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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. First, hamsters, gerbils and mice usually come in as a sibling group. But, and this is a big BUT, you have to ask to see if the store knows if the tank is a sibling bunch. They should be able to know the answer to this. Most often the store will only bring in one sex, so they should be all brothers or all sisters. Good luck. I am so sorry to hear that the other gerbil passed away. If a pet store is responsible, they should tell you that you cannot put hamsters together in the same cage or they will let you know the dwarf hamsters are siblings and can live together. The notebook covers that you can colour in would be my choice. How fun those are!!!!! I would have love to whip out my Sharpie pens and start colouring. How terrific to hear that your sister's teachers really like her. Wonderful!!! She must be quite like you!!! As for the lost of your friend's friend. I am so very sorry to hear this news. Being at a loss for words is something that will happen quite often when you hear of a death. My words of advice are to simply say that you offer your sympathies at the loss of their friend and that you are there for them. This message lets the person know that you are thinking of them and you offer your condolences, without saying too much. Losing a friend is really hard. It brings home just how vunerable life is and how short it can be for some. There is a prayer board where I have coffee, I will put up a prayer wish for your grandmother for a successful surgery and speedy recovery. I believe your grandmother's surgery will go well and she will be back up on her feet running a marathon before you know it. We will be here for you.
  2. My favorite colour is black. LOL The car is repaired and it was not the transmission... it was the computer that controls the transmission. Not quite as expensive, but pretty pricey all the same. The car is repaired and I have it back in my paws. This past weekend, I went up to Detroit to the COBO Center for another comic convention. Just for one day and the convention was amazing!!! Had an incredibly wonderful time! The best part was the fact that I brought Florida weather up to Detroit and the day was spectacular! Sunny, warm and just an overall fantastic day. Bought a couple more Mouse Guard pieces of art.
  3. Let me ask my friends who own the pet store your question. I am not sure about gerbils. When it comes to dwarf hamsters, I do know that you cannot mix even little babies who are not siblings. They will eventually kill each other.
  4. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Either state, I would go to FedEx or *cough, cough* UPS. They hire for the fall season until just past Christmas. If you are always on time and like where you are, they offer you full time employment. Initially you are hired with a guarantee of 17.5 hours per week, with medical, dental and vision benefits. As the season gets closer to Christmas, you will be working more hours than you ever desired. You get in the door as a package handler and I can help you if you choose to try. I will give you a reference which is worth quite a bit when it comes to getting in the door. They also have a $3000 per year tuition reimbursement in case you are interested in working towards your Masters.
  5. Evidently Kia is doing exceptionally well, partially because of Japan, the tsunami and the status of Toyota. When I visited them last night they only had two left, one used. Friday more are coming in. Whoo hoo!!!
  6. Those gerbil and hamster bites can hurt for a few days!!!! I am sorry to hear that the gerbils brother died. For those little guys, they really miss their siblings. Did you know... a hamster can recognize his sibling years later, after being separated?
  7. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Amazing pictures!!! No, not too big at all. The perfect size!!!!! Thank you for posting those! The artsy shot was terrific and by the way, those people waiting to board the cog train are not 'hikers' but 'riders'. YOU most definitely deserve the t-shirt!!!!! As for the fog and being so close to the buildings... that is hilarious. I totally understand what it was like. When I was in Alaska the fog was that thick. Amazing.
  8. *is hiding with a very, very red face* After I viewed the commercial, I went to iTunes and downloaded the song into my music folder. To make matters worse, the transmission went on the car. So, to make matters worse, I put the repair on hold and went down to the Kia dealer to look at a Soul.
  9. Call the different fabric stores and ask if they have black jersey fabric remnants or for that matter, a remnants section. Perhaps you can get exactly what you want in a larger quantity for an extremely great price. When I was in Hong Kong, I ventured into a fabric store and bought some amazing fabric remnants and the price was phenomenal. I would not have considered looking but the sales lady suggested I search the remnants table and was thrilled with what I found. Happy Birthday to your brother!!!! Glad you both enjoyed the time spent celebrating his birthday. Just letting you know we are thinking of you and the family. Hope your mother is doing a little better with all the stress.
  10. Horatio

    My place. :)

    What a great trip for you to plan for the future. When do the leaves start turning colours? It will be magnificent to see the beauty from Mt. Washington with all the variations. Especially with your ability to take photographs, it would be an amazing photo-journey.
  11. *is soooo embarrassed* Unfortunately I fall into this category. But my dream car is the Smart Car. I have wanted a Smart Car years before they were ever introduced into the American market. Unfortunately I have a great car that works well with absolutely no problems, so I cannot see any reason to change. But if I did... *guilt invades*
  12. Sometimes the novelty never wears off. I still love riding ALL my bikes!!! In your town, the weather is always top-down weather. You will continue enjoy driving your car for quite some time I believe. As for the ensemble, at least you are much more comfortable with this level of music and that says so much for the terrific strides in improvement you have achieved. *adoring fans are standing by*
  13. You know you are a victim of excellent advertising when you seriously consider buying a Soul. I bought Hamstar T-shirts, Hamstar Stickers, Hamstar Hats... oh my!!!
  14. *tries to think how to answer this question while wearing my Kia Hamstars t-shirt and matching hat* Ummmm... let me think a minute... *one nanosecond passes* I absolutely love it!!!!!
  15. Horatio

    My place. :)

    What a great hike!!! Mt. Washington is beautiful and it must have been great fun to be with your family. Too bad Shane was not with you. You could have suffered together.
  16. I sent him an email, we will have to wait until he replies. Can not find my notes on the name of this free music program.
  17. Okay... I admit, I am addicted... to POCKET FROGS the app for iPhones and iPads. AGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I can not stop playing this app!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. There was a note I made to myself to post here and now I cannot find it. *absent minded hamster* Anyway, I will have to get the name of a great free program to give you. One of my first officer's told me about it and I wrote it down for you, now I will have to ask him again. My apologies.
  19. *hands Mushroom_king a delicately woven basket of freshly baked warm cookiefins* I know that I repeat myself, but this story is getting better and better and your writing is really developing! Fantastic! Truly enjoyable reading! Thank you!!!
  20. Learning about how to build discussion boards is interesting... and harder than I thought. I admire Jesse for having his board up when he did. He is a genius at these things. Your mother and grandmother, and all the family are in my heart, thoughts and prayers. Hopefully your mother will not be too stressed, although I know I would be as well. So your talents extend to creating fashion!!! WOW!!! Please do post pictures. That is so amazing that you are so creative and can take your ideas from just a thought to the actual garment. I am impressed!!! Always remember, we are here for you.
  21. How beautiful!!! Red!!! Very nice!!!!! I am really happy for you!!! As for the music... you have worked so very hard and making the ensemble is just what you deserve for these efforts. The lesson here is to always give things a try as the only person who can limit you is yourself. Perhaps had you auditioned last year, you might have made it. How did the Hollywood event go? When does the show air? Please let us know.
  22. Well, I have been collecting my miscellaneous photos that are scattered all over my various photo devices. After returning from China and getting sick, AGAIN, I figured that I needed to organize my stuff before I forget where the pictures were taken. My thought was create folders, Korea, Shenzhen, Hong Kong, etc, then put the appropriate pictures into each folder. Before you say it, yes, it does take me a little time to organize my thoughts into a good pattern. Anyway, better late than never. So, before the week is out, I should have some more pictures posted for everyone to view.
  23. You are quite lucky!!! If it was me, they would have wanted three forms of certified bank check signed by the President of the United States, and endorsed by a major sports player, hand-delivered while standing on my head drinking seven-up.
  24. Horatio

    My place. :)

    There is something to be said for a faire that is uncrowded... it is great for the customers and awful for the presenters.
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