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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. Horatio

    My place. :)

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!! I know that you are really, really happy!!! Celebrate! I will have a cup of butter rum coffee in your honour!!! Shane is probably sad to have to return home. Nice to know that you both had a spectacular weekend.
  2. Counting down the days until I have my new iPhone.
  3. If one is good, two are better. No, just kidding. One for me and one for my best friend. Kind of like if you were ordering... one for you and one for Shane.
  4. ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL RIGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!! I have received my order confirmations for two of the new iPhones to be delivered to my home on the 14th. Life is sooooooo good! And yes... the truth is out, I am an Apple tech junkie.
  5. Horatio

    My place. :)

    WHOO HOO!!!! Life is good!!!!! I am so happy to hear you are subbing. At least you have your foot in the door. Next comes your permanent teaching position. I am really happy things are going your way.
  6. Please let us take a minute to say a prayer for the family of Steve Jobs. Although we did not know him personally, the lives of millions have been touched and changed by his genius, creativity and the strength of character to follow his dreams. I am deeply saddened by the loss of such a great man, but can say that I am thrilled to have lived in the time where his vision impacted my life in such a positive manner. No matter where you are, or what device you use, you will always remember Steve Jobs. He changed the world. Rest In Peace. Horatio
  7. Thank you. Disregard my previous request in the check-in topic. I will search now.
  8. Okay... you will need to email some key words to search for.
  9. My friend wanted me to bunnysit her to rabbits. She mentioned that they have a little bad-bunny habit... they like to chew on furniture legs. Well, I do not believe that they will visiting my house anytime soon. I happen to enjoy sitting on a chair that has all four legs of equal length.
  10. Horatio

    My place. :)

    What a wonderful way to start the day... with OUTSTANDING news!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!! This is the news we have all been waiting for! Not only do you substitute teach and get your food in the door, you will have another option to show how good you are!!!!! I am so excited for you! Good luck!!!
  11. WOW! Your mother has a really tough job! Like you, I could not think of becoming a doctor. I remember using an ultrasound machine on horses not for pictures but for a sort of sore muscle treatment. Never did know if it worked, but it seemed to be the rage at the time. Spelling was one of those things on my mother's list that you absolutely, positively had to do correctly. There was no other option. There is a book that was recently published by a couple people who traveled across the USA photographing spelling errors. For some reason, I seem to think that it ended up being a special for television. It is amazing just how bad people spell, and in many cases, they have spell check!!! Grammar on the other hand, is one of those things that I could never master. I do try. One of my favorite books is Eats Shoots and Leaves. If you have not seen this book, it is outstanding. (What a difference a comma makes.) Great news about K. This is exactly the news I was hoping for. He will have good days and bad days, but hopefully the good days will be more and more. How nice of Sean to give K his laptop! Sounds like you both had a terrific birthday celebration for Sean. Gym memberships... at least you did not purchase those on the first of the year. Purple gym shorts... nice!!! Add some orange and you have FedEx colours.
  12. Which show???????????????????? ARRRRGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH! How can I watch if I do not know what show to watch?!?!?!?!?
  13. The weather felt a little chilly, but great for sitting outside and enjoying a cup of hot butter rum flavoured coffee.
  14. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Glad to hear that orientation went well. It sounds really perfect that you are between two branches, that will double your chances for substitute days. Usually most companies will not send you for drug testing unless they are serious, so this is a very good sign!!! Even though you have this as a third choice on your list, at least it is something. Ohhhh, your sister must be really missing her boyfriend to be so grouchy. For you getting a job and getting out of the house will be great. It looks like things are looking up for you.
  15. Well I learned something today... I had no idea that a synthesizing stethoscope (not only is it a tongue-twister, but a spelling challenge), was the definition of ultrasound. Very interesting. What kind of job does your mother do? Does she do ultrasounds? Glad to know I am not alone in not being able to handle being a vet. For some strange reason, the blood or taking care of abcesses, and stuff like that did not bother me, just the crying. Now for myself, I cannot handle seeing or having blood drawn from my arm. So a career in human healthcare was also out. The cannon bone is the bone between knee (front leg) or hock (rear leg) to the fetlock. The fetlock is the equivalent of our ankle. You are right. My friend has a ragdoll cat, appropriately named Rags, and he is a lover, very much the little human. I love the fact that a cat could shake his head no. I guess I am more of a dog person, although I did have cats and dogs growing up. The cats were more barn cats than house cats, except for one and he thought he was a dog. K will have good days and bad days, but at least he is getting back on track. This is good to hear. His friends had an enormous part in his feeling better. Thank you for the nice words. I wish I could write one-tenth as well as you guys. English was never my strong subject. Spelling yes, but that is where it ended. I will celebrate for Sean on the 30th! Happy Birthday tomorrow Sean!!!
  16. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, I am so sorry. I can only imagine just how difficult this is for you. On top of this all a cold... yuck. The two good points are the fact that you did get a job and you will get another teaching certification.
  17. I agree... walking around the store playing with computers is far better than the cash register. Like you, I do not like to sell. Unless it is Apple, you might as well not even ask me. So you can see, I am way tooooooooo opinionated for working in a sales position. You are so tough on your sister. Stethoscope. I almost cannot get that word out. When you give her the necklace, if you are worried that she will lose it, you could always tell her she can only wear it on special occasions until she is ____ (pick an age). A vet tech... K is an amazing person. I tried to work in a veterinarian's office. My goal was to be a vet and I thought the best way to see if this was something I truly desired would be to work there. As you might guess, it did not last too long. I was way to emotional for the job. When people had their pets put to sleep, and they wanted to see them after they were 'gone', I would set up a little table, lacy sheet and matching pillow, and place their special friend on part of the sheet, with their head on the pillow and bring the rest of the sheet up over them, as if they were sleeping. Then as I wheeled them into one of the rooms, I would be crying as if it was my pet. The owner's loved it as they felt we really cared, but it was too much for me. The last straw was when a little cocker spaniel was hit by a car and his eyeball had popped out. Oh my goodness... you cannot put them to sleep, just a local anesthetic. Well, I was useless. the little puppy just cried and cried (sounds), and I cried and cried (tears). I gave them my two week notice. My next venture into this arena was at the race track as a vet's assistant. (I know you are asking... did I not learn?) Well, I was doing really well with the big animals, not as many euthanized pets, until one of the horses broke her cannon bone. Euthanizing her just made me cry and so that was when I decided I needed to find another profession. Well, that was off the topic and rambling, but my point was that I am glad to hear he is in a great job with lots of support. Bosch will sometimes be better support than a human as K will not have to talk and Bosch will give unconditional love and support. Dogs have a sense about those things. I am glad he does not have a cat as I do not believe they have the same ability to sense when their human counterpart needs attention. Keep us posted on everything as we love hearing from you.
  18. Horatio

    My place. :)

    That is terrific news about your health insurance. What a great thing for the insurance company to change it's requirements. The old requirements were so narrow-minded and you are so very fortunate. Hope the Dress Barn hires you and really soon. Waiting is so hard. I am sorry that it is part-time, but in this case it sounds perfect. You can get your foot in the door substitute teaching and then have something where you can count on money coming in. Is it safe to assume that you are still in New Jersey or is your teaching license good for Connecticut as well? Shane will be crazy if you are not near.
  19. I am so happy the car is fixed. What a relief. As for the comic con... what a great time I have at these events. When there is a comic convention, you need to go. Best fun you will have, guaranteed.
  20. OOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Well, next time you will be a winner!!!!! At least it came down to minutes worked. I think they should have called it a tie and given you both free lunches. Your friend K, who is still working, is doing a good thing. Much better to be working than sitting at home thinking about what had happened. I am glad to hear he is still dedicated enough to continue doing his job. He sounds like a pretty good person. Emily the smilie princess!!!!! You have to love those smilies!
  21. I would not hesitate on the FedEx thing. It might only be a two month commitment, so hope over there and ask. If you wait two weeks, then they might not be hiring for the holiday season. You will not be hired on the spot. It takes a bit. Also, you can make it work around your job hunting during the day. This is evening, night and early morning work. It lasts only through the end of the year and perhaps the first week in January. Remember to let me know as I can help with a reference which will open a door or two.
  22. Horatio

    My place. :)

    Movado watches are beautiful! I hope you get the job!!! Dress Barn would be a better place than Wally World, and either way, I hope you get something soon! You can always work the shift at FedEx before or after the other shifts at your other jobs. If you wanted, it could only last through the end of December or first week in January, but it would be an additional chunk of money and health benefits. The health benefits are worth their weight in platinum. Good luck with the substitute teaching! This is really what you want, so I hope it works and you get a full week of substitute teaching every week.
  23. What you do not realize is that you are doing better, in tiny increments. When you have change in small increments, you cannot see the difference. When someone else sees you, who has not seen you for a while, then the improvement is obvious. Sometimes I feel as if my mind is under my matter.
  24. Amazing how the time flew by! As Jesusfreak said, I cannot believe it has been a year! Certainly you have had a most memorable year!!! If you are struggling for a job, check out FedEx there in the hub at the airport. For a part time position you will get health (medical and vision) and dental insurance and tuition rebate. It is not your field, but if you need a place to be until the end of the year, this is a place to start. Welcome home!!!
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