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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. *gets oxygen and gives it to Mega Wolf* Get the paddles. If this doesn't work... plan two. *sees Mega Wolf start coming around*
  2. Your house??? Can I come and stay at your house? *packs bags and gets airplane ready*
  3. You need to go to Hampton and read LifesEagles topic. She returned today. Her topic is pinned near Jesse's.
  4. woo. LE Ftw! XD ... Wha'evuh. Ftw = For the win. Okay. Didn't know that one. My apologies. Glad to hear you had a great concert! The Peanuts Theme Song would have been fun to play.
  5. Time for me to run and have dinner. Be back in a couple of hours, then outside to take pictures of the shuttle launch. See you all in a bit!!! Horatio
  6. lol I put the pic up in (insert networking site here) and he commented, "It had been a long time since i buckled some swash." LOL. Great minds think alike!!! LOL
  7. Such great advice!!! *gives Jesusfreak The Red Rose Award* lol thanks. And I should have listened. I have a rechargeable battery and a back-up battery that is usually charged, but you have to remember where that back-up battery is. I wanted to take a couple pictures of my hammie friends and *listen to Jesusfreak* popped into my head as my camera said... battery zero.
  8. Better in New Jersey than in Florida. Yep. I can't wait for snow! They say it might snow on Friday, I think. I will remind you of how nice it is to be on the beach when the snow turns to dirty slush. LOL lol The forecast has changed to scattered flurries overnight, and just plain wind and cold tomorrow. :glare: Just to make your day a bit worse, here is a picture of the moon last night... tonight is the space launch. It is going to happen at around 21H35 this evening. Pictures hopefully will be posted later. The night launches are really hard to take pictures of with this digital, so cross your paws, fingers, toes, hooves, anything. Very pretty. What brand of camera do you have? Just a little Nikon Coolpix. I had a little trouble because I didn't have a tripod or something to hold it steady. It's a really big camera for a hamster. So, I was a little shaky. *thinks... maybe it was too much sugar and caffeine*
  9. You get The Red Rose Award for that screenshot!!! *hands Jesusfreak her award* Wooo! At the rate I'm going, I can make a bouquet! Very true!!! And these roses live forever!!! LOL
  10. Lots of time. Start talking. Or go to bed and start talking tomorrow.
  11. Better in New Jersey than in Florida. Yep. I can't wait for snow! They say it might snow on Friday, I think. I will remind you of how nice it is to be on the beach when the snow turns to dirty slush. LOL lol The forecast has changed to scattered flurries overnight, and just plain wind and cold tomorrow. :glare: Just to make your day a bit worse, here is a picture of the moon last night... tonight is the space launch. It is going to happen at around 21H35 this evening. Pictures hopefully will be posted later. The night launches are really hard to take pictures of with this digital, so cross your paws, fingers, toes, hooves, anything.
  12. You get The Red Rose Award for that screenshot!!! *hands Jesusfreak her award*
  13. The part of your life you are now experiencing is probably the hardest you will ever go through. I am glad that you are over those actions and don't feel the urges to repeat those actions. If you ever feel really down, please come here, talk to us. At least one person might have gone through or is going through whatever it is that you are experiencing. As for the friend telling you she hates you, there is something much more to that statement. Believe me I know your heart must hurt, but I know there is something more to her feelings than what she blurted out. One thing that you must let go of is, that you did not influence your friend to do anything she did not want to do. You did not force her to hurt herself. And you did not have her hurt herself to a worse degree. She did that on her own. Please do not feel as though it was your fault she hurt herself.
  14. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    I clicked on the box to approve it, clicked on reply, replied, then clicked approve. It is a bit of a pain to go about it the other way. Just wanted to see if you were watching. BTW, those orange micicles are fresh from the grove. I picked the oranges myself from the tree in my neighbor's yard. And yes, I did ask permission first....
  15. E X C U U U U U S S S S S E E E E E M E E E E E?????????????? Just keeping you on your toes. I've got to go to bed soon. It's late. Oh, and I'm waiting for your feedback on whether I should say what has happened to me (or what I MADE happen to me). I'd like to share it with you but I need to be... careful. Absolutely. Go for it. Just always remember, you have friends here who love you unconditionally and will never judge you... except if you eat small rodents of the hamster variety! *thinks* Wait... if I am in your stomach, I might not have too much to say.
  16. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    You are my hero!!! Thank you sooooooo much!!! *runs and puts it into Adams how-to file* *gives Jesse a big box of Orange Micicles*
  17. E X C U U U U U S S S S S E E E E E M E E E E E??????????????
  18. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    I know you have told me this a few times, but I put the directions on Max, my last computer and now that Adam is here, I can't remember. Please tell me how to do both the screen shots. Please?
  19. Unfortunately, life is not always good to people. The good thing is if you can get through it and be better for it. If you can, then somehow something much better comes out of it.
  20. woo. LE What! XD Why can't I remember what Jesse told me???? Why???????????????
  21. So, do you still have your old email address? I am making sure that I do not lose you!!!
  22. I will and so do I... especially the food one! LOL Food one? Thou art confusing me. The smilie eating the hamburger.
  23. Here are some of the people here, I will complete the list when my brain stops spinning... Arkcher, Cheesemaster, Dog Lover,Im_soo_cool (FunkyMonkey2011), Hamster Luver, Jesse, Jesusfreak - Kat - (Katdacatis#1), Krisluvsdogs, Lexxscrapham, Mega Wolf, Moosey368, Mullaypop, Mushroom_king, Schimmislick, TBFOF (Moneylover), Taynio, TGHL , Topazia, Toto, Vixen (Lee), Wildcat, xMyOwnMindx (PuppyDog) to start the list (alphabetically), EmilyE and PoisonIvy have made guest appearance. New people are Glowurm (Australia) and CampSoup. Board psychologists are Cheesemaster and Mega Wolf. Board gurus are Arkcher, Campsoup, Cheesemaster, Glowurm, Lexxscrapham and TGHL. Not for a while. You can always start and I can edit. There have been lots of things here and you might be shocked at what. Check out Jesusfreak's pics topic in Original Art. HampsterKing even posted a pic of himself.
  24. I will and so do I... especially the food one! LOL
  25. Spill your guts... we are here! Cheesemaster and Mega Wolf are the resident psychologists with the rest of us putting our two cents in. We have a relationship topic. *runs off to pin this topic*
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