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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. GLOWURM!!! My apologies. *orders a Glowurm* No, no! Glowurm needs to come and make your Eggnog! Bah. I'll do it. *pours Horatio a glass of Eggnog.* That 30.00H$ is coming out of Glowurm's paycheck... You are such a tough boss! Bah. Three seconds to wash my hands is more important then no modding for a week. *gives Glowurm an extremely large tip for being so conscientious* Ooh. *eyes light up* Wait. MK probably wants it >_> WHAT ?!?!? ARE YOU CRAZY????? She owns the place!!!
  2. GLOWURM!!! My apologies. *orders a Glowurm* No, no! Glowurm needs to come and make your Eggnog! Bah. I'll do it. *pours Horatio a glass of Eggnog.* That 30.00H$ is coming out of Glowurm's paycheck... You are such a tough boss! Bah. Three seconds to wash my hands is more important then no modding for a week. *gives Glowurm an extremely large tip for being so conscientious*
  3. GLOWURM!!! My apologies. *orders a Glowurm* No, no! Glowurm needs to come and make your Eggnog! Bah. I'll do it. *pours Horatio a glass of Eggnog.* That 30.00H$ is coming out of Glowurm's paycheck... You are such a tough boss!
  4. Not Cheesemaster's fault. That was my fault. The two posts were in the queue at the same time, so instead of only posting yours, I added your three words into Cheesemaster's and made an error. My apologies Glowurm.
  5. GLOWURM!!! My apologies. *orders a Glowurm*
  6. Please ask your mother to block your face or at least your eyes so that you are not recognizable.
  7. I LOVE it!!! You deserve The Platinum Moon Award for this. Perhaps Mushroom_king can get some love ideas for her song. *hands Glowurm his award*
  8. I thought the pic was outstandingly fantastic! I am trying to find a way to hide your faces and post the pic. Not until Monday as I am at an art show helping my friend, a glass artist, and I have escaped and run into the hotel lobby to use their wireless network. Hope that is okay! Still waiting, horatio! My you are patient. LOL
  9. Something being... fiber? no, cause i definitely meant "time away from something else." I didn't make a poop joke, no. LOL LOL LOL No you didn't, I did. because you I definitely didn't think that someone would think of that kind of regular when i said regular. There was most totally no catching on to an implied poop joke. Definitely not. You just have not watched enough adverts on the tele! Pollute your brain some more and then you will pick up on all the advert phrases. And taking something to get regular is a favorite phrase of a few products. LOL horation, can't you tell sarcasm when I jumps and slaps you in the face with a hammer? There was a poop joke implied, i did make a poop joke, i wanted someone to think of that kind of regular. DUH........... Do you forget I am a blonde???????? You make me more aware of it from day to day. xD *wide eyes* Really? *rolled eyes* No, I was being sarcastic. *sarcasm* Are you making fun of a blonde? Well whadd'you want us to do? XD Feed me! That is an awsome response. 5000 monopoly monies for you. xD *grabs the monopoly monies and stuffs them into my pouch* Thanks. These will be great for bedding. But I said... FEED ME! *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* *Gives Horatio Eggnog and Cookie* *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* OHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! Thank you sooooooo much!!! I love Egg Nog! *is really happy now * *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Hooray! *drinks some Eggnog herself* Speaking of which, I should make some Holiday stuff at Planet Horatio. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* Great idea. Why don't you make a non-alcoholic version for me. It is too early in the morning to start drinking alcohol. LOL
  10. A couple of bad things can be fixed. You can focus a bit and attempt to do better in school. If you are having some problems, then perhaps it is because no one has taught you the correct way to study. Sometimes it is just an organizational thing. Constantly fighting with the parents can be fixed as well. It might take time, but it will get better. As for a job, I hope you get one. Please do not get one that interferes with your studies. New friends, new experiences, new outlooks, new thoughts, I am really happy you are having some good times. The new crush, is it reciprocal? I hope so. If you need to talk, we are here. yeah. bad things gett better with time. i can sit all these things out and watch them grow by themselves. im not too bummed. i hope he likes me back were both very similar and he has such a sweet heart i do hope to steal it :] I believe you will.
  11. Have you heard their latest Bat Out of ______ III CD? I was just wondering how it is. Random fact: That got ninth most popular album in Australia this year. Dark side of the moon got first Interesting.
  12. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Thanks for clarifying it for me. Being a violin player, you never learn about marching band. LOL Hmm...marching violinists! Now there's a thought...could it actually be done?? Probably. I think most instruments you can march with. It's just ones like double bases and violoncellos that you can't o_O Ironically enough, I used to play the piano (can't march with that...) and the cello (nor that...) and I've been thinking of taking up drumming (and how would you march around with a whole kit? o_O) You will get to pick one to hang around your neck. Might I suggest the kettle drum? LOL
  13. This news I am happy to hear!!! sometimes i think im bipolar. i feel like i fit some of the things but not all sometimes i think its silly to think that way im just a teenager, right? its gotta be the hormones or the drugs whichever. im really not sure but either way, things are changing and i like it. I wish I could convince you to stop the drugs. You would definitely feel much better.
  14. This is fantastic!!! I do hope the up sides out weigh the down sides. eh. well maybe. let's measure.. bad things- ex boyfriend still in love with me clueless crush broke/in debt falling behind in school constantly fighting parents good things- new crush new outlook on life new expeiriences new thoughts on things new friends i need a job, and money and a lesson about shutting up and dropping hints and edique. but ive got friends and ive got 'iish' family and im doing okay i had a recent relapse in sucidal thoughts and self injury but im okay now and ive learned from it. A couple of bad things can be fixed. You can focus a bit and attempt to do better in school. If you are having some problems, then perhaps it is because no one has taught you the correct way to study. Sometimes it is just an organizational thing. Constantly fighting with the parents can be fixed as well. It might take time, but it will get better. As for a job, I hope you get one. Please do not get one that interferes with your studies. New friends, new experiences, new outlooks, new thoughts, I am really happy you are having some good times. The new crush, is it reciprocal? I hope so. If you need to talk, we are here.
  15. [A measly five points????? Make it cookies and I will spot anything!!!]
  16. Have you heard their latest Bat Out of ______ III CD? I was just wondering how it is.
  17. Yo... Lexxy!!! How's life on the other side of the USA?
  18. Can you eat the decorations? No. o.O It's all lights and trees and penguins and poinsettias and stuff. lol the penguins remind me of Sheena...is she even still alive? I miss her British-penguin self. She hasn't been here in quite some time. I would guess that she is doing great.
  19. *runs outside* It is dark, a relatively clear night, a little cool for my liking. No wind, pretty quiet and a few Christmas lights here and there. Is that enough of an outside perspective for you? lol Glad you liked that.
  20. And no nuclear energy. Why no nuclear energy? If nukes were never discovered, then nuclear energy would not have been discovered. I wish we had nuclear energy but no nuclear weapons. Wouldn't that be wonderful. I wish the same.
  21. Something being... fiber? no, cause i definitely meant "time away from something else." I didn't make a poop joke, no. LOL LOL LOL No you didn't, I did. because you I definitely didn't think that someone would think of that kind of regular when i said regular. There was most totally no catching on to an implied poop joke. Definitely not. You just have not watched enough adverts on the tele! Pollute your brain some more and then you will pick up on all the advert phrases. And taking something to get regular is a favorite phrase of a few products. LOL horation, can't you tell sarcasm when I jumps and slaps you in the face with a hammer? There was a poop joke implied, i did make a poop joke, i wanted someone to think of that kind of regular. DUH........... Do you forget I am a blonde???????? You make me more aware of it from day to day. xD *wide eyes* Really? *rolled eyes* No, I was being sarcastic. *sarcasm* Are you making fun of a blonde? Well whadd'you want us to do? XD Feed me! That is an awsome response. 5000 monopoly monies for you. xD *grabs the monopoly monies and stuffs them into my pouch* Thanks. These will be great for bedding. But I said... FEED ME! *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* *Gives Horatio Eggnog and Cookie* *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* OHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! Thank you sooooooo much!!! I love Egg Nog! *is really happy now *
  22. *runs outside* It is dark, a relatively clear night, a little cool for my liking. No wind, pretty quiet and a few Christmas lights here and there. Is that enough of an outside perspective for you?
  23. And no nuclear energy. Why no nuclear energy? If nukes were never discovered, then nuclear energy would not have been discovered.
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