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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Thanks for clarifying it for me. Being a violin player, you never learn about marching band. LOL Hmm...marching violinists! Now there's a thought...could it actually be done?? Probably. I think most instruments you can march with. It's just ones like double bases and violoncellos that you can't o_O Ironically enough, I used to play the piano (can't march with that...) and the cello (nor that...) and I've been thinking of taking up drumming (and how would you march around with a whole kit? o_O) You will get to pick one to hang around your neck. Might I suggest the kettle drum? LOL The Timpani. But I still think you wouldn't get a good beat out of a drum without at least the basics. You just have a bunch of drumming marchers. Co-ordinating them would be heck xD You can have drums in the marching band. They're an essential part of each breakfast of the band. They'd be tasty fun. Now that I am no longer in your stomach, you have plenty of room. LOL
  2. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Ian has a great sense of humor in light of all that has happened. He sounds like a really cool guy. The opera sounds like it was phenomenal, followed by a great place to have dinner. As for Ian's car problems... well, have you ever thought of getting him a bicycle? lol yes, Ian is an amazing person. The type of person you only meet once in a lifetime, if you're lucky. And the opera was phenominal, and I was quite happy to get chicken noodle soup at Panera. Lol, a bike is sounding better and better, although I've got a feeling that the handlebars would fall off. ROFOCLH... then perhaps a unicycle. Less parts.
  3. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Ian has a great sense of humor in light of all that has happened. He sounds like a really cool guy. The opera sounds like it was phenomenal, followed by a great place to have dinner. As for Ian's car problems... well, have you ever thought of getting him a bicycle?
  4. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    Thanks for clarifying it for me. Being a violin player, you never learn about marching band. LOL Hmm...marching violinists! Now there's a thought...could it actually be done?? Probably. I think most instruments you can march with. It's just ones like double bases and violoncellos that you can't o_O Ironically enough, I used to play the piano (can't march with that...) and the cello (nor that...) and I've been thinking of taking up drumming (and how would you march around with a whole kit? o_O) You will get to pick one to hang around your neck. Might I suggest the kettle drum? LOL The Timpani. But I still think you wouldn't get a good beat out of a drum without at least the basics. You just have a bunch of drumming marchers. Co-ordinating them would be heck xD You can have drums in the marching band. They're an essential part of each breakfast of the band. *hands out earplugs*
  5. life is awesome on drugs. i understand if you dont want to take them but its my choice. get over it. if you dont want to read them i dont mind there for me, about me, and my life includes drugs. :] The sad part of this story is that the drugs will ruin your life far beyond what you will ever know. thanx for caring i honestly dont I know.
  6. A couple of bad things can be fixed. You can focus a bit and attempt to do better in school. If you are having some problems, then perhaps it is because no one has taught you the correct way to study. Sometimes it is just an organizational thing. Constantly fighting with the parents can be fixed as well. It might take time, but it will get better. As for a job, I hope you get one. Please do not get one that interferes with your studies. New friends, new experiences, new outlooks, new thoughts, I am really happy you are having some good times. The new crush, is it reciprocal? I hope so. If you need to talk, we are here. yeah. bad things gett better with time. i can sit all these things out and watch them grow by themselves. im not too bummed. i hope he likes me back were both very similar and he has such a sweet heart i do hope to steal it :] I believe you will. thanx. i went to see him today(he lives down the street) i got in a huge fight with my parents (physical, again) and after i stopped crying i walked to his house we only got to hang out for like 20 mins cuz he had to get ready for work and i was so upset i couldnt really talk but it was better to be with him then alone. I'm sorry you got into a fight with your parents. Please try really hard not to get into any physical fights with your parents. Get yelled at for walking away leave, but please do not let the fights get physical. they always do now a days. its all good sometimes. Physical fights are never good. What I am afraid of is that one of these days, someone will get seriously hurt.
  7. Thanks for the nice break... now back to my studies. I am in Hydraulics. See you later!
  8. That's what you think. When you weren't looking she got a pic of you and then text underneath your pic. XD I dunno why, your saying 'thats what you think' just strikes me as really hilarious. Im pretty sure her phone dun have a camera on it, but I could be mistaken. Its a bar phone with a ridiculously small screen on it, and huge buttons. No idea what kind it was. but that'd be nice if thats what happened. n_n Oh yeah. Driving home, We were stopped at one of them traffic lights (which was red for like 2 solid minutes) and saw that Marcus, who drives The Denzel and Brianrietta around, was next to us. We waved at them, and it took Marcus a few minutes to figure out who we were. XD but The Denzel seemed overly excited to see my sister and I. Not wanting to make too big of a deal out of it, We looked off somewhere else, waiting to go, and we looked back over at The Denzel, and she had traded seats with Brianrietta. I glanced over at them, and she was already looking over at us, and she gave us the wierdest wave I've ever seen. She looked like she was bouncing up and down swinging her hand in a circular motion, not up and down or off to the sides, but in and out. XD I think its hilarious. n_n What I was implying by saying 'that's what you think, was you were saying she was texting, and I was asying that if she had the camera function... you were in there. She probably has pics of you as her skin and wallpaper. You just were not thinking BIG enough. Actually I think she is putting a smile on my face.
  9. Seeyuh's later, Horatio. Do good in studying whatever it is you're studying. XD I was trying to get you to help me study. You can go online and do the studying for me if you would like.
  10. Well... it is time for me to study. I would love to stay and post, but I have hours of work to do and need to start now. I will check on all day as I don't have immense powers of concentration. Talk to you later. Horatio
  11. That's what you think. When you weren't looking she got a pic of you and then text underneath your pic.
  12. Before I comment... where did you find the article? I would very much like to read it. Was there any write-up in the Economist about this? I couldn't find any reference and I am a subscriber so it would allow me to do research. Sorry, I should have made it clearer. This was a BBC drama, not actually fact. Although, I have the sneaking suspicion it may happen and turn out that way. As to Bushisms and Iraq. Well, we're getting out in the Spring of 2007 according to our defence minister, so on the troops side of thing, Iraq is on the way to the aforementioned service station. And the Prime Minister of Iraq and Bush? He says he will stay until "the job is done." What he means is; "We're gonna wait for another Vietnam moment." The scary thing is that sometimes these dramas have a way of coming true. TGHL... if you were able, what would you do, who would you meet with, to stop the sectarian violence in Iraq and the Middle East? How much I fear, that given half a chance, both our countries would join in on the Aftermath program. You ask a difficult question. In a theoretical situation, I would have to be PM for Britain and adjusted British foreign policy considerably. For a start, I would keep Iran and Syria away from the talks. Give them representation at any roundtable, conference or discussion and they will influence the various groups into a position in which they hold all the cards. On the other hand, they have links to the organisations anyway and would most likely be talking to the various leaders even if they weren't at the conference. Iran and Syria's inclusion at any form of talks is a difficult decision to make. Get the leaders, or at least delegates, from the main, organised groups behind some of the violence. Invite the groups like Hezbollah in and get them talking, try and get them to state what they want and what it will take to cease hostilities and talking. Quite whether anything will be achieved by this or not, I cannot say, and I am sceptical as to whether Sunni and Shi'ite extremists would cease trying to kill each other, no matter how much you try and get them to talk. Israel would be beaten with a stick. Metaphorically. No place in the talks, and no interferrance. They would be antagonistic, inflame the situation and metaphorically burn the talks to the ground. They would be dealt seperately, and I'd use Britain as a broker between Palestine and Israel, which we should do anyway given the fact that we created Israel and messed the whole thing up in the first place anyway. What I'd really need is a change in foreign policy from the US Administration, you couldn't quell any small border wars between Israel and its neighbours is Israel has the backing of the US. Interesting thoughts. Perhaps you should run for office. As you say, it is important to include all the religious leaders. Although I agree with you and feel the violence probably won't stop, maybe we can try and hope for the best. Getting them to meet and have a say in what is happening just might be a start. What are your views on Pres. Bush's replacement for Rumsfeld? Look for that book I told you about... State of Denial by Bob Woodward.
  13. Today is my favorite kind of day. I woke up, looked outside and there is a fantastic fog over the river. A fog so thick you are unable to see the other side. It is a drizzly-type day with some wind and low overcast. I LOVE these days!!! I almost wish it would stay on the darker overcast rainy side all day, but that never happens in Florida unless we have hurricanes, and that season is over.
  14. I'm here now. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* I'm already past that. O.o *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*(~* We had a party for you, but you were in Europe. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*'' Where is the party? D= *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy domien*~* It's already over. We had a great time! Horatio, stop lying. I don't remember no par-tay. Sorry, you missed it as well. You were at a Pink Floyd concert. Well it should have been blue and unread when I got back! Which it wasn't! >_ Blue? Nothing blue about it. Pinks, yellows, reds, greens, lots and lots of colors. It was a very special party for everyone who was here at the moment. Then we made a pact and it vanished.
  15. Have you heard their latest Bat Out of ______ III CD? I was just wondering how it is. well, It's pretty good, doesn't seem to quite have, well something, that the first had. I still havn't managed to find the second one when I have money to spare to buy it. Life... funny how that works. I am in the same position as you. When I have spare money, I couldn't find the second one either. Never did get it.
  16. You won't have to worry about drinking and driving, you probably will not make it out of here alive. *waits for Mushroom_king to reappear* *reappears* Okay, now what? Did you read Arkcher's post? *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Yes. Seeing how Glowurm has slithered off, I will have to make the shake myself. Arkcher, the dirnk-and-drive notice is only for The Alcoholic drinks. Now. What flavour and waht topping do you want? *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* Pff. Thats boring. You shouldnt be allowed to drive after having a shake. A supra-million chocolate one, 'cause they're good. and a topping of. ... stuff. Mashed potatoes. Yum Mashed potatoes. So. What kinda milkshake? Like, glowing milkshake? Or one of the other milkshakes? o_O *wonders if there will be gravy on those mash potatoes*
  17. I seeeeeeeyooouuuuuu tooooooo Arkcherrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. LOL
  18. life is awesome on drugs. i understand if you dont want to take them but its my choice. get over it. if you dont want to read them i dont mind there for me, about me, and my life includes drugs. :] The sad part of this story is that the drugs will ruin your life far beyond what you will ever know.
  19. A couple of bad things can be fixed. You can focus a bit and attempt to do better in school. If you are having some problems, then perhaps it is because no one has taught you the correct way to study. Sometimes it is just an organizational thing. Constantly fighting with the parents can be fixed as well. It might take time, but it will get better. As for a job, I hope you get one. Please do not get one that interferes with your studies. New friends, new experiences, new outlooks, new thoughts, I am really happy you are having some good times. The new crush, is it reciprocal? I hope so. If you need to talk, we are here. yeah. bad things gett better with time. i can sit all these things out and watch them grow by themselves. im not too bummed. i hope he likes me back were both very similar and he has such a sweet heart i do hope to steal it :] I believe you will. thanx. i went to see him today(he lives down the street) i got in a huge fight with my parents (physical, again) and after i stopped crying i walked to his house we only got to hang out for like 20 mins cuz he had to get ready for work and i was so upset i couldnt really talk but it was better to be with him then alone. I'm sorry you got into a fight with your parents. Please try really hard not to get into any physical fights with your parents. Get yelled at for walking away leave, but please do not let the fights get physical.
  20. Pee-shaw. I was just joking. Note the 'haha' part. So was I! Note the 'LOL' part.
  21. Outstanding!!! Really wonderful! thanks! I have several more if you'd like to see! Please. Why don't you put them all in this topic.
  22. Now does it feel cold? Did you get any snow where you live?
  23. Outstanding!!! Really wonderful!
  24. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Let me start studying and I will return after I get a good start. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Okay. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* Thanks. See you in a bit.
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