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Everything posted by Horatio

  1. 1-20: possibly. *~*The rand Illusion*~!*The Final Cut(*~* Will I get a CDs by David Bowie, Europe, and Rainbow CDs? I forgot them. I don't know which Rainbow CD I want yet. *~*The Psyhcedelic Luau*~*The Astrobnomy Domine*~* Why is the "W" pink? Because violet comes out sort of pinkish. VIOLET - VIOLET BOLD PURPLE - PURPLE BOLD See?!?!? For comparison: PINK - PINK BOLD 'Tis silly, violet should be more violent. whoops, typo. xD I think you ought to take credit... it was a stellar response! LOL
  2. Horatio

    My place. :)

    How exciting!!! Ian sounds like such a considerate person. Glad to hear your finals are over. What a relief... especially before Christmas. Have fun in the city! I love walking down Fifth Avenue and looking at the displays in the store windows. Paris has some wonderful displays as do many cities in Germany. You will enjoy the show at Radio City Music Hall. If you have not been before, I guarantee you will have a fantastic time. Wish I was there with you!!! No, classes are over, finals are not. I still have finals. Yes, Ian never ceases to amaze me. Sometimes this is in a good way, and sometimes it's in a "You're a total idiot" way. Guilty of reading what I wanted to read, not what you wrote. Good luck on finals. Please let me know what Ian's surprise was if that's okay. Also tell me how you enjoyed Radio City Music Hall. It was the Christmas concert! I feel smart now. The concert was, in typical Westminster style, amazing. And they sang Betelehemu, which is a Nigerian Christmas carol, which we sang in our high school chorus last year (and did an awful job on, but anyways... ) It was so cool! And I got to meet a bunch of Ian's friends, and they all seem really nice. So yeah, an amazing day overall. Fantastic!!! Sounds like a great way to spend a day. It was. And Radio City was amazing! I especially loved the last scene. Much kudos to them reading it straight from the Bible. I knew you would love Radio City. It is something everyone should see.
  3. 1-20: possibly. *~*The rand Illusion*~!*The Final Cut(*~* Will I get a CDs by David Bowie, Europe, and Rainbow CDs? I forgot them. I don't know which Rainbow CD I want yet. *~*The Psyhcedelic Luau*~*The Astrobnomy Domine*~* Why is the "W" pink? Because violet comes out sort of pinkish. VIOLET - VIOLET BOLD PURPLE - PURPLE BOLD See?!?!? For comparison: PINK - PINK BOLD 'Tis silly, violet should be more violent.
  4. If such is the case, She loses even more brownie points. for trying to be someone she's not. ;D Or at least being one of those two-faced idiots who acts one way around some freinds and is a different person around others. I cant decide if its hypocritical of me to say that or not. What is comes down to is peer pressure. She is not sure if it is "cool" to like you, so she acts like it is no big deal in front of other people to see what their reactions are. But secretly, she is like... YEAH!!!, I love my present. She is insecure of how she is viewed by others and she want to be accepted, but she has to feel out how they will react to her getting a present from you. So, she does not want to be really excited because if she did act all thrilled, and her friends were like "Yuck... how could you?", then she would be mortified because her friends did not think this was cool. Am I making any sense or am I totally confusing you?
  5. Wait, is the Denzel one of those "Omg i am such a prissy drama queen" kinda people? I dont think so. Shes more like the person who thinks everyone loves her, and she wont shut up. >_> And is fun about half the time, other times shes kind of annoying. I dunno what you'd call it. XD *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~ I sit with three girls just like that in math. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronoym Domine*~* The Denzel is contagous. o: She is spreading to a number of other states! -cowers- One is plenty for me. n_n; One for you, one for Cheesemaster, three in Mushroom_king's math class, the list keeps growing. LOL
  6. Wait, is the Denzel one of those "Omg i am such a prissy drama queen" kinda people? I dont think so. Shes more like the person who thinks everyone loves her, and she wont shut up. >_> And is fun about half the time, other times shes kind of annoying. I dunno what you'd call it. XD *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~ I sit with three girls just like that in math. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronoym Domine*~* The Denzel is contagous. o: She is spreading to a number of other states!
  7. See above. Or I'll eat your soul. Arkcher... you are outstanding!!! *hands Arkcher The Gold Star Award*
  8. [Thank you for continuing! This is really great!]
  9. Wait, is the Denzel one of those "Omg i am such a prissy drama queen" kinda people? I dont think so. Shes more like the person who thinks everyone loves her, and she wont shut up. >_> And is fun about half the time, other times shes kind of annoying. I dunno what you'd call it. XD Kind of like the girl who looks into her mirror and puts chapstick on every six minutes. LOL
  10. I didn't know that statistic. Thank you for sharing.
  11. Wonderful lyrics!! How fortunate for you that you know him personally.
  12. 1-20: possibly. *~*The rand Illusion*~!*The Final Cut(*~* Will I get a CDs by David Bowie, Europe, and Rainbow CDs? I forgot them. I don't know which Rainbow CD I want yet. *~*The Psyhcedelic Luau*~*The Astrobnomy Domine*~* Why is the "W" pink? Because violet comes out sort of pinkish. VIOLET - VIOLET BOLD PURPLE - PURPLE BOLD See?!?!? For comparison: PINK - PINK BOLD
  13. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut8~* *slaps The Denzel w/ Meat Cleaver D: *~*The Psyhcedelic Luau8~*The Astronomy Domine*~* Well, that will certainly get her attention!
  14. You mean the one which could be summarised in four words; ? (No Animal Farm reference there).I don't quite know what to make of Chavez at times. Sometimes, he seems quite logical. Other times, he seems like a complete nutter who should be taken away and gently talked to. I mean, his comments regarding the US' attitude towards South and Central American countries is spot on, I agree with him to some extent, but then when you analyse what he has been doing to his own country, it is quite atrocious. The working classes may have hugely benefited from his rule, but at the huge disadvantage of the middle classes (upper class shall not be mentioned as they are fools), with no discerning between what is good for Venezula's economy and what isn't, so long as it is socialist, makes fun of those Capatalist pig dogs over in the US and benefits the working class. TGHL's current pet hate is the WTO. World Bank almost, but for now it can be left alone. Why the WTO? The insistance on applying the Free Trade principle to EVERY country in the world, regardless of what economic effects it might have. Free trade does not help anyone except the rich Western countries which already have 80% of the wealth despite having 20% of the population. Fair Trade is a much more interesting initative I am interested in, but what must come first is a huge overhaul of CAP (Common Agricultural Policy) in the EU and the cancelling of subsidies to Western farmers. That means; Beating France over the head with a stick until it gives way Upsetting a lot of farmers But, the huge benefits for 3rd world farmers would much outweigh the downsides for the 1st world. For those not up to date with the current subsidy situation, allow me to elaborate. Western governments give subsidies to farmers to help them grow their crops, stay in business etc. Now, because of the heavily subisidised food crops that these farmers grow, it means that they can afford to sell them at a much reduced price. The upshot of this is that a 3rd world farmer who sells his crop with little profit margin, will be passed over by his own people in favour of the much cheaper 1st world farmer's goods, who, thanks to the subsidies, will be making much more of a profit than Mr.3rd-world-Farmer. Now consider how much of the population of your average 3rd world country is made up by farmers. Easily over 70%. This means that while the 1st world economy is good, farmers are fat and happy, etc etc. The 3rd world economy is dead because nobody is earning anything and people are starving. Policy of subsidies = Rubbish. What other world gripes do I have? The lack of any green initative here in Britain, the European Comission being incompotent and corrupt at the same time, the fact that the US administration just ignored everything said by the Iraq study group, the wonderful if unable to sway the US Kofi Annan is stepping down, Bush can't think of an XMas (note that he can't be bothered to put Christmas) message, so his dog Barney is doing it instead, Fiji has gone from being a likable Commonwealth state to a fascist supressing place (see latest story on Fiji coup on BBC. Bad news for anti-coup peeps) and Thatcher isn't dead yet. I always love reading your posts. Your views are quite informed and very interesting. The Iraq study group did not go far enough, in my opinion, I believe it is far worse than anyone can imagine and the American people need to be aware of what is going on. Remember, there are those people who believe if you ignore it, it will go away. Interesting view on farming in the USA. Sadly, small farms are being turned into housing developments. Small farms cannot make it and the subsidies do not help. Farmers work seven days a week, twenty-four hours a day and they definitely are not rich. The subsidies are not as terrific as you think. Fiji... most people don't know anything about it. There are some people in the USA who think that New Mexico requires a visa to travel there. Seriously!!! I watch the BBC news and read the Economist, great sources of information. As for Fiji, I don't know what to think. This is not good. Pinochet... you have been very quiet on his death. Any thoughts? How about Cuba and old Fidel and his brother?
  15. You posted the list in another topic. I think Cheesemaster has already guessed how many you will get for Christmas. *~*The Grand Illusion*~!*The Final Cut*~* That isn't the full list. Plus, it doesn't show WHICH albums I want from the artists. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* Not the FULL list????? That was quite a long list!!! LOL
  16. You posted the list in another topic. I think Cheesemaster has already guessed how many you will get for Christmas.
  17. Trust me on this one... she is thrilled with the present. I bet she is using the sharpies as we speak. As for the bubbles, she will be having lots of fun with them, but will never let you know she loves the present.
  18. no, I haven't but I shall look them up! Let me know if you want any other ideas.
  19. Unfortunately no. I wish I was able to see all the plays and shows you attend. You are so fortunate to be able to go.
  20. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    I am sorry to hear about your cat. It sounds like she died peacefully. Your cat was probably very happy with the time she did spend with you. Please do not feel guilty about the time not spent, but think about how your cat had a great life in a nice home with a wonderful family. I think of the poor animals that people abandon, who must fend for themselves on the street. Your cat knows that she was loved and was a member of your family. As for spending enough time... I think it is more about the love you show, not the amount of time. You seem like a warm, caring, loving person and I believe you usually do what is right when it comes to showing how much you care. Hold these thoughts in your heart. Thank you Horatio. She did have a peaceful death, and she was happy to be outside rolling around in the driveway, and to see me everyday I came into the garage after school each day. Also we believe she was going blind, and was having a tough time walking, so even if she were still alive, she would have just been suffering. It was a perfect time to go. She had a good life. Also thanks for the compliments on my end. You are most welcome.
  21. Horatio

    Jesse's topic

    I am sorry to hear about your cat. It sounds like she died peacefully. Your cat was probably very happy with the time she did spend with you. Please do not feel guilty about the time not spent, but think about how your cat had a great life in a nice home with a wonderful family. I think of the poor animals that people abandon, who must fend for themselves on the street. Your cat knows that she was loved and was a member of your family. As for spending enough time... I think it is more about the love you show, not the amount of time. You seem like a warm, caring, loving person and I believe you usually do what is right when it comes to showing how much you care. Hold these thoughts in your heart.
  22. Sounds like you danced the night away!!! Oh, I did. I sure did. Inasmuch that I can't speak today. XD When I try to talk, all that comes out is wheezing noises. Its kind of funny. XD LOL ... but taking a shower makes your voice come back. ... So now I smell pretty and can talk. =D LOL... I was not aware that showers had medicinal purposes.
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