out the things you have the power to work out. As for the other things, such as your parents, you can only try and talk to each them to try and make sense of what they are doing. Since you are such a smart young person, I suggest that when an adult starts talking to you like an adult and you do not feel comfortable with this role, ask them to please remember that you are twelve and that you would prefer if they not talk to you about these things. This should remind the adult of your age. I am not too good at advice, so I hope this helps in some way.
  4. Sounds like you would drove all the way out there for a hay ride. So no, your head will remain unwhacked. What is impressive is that you had the ability to control your aggression. Many adults do not have this ability so I applaud you. Lastly, you are not stupid, it was just a dud of a dance.
  5. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Ah, schools are so well organized Anyways, I got a 136 out of 270 for the regional audition, which is ...average. I don't know if I'll get to participate or not. I seem to be on the borderline, so to speak. I got nervous for random spurts but otherwise I was pretty calm. I did the sight reading part really well but the rehearsed piece wasn't so great. Sounds like you did great. Average is good because these auditions are for the regionals. I hope you make it in! My paws are crossed for you!!! How long does it take before you hear if you made it? The reading part is the hard part so I am thrilled you did well on that. As for the rehearsed part, that was probably the nerves kicking in.
  6. Horatio

    My place. :)

    I have to say that if Ian is a really great guy and you say that you will not marry anyone outside of your faith, have you ever considered looking into the Jewish faith? Two people of different faiths can marry and have children if the details of the religions are worked out ahead of time. I, for one and my sister, would not be here if our parents followed your line of thought. What our parents worked out was that the children would be raised in the mother's religion. What is even more interesting is that I went to both churches and my mother had me attend services in every religion she could find. This helped me to decide what I felt was the best religion for me. You and Ian could work out how holidays would be celebrated, foods, the raising of children, etc. and this could ultimately be an even better experience for your children. The bottom line is respect. If you both respect each other, then you have a relationship that could grow and flourish.
  7. *sends all the snow up to New Jersey* Here you go! LOL
  8. Whoa................ Wii is $1500 ?????????? No no no, You're thinking of PS3. XD But $1500 should get me a Wii and some parts for pimpin' out my PC, and a lappy. Seperately, the Wii will be some odd $350 when you really play it (think about it; you need the wiimotes and games for it, too. Which means that the $600 PS3 is gonna be about $800, 'cause all of its parts are hecka-expensive.) and some compy parts are some odd $400, and a lappy is about $800. Unless I get a Mac Lappy. Then its about $1400 alone. XD The bottom Mac lappy is $1099. I was at the Apple store and looked at this one. It is a really superb machine. Definitely worth the money!! I know. >_> But I want one thats more awesome than the cheapest one you can get. I should have known! LOL By the way, you need to email me with your current address, I have some home school information for you. I've since lost your contact information, having gone through a couple of computers lately. My stuff is in my member profile, however. supposing you have access to it, Check there. Here I am: pmajr@earthlink.net. No need to request permission, I will check the spam blocker. I will also check your profile.
  9. Very true. Sometimes I wonder why adults don't think about how they treat young people. It seems so short-sighted.
  10. Whoa................ Wii is $1500 ?????????? No no no, You're thinking of PS3. XD But $1500 should get me a Wii and some parts for pimpin' out my PC, and a lappy. Seperately, the Wii will be some odd $350 when you really play it (think about it; you need the wiimotes and games for it, too. Which means that the $600 PS3 is gonna be about $800, 'cause all of its parts are hecka-expensive.) and some compy parts are some odd $400, and a lappy is about $800. Unless I get a Mac Lappy. Then its about $1400 alone. XD The bottom Mac lappy is $1099. I was at the Apple store and looked at this one. It is a really superb machine. Definitely worth the money!! I know. >_> But I want one thats more awesome than the cheapest one you can get. I should have known! LOL By the way, you need to email me with your current address, I have some home school information for you.
  11. no, because a twin would be just as awsome as chuck norris. which is impossible. Disagree. >( It is theorized that nobody can be as awesome as Chuck Norris. But if there were two chuck norris', then neither of them would blow up. Because they would be identical in nigh every way. And regardless of if one or both of them existed, they wouldnt have any such interaction. ... of blowing up. Im done. you see, if he were equal, he would be just as awsome. So a super-massive black hole would appear and suck up the universe. in 5 seconds. The super-massive black hole of the Andromeda Galaxy is going to swallow up our little galaxy in about one million years! So, if Chuck's brother can do it now, I say let's see it!!! LOL
  12. Whoa................ Wii is $1500 ?????????? No no no, You're thinking of PS3. XD But $1500 should get me a Wii and some parts for pimpin' out my PC, and a lappy. Seperately, the Wii will be some odd $350 when you really play it (think about it; you need the wiimotes and games for it, too. Which means that the $600 PS3 is gonna be about $800, 'cause all of its parts are hecka-expensive.) and some compy parts are some odd $400, and a lappy is about $800. Unless I get a Mac Lappy. Then its about $1400 alone. XD The bottom Mac lappy is $1099. I was at the Apple store and looked at this one. It is a really superb machine. Definitely worth the money!!
  13. no, because a twin would be just as awsome as chuck norris. which is impossible. Disagree. >( It is theorized that nobody can be as awesome as Chuck Norris. But if there were two chuck norris', then neither of them would blow up. Because they would be identical in nigh every way. And regardless of if one or both of them existed, they wouldnt have any such interaction. ... of blowing up. Im done. Perhaps you ought to consider cloning him. You could make lots of money. LOL
  14. What's happening in your life?
  15. Does this include hamsters? Or do we just watch from the outside! LOL sure, you con join too. xD Yeah!!!
  16. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    You are going to do well. Yes, you will probably get nervous, but this is okay. As I always say, have some fun. We will be your cheering squad here and hope the judges accept you into the regionals. The hammie group will say a prayer for you. Another thing that is an interesting thought, your band is competing against other great bands, and I wonder if your band was placed against all the schools in Connecticut, how your standings would be. My guess is that you would be in the top ten for the state!
  17. Arkcher!!!!!!!!!!!!! Back to the drawing board! We need another name! Make it an M name this time! *gives Cheesie The Blue Moon Award for being so sharp*
  18. You should name it Adam. Or Hal. Or Robbie. Or David. and Five bucks to whoever knows all the characters im suggesting these names after. XD Must be either an "M" name or an "A" name, for Mac or Apple. then name it Adam. >_> 'cause you used M last time. Adam it is! I am getting soooo excited... I can't wait until I get it.
  19. D= Cheeseh. Apply your madd pimpin' skillz or whatever your call it and advise. 'cause im all anxious about this mess. XD Sharpies... definitely Sharpies. *secretly adds my name to Arkcher's Christmas List*
  20. You should name it Adam. Or Hal. Or Robbie. Or David. and Five bucks to whoever knows all the characters im suggesting these names after. XD Must be either an "M" name or an "A" name, for Mac or Apple.
  21. WOWZERS ...it paints a picture in my mind...a story..that makes me want more!!! you are great i come here for this! aw, your so kind. i think my life would make a funny book. its too plain but i think it could be a pretty sweet book. :] Definitely interesting reading.
  22. Wow, my band is only 2-A. I do know the scoring for 2-A is generally around 60-mid80ish. What's 4-A scoring like? I know that 3-A is generally higher scored than 2-A... Anyways, State is Saturday(leave on Friday) and our last comp was kinda bad. I am positive your band with be stupendously stellar this Saturday! Good luck!!!
  23. Well... are you ready for a Max update?????? They got the logic board and new airport card in and a new airport antennae (which is what we were waiting for) and............. N O ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Max still does not want to work wireless... only with an ethernet cable attached. *cries* Well, the people at the Apple Store said there is bad news... Max will not be returning home. It will take another one and one-half to two weeks. But there is good news... I am getting a new laptop! A brand-new Mac Book Pro! So, I will have to find a name for my new mac when he gets here. I am counting the days until my new laptop arrives. I guess this will be time worth waiting for! Yeah!!!
  24. Me as well. I spoke with HampsterKing and he fixed it. Not too worry, if you had tried to buy it, it wouldn't have worked. ahhh I should of bought the site and become the HampsterBoard's Ruler! *evil laughter* *sputer, cough* ROFOCLH... aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh such a dreamer!!! yes, I am! PS: im not good with abrivation, I forgot, what does ROFOCLH mean again? Rolls On Floor Of Cage Laughing Hysterically. oh *hits floor* ive always writen it out. I am not good with the abrivations! I'm just learning! LOL
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