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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. ALl??? I think not. - Kat - still has not posted. Yeah, but we know she's, like, taking a break and stuffz. I don't think she will return. For some reason, I think she used that as a way to leave without feeling bad. Of course, I have no idea if this is true or not, I just feel this in my gut. It's called HGF or Hammie Gut Feeling. I don't see why she would. Plus, using "I'm just taking a break" as an excuse to leave would be even worse, because then she would have the guilt of lying to us and leaving us waiting for her return. So when do you think she will return? Eventually. I don't know, but I think that she will come back at some point. I will have to ask her why she left. I think if she does return, it will only be to say "Hi - Bye". Why? You sound as if you have something against - Kat -. NO! NO! NO! I absolutely miss - Kat -! She is a really fantastic addition to the boards. I just think that whatever is going on, she has decided not to be here and that makes me very, very sad. I believe she is probably one of the nicest people to come to the boards.
  2. ALl??? I think not. - Kat - still has not posted. Yeah, but we know she's, like, taking a break and stuffz. I don't think she will return. For some reason, I think she used that as a way to leave without feeling bad. Of course, I have no idea if this is true or not, I just feel this in my gut. It's called HGF or Hammie Gut Feeling. I don't see why she would. Plus, using "I'm just taking a break" as an excuse to leave would be even worse, because then she would have the guilt of lying to us and leaving us waiting for her return. So when do you think she will return? Eventually. I don't know, but I think that she will come back at some point. I will have to ask her why she left. I think if she does return, it will only be to say "Hi - Bye".
  3. ALl??? I think not. - Kat - still has not posted. Yeah, but we know she's, like, taking a break and stuffz. I don't think she will return. For some reason, I think she used that as a way to leave without feeling bad. Of course, I have no idea if this is true or not, I just feel this in my gut. It's called HGF or Hammie Gut Feeling. I don't see why she would. Plus, using "I'm just taking a break" as an excuse to leave would be even worse, because then she would have the guilt of lying to us and leaving us waiting for her return. So when do you think she will return?
  4. You had better! I still have plenty of duct tape from Arkcher's closet to attach you to Campsoup1988. A) I wouldn't be able to type. You're in my stomach. *gives Glowurm a voice activated computer that types correctly with no spelling or grammatical errors* *does a web search for reguritation devices*
  5. ALl??? I think not. - Kat - still has not posted. Yeah, but we know she's, like, taking a break and stuffz. I don't think she will return. For some reason, I think she used that as a way to leave without feeling bad. Of course, I have no idea if this is true or not, I just feel this in my gut. It's called HGF or Hammie Gut Feeling.
  6. You had better! I still have plenty of duct tape from Arkcher's closet to attach you to Campsoup1988. What? o_o; Wha'was you doing in my closet?! XD It was an emergency! I needed some duct tape and you have cases of the stuff!
  7. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Yeah. Watching your friend nearly suffocate isn't fun. And I told him not to eat it. He never was good with following directions. o.O The liquid benadryl apparently works faster than the normal kind, and apparently for some reactions, you can stop them with the benadryl. The the "epi" in epi-pen is short for epinephrine, which makes your blood vessels open up and helps the allergen (whatever is causing the reaction) to get out of your body, and helps you breathe better. They can be used for any allergy like that, yes. But they apparently hurt really really bad. Because it's baasically this giant needle that gets jabbed into the outer side of your thigh, about half way between your knee and hip bone for at least 10 seconds, 15 if possible. Basically, epi-pens save lives. If your friends have allergies to stuff like that, ask where they keep their epi-pens. Thanks for the great information. We watched a girl run into a stop sign after she was stung by a bee and she had a really bad allergic reaction. If I had known what to ask I could have possibly helped her. Instead we just called 911. I felt totally helpless in this situation. At least I now know what to ask. Thanks again. You did the right thing. If you ever see anyone having an allergic reaction, ALWAYS call 911. Oh another IMPORTANT note about the epi-pens: NEVER use an epi-pen that is expired, and NEVER use an epi-pen if the liquid inside looks cloudy or milky, because it could kill the person. Also, make sure the person is actually having an allergic reaction, and get their permission to use their epi-pen on them. Because nobody wants to get stabbed with one of those if they're not having a reaction. Thanks again!!! This girl was so allergic to bees that she may have had an epi-pen. If this ever happens in the future, I can always ask if they have one and then look at the date and color. Thanks again. This is great information just to know. I had to give CPR to a gentleman in an airport parking lot and I was really happy I had be taught how to do that.
  8. Have you found a new girlfriend yet? Are you still doing the DJ stuff? I need you to make me about six hours of jogging music. Do you charge by the song or the job? *sends Schimmislick my ipod* kinda-not-really DJing is too expensive now im just a plain geek So can I hire you to put 5 hours or so of songs on my ipod so I can have five plus hours of jogging music?
  9. ALl??? I think not. - Kat - still has not posted.
  10. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Yeah. Watching your friend nearly suffocate isn't fun. And I told him not to eat it. He never was good with following directions. o.O The liquid benadryl apparently works faster than the normal kind, and apparently for some reactions, you can stop them with the benadryl. The the "epi" in epi-pen is short for epinephrine, which makes your blood vessels open up and helps the allergen (whatever is causing the reaction) to get out of your body, and helps you breathe better. They can be used for any allergy like that, yes. But they apparently hurt really really bad. Because it's baasically this giant needle that gets jabbed into the outer side of your thigh, about half way between your knee and hip bone for at least 10 seconds, 15 if possible. Basically, epi-pens save lives. If your friends have allergies to stuff like that, ask where they keep their epi-pens. Thanks for the great information. We watched a girl run into a stop sign after she was stung by a bee and she had a really bad allergic reaction. If I had known what to ask I could have possibly helped her. Instead we just called 911. I felt totally helpless in this situation. At least I now know what to ask. Thanks again.
  11. Wow, my band is only 2-A. I do know the scoring for 2-A is generally around 60-mid80ish. What's 4-A scoring like? I know that 3-A is generally higher scored than 2-A... Anyways, State is Saturday(leave on Friday) and our last comp was kinda bad. Maybe they categorize differently is different states? We have about 100 actual members. Well, 4-A is the largest category in MO. The scoring in normally pretty high, since it's such a large group. Normally the 80s and 90s. 5-A is the highest here, and normally there are only two schools, and they're in the 80s. :/ 100 members marching around on a field is still a big number to organize!!!
  12. You had better! I still have plenty of duct tape from Arkcher's closet to attach you to Campsoup1988.
  13. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    The whole kit-and-kaboodle is something like 170 kids (ie. marching band). The wind ensemble and concert band play separate pieces in the concert except for one or two; wind ensemble has around 30 kids and concert band has the rest (I'm in the wind ensemble). 170!!!!!!!!! That is a lot of coordinating!!!
  14. CONGRATULATIONS!!! How fantastic! Your band did great. That must have been tough being beaten by a 9th place band in overall music, but you still came in second!!! A first in individual music is a great achievement! Yeah to you all!!!
  15. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Oh my!!! You have had a couple of crazy days!!! Thank God Ian is okay!!!! It is so rough that he can not have anything with peanuts in it. I would almost be so afraid, that unless I could see the peanuts myself, I would not eat anything with any type of nuts. Those were great words of advice that you gave everyone with allergies. Perfect things to know. I had no idea about liquid benadryl. One question, the epi-pen is what? Can they be used for any type of allergy? For example, if someone is allergic to bees and someone else is allergic to peanuts, can the epi-pen be used for either or do you have to have a specific one for a specific allergy. I thought I understood that any epi-pen could be used for any allergy, but I want to make sure I do not pass on bad advice. Thanks for your great post!
  16. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Just wondering, what size is your band? And what size is yours?
  17. Yaaaaaay. We's gonna call it Adam or... um. Something...? My dad suggests the name Adam, too. 'cause in some frankesntein movie, that was a monsters name. He's really wierd about old movies. whatever. Or to just pronounce it the same and name is Atom. So it'll be Atoms Apple. ... yeah. I'd name it Adam. 'cause it was Samus' spaceship. and since lappies are portable, its a suiting name. Adam is his name and he is home!!!! Yeah!!! I am sooooooo excited!!! Adam Apple is home!!! A Mac Book Pro with a 2.16 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo Processor and 3 GB of Memory!!!!!!!!! Yee Haa!!!!!!!!!! Now to get the Wacom tablet on here and a couple of other things and I will be all set! I am one very, very happy hammie!!! Memory being harddrive or RAM? 'cause if its the HArddrive, thats ridiculously low. and its its RAM, thats ridiculously high. XD Remember to load fifteen and a half Firefox attachments, and then do a bit of process hacking and get Firefox to go about 3X faster. :ninja: Its really awesome how fast it goes. Now we need to decide if its Adam Malkovich, or Adam Zapple. RAM And it's Adam Z Apple! Yaaaaaay. ... wow. Thats a lot of RAM. XD and I was really excited to get 1GB of RAM. XD Okay... there is bad news with Adam being home. I do not want to study! This is really bad!!! All I want to do is be here with Adam. Of course, there is a line of hammies wanting to get their paws all over him, but I am hogging the keyboard. Tsh. You paid for him, didnt you? XD No, I didn't pay a thing. Zero dollars. Am quite surprised that Arkcher has not responded to me not paying any money for my new compy. O_o Why? Either you got some hysterical pirated sources online, or a bunch of warranties and insurances paid for all of it and now you have a really awesome lappy. None of the above. I had Apple Care which was an insurance policy that lasted three years, but that was expired, so actually I had nothing. Well, Apple has a policy that if the repair exceeds a certain number of days, they replace your computer if they cannot fix it. Max had exceeded that number and they still could not fix him, so when I went in, they gave me a brand new shiny sleek Mac Book Pro with all the stuff I told you for zero dollars! I was so shocked and so very, very happy. I was speechless!!! My thoughts were that they would give me a refurbished laptop and I would have been super happy with that, never in my wildest dreams did I think they would give me a new computer!!! So as you can see, patience paid off.
  18. Yaaaaaay. We's gonna call it Adam or... um. Something...? My dad suggests the name Adam, too. 'cause in some frankesntein movie, that was a monsters name. He's really wierd about old movies. whatever. Or to just pronounce it the same and name is Atom. So it'll be Atoms Apple. ... yeah. I'd name it Adam. 'cause it was Samus' spaceship. and since lappies are portable, its a suiting name. Adam is his name and he is home!!!! Yeah!!! I am sooooooo excited!!! Adam Apple is home!!! A Mac Book Pro with a 2.16 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo Processor and 3 GB of Memory!!!!!!!!! Yee Haa!!!!!!!!!! Now to get the Wacom tablet on here and a couple of other things and I will be all set! I am one very, very happy hammie!!! Memory being harddrive or RAM? 'cause if its the HArddrive, thats ridiculously low. and its its RAM, thats ridiculously high. XD Remember to load fifteen and a half Firefox attachments, and then do a bit of process hacking and get Firefox to go about 3X faster. :ninja: Its really awesome how fast it goes. Now we need to decide if its Adam Malkovich, or Adam Zapple. RAM And it's Adam Z Apple! Yaaaaaay. ... wow. Thats a lot of RAM. XD and I was really excited to get 1GB of RAM. XD Okay... there is bad news with Adam being home. I do not want to study! This is really bad!!! All I want to do is be here with Adam. Of course, there is a line of hammies wanting to get their paws all over him, but I am hogging the keyboard. Tsh. You paid for him, didnt you? XD No, I didn't pay a thing. Zero dollars. Am quite surprised that Arkcher has not responded to me not paying any money for my new compy.
  19. At least Mega Wolf shows up every now and then, mostly on weekends. She has not mastered being able to type and talk on the phone at the same time. The one who has decided not to show up is - Kat -.
  20. No... I am just too lazy to log out and then log back in.
  21. Schimmislick is worth major points! As for me... 1 point. LOL Ooops... I forgot to make myself anonymouse!!! But then, who was anonymous? Now that is a good question!!! *coughs* Who took the screenie? *slaps forehead* Duh. LOL
  22. I'm still looking. It doesn't show up in the search function, but I know it is here. I have not forgotten.
  23. I am really pleased to hear this. We enjoy your company and love reading your posts!
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